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Questions Answered
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Questions page at I regularly
receive questions about the raw food diet from
visitors, so rather than keeping them closed off in
email boxes, I like to put them here so everyone can
benefit from the dialog.
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I will try to answer as many questions as time
allows, but I currently receive too many to
guarentee a response to each.
I realize many of my visitors have a wealth of
knowledge too, so I've made this an interactive area
of so anyone can chime in. Click
on comment if you think you have something valuable
to say to a questioner.
is not to stop questioning. Curiosity
has its own reason for existing.
-Albert Einstein
Please note:
Submissions and answers will be deleted if they
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Reader Questions
Should we ?
Should I eat ?
Should we ?
What are the ?
Is drinking ?
How about ?
Are there any ?
What's the ?
How about ?
How do I ?
Should we be eating ?
Should we ?
Should we be ?
What are ?
Should we eat ?
Should I ?
Should I be ?
Should we make
Health Issues
Can a raw diet ?
Best way to go raw if ?
Can you rid yourself of ?
What should I ?
What to eat after&?
How can I ?&
Can I fix my ?
Why does my ?
How do you ?
Should you ?
Is there a ?
How do I ?
What's the ?
Can you save a ?
Problem with .
and Goiter on a raw vegan
Can you get enough ?
How much ?
Do we need ?
How should I eat to get enough ?&
Is there ?
Are blended greens ?
What if there is a ?
How long should I ?
What are the ?
Can you eat ?
How can I get more ?
What's the ?
Should I eat ?
What about ?&
Can you get ?
How long will the ?
How do I .
How do you ?
How much ?
How can I ?
How much ?
How do I ?
What do do about ?
Will the ?
What's the ?&
Should I be ?
How do I make a ?
Why am I ?
Should I ?
Should we ?
Fruit and .
How do I ?
What do you actually ?
What types of ?
What type of ?
Should I ?
Are there any ?
Where's the ?
The Kitchen?
What are ?
Should we ?
Why do I ?
What do you think of the ?
How can I ?
How can I ?
Will a raw food diet work in the ?
What does a ?
How do you fight ?
Do you have ?
What happens ?
A raw diet is intimidating. ?
How should I deal with ?
What are some ?
Where are ?
What does ?
Do you have any ?
Should I ?
Is it hard to ?
Will a raw food diet ?
Improving your .
The Raw Food Health Podcast
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See what other readers have asked
Click below to see questions from other visitors to this page...
Ray's Question:
I have read your
article on ripening plantains , and that is how I do it, but sometimes the plantains, instead of becoming &
Snoopy's Question:
I've been drinking one cup of coffee a day, in order to take iodine. It is supposed to be taken with some sort of acidic liquid &
& Carol's Question:
Cataracts are a common problem as people age.
My question is:
Has there been any research or reports of long-term fruitarians &
& Dean Pomerleau's Question:
My biggest reservation about adopting a
high-carb, low-fat, fruit-based vegan diet
by eliminating/reducing &
& Ben's Question:
Can this diet really cure me of type 2 diabetes?
I have lost a lot of weight on a low carb diet but my cholesterol has gone up and &
& Wendy's Question:
Hi Andrew.
I noticed something a bit weird. You talk about
raw foods diets
and fruit all the time, and there's this giant &
& Colleen's Question:
I am not currently following
a raw diet, however I am extremely interested .
At present time, when my stomach becomes empty, &
& Susan's Question:
Hi Andrew,
I use CRON-O-Meter's free website to keep track of my daily cals/fats/carbs, and I've just noticed that I'm falling &
& Linda's Question:
Hi Andrew,
I was wondering what part of the country you reside in.
I was fortunate to spend a year and California and I &
& Linda's Question:
Thank you so much for your informative site and for the chance for me to ask you a question.
This is my second go &
& George's Question:
Hi Andrew.
First off, I love I find you really inspiring and there's so much interesting info that you cover. &
& Judy's Question:
Dear Andrew,
I have understood all these years that you are not supposed to mix fruit with anything else because it rots in your &
& Mark's Question:
Hi Andrew,
Is it possible that eating a raw-food diet can change your body chemistry such that mosquitoes will find you less appetizing? &
& Andy's Question:
I have read a post in the past by Tim Van Orden of Running Raw, where he states that becoming
gave him unprecedented, &
& Geri's Question:
Hi Andrew.
