
> 【答案带解析】下面是有关中学生睡眠情况的调查,请据表格提示写一篇100词左右的英语短文。 项 ...
策 1.减少作业量;2.睡前远离数码产品;3......注意: 1、可以适当增加细节,使短文连贯、完整;2、文章开头已经给出,但不计入总字数;3、参考词汇:调查survey;数码产品digital devices。According to a survey, we know most middle school students sleep less than 7 hours each night, much less than required. 
According to a survey, we know most middle school students sleep less than 7 hours each night, much less than required.
First of all, the students have too much homework. Second, schools and parent...
& & & 提纲作文是一项能够充分考查学生语言综合运用能力的题型。中考中的书面表达题,主要有“补全对话”、“连词成句”、“看图写话”、和“根据提示的内容,完成某项写作”等形式,主要考查学生运用已学的语言基础知识和已掌握的英语写作技能准确表达客观事实,阐述个人观点,进行思想交流的书面表达能力。一般要求词数在60-80之间。体裁以叙述、描述人物或事的记叙文为主;有时会用应用文体的形式表达记叙的内容(包括日记、书信、便条,通知书等);有时也会出现类似议论文的形式,例如提建议等。
& & & &为了提高书面表达水平,平时应加强阅读,应背诵一些句型、段落、甚至短文。只要读得多,背得多,就能出口成章,下笔成文。此外,还要了解英文写作方面的基础知识,掌握常用文体的写作方法。其实,用英文写信,记日记等都是学生力所能及且行之有效的练习写作的好方法。
缺词填空,根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)Think of life as a game in which you are playing with five balls in the air. You n___1.__ them work, family, heath, friends and spirit and you keep all of them in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber (橡胶) ball. If you drop it, it will bounce (弹跳) back.But the o___2.___ four balls, family, health, friends and spirit are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be b__3.____. They will never be the same. You must understand that and try to have balance in your life. How?Don't look down on your worth (价值) by comparing yourself with others. It is b__4.____ we are different and each of us is special.Don't let other people set goals for you. Only you know what is best for y____5.____.Don't give up when you still have something to give. N____6.____ is really over until the moment you stop trying.Don’t be afraid of difficulties. Be brave!Don't run through life s___7.___ fast that you forget not only where you've been, but also where you are going.Don't be afraid to learn. Knowledge is a treasure you can always carry easily.Don’t use time or words carelessly. You can't get them back. Yesterday is h____8.____, tomorrow is a mystery (秘密) , and today is a g_____9.____; that's why we call it "the present". Life is not a competition b___10.____ a trip, step by step. 
任务型阅读,阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)We all dream about things that we would like to do we hope to achieve in the future. But are everybody’s dreams the same? Here are some of the findings of a survey about hopes and dreams, in which thousands of students across China took part in it.What are the hopes of teenagers? We received several different answers to the question: what would you like to do after finishing your education? It seems some students would like to start work as soon as they can, so that they can help offer better lives to their parents. Other students hope to continue studying after they finish school and to go to university. Although money is important, many teenagers said they want to do jobs they enjoy. According to the survey, the most popular choice of job is computer programming.What are the dreams of teenagers? Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. Some are more realistic than others. For example, many students said they would like to be volunteers if Beijing could hold the World Cup, maybe working as translators or tour guides. And quite a few said they dream of going to the moon one day.According to the survey, less realistic dreams are also common, but many students reported that they were willing to work hard to achieve their dreams. Quite a few dream of becoming famous, perhaps famous sports people or singers. Some said they’d like to have exciting
one student said she’d love to sail across the Pacific Ocean. And then there are dreams that are
three students said they’d like to be able to fly!Conclusion It was clear from the survey that teenagers have similar hopes. It seems that most students hope to have a good education and find a good job. On the other hand, students dream of very different things: good things, and even crazy things. It is very important to dream, so hold on your
one day they may just come true.A survey about some Chinese ____1.____ hopes and dreamsHopes of teenagers Some students hope to start working as soon as __2.____ to offer their ____3.____ better lives.Others hope to continue studying after __4.__ school and to go to universityComputer _____5._____ is the most popular choice of job.  Dreams of teenagersSome students have more realistic dreams like ____6.____ as volunteers at the 2008 Olympics, etc. Quite a few wished to go to the moon in the ____7.______Others have less realistic dreams such as becoming famous sportspeople or singer, ____8._____ on exciting trips and sailing across the Pacific Ocean.Some students have ____9.____dreams such as being able to fly.Conclusion: The survey shows that teenagers have similar hopes and different dreams. If they hold on, the dreams may be __10._ one day. 
