
By What Divine Right Your Anger
Heavenletter #4586 Published on: June 15,
Why would anger play such a big role in your
life? Without the three A's & anger, aggravation anxiety & would
there be illness? These three eat at you, do they not? You feel
them in your gut. They squeeze your heart. They get your dander up.
Sometimes these three witches are the mainstay of your life. Well,
yes, at least they let you know you are alive. Be alive without
Can you not allow three other A’s: -- allowance,
acceptance, and absolution take the place of anger, annoyances, and
aggravation? Just like you, everyone is trying to get along in the
world. Everyone is not always thinking of you all the time. They
may be forgetful. Why would you be upset with someone because he or
she forgot something or, perish the thought, you were not uppermost
in someone’s mind? By what divine right does anyone have to make
you uppermost?
People are not always perfect, but what does that
have to do with you? Can you not be easy-going regardless of what
other people do or don’t do? Must you let another’s spin on life
impact you so much or at all? Why must it matter to you so much
what another says or does or thinks or prefers or does not prefer?
Why does someone else make you upset to the degree that you are
furious and filled with anxiety and keep making you feel offended.
And if you find yourself reacting, why would you keep that reaction
vibrant over and over again?
Taking these presumed errors personally is a
child’s game, beloveds. What someone else does or does not do has
nothing to do with you. Maybe you really believe that you should be
uppermost in everyone’s mind, and, if you are not, then you are
forsaken or relegated to the back door as unimportant. It is you
who relegates yourself to the back door. It is you who makes
yourself small. Certainly, you are making small matters big. You
can over-do such presumptive sensitivity, you
A year from now, are you even going to remember
what today seems like a huge
You can always take offense. It’s not hard to do.
By the same token, it may be just as easy or easier to not take
offense. Someone doesn’t listen to you? What is the big deal? Can
it be worth all the furor you give to
You say you would like to be more like Me. You
say that. Do you see Me getting perturbed over everyone who doesn’t
listen to Me? And with Me, We are speaking of bigger issues, while,
instead, you are angry because someone doesn’t adore
I do not give you life as a test. At the same
time, life can be seen as a test. Pass the test of aggravation.
Pass the tests of anger and anxiety. If you would like to be done
with them, be done with them. Do not be so attached to getting your
own way. No matter how wonderful your way may be, your way is not
everyone’s way nor is your way memorable to everyone. It just may
not be important to everyone. Does it have to be? By what divine
right, do you say that what you like must be as important to others
as it is to you?
Make allowances for others. When others don’t
seem to suit you, this could be a sign that you need to remember
less your reactions and, rather, pardon others for being as they
are rather than what you might like them to be. Would you want them
to be like you who so frequently finds
Be at peace. Why choose anything
Human and Divine
Heavenletter #4489 Published on: March 10,
In the world, suffering is justified, and yet
suffering is not justifiable. It seems like suffering is handed to
you, yet suffering is an interpretation you make. You consider
suffering a consequence of something or another. Something happens
or doesn’t happen, and you call it a cause for suffering. Such and
such happens, and you are to respond appropriately with suffering.
In Truth, there is no time. Therefore, there is no sequence. There
is no consequence. There is nothing that happens because of one
thing or another. Different things happen in a lifetime on
You look for explanations. You like to describe
causes. You like to delineate reasons why something occurred or did
not occur. You like to say, “Because of this or that, this or that
happened.” Assigning cause is assigning blame. Whatever has
occurred has occurred, and where you go from here is your
responsibility. Beloveds, perfect reasoning doesn’t alleviate. The
questions you ask cannot be
My children may even hold Me responsible. You say
that I did it. Or you say I wasn’t paying attention. Or you say I
cannot exist. What you say cannot exist obviously
Beloveds, life is what it is. Whatever life has
handed you, it is now yours to do with. It landed in your lap.
Accident or destiny, faulty or faultless, your life is the car you
drive. You have to steer it. The question to ask
Where do I go
from here? How do I carry on? My position in life has shifted.
Components of my life have changed. It is my life. It is mine. My
life is a journey I have taken on, and so I journey. Sometimes I
travel green valleys. Sometimes I mountain-climb. Sometimes I have
to take another turn. Whatever the conditions, I venture forward.
Who am I to protest the weather? By what right would I give up
loving my life because of something that happened? I still have my
life, and my life is for me to live. I have great resources within
me, and I find them and journey on.”
The world has bought the idea of terrible,
frightful, desultory, hopeless, unforgivable. Are you to forgive
life for being life? By what divine right are you? If there is a
cause, it is because you divide life into loss and
Sometimes life pampers you, and sometimes it
takes your shirt. You are a prince or princess who does not have to
be pampered. You don’t have to get your own way. You are not less
nor are you more depending upon what life hands you. You are the
handler of your own life. To be human is a wonderful thing, and you
are very human, and yet being human is not an excuse for
You are a Divine Being as well. Then be it.
Divinity rises above. You are a Divine Being. You have a soul. So
what if you are housed in a human body and referred to as a human
being? Be a noble human being. Be a soldier in the army of love,
and love yourself and love life and be a friend to
You may think you are wounded. Well, then, kiss
your wound and get up. In the act of getting up, you heal your
wound. Licking your wounds is not the action for you, for you are
meant to be the hero of your own life. Who is going to be the hero
if not you?