Thank you for all that you do for us out here.
I am getting deeper and deeper i I first learned &
& Grace's Question:
I'm sure after reading your web site, you feel there is no need for a dehydrator.
But....just wondering what your thoughts are &
& Herb's Question:
I have been reading several different vegan/vegetarian books and some say to eat mostly vegetables and your site says to eat mostly &
& Lyz's Question:
I love green smoothies - more green than fruit, the better.
I am overweight and I love that the weight seems to melt away.
Reader's Question:
Hey. First, thanks for all you do! I too have colitis. I've used lots of diff things, no drugs. I've had some good results. &
& Aaron's Question:
Hi Andrew,
I've been imagining living in an area where food is all grown and eaten locally, a sustainably fed community in that &
& Tee's Question:
I have transitioned to raw food and am eating 90% raw, and I do eat sprouted bread every other day.
I am a licensed massage therapist &
Daniel's Question:
I would like to know what you eat on a regular basis. Can you give me a typical day of food you eat from the time you wake up &
Jessica's Question:
Hey Andrew, do you use any shampoo then? If you don't, how do you handle your hair (the greasiness)? I've been trying no poo (no &
Peter's Question:
I'm guessing brown rice isn't optimal, but is it really that bad? Would eating it a few times a week be noticeable bad?
Andrew's &
David's Question:
I love the
raw food philosophy . I've had many 100% raw food days and I feel good doing it, but they are usually followed by a night &
Krista's Question:
Hi Andrew,
I absolutely love oranges and pineapple, tomatoes, etc... all the acid fruits. I was just reading your article &
Nancy's Question:
Savory Raw Dressings and Sauces page , you mentioned that you realized that a heavily-or fruit-only diet could lead to &
Tort's Question:
Is tofu good or bad on your raw food diet?
Andrew's Answer:
Tofu is a product made from heated and processed soy bean &
Reader Question:
I bought some persimmons. They've been sitting on my counter for a week and they're still hard.
Maybe they were picked to &
& Jane's Question:
Can you eat natural porridge oats with almond milk as a replacement?
Andrew's Answer:
Grain crops of all types have down sides. &
Amy's Question
Most of my life, I've followed a low-carb diet of fish, chicken, all kinds of different veggies, small amounts of tofu and brown rice &
Carli's Question:
Hi Andrew,
Was wondering, I notice you use corn in one of your salad recipes.
Is corn something that a raw foodist could &
Eric's Question:
I am planning on trying this diet, it makes a lot of sense. I became a vegetarian in November of 2009, and I have thought a lot &
& Mitchell's Question:
If most vegetables are not ideal for digestion (cruciferous, tubers) and should therefore be usually avoided then what do you &
Reader's Question:
I want your opinion on wheatgrass, barley sprouts, and alfalfa sprouts.
Andrew's Short Answer:
None of these foods are ideal, &
& Cathy's Question:
Andrew, my head is so foggy, and almost dizzy, forcing me to squint at times, I get that I am cleansing since I am so overweight. 130 &
& Kevin's Question:
I've been raw for 5 days now (the first three being a raw juice fast). My bowel movements are very normal but I'm still experiencing &
Reader's Question:
"Is it healthy to eat raw peanuts in their shell?"
Andrew's Answer:
This question is a bit vague, and I'm not sure if the reader &
There is overwhelming scientific evidence that raw onions and garlic (and other alliums) are extremely healthy, especially for preventing cancer. &
I?m starting a raw food diet, and I'm drinking more smoothies and eating fruits each day.
But doesn't this increase your blood sugar &
Angelika's Qustion:
Andrew, I am 80/10/10 (ED: Low Fat Raw Vegan) since April 2010 after high fat raw. I had been, like always in my life, slim, &
Julie's Question:
Have you ever heard of The Hallelujah Diet? This is what got me started on eating far more raw food because they encourage only 15% &
Thanks for the information on your site.
I have a question about eating so much fruit...If you have time, maybe you can answer it...
Erik's Question:
Are mushrooms healthy to eat on a raw food diet?
I do love them on my salads.
