
  在3月2日的比赛中,WE和IG分别以2:0的比分战胜了Snake和NewBee。IG的ADC选手Marge拿下了自己本赛季的第一个MVP。之前Marge的表现一直为人所诟病,而且IG阵中还有一位天才ADC选手Jacklove,Marge的压力一直非常大。今天他用自己精彩的表现向大家证明了,其实他也是一位很有实力的选手!Snake奇阵难立功 WE轻松取得胜利  本场比赛最大的亮点莫过于Snake的阵容变化。原打野选手Sofm改为辅助,原ADC选手Mint改为打野。中路上的是姿态,ADC则上的是“电竞周冬雨”Ohq。只有上路没有人员变化,依然由坚守。  第一局姿态拿出了职业赛场上难得一见的男刀,无奈这个英雄确实有很大的局限性。虽然Snake在前期一度通过积极的gank拿到些许优势,但在正面团战时,Snake明显不是WE的对手,只能看着WE将自己逐步蚕食。  从赛后统计上看,Snake虽然拿到了3条小龙,但经济上的差距和阵容上的局限性让他们无力与WE抗衡。当前版本节奏偏快,只靠累积小龙资源打后期的方式很难获得胜利。  姿态的男刀打出了全场最高的伤害,但这个英雄打团只能游离在团队之外,导致Snake的团战阵型很有问题,总是被WE找到切入的机会。男刀想要上场,还需要特殊的阵容去搭配,通用的阵容难以支持。  第二局圣枪哥祭出在IEM11世界总决赛上表现不俗的,采用了顽石契约的团战天赋。  可惜,纵然圣枪哥的酒桶线上表现很不错,但WE整体节奏更加出色,Snake始终组织不起有效的反击,很快败下阵来。  从伤害面板上可以看出,姿态的发育不佳,完全打不出伤害,导致中期团战处于一面倒的局势。  两局比赛,WE发挥出色,以相对高速的方式获得胜利。但这两局比赛Snake给的压力确实不大,WE在滚雪球能力方面是否已经进步到足够好,还需要更多的检验。  Snake试验的新阵容显然存在很多问题。Sofm转型辅助,有种老虎被养进了笼子里的感觉。大家都知道,Sofm打野的风格以凶狠著称,即使使用,他也想找机会去凶一波人。而且辅助这个位置是最吃大局观和经验的,什么时候插什么眼都是无数场比赛的积淀,临时转型很难有这样的掌控力。  另一方面,Mint显然还没有适应打野这个位置。两局比赛,他的行动路线几乎被WE的打野选手Condi摸透了。这直接导致Snake前期节奏爆炸,被WE压得根本抬不起头来。  求新求变自然是好事,希望Snake在接下来的比赛中能给我们带来惊喜,让我们看到这个新阵容的闪光之处。Marge爆发表现亮眼 IG两套新战术击败NB  第一局比赛IG的打野小孩选择了已经许久不见在比赛中登场的豹女,搭配中路的形成poke体系,总体来看效果还不错。  之前表现为人所诟病的IG ADC选手Marge本场发挥非常亮眼,多次运用寒冰的大招打出精准的先手,帮助队伍打开局面,控住了小龙。  随着IG的poke阵容步入强势期,NB在团战中渐渐无力抵抗。最终,IG获得了第一局比赛的胜利。  Marge拿到了自己本赛季的第一个MVP,这是对他优秀表现的最大肯定!  第二局IG的上单Duke拿出了船长,搭配下路的烬,正是之前在IEM11世界总经决赛上出现过的超远距离开团套路。  本局比赛Marge延续了自己火热的手感,几次使用烬的W技能在视野盲区收下人头。IG一路顺风顺水,25分钟时就拿到了超过一万的经济优势。NB逆风局势下错误地在二塔接团,导致上路高地告破,整体兵线无法处理,被IG拆掉了自己的基地。  伤害面板呈现一面倒的碾压态势,IG这套没有前排的阵容,通过恐怖的输出能力将NB的双前排体系摧毁。  今天的比赛让我们看到了一支全新的IG。不只是Marge的高水准表现,IG在整体节奏上也有很大进步。面对NB这样一支善于在前期获取优势的队伍,IG始终沉着应对,让对手的gank难以有收获;在战术方面也能拿出新东西,着实叫人眼前一亮。  另一方面,NB的发挥也不能说不好,只是他们今天启用的下路组合叫人有些捉摸不透。NB拆散了爱射嘉怡和天灾末日这支老搭档,把他们分到了两个不同的下路组合中。我们在比赛中可以很明显地看出,NB的两套下路组合配合都不够默契,时而出现辅助上了,ADC却慢了一步的情况。这也是他们今天落败的原因之一。
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下周jakeylove上, 听说
新下路依旧乏力 IG双人组持续低走原因于何
14:30:57 && 文章来源:uuu9游久网 && 作者:尛言
BO3的第一场中, IG选手蚂蚱、船长的RANK最强英雄。但上单姿态在对方换线的情况下被迫换线,五分钟补刀仅为2,等级和经济与Loong拉开巨大差距;上图为第一场双方ADC数据对比图,从图片中我们可以看到Marge的数据全方位的落后于Endless。在上中遭到针对的情况下仍然补刀落后、等级落后,R技能的施放没有预判,无法良好的开启团战。
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Continuity Nod
"Ben and I decided that we needed more strips and punchlines that only make sense to hardcore readers. Look forward to jokes so inaccessible even we, the authors, don't get them."
&#8212; , ,
A Continuity Nod is a reference to some aspect in a series' past or an occurrence within the . The nod is not so much a major plot point, but more of a tilt of the hat to the fans that may know these little details. It is a sort of .
In remakes of older TV shows or movies, this may often manifest itself as a form of . If characters reference something outside the
itself but has special meaning some other way (such as an
or adaptation), it's a . If it's a joke about the actors of the parts it's
or . References towards something that's been written out (or
towards something that people wish were written out) are . A nod that affects the plot in some way can be considered a .
is also a subtrope when the viewer knows about the action being mocked.
Distinct from a , as it does not actually drive any plot development. Here's an example of the difference between the two tropes:
Continuity Nod: " You should have no problem taking down a few !"
to take down these !"
Also distinct from a , as it isn't going to be a plot point later on. If a single scene presents an unusually large number of Continuity Nods, all at once, you may have fallen under a . If there are so many Continuity Nods they detract from the story itself, it's . When entire scenarios are recreated then it becomes an . Naturally contrasts with . A
might have this.
Remember, it's only this if the events happen in the same continuity. Otherwise, its a .
Example Subpages
does this a few times. In Asterix in Britain, you can see a few souvenirs referring to previous adventures on a shelf in Asterix and Obelix's house (including a model sphinx from Asterix and Cleopatra and a Visigoth helmet from Asterix and the Goths).