Come to your own rescue. Pick yourself up. Put
your shoulders back and stand up tall. You are not a victim. You
are a valiant hero. You don’t just lie there. You get up, and you
go forward.
Such have I told you to
The Divine Beat of God's
Heavenletter #3249 Published on: October 17,
When you are not feeling up to par, know that you
are loosening the bonds that bind you. No longer think that feeling
unlike you want to feel means anything but that you are growing in
freedom. Let it be a good sign when you feel unsettled. You are a
pioneer in life. When one leaves the country he was living in and
sails the ocean to another country, he is unsettled. Of course, he
is. No matter how much he has read up on the new world he will live
in, it is still an unknown. He has not yet walked on
You are a traveler, beloved. We can even call you
a nomad. You may have a set destination, and yet you may go by a
different route than you thought, or you may wind up somewhere
elsewhere altogether. Of course, everyone’s ultimate destination is
the same, for when you set out to travel, your objective is to
locate more of Me. It doesn’t matter if you are Columbus or a
tourist or going around the corner, you are looking for greater
happiness, and I AM THAT.
Change on Earth is the name of the game. And you
may have expected yourself to stay the same and never be in
midstream. You may like to see yourself as having already arrived,
yet one who is traveling hasn’t quite arrived yet. He is in process
of arriving. And one who is traveling may not yet have set out. He
is still packing and perhaps unpacking, not sure what to take with
him and unknowing of what he will forget to take with
The truth is that in the world, you do live out
of a suitcase. You may be in an oasis where you always want to
stay, and yet certainty in the world is not
In a sense, you travel through life on a
wheelbarrow pushed by an unknown hand, and you don’t know when the
handles will be lifted up and you will be dropped off somewhere
unexpected. In the world, you can expect the unexpected. You can
only pick yourself up and continue on your way even when you don’t
know where you are. Most likely, you don’t know where you are in
terms of the map of your life and your journey. What you can be
sure of is that you are not at a standstill, even when it seems so.
And when you feel restless, you can know you are on your way. In
terms of the world, you are always on your
Borders fade. They disappear, and you feel
uncertain without a certain banister to hold onto. So be glad when
you feel unsettled. It tells you that you are on a new adventure or
you are settling down somewhere that is new to you. It takes a
while to adjust to a new place.
How you may feel at any particular moment is not
worth your attention. It is not necessary to take the temperature
of your life every so often. Perhaps you don’t need an accounting
of your life or your moods. Today your life is a pasture you walk
through. Tomorrow is another pasture or another terrain you walk
through. The weather may change, but what does that really have to
do with you. The truth is that, regardless of the weather,
regardless of how you may attest to what you feel, you are on your
way. That is the relative world,
In terms of the deeper levels of life, you are
always in My heart, and nothing is changed, for you are,
inevitably, one beautiful divine beat of My
The Divine
Heavenletter #3230 Published on: September 28,
You don't have to reconcile the Divine with the
Human. You think you have to, but you don't. Simply accept Truth
when you see it, and accept Truth even when you don't see it. Take
My word for it.
I say you are boundless. I say you are the
Essence of Divinity. Yet you see a bumbling person who has to take
out the trash. You love many aspects of the physical, and yet you
don't begin to fathom how one immersed in the physical can also be
immersed in the Divine. You are right you can't comprehend it, so
stop trying to. Accept that you are physical. Accept that the
physical has nothing to do with your Divinity except to camouflage
it. The physical of you is
It will be good to stop thinking that even
illness has anything to do with you. You are irrespective of
illness and all the foibles of Human Life. What does a seeming
condition of the physical body have to do with you? You don't have
to get out from under the physical, beloveds. The physical is a
magic trick played on you, or that you play on yourself, that's
Human life is not a train that runs over you. The
Divine is you from the beginning of non-time. The physical you is a
temporary sketch written in sand.
To your eyes, the Divine and the physical are
incompatible. To your eyes. In actuality, the physical is a tiny
portion of you. It is not even a portion, and yet you are attached
to it even as you consider it a drawback. The physical is only the
physical. The physical is important to you, and yet it is the least
of you. Now you see it, and now you
And yet while you are in a physical body, use it
well. Exercise. Eat. And know that, in the scheme of things, it is
the least of you, and yet it has its worthiness. Do not discount
the body. Do not make it king. And do not make it pauper. It
matters not what your body looks like. It is irrelevant, yet it is
very relevant to you.
Do not neglect your body, for it is, after all, a
vessel, and it carries you around on Earth. You give homage to a
soup tureen as you carry it to the table. Give your body that much
honor. Appreciate it while you have it, well knowing that there is
a permanent aspect of you, and that certainly isn't the
The physical and the Divine do not have to be in
conflict. There is not an argument going
Just as the soup tureen carries the soup for that
little time, so does your body carry you. Yet the tureen is not the
soup. Nor is it considered so. Everyone knows the
Yet not everyone knows the difference between the
physical you and the you as you really are exempt from all the
perceived limitations of the body. So I am suggesting that you
honor the vessel you appear in, and yet know that you are far more
than your body and whatever your body indicates. Your body is a
temporary stopgap. The Divine Essence of you is Eternal, Immortal,
and Infinite.