I realize they are neither a fruit nor a vegatable. &
Reader Question: Should we eat sprouts like mung sprouts and wheatgerm and wheatgrass?
Andrew's Answer:
Sprouts are so popular in raw food circles &
&Hi Andrew.
You wrote the following: "A totally fruitarian diet with no greens will also likely fail over the long run without the important nutrients &
&Not rated yet Doug's Question:
I am enjoying
the raw diet , but it would be much more convenient to use frozen fruits in my smoothies (not to mention there would &
&Not rated yet Hunter's Question:
I think I ate too many fats for years -butter, yogurt, some cheese, goat milk,
some meats, lots of nuts - like 3 peanut butter sandwiches &
&Not rated yet
Anette's Question:
I would like to know what you think about the Blood Group Diet.
The research done on this subject shows that the lectins that &
&Not rated yet Cindy's Question:
I read your
piece on dental care .
I am a bit stumped.
If one rarely eats nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, it would &
&Not rated yet Ken's Question:
I just recently started eating veggies somewhat regularly.
I find it really intimidating to go to a
fully raw food diet &
&Not rated yet Grace's Question:
I recently started
Jiu-Jitsu and I was wondering what foods would best fuel one's body before and after a workout.
Any particular &
&Not rated yet Sophie's Question:
I have been listening to your podcasts all week and really enjoy them. You had a guest on 29oct that had lost over &
&Not rated yetIf you've been eating a
healthy low fat raw vegan diet
for awhile, how much will going back to the standard American diet affect you?
You definitely &
&Not rated yet Marie's Question:
I want to be a
raw organic vegan
for many reasons - health,
I do well for awhile, but being &
&Not rated yetI read your
reply to George
and saw what you ate in one day.
Where is the protein?
Thank you for everything.
Suzy McKinley
Andrew's &
&Not rated yet Angel's Question:
Hi Andrew,
I've been on a
raw food diet
for a couple of months now and lost 10 kilos of weight.
But every now and then &
&Not rated yet Jim's Question:
Hi Andrew.
I know that doctors say we should not be eating any eggs because they're full of cholesterol and will give you cancer &
&Not rated yet
Suzanne's Question:
I looked through your website and your previously answered questions. But I did not see this discussed.
Is your recommended &
&Not rated yet
Hello Andrew,
I recently saw your
video on the challenges you experienced early in your training , and how you attempted to improve your running &
&Not rated yet Amanda's Question:
Hi Andrew,
Recently, I tried going low fat raw vegan and became even more constipated than what I already am. It seems like the &
&Not rated yetHi Andrew,
Thanks again for sharing your wealth of knowledge and wisdom!
I am so very appreciative!
I live south of San Francisco,in San Jose,CA. &
&Not rated yet Ryan's Question:
Do you have any tips to make food shopping or grocery shopping easier and cheaper on a
raw food diet ?
Andrew's Answer:
&Not rated yet Neil's Question:
I have not read anything about
being bad for you before now.
It does make sense, and I do recall getting &
&Not rated yet
Autumn's Question:
I've always been told that a zero fat diet essentially makes people go crazy because they have no oils to lubricate their nervous &
&Not rated yet Enora's Question:
your meals look like mine , except I do need to quit the nut intake.
What a cutie pie! When I went raw 2 years ago I ate &
&Not rated yet Varja's Question:
I heard that you can poison yourself by eating raw potatoes.
In Germany in World War II they used to give raw potatoes to the &
&Not rated yet Scott's Question:
I've just started a mainly
raw food diet diet
and eat a lot of vitamin C-rich fruit daily.
So, for instance, I eat a lot of oranges, &
&Not rated yet Jennie's Question:
I really love peanut butter and it's one food that I really miss on a
raw food diet . In your opinion, is it okay to have a small &
&Not rated yet Blood Type Diet
Have you ever tried to debunk the Blood Type Diet?
I really need someone to. ;)
Just wondering what your opinion is &
&Not rated yet Lochana's Question:
Hi Andrew,
Thank you for all the information you have provided on your website. It has been very helpful.