Occurs regularly in , as befitting a series with a single writer. Most Continuity Nods appear as sidelong references to other characters and events in the chronological past/present, even if the subject hasn't had a published appearance yet.
briefly mutters "3.2" when he arrives to visit Steeljack in "The Tarnished Angel." This is a reference to Samaritan's
story, "In Dreams," where it's shown he keeps track of how many seconds he spends flying from one scene to another.
In "Show 'Em All," as Jack-In-The-Box dodges The Junkman's aerosol bombs, he casually mentions having "recent experience" in dodging mid-air explosions. This refers to a single panel from the earlier "Confession" story arc, where Jack-In-The-Box eludes capture from a missile-firing helicopter.
Also from "Confession", Brian begins his super-hero career by working as a busboy in Bruiser's Bar & Grill, run by retired
hero . Both the Black Badge and Bruisers' play small but pivotal roles in the later "Dark Ages" story arc.
loves to put Continuity Nods in all of his works, helped by his encyclopedic knowledge of comic book history.
A subtle one from
vol. 2 #55: Peter Parker, currently working as a teacher at his old high school, talking to the school secretary (or administrator?) who remembers him from when he was a student:
Peter: Good afternoon, Maude. Looking beautiful as always.
Maude: Oh Peter, you lie beautifully darling, have ever since the ninth grade, so don't stop.
Ninth grade was when Peter was about 15, i. e. when he became Spider-Man and had to lie to maintain his secret identity.
In a scene in
#3, Professor Xavier privately refers to Jean Grey as "the woman I love." This plot point was
until thirty years later, when
shows the scene to Jean in an attempt to prove the hypocrisy of humanity.
Annual 2009 the Ratz (a group of rats from a 2000s Beano comic strip) briefly meet the Nibblers (a group of mice from a s Beano comic strip).
During 's "" story arc in , one issue was about
having a prophecy relating to . It featured two flashbacks to previous meetings between the two. One was from the relatively recent , the other was from
#124, back in 1997.
In Issue #2 of , Red Hood gets an air hostess' number. They met in Batman #426, 20 years ago. She still remembers his drink order, although in modern continuity, they probably met 2-3 years ago. And he mentions 'A Death in the Family', although that is a . Her name is Isabel Ardila, by the way.
In issue #6, it's revealed that Red Hood's costume is actually one of Nightwing's old costumes. Though in-universe information is lacking thanks to the recent reboot, it seems to be based on Nightwing's Renegade costume.
The Night of the Owls tie-in nods to the revelation in Batman that Haley's Circus (of which Nightwing was a performer) was a recruitment service for the Court of Owls. It may also be a reference to Red Hood's pre-Crisis history as a circus performer.
The Death of the Family tie-in has the Joker forcing Jason to relive the circumstances of his death in the original A Death in the Family arc.
In , any appeareances of returning villians are punctuated by a side note pointing to the last story in which they starred. And then there is the book Venganza Cincuentona where a dozen of the most iconic
return to fight the heroes together.
With the return of changelings, naturally the
gets brought up. Apparently Rainbow Dash barely remembers it because she had too much of Pinkie's Tutti-Frutti Sherbet Sugar Punch.
Much of issue #2 is spent in a mine that once was worked by the Diamond Dogs. Several of the background elements allude to their dog-nature (bones and doghouses).
In issue #2, when the Changelings work to create discord between the Mane Six, Pinkie is told that she is annoying to her friends, and temporarily reverts to her "Party of One" straight-hair look.
The map at the end of issue #2 shows , the , the "" (under quarantine), and the
(home of the Diamond Dogs).
End of issue #2:
To be continued... All that's missing is
is brought up, she's even described as the "Protector of Dreams" a couple of times in the second story-arc.
How Luna became Nightmare Moon and how she was defeated by the Elements of Harmony set the basis of the new evil for this story.
Rainbow Dash once again pulls off a Sonic Rainboom to try and save Rarity, see .
We're reminded once again that one of Twilight Sparkle's biggest fears is being rejected by Princess Celestia.
returns in #6.
The Cloud Gremlins from the Rainbow Dash micro-comic appear in Rainbow's nightmare.
S the hat Rainbow Dash wears in Fluttershy's nightmare in #6 is the same hat she wears at .
Rainbow Dash considers what Daring Do would do in their imprisoned situation.
Issue #3 Twilight mentions that after the events of Lesson Zero, she of all ponies knows how too much work stress can make a pony snap.
When Rarity first leaves for her retreat, Pinkie tells her to not forget to write , with Dash sheepishly stating that she meant to.
Luna appears on Rarity's dreams, singing "Hush now, quiet now".
The line "The pony everypony should know" (from "Sweet and Elite") is repeated a few times when Flax and Wheat are whisked off by the Elite.
The cover of the magazine AJ is reading at the start features the cleaned-up Hayseed Turnip Truck, from the 2-page short at the end of the comic.
The short story makes a direct reference to Hayseed's brief scene in .
is well established by this story.
Princess Amore, first mentioned in , shows up as a major character.
During Nightwing and Batgirl's conversation in
#1, Babs references the recent
crossover and the Bat Family's currently strained relationship with Bruce.
Also in reference to , Penguin is seen talking to Bane about
and paying him back for what happened.
&&&&Comic Strips&
strips, the now infamous
did not have pointy hair at all, but rather just an ordinary, receding hairline of black curly hair. A 1995 strip depicting the slow decline of Dilbert's health benefits, via a series of flashbacks, depicts the boss with his old, unpointy hair.
strip from 1983, Jon buys a frog he names Herbie, Garfield soon becomes jealous and eats him when Jon leaves the room, much later in a Halloween strip from 1994 a group of ghosts of animals he had previously eaten come to haunt him, one of them is Herbie.
He thinks it was November 8, 1992.
features Garfield being unable to sleep because of the night noises.
&&&&Fan Works&
features a great many of these, mostly as nods to how Taylor's anti-heroism evolved in the origional timeline. Occasionaly this leads to . For example: she notes that you don't get to
: An interesting one: When Asuka is testing , she comes across the scrapped wreck of the
destroyed during his rampage. Her surprise when she's able to lift it up is palpable.
does it three times:
When Hans is escaping Koenigsberg castle, he muses that he used to climb around it as a child and that the skill helped him when wooing Anna during .
Kai and king Charles remark on different occasions that Elsa organizes weekly ice rinks in the castle courtyard, like she did in the end of the film.
When Anna and Hans meet again, Hans admits that the past events might affect Anna's opinion about him.
invokes a lot of this by being a
fanfic based primarily on the
universe, but in a largely original world also including characters and locations exclusive to the games. There are even references to
(Tails' daughter's fear of thunder) and
(e.g. the currency being called "mobiums").
is littered with them, from mentioning who received their tanabata wishes first to Koizumi giving an explanation to Haruhi over a cup of coffee, to a reference to the source material's Drama CD, where Haruhi wrote a literal
and Hare Hare Yukai. And now, !!!
set in the , includes several:
When finding the crashed Covenant ship, John-117 identifies it as a Seraph-class starfighter.