So the boat you ride in is your body. The boat
has its limits, and yet you are far beyond any limits. The boat you
sail in can go from shore to shore over shining seas, and yet the
wonders of Earth do not exceed the wonders of Heaven. And yet
Heaven is a natural state. We can say that the physical is a parade
Main Street, while you are always dipping into Heaven. Whether you
know it or not, you carry Heaven like a flag, and yet Heaven has no
borders. It is beyond nation. It belongs to everyone the
You Are a Divine
Heavenletter #2974 Published on: January 15,
As My children perceive life on Earth, there is
no cure. Have you not been continually looking for a cure to human
life? Have you not looked for this workshop or that workshop, this
book or that book, this potion, that potion, this elixir of life,
that one, this person, that person? You want a solution. You want
growth, yet the cure you seem to be seeking may be
There is no potion for relative life, beloveds.
So long as you hold on to life in the world for dear life, you are
subject to it. So long as you sieve out loss and gain, you struggle
away from life.
There is a condition called the Human Condition.
Immersed in this condition, there is the seeking of a greater life,
greater fulfillment, and, so it seems, also the seeking of
avoidance. You find the street of life you walk on laden with
thumbtacks and land mines, and so you may run away from it in one
manner or another.
You will do anything to get out from under life's
thumb. You will eat, drink, and be merry in an attempt to get away
from life. Beloveds, what you really want to get away from is your
present perception of life. Your present perception seems to demand
suffering to run away from.
Suffering is only one aspect of the world life
you see. You fear suffering tremendously. Despite what you have
thought, seen and felt, you do not have to suffer suffering. You
can even suffer, beloveds, without suffering. Do you possibly
follow Me on the road I want to take
When you lose your favorite toy, you don't have
to suffer. When you lose your moneyed fortune, you don't have to
Even the perceived loss (loss can only be
perceived) of a loved one, does not have to make you suffer.
Perceived loss and suffering do not have to go hand in hand. You
can feel loss and not suffer, for loss is not true. The treasures
of the relative world are treasures of the relative world. By
definition, the relative world is
Do not carry occasions for suffering like badges.
Drop the badges. There is no merit in suffering. Suffering is not
noble. It is ignoble.
Now it is time to change the whole fulcrum of
your thinking.
There is no need to reach for another nostrum or
activity to drown your sorrows. Have no sorrows, have no regrets,
have none of those self-imposed punishments. You seem to punish
yourself for being a human being in a body. You mourn that you are
a human being, and you seem to forget that you are irrevocably a
Divine Being.
Let Divine Being be the fountain of youth that
you drink. Apply your Divinity generously every morning and
evening. Repeat several times a
You have asked yourself so often: "What is the
matter with me?" Now, ask yourself: "What is right with me?" Ask
and answer. Drink that concoction, and leave the drugs
There is nothing wrong with you except that you
see being a human being as a detriment to a happy
Step out of the motions you make in life. Do not
hold on to the past. Suffering is of the past, or perhaps of the
future. It is too much attention on that which deserves no
attention. There is no payback in thinking of that which makes you
Spend your life on other things. Accept that you
are a Divine Being. Even as you fuss with the relative aspects of
your very human life, accept that you are a Divine
Divine Dreaming
Heavenletter #2878 Published on: October 11,
What you think you want and what you truly
deep-down want may be two different things. You already know you
have in the past desired something or someone, and you didn't get
what you had your mind and heart set on. Perhaps a thread of you
understood that you were better off without that which you desired,
but you wanted what you wanted and you did not want to believe
otherwise, is this not so? At the time your dream broke, you were
devastated, and later you may have found yourself relieved. Now you
know that what formerly was a great disappointment and loss to you
was a blessing all along. How blessed you are for what you receive
and what you do not receive. How blessed you
Once upon a time, you may have wanted to open a
certain kind of business, and as fortune would have it, you did
open the business you so desired. Soon you discovered that, no
matter how much you had wanted this business, it wasn't really for
you, and you were not for it. You had started in a certain
direction, and you kept going. You wanted it because you wanted it,
and it really wasn't what you thought it would be at all. You went
the long way around only to finally stop and go another way
It might have been nice if something had stopped
you sooner.
When it is a man or woman you deeply love and you
are left at the altar or some such, no matter how much you saw this
as a loss and bemoaned it, now you see differently. Now you can't
even conceive what it was you were thinking — what were you
thinking? If all your previous desires had been fulfilled,
happiness still would not have been yours. You were banking on
matters that cannot be banked on.
Everything in life seems to spare you from
something else. It is not always supreme when your heart's desires
are fulfilled. You don't like finding out that you were barking up
the wrong tree. Sometimes you have been like a monkey who can't let
go of the vine he is swinging on. You hold on because you are
holding on and you don't want to get
Certainly, you have discovered in life that
everything you wish for does not come to pass. There was a time
when you thought whatever you desired with all your heart would, of
course, come true. Little by little, one by one, your fingers were
plied off that dream. Now hold your hands out, palms up, to see
what is poured into them — perhaps treasures you had never thought
of, perhaps dreams you had not the foresight to dream
Whatever dreams may come, they serve a purpose.