Anyways, I was &
&Not rated yet Rachel's Question:
I read your
article about curing allergies
and was confused when you said to stay away from meat and dairy. You also mentioned the &
&Not rated yet Reader Question:
My fiancé and I are beginning our raw lifestyle journey and we would love to know a couple of pantry/fridge staples for going raw!!! &
&Not rated yet Zachary's Questions:
I haven't officially been diagnosed with IBS ( Irritable Bowel Syndrome) , but I seem to have the symptoms and have had them for &
&Not rated yet Bryan's Question:
I've been looking into making my own toothpaste since I can't seem to find one that doesn't have any questionable ingredients &
&Not rated yet
Amy's Question:
If one fourth to one avocado was eaten at the end of day in a big salad, would the fat from the avocado still be in the blood the next &
&Not rated yet Reader Question:
Hi. I'm 70 years old, impotent, diabetic, and suffering from heart disease.
I've already had a triple heart bypass surgery for the &
&Not rated yet Reader's Question:
I am allergic to dairy, eggs, soy, corn, and wheat.
I'm trying to avoid diabetes and I've been told to include 90 grams of &
&Not rated yet Carl Williams's Question:
Before starting my
raw foods diet
on September 12, 2011 I weighed 201 lbs (at 6 feet 2 inches tall) and my &
&Not rated yet
Nelson's Question:
My name is Nelson Williams, and I am transitioning to a raw food diet and I find my weight dropping, (15lbs. in 3 weeks).
&Not rated yet Caleb's Question:
I was wondering, when you say raw food, are you talking about organic foods? Does a
raw food diet
have to be organic? &
&Not rated yet Angelika's Question:
Hi Andrew!
We eat cucumbers in an unripe green form, and the yellow ripe ones often become bitter.
But to have optimal &
&Not rated yet Felicity's Question:
I make my own hummus and really like it.
Apart from the olive oil, the other ingredients appear to be OK as part of a
&Not rated yet Tish's Question:
I've been a raw green smoothie nut for about two months now - but the past few weeks I've ended up in a hospital, taking days off work, &
&Not rated yetHi Andrew,
Thanks for answering my
oxalic acid question .
Both in New Jersey and New Mexico I've been running into some problems with bruised and &
&Not rated yet David's Question:
Both in New Jersey and New Mexico I have recently become more aware that if a banana is bruised, cutting out the bruise, does not &
&Not rated yet Tammy's Question:
Are you saying that in the beginning of a
raw food diet
that bananas are the only food you should eat?
How long should I or can &
&Not rated yet
David's Question:
Hi Andrew,
Thank you for a wonderful website.
I started on Dr. Furhman's program about 5 weeks ago and after 2 weeks switched &
&Not rated yet Reader's Question:
I adore eating as much raw food as possible but I have one silly query I have never heard anyone else ask.
Can you get too much &
&Not rated yet Alfredo's Question:
I love sweet fruit and so eat 5 to 6 servings of fruit during the day.
For breakfast I usually prepare a smoothy with two frozen &
&Not rated yet Marisa's Question:
I am a very, very poor law student, but my regular blender just isn't keeping up with my recipe ideas anymore!
Do you have any &
&Not rated yet
Kathy's Question:
I can't seem to get enough calories on this diet and do not want to lose anymore weight.
I am a 69 year old woman who struggles &
&Not rated yet Randal's Question : I am a obese male in my fifties with osteoarthritis in the left hip.
Is there a raw-food-health plan/diet that will work for &
&Not rated yet Mark's Question:
I notice that a lot of my meals take a very short time to get through my body. For example, green smoothies take about 6 hours. &
&Not rated yet Cliff's Question:
Andrew, Hi.
Great website, very inspiring.
Is the fructose in fruit dangerous? A friend asked me to watch a video (somewhat &
&Not rated yet
Reader Question:
Hi! I bought a flat of nectarines that are not ripe yet. Do they go into a paper bag as well?
Andrew's Answer:
Nectarines &
&Not rated yet Danai's Question:
I just read a long article on spirulina which indicated that it was a great superfood, and your answer to all of life's problems. &
&Not rated yet Danai's Question:
I tried to eat 1 tablspoon almond butter with 1 tblsp hemp seeds and 5 raw almonds for a snack for my fat of the day, separate from &
&Not rated yet Jay's Question:
Hi, I have just done a week-long detox and have weak digestion. I still have problems with constipation and tiredness and bloating. &
&Not rated yet Andrea's Question:
Why don't you have any before photos of you being fat or obese?