John directly cites
as having directly violated Article II, subsection 7 of the Cole Protocol, which directly forbids the retrieval of Covenant artifacts and technology until the available party is certain that the item is cannot be tracked.
The armor the kids get at the end looks very similar to the Marine uniforms from Combat Evolved.
contain scenes from the canon material, and the dialogue from those scenes were transcribed word-for-word.
virtual continuation
has a bunch of references to small details in the show which came up once and were never mentioned again. For example, Natalie's cat and Tracy's knowledge of tattoos.
has one where the Camoan native who cheered Luso and Cheney up in Chapter 63 turned out to be the father of the girl whom Luso, Cheney and Hurdy helped all the way back in Chapter 8.
Whenever a new invention is introduced in , Hobbes will usually reference Calvin's previous inventions and the hijinks that ensued.
Also, Rosalyn refuses to babysit Calvin in "A Day at the Office" because of the antics she endured in "Attack of the Vampire Babysitter".
In "Thunderstorm", Calvin mentions Brainstorm's earlier plot to steal the world's electricity.
Thunderstorm himself references Jack's left arm being loose, which infuriates Brainstorm:
Calvin references Brainstorm's earlier reluctance to use the
trope, and Socrates is surprised that he hadn't heard it (he wasn't present in that episode).
Fan stories set in
can make nods to Tolkien's own works. Some readers may miss these references:
The title of
is a nod. The phrase "a far green country" appears twice in . Frodo dreams of it in book I, chapter 8. Then Frodo sees Valinor in book VI, chapter 9: "he beheld white shores and beyond them a far green country under a swift sunrise."
In , Book One, Chapter 71 explains why Dior, Steward of Gondor, never married. This is a nod to , which established that Dior had no son.
In , chapter 27/28 "The Council of Elrond", Gandalf describes how Jorryn "talked in her sleep". This is not a new trick. Back in The Lord of the Rings, Book II, Chapter 1, Gandalf told Frodo that he "talked long in your sleep". Both cases show how Gandalf can read sleeping minds.
The second-last chapter of Time Will Tell is "A Long Expected Wedding". The first chapter of The Lord of The Rings is "A Long-Expected Party".
frequently points out bits of Lucrezia Noin's back in the first chapter it puts the Frozen Teardrop prequel/sequel story to Wing in continuity by mentioning Treize Kushrenada having taken a bullet for Noin once, while placing Frozen Teardrop
in the same chapter by introducing Noin's parents as in line with her pre-Frozen Teardrop backstory. In the second chapter, many, many references are made to the episode "The Victoria Nightmare" and Noin recognizes the characteristics of Aries mobile suit's radar from memory (before her Taurus' computer can!), having been an Aries pilot for a long time.
The final sequence in the / crossover fanfic
is a reference to the very same sequence from the season 4 episode "", this one involving Emmet.
A dance of Shadow and Light series from the
series practically has an unlimited supply of these. Especially , where every member of
is a Continuity Nod to the original series, though you might have to pay really
Then again, onsidering the
even admitted that he might have gone , it is hardly surprising.
The events of the games are often referenced, especially by characters who were there to witness the events.
The in-universe J-Team vs Capcom game
are big ones to characters that have long since departed.
When explaining to Dune, Deziree, Lyuri, and Duke about Mew, Tagg references the time during the Hoenn arc when Gamer ended up striking Mew.
After the strangeness of the last couple April Fools, people start treating them with wariness.
Tagg tends to like to visit the spots of previous events for old times sakes.
features a fair few
Buffy and Rory have a short moment of bonding over their shared habit of coming back from the dead. Buffy died twice, once in
and again in . However, even she is impressed when Rory mentions "dying" five times. The instances he mentions are from , , , and .
When talking with the Eleventh Doctor, one of the Silurians mentions an ark built before they went into hibernation, to which the Eleventh Doctor responds, "Oh you mean the one with all the dinosaurs?" This is a reference to the Silurian Ark seen in .
While venting to her Diplodocus, Buffy makes reference to "that whole musical fiasco." This is a reference to the Buffy
Amy, as a throwaway mention during a conversation, mentions that she and Rory, to their irritation, still sleep in bunk beds. The idea that the Ponds sleep in bunk beds aboard the TARDIS is first mentioned in . Also from that episode, the Doctor refers to the TARDIS as "Sexy".
The Gorn flagship GHS S'slee is named after the Gorn that Kirk fought in : "". (That was one of the names he was given in the .)
One of the ships assigned to guard the Bajor in the attack on the Terran Empire's base in the prime universe is the USS Laporin, after a classmate of Ben Sisko's who was said to have been killed by the Klingons in : "".
Gul Ekoor, commanding the Cardassian Second Order forces taking part in the battle, was one of the Cardassian soldiers who joined Damar, Garak, and Kira for the attack on the Dominion military headquarters in DS9: "".
Chapter five has Eleya explaining to Dal Kanril, her mirror universe counterpart, how she got into Starfleet from the Bajoran Militia, from , and then she and two of her security personnel give an overview of the Dominion War arc from DS9.
During chapter 2 of , Jaune is distracted from his loneliness by a sudden feeling of chills down his spine..."almost as if he were being hunted." Fans of
will know that this is because Pyrrha- his future - was watching him at this exact moment.
is tied to continuing the superhero arc episodes from , and a few other episodes as well (the fanfic also uses Butters' female ego Marjorine from the season nine episode of the same name).
In "" Dalsh Ruul refers to the Breen having acquired the design for painsticks from the Klingons back in the time of Chancellor Mow'ga. Mow'ga was said in : "" to have sent a military expedition into Breen space that was never heard from again.
To the first chapter of
when Eleya introduces herself to Tia and Sobaru as follows:
And to Eleya mentioning in ", Part II" about how her
Starfleet Academy roommate Jasmine Velasquez frequently kicks her out of the dorm on Friday nights because she brought back a hookup.
Thrass: Anyway, think of it as something to do when Jazz Velasquez kicks you out on Friday nights. Eleya: How do you&#8212; Thrass: I?m your professor. I know everything.
Sora's taking Ven's heart into his body, as well as Aqua's crafting Castle Oblivion, during the events of
are referenced in the first and second chapters.
In chapter 14, Aqua recalls having first met Sora, Riku, and Kairi when they were little kids, also in Birth by Sleep. During the conversation, Sora also recalls having seen her back then, as well as in the .
: There are plenty of references to the canon series and the fanfic?s prequel sprinkled throughout the story, mostly dropped in the narration or in conversations. Most notably, in Chapter 1, there is a mention that evil activity was low a little more than two decades ago. Soul Eater Zeta is set 23 years ago, and it?s been said there activity of Kishin Eggs is low. Chapter 2?s classroom lecture is just a giant one that establishes continuity with respect to the Baba Yaga Castle invasion and its aftermath.