词汇运用。根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)1.Many people _______(更喜欢) driving to walking in the past, but now they have changed because of the bad traffic.2.My grandma is in her
(九十多岁),but she can still take care of herself.3.There is something wrong with my computer. I’ll have it______. (修理)
.4.He is quite sure to win the _____ (国家的)championship.5.Never do anything_______(违反)the law, or you will be punished.6.After _____
___ (graduate) from university, he chose to be a doctor7.Although the ___
__ (pronounce) of Chinese is difficult for foreigners, they still keep on learning it.8.May I introduce Peter, an old friend of ____________(we) to you?9.I ________(simple) can’t understand why you are so crazy about playing computer games.10.He reminded me to think_________(two) before making a decision . 
Do you know that a fast reader can get the ideas better than a slow reader can? Of course, you save time by reading fast, but this is not the main reason for fast reading. The main reason is that you understand better what you are reading when you read fast.As your eyes move along the line of point, they make fixations (固定) or pauses (暂停). It is important that you see several words at a fixation. It is also important that your eyes leave a group. The numbers of letters or words that you see at a fixation are called your eye span (视跨). Pay more attention to improving your rate of reading. With practice you can learn to read faster than you usually read.The way in which you read always depends on (取决于) what you are reading and for what purpose. You should know the different ways of reading so that you can apply whatever method is necessary. Here are four ways of reading:(1) Skimming is an important kind of reading. This method can be used when you wish to review something that you have forgotten. You can skim to get the main points.(2) Rapid (快速) first reading and then rereading certain parts carefully is important. You may use this type of reading to study a science lesson or a history lesson.(3) You need to do careful reading and rereading sometimes. This type of reading is necessary for making an intensive (细致的) study of your school subjects, solving maths problems or reading directions.(4) Rapid reading is used when reading stories for enjoyment. You may also do rapid reading when reviewing materials that you already know well.1.The main reason for reading fast is that you can ________.A. get the ideas
B. save timeC. understand better
D. learn well2.The way of reading always depends on ________.A. the method that you like B. your reading materialC. your reading purpose
D. both B and C3.The word “skimming ” means “________”.A. reading the main pointsB. reading carefullyC. reading very fastD. reading some parts of the material4.Careful reading is an important kind of reading ________.A. when you review a lesson that you already know wellB. when you read the directionsC. when you read a story of enjoymentD. when you study a history lesson 
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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间:
With the development of the modern society .more and more people have difficulty in sleeping.someone may take some sleeping pills.But almost it doesn't work.
A famous doctor ever said that sleeping problem would be an important thing.As the doctor said.If you can't sleep well,you'll not concentrate on everything.Also you will lost the intrest in everything.It is sleeping pills that could help you with sleeping.But it could cause many other changes in your body.
on average.60 per cent people has the problem.To solve the problem in a healthy way is usefull such as take exercise、have good deals and so on.If you follow this advice,you will have a good body.Believe yourself you can do it.
到底什么才是幸福,财富等同于幸福吗?个人觉得真的越长大越悲哀,努力获得财富变得有钱,在物质的世界里却突然觉得幸福的得到越来越少。金钱是万能的吗?何谓幸福,值得我们深思? Everybody want...
水资源短缺英语作文提纲 1. 水的重要性。 2. 造成水资源短缺的原因。 3. 怎样缓解缺水问题及保护水资源。 People can't imagine life without water. Without it, the earth we live on would b...