Andrew's Answer:
Hi Andrea.
I do have before &
&Not rated yet Danai's Question:
Hi. I just ran into another raw vegan site by Dr. Stanley Bass that claims you can get sugar poisoning from too much fruit. Is that &
&Not rated yet Patricia's Question:
I've got a scratchy throat, congestion, and a runny nose, so I guess I have a cold.
I know a virus doesn't don't care if you're &
&Not rated yet Sefanie's Question:
Hello! I was wondering what your thoughts are on Peruvian Maca Root. I have
Hashimotos/thyroid disorder and have been investigating &
&Not rated yet
Reader Question:
If I buy distilled water is there a brand you recommend or are they all the same?
What about FreshPure waters at Whole Foods? &
&Not rated yet Yasmin's Question:
I was wondering if beans are okay to eat? Considering that they have to be cooked.. also same question for potatoes? Can it be &
&Not rated yet
Reader Question:
Hey Andrew,
First of all, I am thoroughly enjoying your site and
Awesome work.
I am a newbie on the raw food diet &
&Not rated yet Reader Question:
When making raw soup in a
Vitamix Blender , you can blend the ingredients so long that they start to heat up and steam.
&Not rated yet Natalia's Question:
raw vegan diet , but I am confused about calories.
I need to lose 50lb and know, through experimentation, that I won't &
&Not rated yet
Emily's Question:
How do you know if fruit juice, or juice in general, is raw? Like the kind you buy from the store? And how do you know which
&Not rated yet Veren's Question
Hello Andrew,
Is there a inexpensive, safe, accurate method to measuring your blood sugar? Hospital visits tend to be expensive, &
&Not rated yet
Nirmal's Question:
What is the cavendish banana's natural ripening period or time?
Andrew's Answer:
Hi Nirmal.
Bananas do not have a &
&Not rated yet Reader's Question:
If you eat 1 avocado a week, is it just as good to eat a whole one with lots of greens or is it better to have a half over a couple &
&Not rated yet
George's Question:
I am 70 years old and feel 99. 5'7 carrying 227 lbs. Chronic sore throat for 6 weeks (antibiotics didn't help) that is worse after &
&Not rated yet Angelikia's Question:
Hello Andrew!
Do we harm our body if we eat lots of conventional fruit?
Sometimes it is just so expensive or not bio available. &
&Not rated yet
Andreea's Question:
I read on your site that honey is not recommended on a low fat raw diet. Why? And how about honeycomb or pollen? Are &
&Not rated yet Angelika's Question:
Hello Andrew!
Summertime! Sailing! You cannot stay all the time inside the boat. What would be the best to put on the skin? &
&Not rated yet
Mark's Question:
Hi my names Mark, my question to you is are all salts the same? well realy its not a question, because i know the answer as you probably &
&Not rated yet Bruce's Question:
Hi Andrew. I've enjoyed reading some of your articles on
raw foods . You seem to do thorough research on the issues you write about. &
&Not rated yet Reader's Question:
So, my mind is sort of racing here with questions but I will try to be organized with them..First a little history......I &
&Not rated yet
Bruce's Question:
Hi Andrew.
What's the best type of water to drink?
Although It would probably be ideal to get all our water intake from &
&Not rated yet Gloria's Question:
Hi Andrew,
I told a friend that I adopted the a low fat raw food diet flowing dr. G.'s 811 and she gasped.
My friend and I &
&Not rated yet Maxie's Question:
I am 15 and have never been a vegan or a vegetarian. I want to start the raw food diet asap, but I'm not sure how my body will handle &
&Not rated yet Veruska's Question:
Hello Andrew, nice to meet you.
I'm Italian, I'm 35 and I've decide for a new year resolution that can change my life : a raw &
&Not rated yet Dwight's Question:
I know your term of "Raw Food' means fruit, but is there a possibility to add "Sushi" into the mix of your diet. Also does smoking &
&Not rated yet Michelle's Question:
Can you please advise the temperature used for dehydration/drying on the graph used to illustrate the loss of vitamins in cooked &
&Not rated yet
Julia's Question:
Hi, i have read alot about the mangosteen fruit lately and it is claimed to have very potent anitihistamine qualities among many &
&Not rated yet
Gloria's Question:
Dear Andrew,
I recently read FIT FOR LIFE A New Beginning The Ultimate Health and Diet Plan by Harvey Diamond.