At one point in ,
performs a tea ceremony so flawlessly that it drives a noble to tears, a reference to the
Several of these in : The Soft World, occasionally used to further the plot. For example, when trying to figure out a way to help Ringo see through magical masks, Paul recalls the day in
and Grunnel talked about breaking through masks, leading the four to look for a skahs wizard to teach Paul how to cast that spell.
Sadly, none of them can.
that finally lets the Doctor regenerate .
&&&&Live-Action Film&
Grievous has chronic coughing fits, a reference to how Mace Windu wounded him in the (previously-canon) TV show .
After their climactic duel, Obi-Wan is seen stopping to pick up Vader's lightsaber, which he gives to Luke in Episode IV.
If the first trailer for
is any indicator, Heather Donahue's brother ends up apologizing like she did in one of 's most iconic scenes.
Occurs on a comedy album, of all things. 's Incredibad opens with a song about , which is referenced in the -level .
And again in the interlude Normal Guy.
At the end of Dick in a Box, Andy and Justin Timberlake get sent to jail for indecent exposure. The video for Motherlover opens with them coming out of jail and dropping some boxes in the trash. Towards the end, Justin says, "This is the second-best idea that we've ever had!"
During the bridge in Threw it on the Ground, Andy talks about how there are "so many things to throw on the ground". One is a boiled goose, a reference to Boombox.
has the song "Blind as a Bat", with a title blatantly designed to remind of his great hit "Bat Out of Hell", even though the songs have nothing really to do with one another. (One might argue that this applies to the entire Bat Out of Hell "trilogy"...)
' "Glass Onion" from
actually approaches
levels, referring directly to "Strawberry Fields Forever", "I Am the Walrus" (), "Lady Madonna", "The Fool on the Hill", and "Fixing a Hole".
"I Am The Walrus" itself contains the line, "See how they fly like ."
And "Lady Madonna" references "I Am the Walrus" with the line "see how they run."
During the fadeout on "All You Need Is Love" from , Paul starts to sing, "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah..."
"If I Fell" from
has a subtler one: "'Cause I've been in love before, and I found that love was more than just holding hands..."
"Mean Mr. Mustard"'s sister is named Pam. The followup song on
is "Polythene Pam". The name originally read "Shirley", but John Lennon changed it to "Pam" to .
"Savoy Truffle" from
contains the line, "We all know 'Ob-la-di-bla-da', but can you tell me where you are", referencing "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" from .
The lyrics of the
song "Victory" consist of
written in a
They nodded to "Sweating Bullets" and its video with "Mastermind" ("slightly schizophrenic - me and me and me agree"), and also with "Dread And The Fugitive Mind" which is a similar song about the same thing.
Megadeth have numerous nods to Dave Mustaine's
past starting with his own rendition of "Mechanix" on their first album Killing Is My Business (which was his original song Metallica rewrote as "The Four Horsemen" for Kill Em All), right up until "Don't Turn Your Back" on their (as of 2013) most recent album Super Collider. Of note amongst these is "Of Mice And Men" from 2004's The System Has Failed, which puts Mustaine's life story in context, no doubt inspired by his conversation with Lars in 2001 which eventually made it into Metallica's movie Some Kind Of Monster in 2004.
uses this trope very frequently.
"Dark Waves of the Sea" features the exact chorus from "Oceans of Time" as an interlude, along with a similar melody overall.
The title track of Mystica refers directly to previous songs and albums by title, such as Kings and Queens, Oceans of Time, and "Edge of the World", among many others.
In 1996, R. Kelly had a song featuring the Isley Brothers about a man cheating with "Mr. Biggs'" woman. In 2001, the Isley Brothers had a song featuring R Kelly concerning the same issue and the same characters. Or as Mr Biggs puts it, "Don't I know you from somewhere a long time ago?"
has a habit of recycling his older melodies in new contexts while making it seem more like creative fun than lack of originality. For example: The
song "Red Hot Mama" borrows the melody from their older song "I Bet You", and the
Song "Do That Stuff" takes a riff from "You Can't Miss What You Can't Measure" by Funkadelic.
The Thompson Twins' "Love on Your Side" has the line "I've played you all my favorite records" followed by a short recap of the melody line from an earlier single of the band's "In the Name of Love" (They felt it was the only one they could legally use).
's "Ashes to Ashes" from
revisits the main character of "Space Oddity", Major Tom. The Major is also mentioned in the
remix of "Hallo Spaceboy".
makes a nod to Tommy and Gina, the characters from "Livin' on a Prayer", in their song "It's my Life".
"99 In The Shade", from Slippery When Wet's followup album New Jersey, also name checks Tommy and Gina.
"Wanted Dead Or Alive" from Slippery mentions "I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride". "Ride Cowboy Ride" and "Stick To Your Guns" from New Jersey also mention cowboys, as (obviously) does Jon Bon Jovi's solo hit, "Blaze Of Glory" (from the
have a b-side called 'Soul Brother' that's pretty much enti "He's my best friend, he's my champion, and he will rock you, rock you, rock you"... it goes on like that.
"Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had A Deal" by
features numerous continuity nods to various TMBG in the third verse.
Even classical music features the occasional Continuity Nod by composers to earlier works. Just to name a few examples:
's early piano suite Carnaval features, in the movement entitled "Florestan", a quote from his suite Papillons, written two or three years earlier. The autograph manuscript (and most published editions)
this by inserting the word "(Papillon?)" in the passage containing the quote.
's String Quartet No.8 is something of an a as well as featuring innumerable quotes of his musical monogram (D E-flat C B = D Es C H (German note names) = D.Sch. = &#1044;.&#1064;., Shostakovich's initials), it quotes the opening bars of his Symphony No.1, the "Jewish" theme from the finale of his Piano Trio No.2, the opening bars of his Cello Concerto No.1, and an aria from his opera Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District among others.
The String Quartet No.11 of Shostakovich's fellow countryman Nikolai Myaskovsky features quotes from numerous songs and piano pieces which Myaskovsky wrote e the quartet is sometimes subtitled "Reminiscences".
The Russian Romantic composer Anton Rubinstein wrote three sonatas for violin and piano. The third sonata, written more than twenty years after the other sonatas, begins by alternating sustained notes in the piano with the opening phrases of the first and second sonatas in the violin before moving on to new material.
In the aptly-titled "Four Last Songs", Richard Strauss included a musical quotation of his work Death and Transfiguration, which he had composed sixty years earlier.
published twenty-four preludes in his lifetime, one for each of the major and minor keys. The last to be written, Op.32 No.13 in D-flat major, contains a number of references to the first to be written, Op.3 No.2 in C-sharp minor (the relative minor of D-flat major), including several major-key quotes of the earlier prelude's three-note motif, a shortened version of the chord progression from the coda, and an ascending fifth in the final measure.