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Side Effects of a Lack of SleepDo you suffer from sleep deprivation?Most teenagers need 8-12 hours of sleep.Lack of sleep can cause delayed reactions or even learning disorders.Prolonged loss of sleep occurs for physical and mental reasons and has harmful physical and mental effects to the human body.Prolonged sleep is caused by many different functions of the body.An important cause of prolonged sleep is a teenagers biological phase-delay or a tendency to fall asleep and wake up at different times.Changes that occur at puberty in the internal body clock governing their circadian biological rhythms can cause them to sleep irregularly(Johnson,3).Another good reasons why teenagers do not get enough sleep is because they simply do not make time for it.Some schoolwork,sports,jobs,girlfriends or boyfriends may take up most of a teenagers time or cause them to have stressful sleep(Johnson 3).Sleep deprivation can cause slow reactions of time.It may also cause headaches and nightmares more frequently.The mind will fall asleep if it cannot get enough sleep causing it to not function properly.Some side symptoms of chronic lack of sleep are feeling fatigue or depression as body becomes drained (Haynes).A major problem caused by sleep deprivation is behavioral changes such as:irritability,short temper,impatience,and stressful situations with more anger or sadness,also can cause more fear than they would normally have.If you continue to have prolonged lack of sleep your immune systems will begin to break down and become unstable to fight diseases (Haynes).To show how this is caused the researcher has done a study on how much sleep he/she got and how they felt that day.Sleep deprivation has many harmful effects and there are some reasons you cannot stop prolonged lack of sleep.Sleep is essential to the studying and learning if you do not get enough sleep the mind can shut down from not having enough rest and can harm the human body.这是另外一篇Lack Of SleepIt has always recommended that getting at least eight hours a sleep a night will make your life less complicated.Sleep deprivation is generally the cause of sleep disorders such as apnea,narcolepsy,and insomnia.Everyone knows without the proper amount of sleep,the mind will be groggy the next day,and as a result,many more mistakes will be made,meaning that you should get a full night's rest before taking a test or a little nap before a long drive in a car.But scientists are beginning to realize that sleep is not just a mental recharge,but also important for the body as well.When a person sleeps,the body and mind are working just as hard as when the person is awake,correcting chemical imbalances,assuring proper blood sugar levels for the next day,and maintaining the memory.The effect of lack of sleep on the body is often worse than just not feeling like you got any sleep the next day.There can be serious health issues that result from not getting proper rest.The most obvious side effect of a lack of sleep is not having energy the next day.However it is more than feeling less than our best,the body actually performs less efficiently when we are tired or not rested.Performance,productivity,memory,and a whole lot of other things are all reduced when our body is running on less sleep than we need.Physiologic studies suggest that a sleep deficit may put the body into a state of high alert,increasing the production of stress hormones and driving up blood pressure,a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes.Other studies have found that sleep influences the functioning of the lining inside blood vessels,which could explain why people are most prone to heart attacks and strokes during early morning hours.The body also needs rest to repair tissue,cope with stress,and recharge the immune system.A lack of sleep hampers these functions in the body.The ability to handle stress and fight off illness lessens when we fail to get enough...