And whatever dreams do not come, they also serve a purpose. The
whole Universe is at your feet, beloveds, like a shoe salesman,
trying on shoes for you, smoothing the way for you. The longest way
around the shortcut may be the long way
around. How are you to know,
So amble along in life. Love what you love and
don't hold on too tight. Give your dreams a chance to breathe. And
don't let go too quickly either. Dream. Don't hold tight, and don't
be hasty and throw your dreams away either. Gravitate away from
dreams that you think your life depends on, as if without it, you
are bereft. Dream your dreams, and let people and let life follow
their own stream of divine
Be the Diviner of the
Heavenletter #2863 Published on: September 26,
Stay close to Me, beloveds. In rain or in shine,
stay close to Me. I am not to be saved for only a rainy
I am ever-present, so make Me ever-present in
your life. Make Me obvious. Let Me be your Friend Who goes
everywhere with you. Let Me be your Friend Whom you welcome. Let Me
be your friend Whom you invite. Let Me come with you
Talk to Me, your Life Companion. We have known
each other longer than you have known anyone else. We come from the
old country together, as it were.
The fact is that We have never been apart. This
is established. We entered life together. We always had Being, and
now We have activity as well. You could say We started a business
together, and We are partners, partners who have great trust,
partners with Our own surety. We have Our bond, and Our bond is
If you say We have a contract, then the contract
is love. Despite what you may think, I never let you down, and you
cannot let Me down. You may disappoint yourself but Me, never. I
see clearly. I see past all the subterfuge you give such cognizance
to. You are one of the good guys. Now all you have to do is become
a good guy in your own eyes. Never mind about the times you tripped
and fell. Never mind about the times you forgot Who you were and
forgot to come from the height of Heaven. You see, sometimes you
have even thought you were a snake, and sometimes, so it seems to
you, you betrayed yourself. But lack of vision is not betrayal. It
is simply lack of vision.
Today We widen your vision. Today you will see
more clearly. Today you will see what you have previously missed.
You are going to enjoy seeing with new eyes. We're not fooling
around with glasses any longer. To expand your vision, all We have
to do is to remove the film that is over your
Are you agreed to expand your vision? Are you
agreed to see life in the world and how it is configured in a new
way? Are you agreed to step out of the past? Are you agreed to
accept your place as Prince or Princess of the Universe? As My
child, would you give up your inheritance? You say you wouldn't,
but isn't that what you have done? For potage, you gave up your
royal robes. You put yourself out for adoption. You picked up
crumbs off the street and settled for them when, all the while, a
feast in your honor is waiting for
No longer deny yourself the riches of Heaven.
Whatever bad moves the world may have made, you have denied
yourself. Now you know you can be the diviner of yourself. You can
be the diviner of the world. You can lay out the plat of the world
for all to see. You are the architect of life, and you can design
the world as you like. You do not require opposites, beloveds. You
require singularity, singularity of purpose. I consign you to
create the world as you would like it to be. You have been used to
it the old way, and now you envision and beat the gong of a new
You are going to be a permanent trendsetter. You
are going to make the real goods. You are going to be on the
forefront of the New World. You will be sending out the invitations
With Divine
Heavenletter #2683 Published on: March 30,
To have peace, there must be honesty. Pretend
peace isn't peace. It is good you want to live up to your ideals,
but a pretense of living up to your ideals is a far cry from living
them. I know you want to feel loving, and you don't always feel
loving. Sometimes then you have gritted your teeth. I know it is
not easy for you. You don't want to dissemble. You don't want to
pretend what is not, and yet you do not want to have anything in
your heart but love. And so you drum up love, and you try to
maintain equanimity, or We could say you feign
Perhaps you tell yourself that you must mask your
true feelings. Certainly, sometimes it makes sense to simply be
polite. You do not run around telling everyone everything that
bothers you. Certainly, you want your attention on the fair and
fine in life, and yet, you cannot always tamp down your feelings,
swallow them as though they do not exist. Not forever can
You would be perfectly happy to transcend what
ails you if only you could. Meanwhile, you may stifle your
feelings. Is it not a law of physics that steam expands? That it
cannot be closed up forever?
And so your feelings cannot stay bottled up.
Despite your good intentions, your feelings will burst out - in
tears, perhaps, or in anger and words you later wish you hadn't
Perhaps it will be good to assign a time, perhaps
once a week, when you and your loved ones will meet to amiably
discuss what you are feeling, and what your loved ones may also be
feeling. Such a regular meeting sets up a framework where your
feelings and needs can be addressed amicably. Such an assigned
meeting takes the sting out. It is friendly and easy-going. It is
not a confrontation. It is a meeting that acknowledges that both of
you are vulnerable human beings and that sometimes you are subject
to frustration. It is a meeting that allows for openness and the
effusion of pure hearts.
It becomes not a question of who or what is right
but rather what is going on.