In his piece, Shepherd's Hey, Percy Grainger briefly features the 7-note melody of arguably his most popular piece, Country Gardens.
indulged in this on a few occasions. In their seldom-performed penultimate collaboration, , a nod is made to
as one of the British Flowers of Progress is a naval officer named Captain Corcoran - which is also the name of the captain of the Pinafore (). In his introductory song in the Act I finale of Utopia Limited, there is even a direct musical quote from the similarly named character's introductory song in HMS Pinafore, "I am the captain of the Pinafore". It is somewhat uncertain whether they are intended to be the same character.
Utopia Limited also has a nod to , specifically the title character's song about his :
King Paramount: I am waiting until a punishment is discovered that will exactly meet the enormity of the case. I am in constant communication with the Mikado of Japan, who is a leading authority on such points.
Secondhand Serenade creator John Vesely references the chorus of his song "Your Call" in the first verse of the prior track, "Vulnerable" and even
it, saying "...Isn't that a song already? I get a B in originality."
make references to a girl called Dani in the songs "Californication", "By the Way", and "Dani California".
In 's music video for "Hey Daddy (Daddy's Home)" there are scenes with a group of female back-up dancers rehearsing. His following video "OMG" brings back the same dancers in full costume performing the rehearsed moves.
song "Last Cup Of Sorrow" features the lyric "Raise your glass and let's propose a toast to the thing that hurts you most," almost identical to a lyric in the song Bloody Mary from an early demo by FNM singer Mike Patton's first band, Mr. Bungle.
Yusuke Nakamura occasionally does this with 's album art.
The wire on the cover of Houkai Amplifier connects to the string on Kimi Tsunagi Five M.
The guy on the cover of "Solanin" is wearing a Fanclub T-shirt.
There's a doll dressed up as the girl on Sol-fa on the cover of "Maigo Inu To Ame no Beat".
There's a Houkai Amplifier CD on Magic Disk's album art. If you squint, you can tell that the boy on the cover has been replaced with Gotoh.
"The Joker", title track of the 1973 album by the : "Some people call me the Space Cowboynote&, yeah / Some call me the Gangster of Lovenote& / Some people call me Mauricenote&..."
"Space Cowboy" did this as well, with its opening line: "I told you 'bout Livin' In The US of Anote& / And you know that I'm a Gangster Of Love..."
In an interview, songwriter Dennis Linde said that the Earl whom the
kill off in "Goodbye Earl" is the same antagonist as in the much earlier "Queen of My Double Wide Trailer" by Sammy Kershaw. In the former song, Earl takes the narrator's woman off, and he takes her back.
's 1994 single "No Time to Kill" makes several callbacks to his 1989 single "Killin' Time".
did this with two songs in a row: "Put You in a Song" is a
about how he wants to write a song about his lover. "Without You" has the line "And up until you came along / No one ever heard my song / Now it's climbing with a bullet".
created a fictional character called "Floaty Boatwood" for the video to their tropical-themed "Toes". Floaty shows up again in the video for the similar "Knee Deep" (a
KMFDM's "Oh Shit", the last track on Don't Blow Your Top, reprises a lyric from the title track, as well as reprising the instrumental of "Oh Look".
In 2010, country singer Lee Brice had a hit with "Love Like Crazy". A year later, he co-wrote the Eli Young Band's "Crazy Girl", which has the line "I love you like crazy, girl."
In Fear and Faith's 2010 song "Bought The Ticket, Took The Ride" references their previous album Your World On Fire with the lyric "watch my world caught on fire!"
mentions the title tracks of their first two Australian albums, "T.N.T." and "High Voltage," in "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap."
's "What It Takes" references "F.I.N.E." (which is on the same album) and "Heart's Done Time."
Both "F.I.N.E." and "Intro" reference the outtake song "Right Key, Wrong Key Hole."
"Amazing" contains the line "That one last shot's a ."
The chorus of "Adam's Apple" includes the line "Lordy it was love at first bite." Twelve years later, "Dude (Looks Like a Lady" contained the line "She a long lost love at first bite."
's 01 album is largely made up of continuity nods.
Outside of the above album, the Forever character from Into the Electric Castle is revisited in a single song in Universal Migrator and is revealed at the end of The Human Equation.
's music video for "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" begins with shots of dusty and cobweb-laden church pews&#8212;clearly the same setting from their first big hit, "I Write Sins Not Tragedies."
made continuity nods to his entire oeuvre all the time. He even had a special name for it: "conceptual continuity".
Sting does this with his music, both in his solo works and as part of .
In the album Synchronicity, part of the lyrics from "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" appear in the song "O My God".
In the ending for "Love Is The Seventh Wave", Sting does a brief reprise of the lyrics from "Every Breath You Take" from .
In the ending for "We'll Be Together", Sting briefly reprises the lyrics of "If You Love Somebody, Set Them Free".
's dance unit's "Chocolate" contains some shout-outs to their previous songs - Jimin's rap is the first verse of her solo rap song "Puss", and lines and dance moves from the "Like A Cat" and "Confused" choruses also appear.
The video for Signs of Life track "," sees a prisoner declared "Illusionist," and "Dreamer," a reference to "," another track on the album.
The music video for
"" contains references to other songs on the album. Among them:
""-eaters ply their trade
The Ferris wheel is called The Great "" Wheel, and fragments of its lyrics serve as slogans on Zoltar the fortune-telling automaton's case.
The customer's fortune ticket bears a number "4" for ""
The Bearded Lady is being tattooed with the word "."
Famous Swedish band : The
for their last album, D& som nu f&r alltid, is basically consisting of this trope: It's full of references to old songs, albums and music videos by the band, in an amazing way.
In , every player starts with &#36;1,500.
translates this to each player having 1,500 points at the beginning of the game.
' "rollercoaster" game , a sequel to , includes the "Comet" in the game.
, the second sequel, also includes the "Comet" in the game. Furthermore, the backglass shows two riders wearing "Comet" and "Cyclone" T-shirts.
The backglass for
shows the Crypt Keeper reading an issue of the original ' Tales from the Crypt comic book.
&&&&Pro Wrestling&
had teamed together in 1987 as "Strike Force" and then they broke up violently, the feud lasting the rest of their careers, even when they weren't actively feuding.
fans had fun mocking
by reminding him of his former Johnny Polo and Scotty The Body . The change to Raven was explained by Scotty becoming depressed.
Throughout the , the WWF gave us a subtle Continuity Nod on a weekly basis, in the form of 's nickname, "The Ninth Wonder of the World". You may be saying, "Wait, aren't there only seven wonders?" Yes, but in the '70s and '80s, the WWF billed
as "The Eighth Wonder of the World", and thus Chyna was next in line after him.
was in line after her, as he was recently called "The Tenth Wonder of the World".