扫描下载二维码篇一:关于医生 掌握医药卫生知识,从事疾病预防和治疗的专业人员的统称。医生,古代称大夫或郎中。现在“大夫”一词在北方人中也常用。在欧美医生普遍被称为“Physician”,只有外科医生被称呼为“Surgeon”。自中世纪后人们普遍认为“内科学”=“医学”=“内科医生”=“医生Physician”。而外科医生的工作是美容和理发,只作为医疗补助工作存在,可是随着时代前进外科医生和药剂师都逐渐开始独自进行治疗,他们也变得被看作医生。外科医生的法语称呼为:Decin(Medusan),德语是:Arzt(arutsuto)。但在英联邦英国外科医生,今天还以“密司脱”称呼。 篇二:关于医生 中国自古不同于西方,宋代以前,对医生的称呼较为复杂,一般根据其专科进行称呼,如食医、疾医、金疮医等。宋代始北方人对医生的尊称为大夫。大夫本是官名。三代时,天子及诸侯皆设之。分为上大夫、中大夫、下大夫3级。秦汉以来,有御史大夫、谏大夫、太中大夫、光禄大夫等名。清代文官阶自正一品至五品,亦称大夫。旧时,太医院专称大夫。加之唐末五代以后官衔泛滥,以官名称呼逐渐形成社会风气,所以,北方人尊称医生为“大夫”。为了区别于官名,将称医生为“大夫”的“大”读成dài,而不读dà。南方人对医生的尊称为郎中。郎中本是官名,即帝王侍从官的通称。其职责原为护卫、陪从,随时建议,备顾问及差遣。战国始有,秦汉治置。后世遂以侍郎、郎中、员外郎为各部要职。郎中作为医生的称呼始自宋代。尊称医生为郎中是南方方言,由唐末五代后官衔泛滥所致。坐堂医是在中药店中为患者诊脉看病的中医大夫。坐堂医源于汉。相传汉代名医张仲景曾作过长沙太守,每月的初一和十五他坐堂行医,并分文不取。为了纪念张仲景崇高的医德和高超的医术,后来许多中药店都冠以某某堂,并把坐在药铺里诊病的医师称为“坐堂医”。 医生(5张)直至近代,医生才成为为业医生者之通称。日本在明治以后称呼为:医师先生、医生、老师 篇三:关于医生 因为古代认为得病是由于恶魔和神等的诅咒,所以医生职业在世界各地同宗教有很大关系。在西方的“医”是象征希腊神话里Asklepios(Asklepios手拿拐杖的形象是WHO世界卫生组织标志)。希腊古代时候以不同阶级诊断治疗,奴隶医生为奴隶工作(奴隶与后世黑人奴隶概念不同),自由市民找自由市民的医生看病)。医生的地位不高贵(这个是由于罗马统治阶级少于奴隶阶级,还有就是大部分医生是由于战争被俘虏)。医生的社会地位的提高是在中世纪的欧洲。因为是关乎人命的重要职业,作为专门技术职务给予特别的地位。但当时中国由于儒家思想的影响,医生的社会地位同陶土木匠等相当,认为是下贱的工作。朝鲜医生社会地位往往低于高级妓女的地位。印度的医生作为统治阶级存在,只看护高贵血统的人。在日本医生称为药师并和宗教联系密切,在江户时代社会地位在士农工商工上,依附于武士阶级存在。日本明治维新后医生的制度变更完善,中医同西医合并存在。中国;韩国和朝鲜的中医与西医,依然各自独立存在,但中医逐渐减少有失传迹象。 篇四:关于医生 美国,美国全州没有通用执照,全部医疗执照制度各州独自制订。医生执照是终身资格,不过,在有新医疗技术时候需要更新考核。 英国,英国医生需要各诊疗科专业医生资格。又区分有「家庭医生(普通医疗)」和「医院医生(专业医疗)」资格,二者作为各自独立。英国的医生执照在新西兰等的英联邦加盟国和殖民地可使用。英国医疗执照又有全球执照之称,在各个发达国家都普遍承认(中国并在不承认名单中)这是由于英联邦等都属于岛屿,医疗教育程度普遍高于各国。新加坡和文莱等国医生多在英国学习。香港在回归后医疗执照制度依照中国大陆制度原执照归还英国,但依然可以在英联邦加使用(只限英发执照)。 德国,德国医生有国家考试4等级制度存在。 以医学系在校第2年Physikum(教育考试)被称呼为(教育科目)的自然科学系国家资格的统一考试。 