What a wonderful thing such a meeting would be in
the workplace. Employer and employee meet one on one to discuss
what each can do for the other. Such a meeting recognizes that
there are needs that can be met. It recognizes the value of open
safe communication. With such meetings, there will be no need for
flare-ups. With such meetings, employees will not be complaining,
nor will employers. There would not be a need to complain. There
would be no talking behind one another's
Think, if instead of parent teacher conferences,
there were student teacher conferences, one on one. What if the
teacher asked the student: "What can I do to make our classroom
meaningful to you? What can I do for you? Please tell me, and I
will do it." What need for outbursts would there be in the
classroom then? What need would there be for outbursts at all? Who
would want them?
A simple thing, an arrangement whereby two
sentient beings meet to see how things are going and what can be
done to make them better. Two people meeting with a common goal. No
longer are they stuffed into the roles of teacher and student. The
teacher isn't controlling the student, and the student has no need
to rebel. Two caring individuals meet. They express. Perhaps they
laugh. They breathe better, for two hearts are meeting with divine
You Are Divine and
Heavenletter #2566 Published on: December 4,
Holy beloveds, now is time for you to accept your
holiness. You are not a mere mortal. You are a stanchion of
Immortality. You only carry a physical body. You live on Earth,
while you continue to live in Heaven. You have to know that what
you call a mere mortal is a Divine Mortal. There are no
I understand that this must seem far-fetched to
you. Often you do not feel treated even like a worthy Human Being
let alone like a divine anything. You truly have been short-changed
in life, but now you will no longer short-change yourself. Now you
will give yourself full due. You will not stint on self-recognition
any longer.
Tell Me, beloved ones, do you not have a tendency
right now to tell Me about all your lacks and all the reasons why
you do not deserve to know yourself as Divinity? Is there not a
part of yourself that scoffs at the idea that you may be worth far
more than the value the world sets upon you? Beloveds, what if I am
right, and the world is wrong? Can it be
You have bought into what the world says. Will
you not give what I say a chance? Will you now buy into what I
I say you are My Divine Child. If you are My
child, you can only be divine. I would not create less than Myself.
Why would I?
And then you offer proof that I must be mistaken.
After all, you have seen heartlessness in life, and you know that
cannot be God. And yet you must know that heartlessness is not you,
and heartlessness is not anyone. That is the fallacy. No longer
believe in what you see, for that is a magician’s trick. And you
and all My children on Earth are fabulous magicians and experts at
You can dispense with subterfuge now. Take off
the mask you have been hiding
On some level, you know you have been a fake. You
have perhaps convinced yourself that to be holy would be pretense
when holiness all along has been what is real. And yet there is a
little part of you that has surmised as much. You know that the way
you have seen yourself and revealed yourself has all been an act.
And what a good actor you are. You are so good at it. You give
stellar performances of acting less than you are. You are so good
at it, you have convinced yourself. You have kept your wings under
cover. You have forgotten they are yours. You have relied on all
the props when it is you yourself to rely
You have done a lot of practicing of appearing
less than you are. You have fooled everyone. You have not fooled
Me. I see you for what you are. You are a Divine Being that I
created. I planted you on Earth for great things, certainly not for
dismalness and chains. Will you break those invisible but mighty
chains now?
Who would you like to be? What would you like to
be like? You can be that right now. You can be all you desire and I
desire right now. I say you can become King or Queen of yourself. I
say you can reign in your life. You can knight yourself, and you
can begin to display all the love that you are made of. Display it
now. Display it to yourself. Accept the identity I have given to
you. Accept My version of you. Accept what I have made in My image.
Accept now.
As you finish reading this Heavenletter, you can
no longer play the part of the one who seemingly started reading
it. You have risen now, and now you take the responsibility to be
what, indeed, you have always been. Rise, beloveds. You are the
ruler of the world, and now you rule with great understanding and
compassion. You rule in My stead. You rule in My Name. You are God
of the Universe. Keep the name to yourself, but now know without
doubt that that is Who you are. A rose knows what it is. And now
you too must know Who you are and be it, for that is what remains
for you to do.
You Are an Instrument of the
Heavenletter #1697 Published on: July 13,
You do realize that you have all the requirements
of an angel. Without your body, you would more easily know that you
are an angel. The body has its limitations, but you do not. The
body, even with all its aches and pains and fear-engendered
worries, is meant to be a means of evolution. Boundaries present
their own means of expansion. The finite and the infinite are not
that far apart. Restriction offers its own expansion. If your body
is locked in a cell, you have an opportunity to grow in a way that
life on the street would not afford you. In the finiteness of life
on Earth, within the hamperings of the physical, you can grow
marvelously. You already have.
Sooner or later you learn that confines are not
confines. They look confining, they seem confining, but confinement
is an idea in your mind that you need to break out
The physical has its merits, even though you have
to go beyond the physical, even as you swim within its
The Human heart and mind are for the purpose of
breaking boundaries. Where can your heart and mind not go? Where
can they not reach? What cannot be held in them? What is not held
You have a full set of tools for every
You have expanded vision. There is no end to
All the possibilities that lie within you are not
meant to be idle. They are meant to be
The sooner you know that your life is not for
yourself alone, that you are an instrument of the Divine, that you
are here on Earth to serve a greater purpose than yourself, you
will take giant strides. By letting go of littleness, you approach
greatness. If the extent of your life is what suits you, what
pleases you, what fulfills your whims, you have accepted great
limitations. You are an unbounded Being meant to fulfill My Will.