The WWF shows from October '99 to around August '00 paid a greater attention to continuity than usual thanks to the efforts of then head writer, the late Chris Kreski. Kreski made a habit of extensively storyboarding everything and keeping continuity charts. One specific continuity nod sticks out in a world where allegiances are constantly changing and old ones are often ignored. Shortly before Kreski took over, Summerslam '99 saw the climax of the feud between
over Test deserving the love of Shane's sister . Test won a "Love Her or Leave Her" match and the next night on Raw, Shane told him he was the better man and that they should be friends from then on. After Kreski took over, and even for a long time after Stephanie turned heel on her family and Test to marry , Test had Shane's back whenever he was needed.
tends to slip in references to his partners and rivals from his starting promotion, Gateway Championship Wrestling, wherever he goes, such as using 's "" to defeat the supposedly titanic sized Hydra in . It might have to do with GCW's Diabolic Khaos stable bleeding into IWA Mid-South but commentator Dave Prazak will call any move Delirious is known for by the appropriate
if he sees
perform it.
would sometimes wear a shirt reading "Where My Doggs At" in reference to her husband's
in Ohio Valley Wrestling with , The Dogg Pound. She wrestle with a red bandana on too because "Redd Dogg" Rodney Mack also would.
's match in OVW with Matt Cappotelli is became famous for unintended reasons
but before that happened,
made sure to mention Bob's cousin
would be taking on .
likes to pretend that the company started in 2006/7 but has several call backs to their Wrestling Superstars days when they weren't an all women's promotion, most obviously the recurring Queen And King Of The Ring tournament but there are quite a few less obvious reminders, such as commentator Monsta Mack, who used to wrestle for them before the transition.
wrestler during his runs there but the commentators weren't shy to reference Joe's time in , which had quite a few inter promotional events with NOAH while Joe was face of the company.
's tattoos and ring gear contain symbolism and
from her old Angel Williams/Canadian Angel
and when she goes back to those gimmicks, her gear tends to reference her TNA time as Love.
Inter promotional example, and a rare one considering it involved WWE but Primo Colon's instant hostility toward Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder upon the announcement that they were members of "La Familia"
and just confuse those who do, unless they also watched WWC, where "La Familia" was one of the promotion's most dominant power stables, whom Eddie(Primo) and
were opposed to.
, she started using the Barbie Crusher, best known as Roxxi's .
Subverted by WWE firing the continuity editor when he pointed out too many issues and never hiring a new one.
These days, WWE doesn't tend to make Continuity Nods referring to incidents from more than half a decade ago (see ). This tendency does not apply to appearances by or even casual mentions of Legends (WWE Superstars who are no longer with the company but are still widely remembered), who will often be referenced by younger commentators who weren't even born when they were in their heyday! One commentator casually mentioned Sky Low Low - a midget wrestler whom very few fans over the age of 40 are even aware existed!
WWE either intentionally does this (such as HHH never referring to his loss to
at WrestleMania 17 during promos for their fight at 27) or completely forgets about some stuff because they weren't important enough at the time.
reportedly had to remind the writers during his feud with
that he was jumped by Orton and his stable in Unforgiven 2008, making him lose without even entering his title match, and thus giving him a pretty valid reason to go after Orton for Wrestlemania 27.
In a world where most storylines disappear after , it took
years to get over 's betrayal, a moment which is generally agreed to be his , transforming him from the suave "Legend Killer" to the cold and sadistic "Viper." This is evident because it became the standing reason for Randy's hatred of
(and to a lesser extent, ), extending the grudge all the way to 2009, a full four years after the stable had long since dissolved. Evolution also left its mark on Randy in another ways, most notably in Randy's own
Legacy, an imitation of Evolution, except with Randy taking Triple H's place as The Centerpiece, in order to keep on a stranglehold on the WWE Championship, much like how Hunter did with Evolution and the World Heavyweight Championship. It's only in recent years that Randy has been able to get over it in order to ally himself with . This extends to Orton's relationship with other superstars. Besides the aforementioned
example, many of his former rivals make it no secret that they still hate him regardless of current alignments. This was most noticeable with , whose feud with Randy was the most personal in recent years, arguably even more personal than 's and
circa '02-'04. Regardless of their alignments, anything that puts them in even the slightest bit of conflict pushes them to the verge of feuding again.
season 2, Kaval made mention of his encounters with
in Impact Championship Wrestling back when he was known as . Also, during one of the "challenges" which usually showed "talents" beyond those that related to pro wrestling, Kaval cut a rap which ended with the worlds "", where he had also wrestled before.
gives us one in the form of a delightful speech about his past while in an anger management class on the 8/27/12 edition of Raw. .
"I grew up locked in a basement, suffering severe psychological and emotional scarring when
set my parents on fire. From there, I shifted around among a series of mental institutions until I was grown, at which point I buried my brother alive ... twice. Since then, I've set a couple of people on fire and abducted various co-workers. Oh, and I, uh, . Years ago,
but . My real father is a guy named , who I recently trapped in a meat locker. I've been married, divorced, broke up my ex-wife's wedding and tombstoned the priest. And, for reasons never quite explained, I have an unhealthy obsession with torturing Pete Rose."
In Ring Of Honor, "Touched" by VAST was among the entrance themes
used until he was pulled out of the promotion by TNA. When Style's TNA contract was up and he could return to ROH without their restriction, "Demi Gods" by LabRats became his theme, which wasn't just a remix of "Touched" but also a song about the forming of a team, which of course is a nod to the fact he joined
in the interim. Also, Styles took up the Bloody Sunday maneuver of former club leader, "Prince" , who was forced out of the group and
but amicably as possible.
's "investor in TNA" gimmick is a nod to his "highest paid free agent in all of "" gimmick on Smackdown. His director of wrestling operations role is a nod to TNA becoming an affiliate of the World Wrestling League, where former TNA agent/booker/whatever Savio Vega really was directing such operations.
During 's first TNA Heavyweight Title run,
asking if his real passion was pro wrestling or MMA might have seemed like a cheap plug for Lashely also fighting in Bellator at the time, unless one remembered Lashley's previous TNA run ended with his wife trying to get him to quit TNA because she was being harassed by
and said no one ever bothered her during his MMA matches.
's "Stardust" gimmick wasn't just putting himself more in line with
but a nod to one of 's .
In 1992 (taped 1991),
betrayed Marty Jannetty by kicking him in the jaw and smashing him through a glass object. In 2008,
betrayed Shawn Michaels by beating the hell out of him and smashing him through a glass object. In 2017,
betrayed Chris Jericho by savagely beating him down and smashing him through a glass object. If Kevin's still wrestling in five years or so?
&&&&Tabletop Games&
and , references are usually sprinkled around for fans to find referring to all manner of things from the previous editions that may have been forgotten about, passed over or . For example, in the Grey Seer novel for , Grey Seer Thanquol makes a passing mention to the "blasphemous Kweekul", referring to the 2nd edition "Realms of Chaos" sourcebooks, during the time of which Skaven were actually part of the Chaos forces, and specifically referring to a Skaven Daemon Prince used to highlight the "design a Chaos God" rules. Similarly, the 7th edition Warriors of Chaos sourcebook mentions Lothar Bubonicus and Werner Thunderfist, two Chaos Champions (Nurgle and Tzeentch respectively) who each ascended to Daemonhood. Both of them were warbands played by the writers of , and their progress was shown in issue #124.