&Not rated yet
Rachelle's Question:
Hello I recently started the 80-10-10 diet about 2 weeks ago. I'm trying to go 100% raw. I have been Inputting all the food I &
&Not rated yet
Danny's Question:
Most fruit juices that I find at the store are pasteurized. Should I avoid these? I'm assuming that such juices could not be considered &
&Not rated yet
Carli's Question:
Can you address the declaration by Dr. Oz recently that bananas contain radiation and that there is enough in 40 bananas to equal &
&Not rated yet
Hindy's Question:
I have had 2 skin cancer problems. My dr. said STAY OUT OF THE SUN. I take calcium sup. What should I do? I'm afraid to go in the &
&Not rated yet Peter's Question: Is it possible to eat too much of a single type of fruit, and become sick because of too much Vitamins or acid?
For instance oranges. &
&Not rated yet
Krista's Question:
What about the toxic properties of certain herbs? Technically, one could not make a meal of basil or oregano, two of the most &
&Not rated yet Ally's Question: I am very interested in the question of whether a person needs to count calories and restrict them in order to lose weight, especially &
&Not rated yet
Jessica's Question:
Hi, I've been eating raw foods almost a year. I noticed that I have to sit down at least 20 minutes after eating fruits before &
&Not rated yet
Scott's Question:
Can you build muscle on a raw food diet? Is it easier to do? Or harder?
Andrew's Answer:
Muscle is built through muscular &
&Not rated yet
Heather's Question:
Is it possible that Lady Fingers are just too starchy for blending with greens?
I had 2 disastrous smoothies where the whole &
&Not rated yet
Reader Question:
What kind of symptoms will your body have from eating too much salt on a daily basis?
Andrew's Answer:
The most obvious physical &
&Not rated yet
Reader Question: Is it okay to add cinnamon with foods, i.e. fruit? I know that it's ground up and not normally what one would eat in the wild, but &
&Not rated yet Amy's Question
My doctor says that DHA can not be efficiently converted from plant source from ala.
The linus pauling institute says the &
&Not rated yet David's Question:
I recently watched a movie/video called "The Future of Food,( Lily Films- www.) and another called "FoodMatters". &
&Not rated yet
Angelika's Question:
Should we soak nuts and seeds before eating them?
Andrew's Answer:
Soaking nuts and seeds can help your body to digest them. &
&Not rated yet
Tony's Question:
I live alone I am on a fixed budget. I am paid on the first of every month. Do you have any ideas or, like a meal plan that is relatively &
&Not rated yet
Reader Questions:
If you stop taking a b12 supplement to see if you don't need it, how long should you wait to get your blood tested?
Andrew's &
&Not rated yet Angelika's Question:
I read that raw broccoli contains goitrogens that can inhibit thyroid function. And we should put it for 2 minutes in boiling water, &
&Not rated yet
Angelika's Question:
In winter time here in Greece we have got only bananas, apples, pears, avocado, oranges, kiwi and non-organic fresh dates. &
&Not rated yet
Reader's Question:
I have had challenges keeping my body warm my entire life. Many women do.
When my body is cold inside, my bowels stop functioning. &
&Not rated yet
Angelika's Question:
How many months does it take to eliminate toxins after switching from a high fat raw diet to 811 (Ed: Low fat raw vegan diet)? &
&Not rated yet
Joe's Question:
Can plantain be helpful in reducing as enlarged prostate? If so can it be bought in capsules that have a higher potency?
&Not rated yet
Angelika's Question:
Is it better to eat the salad whole or better to make a green soup, smoothie, or blended salad?
Andrew's Answer:
&Not rated yet
Angelika's Question:
Although eating high fruit I like to have avocado-they are from Crete, almost all the year round available,so tasty-almost &
&Not rated yet
Angelika's Question:
Is eating lots of fruit enough for hydration? How much water should we drink on a less active day and a full active day? &
&Not rated yet
Laurie's Question:
I'm trying to find the best information on the cure or remedy for candida.