My Will is not opposed to yours, beloveds, but it is the promise of
yours. You gain your Self by getting past your self. You will agree
that ego matters do not fulfill you, and yet you pursue them and
are petulant when you don’t attain
Beloveds, you have great opportunity here on
Earth. It is not opportunity given to you lightly. You are meant
for more than satiating your whims. The world needs you. In order
to serve, you have to go beyond the trappings of yourself. You are
not here to show off. You are not here to possess. You are here to
shine My light. You may scoff at the idea of making the world a
better place, but I placed you on Earth for that very
You are not here to tell the world what it has to
do. You are here to be a model, a true model, a natural model who
serves a greater purpose than himself. You are meant to be
God-driven, not ego-driven. Therefore, you do not indulge yourself.
You free yourself.
Every time you think you are terrific, you have
missed the point. Know your worth by giving it. Know that your
worth is Mine, and do not squander it on littleness. Let Me enter
into your speech. The world has enough advice. Give Mine. Look not
to gain admiration for your personality, look not to expound on
your woes nor to absorb others’ woes, for that is seeking to
gratify your ego. Look to gratify Me because you know you are here
to expand yourself and expand the world through your consciousness.
Pay attention to what you put your attention on, beloveds. Go
higher. Do not delay. Enough playing in your sandbox. Go higher
now. Raise your thoughts to Mine.
The Human and the
Heavenletter #1535 Published on: January 31,
It is hard for you to believe that you are Divine
so long as you inhabit a physical body encumbered with all the
particularities of physical Human existence. If there were not the
physical, you would not feel any hampering or tampering with your
Divine essence. Your light would shine (as it really does now) and
you would see it, and you would be amazed. Oh, wouldn't
Yet you are in a Human body right now. And so,
there must be a reason why you are on Earth experiencing the
physical density of the world of Earth. It is not an error. You
were not misplaced. It must serve a purpose, perhaps many purposes.
Accept that you are not situated here on Earth aimlessly. Even your
wandering has a destination. Even your wandering is not
Because you believe so much in physical density,
it is often hard for you to glimpse the Divinity within yourself or
another. We could say that the physical is like a blindfold. And it
is a blindfold that you chose. How could that be, you wonder. By
what stretch of imagination, would you possibly choose to cut
yourself off from your Divinity even if only in imagination? What a
terrible thing to imagine, that you are isolated and alone on a
ball called Earth that spins in empty space without visible
support! You sometimes feel that you are like the Earth whirling in
The globe of Earth is not frightened about
hanging there, but you are. When you think about your position in
the cosmos, you are frightened. That is one reason why you don't
like to think about it. You don't want to be fearful. Yet, so long
as you are not alert to your vibrant connection to the Divine, what
can you be but fearful? You know enough to know that you can't be
out there in outer space all by yourself. Oh, that is too
frightening to imagine. Yet you imagine it a
While you may admit to the existence of Heaven,
you conceive it as a physical place that is far far away. You place
objects there that are familiar to you like harps and wings,
thrones and robes, white clouds and blue sky. You believe Heaven is
available in another dimension that you do not presently have
access to. At the same time, this picture of Heaven isn't quite so
attractive to you. You don't want to sit around in white and play
the harp. In your mind, you want to get up and enter into some kind
of activity, even while a great part of you would be happy to flee
the world and all of its activity.
You do straddle two boats. You have one foot on
Earth and one in Heaven. Your foot on Earth is heavy-laden, almost
glued there. Your foot in Heaven, however, is so timid you hardly
put it down. You're not sure about it or that you are held by
something non-physical while you are in a physical
True, Heaven is not physical existence. Nor, in
truth, are you. This little physical that you are enmeshed in is
miniscule part of you. It is all imaginary, but what a good
imagination you have! You are afraid of the physical that does not
really exist and you are hesitant about the Divine that really
does. You would like Heaven to exist even as you are not sure about
it or that you really want to spend eternity
Consider Heaven enlivenment. Consider Heaven the
pure energy of love. Do you not want to be in Love? During your
stay in the Earth world, you have already experienced the State of
Heaven. It is what makes you tick. Existing outside the five
senses, Divine Heaven is yet the greater part of you. It is really
where your life takes place. You are not glued to the physical.
Just your body is. You live in a far vaster world. The physical is
not your support, beloveds. Heaven
Your Divine Right
Heavenletter #1252 Published on: April 13,
Just when you think you've surmounted the
littlenesses in life, you find yourself irate over something. You
thought you were past all that, and here you go again, deeply
annoyed at someone else's thoughtlessness and their way of dealing
with life. Yet why must you, a bystander, be so
But your anger and frustration are not about
other people, their frailties, their ignorance, their
one-sidedness. As you know, this is about you and how you deal with
life and another's perceived inadequacies. For all you know, the
others may be on earth in their fashion for the express purpose of
riling you. Even thorns on roses have a
By the same token, perhaps you are irate so that
the others may gain from your irritation. Well, you cannot figure
it out, and you don't have to. You have enough to do to deal with
your own feelings and resentments and what you are going to do
about them.