A rules related version crops up in the 8th edition High Elves book. In earlier editions (5th and before) the High Elves general could be decided by a random dice roll, due to politics deciding who was in charge (the rule was called Intrigue at Court). In later books, this rules was removed by the fluff still makes mention to generals being decided by politics, and states that this is usually overriden by the Phoenix King.
Planet Hoppers: Beheboth: Blood and Water, an article/story written for 's , revisits characters from , including one Sergeant Malka. In an obvious nod to a , Darial mistakenly refers to him as "Malak" at one point.
Sphere of Chaos's name and effect is a reference to a trio of monsters often called "The Chaos Trio", consisting of "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning", "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End", and "Chaos Sorcerer", who needed a LIGHT and DARK Monster to summon.
The Sage of Necloth is clearly an aged Gishki Avance, with the same stats.
The Necloth of Trishula has the same effect and stats as the original Trishula.
Elder of the Spirit Beast Tamers is an older Kamui, Hope of Gusto.
The Spirit Beast Tamers are Psychic-type, just like all of the human Gusto monsters.
Just like the Dragunity and Gusto before them, their extra deck monsters consist of a rider and their steed.
In , the Man in Chair mentions that actress Ukulele Lil probably played the ukulele, "although she doesn't in this show." And then she does at the very end, which is technically outside the .
&&&&Theme Parks&
During the line to get in The Simpsons Ride at , various clips from
are shown on TVs. One of them is a clip of Doc Brown from
selling the rights to
to Professor Frink.
&&&&Visual Novels&
makes numerous passing references to
including mentioning the city of Inganock itself and a Runner known as David, who was a minor character there.
remarks offhandedly about how Tohsaka will feel much better after being buried underground for a bit amidst a conversation that skims along the topic of
Shirou isn't sure whether to take the comment literally or seriously. This little conversation gave rise to some
suggesting that Tohsaka is the descent of a vampire.
has multiple references to the original game and several of the heroines, mostly in Misaki and Saya's routes. Both of them are sisters of heroines from the original.
sequel Holiday Star, the human girl is friends with The Conductor, implicitly from all the bad ends in the previous game. She
they've known each other
has a number of these. One occurs in The Monstrous Turnabout in , which features a photo capturing a supposed flying killer. This is the fourth time the series has used the "supposed flying murderer" plot point. When Apollo points out the possibility of a flying murderer in court, the Judge's reaction is a sarcastic "I can't wait to hear this".
&&&&Web Animation&
has absolutely massive amounts of these. The most minor characters will pop up in various places, turns of phrase and vocabulary items will be thrown around in completely different contexts, objects from previous cartoons will make appearances elsewhere for little reason. At its greatest, a one-off joke will come back so much that it becomes a much larger part of the website, such as the band Limozeen. All you need to do is go to , find a cartoon's page and look at inside references, where each Continuity Nod, , and
will be documented in precise detail.
When Grif somehow revived Sarge from a gunshot wound he was chastised for how random that treatment was and Sarge ask if he would have treated a shot in the foot by rubbing aloe vera on his neck. When Grif talks to Doc a while later, a (not very good) medic, Doc tells Grif that he made the right decision and states that he just treated Caboose's gunshot wound in the foot by rubbing aloe vera on his neck (then his toe fell off).
A more recent one was in Recreation: Grif gets in the cockpit for a large vehicle and ask 'Why are there only four pedals if there's six directions?', the exact opposite of what Caboose asked when he first piloted his team's tank in season 1. There's been several per episode recently, though many are of the "blink and you'll miss it" variety.
3, having been through everything else the cartoon is going to throw at him, at least he finds that kidney they stole back in the first one.
is filled with nods toward the original graphic novel, from Rorsachs' "love of animals" to the scene where the comedian falls out of a window.
: In "Satisfaction Guaranteed", Player has something of an obsession with a snowman's hat. In the second season, the same hat can be seen in the intro sequence.
quest "The Risen", there's a nod toward the
side quest where you go to an old temple to look for fossils.
In 's Fractions episode, many of the robots from other videos on the site, such as Little Jimmy and the Cycloids from the Capitalization video and the Hillbot from the Country Music video, show up at Moby's birthday party.
: "Shameless Self Reference" is packed with references to prior episodes, complete with hyperlinks to the relevant episode.
from the season one finale references the first two episodes, with Night Moon Mare showing up from nowhere to deliver her , "Saaaaaaaaaaaaand!"
Breeze Rider references the opening of
when the group approaches the castle.
The main character of , after having taken a photo of himself with a drunk, passed out naked man, keeps the photo on the wall of his room in future episodes.
&&&&Web Comics&
In chapter 13, Kat disagrees with Alistair about which is Prodigy's best album, then Alistair gives all his possessions to Kat before he leaves. In chapter 14, Kat is seen wearing one of Ali's T-shirts. Then in chapter 15, she wears a shirt with the XL Recordings (Prodigy's record label) logo.
In chapter 20, Annie accidentally . Whenever the moon is shown in the background in later chapters, this print is still visible.
When they did a
parody for , Leo draws his Rat-Flail (an item he tried to make in a poor attempt at a D&D game by tying a rat to a stick), then turns it into an gigantic living Rat-Morningstar.
has its share of these as well. Some even link to
comments &#8212; one memorable one being the Doc's List of Things To Do Before He Died. Another being the peg-faced pirates, and Dan McNinja's 'poison eyes'another is a pact the doc has with the police in his town, mentioned here
and referenced here
has plenty of these, acting as both tiny details and important plot pieces throughout the course of the comic. The most significant of which being an elder dragon who happens to be the mother of a young adult dragon the main characters killed over 400 strips earlier.
In the cast page, Haley is now holding an IOU note after she
And then there's the boots that Haley wanted dyed when she bought her new armor.
she found and mentioned to V way back when as what seemed like a one-off gag?
In , Buggy Lou mentions that Belkar "was pals with one of [his] suppliers" during Lou's "stint . . . buying slaves over on the Northern Continent." This is a reference to .
Belkar: The chick, we can sell into slavery. I know a guy who knows a guy.
about a reference from :
Vaarsuvius: You are a bottomless pit of self-reference, are you not?
Hobgoblin Mother: You clean that spill up this instant, Hobgoblin Cleric #2! I need to go change your brother, Hobgoblin Warrior from
webcomic frequently makes use of this, frequently bringing up often inconsequential side points from older comics and twisting their meaning and often connecting them to all kinds of other events. Recently it has been
that this is all the machination of the
is a member.
of . Now, go back and read .
Also in , the
a while later.