I was on only Fruit for three days.. and felt &
&Not rated yet
Angelika's Question:
Can we eat melon and grape seeds, just without chewing them?
Andrew's Answer:
If a seed's hard outer shell remains &
&Not rated yet
Angelika's Question
If celery is not available, nor spinach, is romaine salad okay to cover sodium or should we use seaweed like nori or wakame? &
&Not rated yet
Karen's Question:
I am currently transitioning into raw foodism.
I am 50-60% raw now.
My question is this: since I am the only one in my house &
&Not rated yet
Nancy's Question:
As a beginner, is it better to stick with all fruits or simple combinations (green smoothies) vs maybe raw cream soups and &
&Not rated yet Matt's Question:
I'm nineteen and I have been interested in food and nutrition for about 8 months to help manage my mental health (i.e. anxiety, &
&Not rated yet
Reader Question:
Is it true that eating any amounts or large amounts of cruciferous veggies is a big help with belly fat (or is it a snow job) thanks. &
&Not rated yet
Reader Question:
When starting a 80-10-10 (ED: Low Fat Raw Vegan) diet from SAD, how long does it take for fat to clear from blood?
Andrew's &
&Not rated yet
Nia's Question:
Your diet plan seems to be right on, but I am not clear on foods like mushrooms, edamame, and eggplant.
How do you make eggplant &
&Not rated yet
Theresa's Question: On the low fat raw food diet if one is unable to locate organic fruits such as durian, watermelon or thai coconuts would it be &
&Not rated yet
Shirley's Question
I am interested in going 100% raw, but, like you, I train for a marathons.
I never eat bread etc, but when &
&Not rated yet
Ricky's Question:
I eat a pretty much raw fruit and veg diet and try to combine food properly. At my evening meal I have a small salad with spinach &
&Not rated yet
Reader Question:
Hi. How long does it take for different foods to pass through the stomach?
Andrew's Answer:
Different foods have remarkably &
&Not rated yet
Sophie's Question: I have read that most nuts are heated prior to being sold as raw in shops...and especially in America they have passed a law which &
&Not rated yet
Sophie's Question:
I'm trying to prepare my body for slightly longer fasts by having one day a week water fasting.
Would be interested in &
&Not rated yet
Sophie's Question: I usually start the day with either berries or citrus fruits. This usually keeps me going at least 2-3 hours, as I work at an office. &
&Not rated yet
Sophie's Question:
Hi there. When it comes to 'low fat' in the diet to protect our health how much as a percentage is needed?
Also a digestion &
&Not rated yet Max's Question:
Andrew, I really enjoyed your
articles on barefoot running . I could tell you did quite a bit of research, and then condensed it all &
&Not rated yet
Reader's Question:
How healthy are teeth on a fruitarian diet?
According to Ramiel Nagel, author of "Cure tooth decay," one needs to consume &
&Not rated yet Sam's Question:
Hi Andrew,
I've been on a 4 day water fast, which has really helped deal with many of my colitis symptoms. I had severe cramping, &
&Not rated yet Hernan's Question:
What kind of raw fruits and veggies can I eat to overcome this problem. My stomach right now got lots of ulcers and whatever I &
&Not rated yet
Reader's Question:
Are fruit smoothies fattening?
When I gave up smoking nearly 3 years ago I supposed I supplemented my smokes for fruit smoothies &
&Not rated yet Marie's Question:
How long should you wait until the next time you eat so you do not combine foods? Should I wait at least an hour or two between each &
&Not rated yet Marie's Question:
I am having trouble convincing my husband that you can get a good amount of protein in a raw food diet. I am new at this diet and just &
&Not rated yet Elle's Question:
Dear Andrew,
I recently read the post on your
B12 results .
I am very impressed.
I understand that eating foods from &
&Not rated yet Genna's Question: I am transitioning solo into the low fat raw food lifestyle, without support from my parents with whom I live with. Quite frankly, they &
&Not rated yet Stuart's Question:
Can you give some guidelines on how a raw food diet should be implemented for someone with Type Two Diabetes?
Andrew's Answer: &
&Not rated yet Reader's Question:
I have acne. If I go full 100% raw do I still need to supplement with the omega 3 oils as so many professionals recommend?
Raw Food Questions:
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