You just finish with one episode, and then here
comes another calling you to attention, making you sit up and
notice the embroilment that steams from you. The outside stirs what
is within you. All these others pull out the splinters that already
exist in your heart.
Are others' failings really so important to you
that you must hop to their tune? You were disappointed at how those
you perceive as others deal with life and deal with you, and now
you feel let down. Why are you surprised, beloveds, over and over
again that others think and maneuver in life differently from you?
By what divine right are you the prosecutor of other people's
energies or lack thereof? And where is it said that others'
thoughts are to rule your own?
Your divine right is to love despite error. But
so long as you are so discontent with yourself, you will find
plenty of fault around you and honor it to the extent that it takes
over your life. You skip and hop from one annoyance to another.
Find another way.
You can deal with life and not be so frustrated
by it. When did you decide to let wrongs rule your life? You wrong
yourself, just as those who feel wronged by you wrong themselves.
Your anger and frustration are too high a price to pay for
another's failings.
I suggest you settle what you see as their debts
now. Settle with them in your heart. This does not mean that you
don't deal with situations. It means you deal with them and leave
your weapons of defense and assault behind you. There is no need
for them. If every time you were annoying to another and they were
outraged and combatted you, you would be unable to get up. You
would be laid so low you wouldn't have the strength to fault
But you are able to get up, for many have dealt
with you kindly. Now you can return the courtesy to all those who
appear before you, no matter how bedraggled, no matter how
unfeeling, no matter how foolish, no matter how irritating they may
be. If they are irritating, you don't have to be. You don't have to
be right any more than they have to be
They struggle in life as you do. They surface for
air. They make choices just as you do, only theirs are different
choices. When you remember Oneness, you won't be so quick to think
there are two sides and that the sides are opposed. You are all
bumbling souls on earth, making your way as best you can, teaching
each other there is more to life than the eye can presently
By Divine Right
Heavenletter #843 Published on: February 8,
Sometimes you may feel that you want to abandon
the world, but it is really your ego you wish to get away from. You
would take it to a cliff and drop it off if you knew how. You
suspect the pain ego causes you, but you don't always discern what
is ego and what is not, what is for ego or what is for survival,
what is pleasure in work well done or what is
Ego is anything about you that is not true. That
is ego. Anything that doesn't matter (is only concerned with
matter), that is ego. Anything you must accumulate indicates ego.
Your up's and down's signal ego. Your attachments have an ego
flavor. The past is ego-ridden because you think the past has to do
with your identity. When your heart is panged, that which pangs it
most often is ego. Ego is not your sustenance. It is your
detractor. And distracter for it takes you away from the truth of
you. The unassailable truth of you has naught to do with
You have experienced times when you had important
and necessary-seeming concerns only to find out, when something
else occurred in life you begin to see that the other matters were
really a little thing all the while. Ego is concerned with little
things. Most of your successes and failures point to
ego-involvement, or you would not call so many occurrences success
or failure. You would call them
Many affairs of the heart veer towards ego more
than love. You love the other person's attention and how this makes
you feel about yourself. When the other's attention wanders, you
feel left high and dry. That is the ego telling you that you are
bereft of their attention and sanctions you now to get upset
because someone who once heightened your sense of self, and
probably their own, has turned their attention elsewhere. You feel
dropped, but it is really your ego sinking. Let it go. When you
have to build up your self-esteem, you are listening to ego. Ego
has had its day, and now it
When what others do or don't do makes you feel
better or worse, have you not been regaling ego? Has not ego found
a welcoming host in you? It is one thing to feel satisfaction in a
job well-done and another to feel you have won a victory of some
kind. When plaudits lift you up, or lack of plaudits puts you down,
be wary of ego exalting itself.
There is no need for you to have ego in the first
place. Whatever exaltation ego gives you, it is small next to the
truth of you. The truth of you is magnificent. When you are a king
who wears a crown, what need have you to seek other crowns? What
more laurels do you need? What can be added to you? Is your
kingship dependent upon the applause of the crowd, or are you king
by divine right?
I will tell you that you are. You who already
stand tall do not need to be raised. I knighted you long ago. You
who stand tall, I assign you to help others rise to their natural
height. There is no place nor need for ego in creation. No longer
build monuments to ego. Build love in hearts. Build love in your
own heart so you may behold your true stature. You are on high. You
come from a high place, and you stand with Me.