"Man, I forgot that was there."
nod from :
referencing . There's also an
Appears a few times in . First is the reference to "I lava you," first seen on a note read by Davan and Nancy, and later repeated in a joke between Lisa and Gaspar.
There's also the time when Aubrey and Kestrel entered a supply closet in the Nerdrotica building, where Aubrey stored some props from her less successful escapades. She is shown picking up a Cthulu mask, a reference to an earlier plot where she attempted to film a show called "My Neighbor Cthulu."
in a Christmas-themed arc in , has
starting to go around stealing things set to a
from . Now,
Matthew acknowledges that
is notably darker than standard Brawl in the Family fare, but check out the Alt Text and it'll point you to . Then all kinds of
Unwinder's Tall Comics has a lot of these, sometimes resulting in . For example,
references at least 5 different earlier strips.
mentions the
a few hundred pages
Many in , with references to the Lint Mines of Dustworld, Bob's bottomless sock drawer, Molly wanting a pony for her birthday, the Grammar Squirrel, Molly's ridiculous fanfic crossovers ( meet , or
has a continuity nod from perhaps as early as strip , as Jeph spontaneously decided to draw Faye, Penelope and Hannelore with their old hairstyles. The nod may be to an even earlier hairstyle, if you count when Faye wore her hair with clips in colours other than red.
has Marigold ask if Hannelore's dad's spaceship has lasers, and Hanners tells her that the government took the lasers out. Marten replies "You too, hun?" referring to a sequence beginning with , in which the government tried to impound Pintsize's chassis because it had a laser weapon, which was then removed.
And , in which Momo wishes she could eat cupcakes, reminds Marten that that's .
Made QUITE a few times in Triquetra Cats, which officially takes place in a probable alternate future of The Wotch, a short list includes the were creature jewel Wolfie and Katie use, (officially named in this timeline as the Samantha Stone, a reference to Samantha 'Wolfie' Wolfe) a descendant of Cassie Sinclaire named Circe, flashback panels showing Anne fighting Xaos, plus the plant that Cassie gives the love potion to is seen in a guest strip done by the Triquetra Cats team, this was later given a return nod in the Wotch where Glock mentions that "we need a full time force of people with expertise in mystical and scientific know how, and field agents prepped to deal with uncanny dangers, and entire SERVICE prepped to confront issues the public doesn't even believe in" in Triquetra Cats SERVICE is the name of the MIB type organization the main characters work for.
Grace's comment on
is a reference to Susan's opinion of it .
There's a much darker one , about why Grace thinks it's okay to lie to people . Unlike many references since the comic got commentary, there were simply too many comics to reference there for the artist to remember them all.
set up one of these in reverse.
assassinates a mage who was throwing around some powerful destructive magics. In a later issue, the Wayward Cross gets hired in place of the the mage to take out a group of goblins that have taken over a fort. At the end of that, one of the things they came to get from the fort is taken by the people who hired the Wayward Cross, so there may be further implications.
is absolutely filled to the brim with in-jokes and references to past events. Often they become plot-relevant, but a lot are also just there for seasoned fans to pick out and to create a more cohesive work as a whole. (Andrew Hussie once claimed that there are very few pages that don't reference at least one other.) Strangely, there is actually an overriding plot reason for all of these, even the joke ones: circumstantial simultineity, in which similar events happen at the same paradox space time, is a real law of the Homestuck universe.
To cite one of many, many examples, in Act 5 Act 1 Vriska complains to Aradia that she may as well rip her heart out of her chest with her super strong robot arm and pound away with it, because apparently it's up to her to feel emotions for the both of them. Later on, Aradia, in a robot body, does indeed rip her heart out and pound it against something. Much later in Act 6, the Autoresponder tells Jake that the brobot might as well rip its heart out of its chest with its super strong robot arm and pound away with it, because apparently it's up to the artificial intelligence to feel emotions
later, it does indeed do this. There is absolutely no real meaning to these nods, but they're sure as hell fun to find.
The Multiverse aspect, especially for changed or alternate versions of the established DBZ cast, allows for callbacks or pokes to aspects of the series.
The movies have been rewritten to fit within DBZ history. More irritatingly, aspects like Bardock's visions and the Tuffles were rewritten or removed from some universes.
&&&&Web Original&
In an episode of
it featured
trading barbs about each other's movies. At the end, Batman proclaimed that Iron Man has herpes. After a year, Jonah Hex and Iron Man were trading barbs about each other's movies.
Jonah: * cough* Herpes * cough*
Iron Man: What?!
videos is called 20 Ways to Lose Your Man Card, which lists 20 ways to lose one's man card, a symbolic representation of one's manliness. In a later video, Mail with Matt #3, Matt gets sent a physical man card from a fan in the mail. Matt is quick to explain the continuity nod to the audience.
In the second video, there is a line that clearly sets up a rhyme in "green", but Tony uses "brown" instead. Why? Because, of course, green is not a creative colour.
Yellow Guy's clown painting (Still ruined by black paint) appears in the sequel to the original video, and yet again in the fourth video.
The craft that Yellow Guy made in the first video appears in the third.
In episode 2, the students meet a talking clock named Tony who teaches them about time... and . In episode 4, when Colin the Computer brags about being able to tell time, Duck Guy looks at the camera with concern as he says "Time?!" In episode 6, Yellow Guy is horrified when Tony briefly appears again, telling him "You made me die!"
&&&&Real Life&
History Class.
In international diplomacy, it's customary for world leaders, when visiting another country, to make references to long-forgotten ties between their nation and the host country. For instance, when visiting Morocco, US Presidents will usually make reference to the fact that in 1777, Morocco was the first nation to recognize America's independence from Britain.
In 1890, the Turkish frigate Ertu&#287;rul sank off the coast of Wakayama, Japan, after having an audience with Emperor Meiji. The surviving sailors were taken back to Istanbul by two Japanese frigates. In 1985, Turkey sent frigates to rescue 215 Japanese nationals who were living in Tehran at the time and endangered by the effects of the Iran-Iraq war. A statement released by the Turkish government mentioned it as returning the favor from 1890.
In 1986, the Greater London Council, led by Ken Livingstone, was disbanded by the Thatcher government and power was devolved to the local boroughs. In 2000, the Greater London Authority was formed, and the first elected Mayor of London was the same Ken Livingstone. He started his victory speech by saying, "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted fourteen years ago..."
On the final ball of a 2005 Twenty20
international between Australia and New Zealand, Australian bowler Glenn McGrath pretended to deliver an underarm ball to NZ's Kyle Mills. Umpire Billy Bowden (from NZ) responded by showing McGrath a mock red card. The incident was a
to the notorious , in which Aussie captain Greg Chappell called for his brother Trevor to roll the ball along the ground to prevent NZ from hitting a six that would have won the match. McGrath's practical joke was much more favourably received by the crowd, since Australia had an unbeatable 44-run lead.


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