合格后在1年后的DasersteStaatsexamen(第一次国家考试)(基础医学)和被招呼的考试。 合格后对约2年后DaszweiteStaatsexamen(第二次国家考试)(临床医学)和被招呼的考试。合格后有1年的医院临床义务。1年学习后是最后DasdritteStaatsexamen(第三次国家考试)的考试,合格后颁发实习医生(AIP:ArztimPraktikum)执照。 篇五:关于医生 急诊医生现在特指的是急诊专科医生,我国急诊医师专业学会由世界急诊医学会和中华急诊医学会管理,一般在急诊医学科(室)或急诊医学中心以及急诊病房包括重症监护病房(ICU)从事急诊、急救和危重病监护治疗工作。急诊医学是伴随现代社会工业化和城市化发展起来的新兴学科,急诊医生被誉为人类生命健康的守护神。浓缩了大量的医学现代高科技技术,已被越来越多的医学界同行和专家们承认是一门新的独立专门学科。它的重要性也受到社会上更为广泛和充分的理解。它之所以成为专科是医学发展和社会需要这两个重要因素促成的。 现在不少大、中城市的综合医院和某些专科医院都设置了急诊科或急诊室,并配备医师、护士等医务人员。急诊医学科(室)或急诊医学中心是医院中重症病人最集中、病种最多、抢救和管理任务最重的科室,是所有急诊病人入院治疗的必经之路文章出自,转载请保留此链接!。90年代的急诊科突出了科室的特色和融入了重症监护的优势,因而在现代急救医疗体系中占有重要地位。21世纪现代急诊医学科已发展为集急诊、急救与重症监护三位一体的大型的急救医疗技术中心和急诊医学科学研究中心,可以对急、危、重病人实行一站式无中转急救医疗服务,因此急诊医学被喻为现代医学的标志,急诊医生被誉为人类生命健康的守护神。据1986年《中国卫生年鉴》(英文版)中报道,全国已有11497家县级以上的医院设置了配备合格医护人员的急诊科或急诊室。器械设备得到更新,向专业化、系列化和标准化的方向发展。不过目前不少医院成立急诊科只是重点解决行政管理问题。但发展急诊医学重要的是专业人员的培训,建立完善的急诊医疗体系和提高急诊医学水平,如何去实现,需要从事这个专业的人员去构思、实践和总结。目前并无现成的模式,要靠自己去探索、设计和建设。国际上的先进经验可以借鉴和参考,主要需结合我国的实际情况,创建适合我国社会的急诊专业。 篇六:关于医生 1、综合性的知识:全科医生掌握全面的基础和临床医学的基本知识,除此外还了解社会学、心理学、政治、法律、社会经济学甚至宗教知识,以便解决各种问题及各种个体的身心疾患和群体的健康卫生问题。 2、高尚的素质:全科医生肩负生命周期健康照顾的重担,对每一位人都有高度的责任感和同情心,对每一问题需始终站在公正的立场上,常常会遇到一些棘手的问题,必须具备有冷静的头脑、良好的思想境界,甚至具有政治家的智慧,洞察眼前所经历的一切事物,调节人们的情绪,使人们相对的思想平静、生活安逸、工作舒畅、精神愉快。因此,他们除具有好的医学才能外,还必需有高尚的人品、良好的修养,全科医生一生需不断进取。 3、丰富的生活经验:全科医生面临的是疾病和生活交织的问题,是医学知识与社会常识、人文科学边缘的接合,他们生活在社区,距居民最近,不是在高墙内的医院,而是不时的介入个人和家庭之中,最能了解人们的生活情境,了解各人的心愿和家庭状况,从实践中获得和总结丰富的生活经验。正是由于这些,丰富了他们的头脑,使其对问题有深刻的认识,并具有较强的解决问题的能力。 4、卓越的管理才能:全科医生以病人为中心,维护患者的利益,站在较高的层次观察和管理社区内个人和家庭的问题,并且对整个社区卫生状态进行监测,随时提出干预措施,与有关部门(政府、企业、慈善等部门)进行协商共管。对自己的工作岗位诊听,更是要进行细致的业务、人事、经济管理,因此在其工作中施展了卓越的管理才能,也只有具有这种才能,方能当好一个全科医生。