Divine Love
Heavenletter #660 Published on: August 10,
One wave of love brings
One wave of love meets another corresponding
Love waves its hand, and somewhere in the
universe, there is a wave back. One wave always means
Love never stands still. By its very nature, it
must move. It relinquishes itself. It rolls itself over into
another wave, splashes itself, and makes it known that all there is
in the entire universe is wave after wave of
How effortless is
How full of effort everything else is! Effort is
another way of saying going against the grain. The grain is
Sometimes you think you have to put effort into
love because your heart is perhaps not open to everyone on the
planet. But love is easy. It is not an effort of will or
determination. You cannot grit your teeth and love at the same
You have somehow exerted great effort not to
love. You thought you had to pull the reins on your love, that you
couldn't allow yourself to splash everywhere, only in prescribed
places, only in certain directed paths, as if your love depended on
conditions outside you, as if anything but love is relevant to
It is not for you to master love. Love is
evidence of the Divine. You do not master the Divine. The Divine is
not a possession you have. The Divine is your nature. It is pure
love spouting from your heart for the joy of itself. It loves to
spill over. It doesn't like to be contained. It doesn't want to be
measured, meted out in dribs and drabs. It is the Divine within you
that pours out love. Would you dictate to the Divine how much or
when and where?
Love is infinite. There is no container big
enough. Your mind is like a plug that stops up love. Your mind is
thinking and doing and forgets being. Your mind is an arbitrator
when, in love, there is no need for
When Christ said to love your enemies, he was
saying, Love even the figments of your imagination. Your mind made
up a story about enemies, and, like genies, they appeared. You
thought your negative thoughts existed outside you, but they were
your own hens come home to roost.
In the case of Christ, those who injured him were
not his enemy. He knew not enemy. But they didn't know who they
were, and they had mistaken Christ for something else as well. The
fact that there were those who saw Christ as their foe is proof
enough that enemy is a made-up
The expression is that you make enemies. Yes,
that's true, you make them. You could just as easily make
But what overtures have you made, or what
resistances have you boarded your heart with? What have you been
unwilling to disband within yourself? What within yourself have you
resisted and pasted the responsibility for onto someone
To anyone now that you feel resentment toward in
your heart, perhaps an apology is in order, and you are the one to
make it. Somewhere along the line you have done a great injustice.
You thought people were what you saw. You thought they were
everything they were wrapped in. You forgot that surface was
surface and you forgot the truth it hid. You hid the truth from
You who are capable of greatness are very capable
of forgiveness, and so you must forgive yourself for having
hardened your heart of love. It got warped in certain areas, and
now it is for you to soothe it back into its original
You have seen parts instead of
You have seen parts in others instead of their
Start over again today. Erase the past. Refresh
yourself with new eyes that more closely reflect Mine. What are you
waiting for? Oh, no, have you been waiting for the world to change?
Don't you know you are the changer of
I sent you to show the world
The last person you saw — you didn't know who
they were. You thought they were the picture you drew of them. How
little you knew, and how much more you know now. How much more you
will retrieve from life now. And how much more you will give to it
and all the souls who wend their way along beside
Divine Grace
Heavenletter #514 Published on: March 19,
You are surrounded by Divine grace. It does not
just happen to other people. It does not just happen to you once in
a while. You are inundated with Divine grace. Only you are
If you could fathom that everything, everything
that happens to you happens for good, would you feel
I am not saying that everything that happens is
what you want to have happen. I am not saying that you should fake
yourself out and say that what you find painful is actually
wonderful. I am saying to allow the possibility that something good
is there even so. Even what you would consider dire circumstances
can contain something that will give you an advantage. Even trouble
can be a precursor to good.
You have a tendency to affirm that something
untoward has happened. You have a tendency to put your woes up in
bright lights and look at them, raise them on a
Now I ask you to veer your thinking ever so
slightly. Just consider the possibility that Divine grace is
working for you. That there is something there, that something good
is there. You don't know what it is, but in the midst of what feels
dismal to you, there is a seed of something good. You don't know
what type of seed exactly has been planted. But in your heart you
can know that something has been planted, and something will grow,
and you will see its fruition. By and by, you will see
And if you cannot see even the possibility of
something good for you in a particular situation, consider then
that the good is for someone else, and you are the deliverer of
You are not a sacrifice on the altar of the
world, but you are a conveyer. Maybe you are a model to the world.
Perhaps you are a model of what one can be even in what appears to
be adversity.
What you can be sure of that there is an
advantage somewhere even if you don't know what it
I coach you. I do not order you. But I lead you.
And as you emulate Me, you lead others. You are demonstrating to
others all the time. And now you are in a position to demonstrate a
point of view that will uplift the
You are a vital link to
Consider this: perhaps you are the instrument of
Divine grace.
What is rain a sign of? What does rain lead to?
What can you be sure will come after? The sun will shine. The sun
was shining all the time, only it was hidden from view. The sun is
a constant. Rain is not. Rain brushes away the clouds so that the
sun may appear in its full
Consider hurdles in life like scouring pads. They
scrub off surface marks so that the beautiful shine beneath can
Consider hurdles in life as ego-scrubbers. Be
glad for them. Otherwise what pinnacle might you rise to only to
Call good to you by focusing on
Today look for Divine grace. Catch it peeking out
from corners. Catch it dashing out across your life so quickly that
you must look for it or, you may miss seeing it like a comet that
crosses the sky.
Perhaps you are one who plays hide and seek.
Maybe you are one who either hides or dashes across life so
furtively that Divine grace can't quite get a hold of you. Perhaps
you try to elude it.
bet is on Divine grace, for it is a blessing I have sent to you,
and it will find you wherever you are.


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