由于全科医生对医疗和医疗费用的卓越管理,而获得了医疗保健“守门人”的专业称号。 5、执着的科学精神:随着日新月异的知识更新,人民医疗保健需求的不断提高,全科医生为满足社区和个人的需要,必须对各门学科不断的学习和究研,只有具有谦虚的作风和严谨的科学态度,对不断进展和变化的科学和社会知识孜孜不倦的学习,才能处理好社区和人群的健康问题,也才能成为一个合格的全科医生。 篇七:关于医生 全科医生是经过全科医学专业培训,临床技能全面、医德高尚的高素质基层医疗保健人才,富有独立工作能力,对个人、家庭及社区提供便捷、廉价的防、治、保、康全方位的优质服务。开展全科医疗服务,如果没有具有活力的全科医生做坚实的基础,工作将缺乏生气和动力,那种以单纯的专科医疗的服务体系,势必造成医疗秩序的混乱,也没有任何国家的经济能够负担得起。英国皇家全科医学院对全科医生的定义是:在家庭、诊所或医院里向个人和家庭提供人性化、初级、连续性医疗服务的医生。全科医生由于长期在基层工作,积累了丰富的实践经验,了解人们的心态、人际交往、疾病的来龙去脉,是初级医疗保健的专家。全科医生面对的不仅仅是有疾患的人,并且包括广大的健康人群,他们可利用社区的一切资源,如政府、民政、慈善以及企业团体、居委会等,解决患者的具体困难。根据疾病的需要可将其妥善的转入专科或大医院诊治,全面协调医-患之间的关系,为患者负起全程的责任。 篇八:关于医生 像医学领域中所有专业学科一样,临床的经验和教训需要专业人员来分析和总结。这是发展和提高每一学科的必要条件之一。急诊医学也是如此,所不同的是它成立伊始,急诊专业医师非常缺乏。但是它的发展是很快的。因为它属于医学科学的一个新的组成部分,随着医学科学的发展,急诊医学必然也会迅速发展的。此外它是一门解决急性病和危重病的学科,并且要研究如何更迅速、更有效、更有组织地抢救急危病例,和处理“灾难医学”所遇到的问题,社会需要它,人民需要它。以诊治一例急诊病人来看,如忽视或不够重视发病之初的处理,并及时安全地把他送到医院急诊室,而在急诊室也未予恰当处理,等他的病情发展到危重阶段,才开始投入大量人力和采用各种先进器械来救治,即使挽救了他的生命,这并不能认为是现代急诊医学的主要目的。应该从病人发病之初或受伤之际就能给予恰如其分的诊治,并将他安全转送到医院,立即接受急诊室医师有效的初步诊断的治疗,然后根据病情,安排他们的转归。多数接受治疗后可以回家继续服药、休息治疗、少数危重病患者,就可以经适当处理或手术,然后转到强化监护医疗病室(Intensivecareunit,ICU),或冠心病监护室(Coronarycareunit,CCU),或专科病房。这是目前比较合理的救治急性病、伤人员的组织系统,也就是当今国际上很多国家在努力组建的新颖的急诊医疗系统,称为“急诊医疗体系”(Emergencymedicalservicesystem,EMSS)。虽然我国目前还没有一个城市已组建成功一个完善的EMSS,但是为时不会太远的。很多城市已经在向这种方向努力着。篇九:关于医生 医生的工作现状,面临多方面的压力 社会压力:主要是司法的不公正、公众对医疗工作的误解和媒体的推波助澜,这种不公正源于对医学的不了解、无知和想当然,制定法律的人对医学几乎是一无所知,他们往往根据他们的经验和其他行业的推理制定法律,而懂得医疗的人又不懂法律,根本不能参与法律的制定,患者更是对医疗期望值太高,不顾客观条件,认为只要进了医院就会万无一失,一旦有失,便是医疗事故。而媒体更是为了新闻效应或者是搞噱头,根据自己有限的知识(对医学一窍不通,却大谈医疗问题的大有人在),感情用事,闭门造车,或者是出于对一些个别现象的不满意,便一概而论,一点带面。比如,现在的医疗纠纷为什么往往是患者胜诉呢?法律的倾向弱势是其中原因之一,法律倾向弱势群体无可厚非,病人相对医院,医院是强势的,医生相对病人又是弱势的。一些病人及家属在律师的帮助下(为了共同的利益――钱),绞尽脑汁,本来就是一个医疗纠纷,结果先是说医疗事故,结果是没有根据,然后又说是民事纠纷,告你人身伤害,只要能找出过错,不管是否与后果有关,都要败诉,一个行将死亡的病人,不治而亡,结果赔偿要和一个健康人被车撞死一样。无论从死者本身的状况而言还是造成死亡的原因而言,不可同日而语。医学是个不完善的学科,甚至不能算作一门科学,最多算是一个职业,就像木匠瓦匠一样,医学不能像数学物理那样精确,最好的医生也不能计算出一个病人什么时候死亡,甚至我们都不能计算出来一个感冒的病人什么时候痊愈,一种药物用到一个病人身上会有什么后果,常常是我们在一些病人的身上的得到的经验用在另一些病人身上,这是当代医学的现状,每个病人个体有很大,结果可想,经常出现不可预料的结果,这是病人和医生都不希望的,这令我们很难堪,也是公众不能相信的,但这是现实。我们天天都在犯错误,天天在误诊,天天在用错药,天天给病人增添痛苦,即便是一个医学专家也是如此,这是无情的现实,医学就是一把双刃剑,在治病的同时又造成新的损伤、副作用乃至于死亡,但是人们往往忽略了要奋斗就会有牺牲这个浅显的道理。医学本身就像一个孩童,他在成长,完善,可是人们却要医生成为完人,不能出错,这是不可能的。这给医生带来的压力是常人难以想象的,因为医生面对的是生命,他们知道生命的价值,他们不想让生命泯灭,但是医学对于自然规律来说,就像螳臂挡车,我们明知不能让每个人都健康、都永远的活着,但是还要尽力而为,就像唐吉柯德。死亡是必然的,不可抗拒的,这是自然规律,但是人们都不想死亡,所以就把这个希望寄托在医生身上,这是多么沉重的担子,医生的肩膀根本抗不起这副重担。社会对医生的苛求是医生难以担当的。特殊的环境竟然造就了一批所谓“医闹”。他们闹得医生不能正常工作,医院不能正常开诊。古今中外,闻所未闻。病人的死亡医生本来就很内疚、痛苦,甚至几天都不能从不快的情绪中摆脱出来,如果再受到病人家属的指责、辱骂、甚至是殴打,法院的传讯,对于他们心灵的伤害是可想而知的。日积月累,很多医生承受不了这种打击(当然还包括工作负荷过重、长期睡眠不足等),结果导致了心理疾病,当然最后受害的还是病人。一个病人给另一个病人治病的后果是可想而知的在医生这个群体,有心理疾病的占相当比 篇十:关于医生 面对这些压力,医生们该怎么办?相信大多数人不会改行,他们把毕生精力都倾注在在医学上了,别无所长,再说总要有人治病救人啊,既然还要继续做下去,那就不能坐以待毙,要通过医生们的努力,改变现在的不利环境,要让社会公众特别是法律界人士和媒体了解医学到底是怎么回事。让病人和家属回归理性,让他们知道医学不是万能的,人的死亡是必然的,只要我们尽力了,就算是对得起生命,医生和其他人一样也会犯错误,而且由于医学的不完善,会经常犯错误,后果是可怕的,不可挽回的。但是谁都不愿意看到这种后果,要获得这样一个环境是很难的,但是只要我们努力,相信会有一定的改变,就算是我们这一代不能改变什么,我们也要为后来者创造一个好的医疗环境,这是每一个医生的责任,不要说与你无关,如果这样说你就不配当一个医生,因为医生应该的是无私的,这件事情只有医生能说清楚,别人都不可能。不要等待环境会自己变好。当然我们自己的技术精湛是最重要的,虽然这很难,甚至是高不可攀,但是也要尽力而为。最近更新:免责声明:本文仅代表作者个人观点,与本网无关。看完本文,记得打分哦:很好下载Doc格式文档马上分享给朋友:?知道苹果代表什么吗实用文章,深受网友追捧比较有用,值得网友借鉴没有价值,写作仍需努力相关作文:


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