we are merely reaffirmingg that back of the face

The Narcissism Daily Mirror: There Are Some Things we Must Face Alone
Narcissism in the Daily News ... Articles and Discussion with Kim and Steve Cooper of Narcissism Cured.
Poem for the codependent woman
A woman sits looking out of her window
at the warm sun gently caressing the flowers outside.
It is a perfect day but none of this touches her heart
and only mocks the terrible pain she feels inside.
The man of her dreams and father of her children
has abandoned her only two days before.
The work of growing to become a
responsible man was too much for him
and frustrated and angry he blamed her
and left with an old girlfriend who could ease his self doubt for a little while.
The woman now feels a deep longing for a boy she knew at school,
a boy she treated badly
back when she was still haughty about her beauty
and the power she sensed she had over men ...
She begins to weep when she realizes
she would give anything to have this same boy smile at her now.
Her children are worried and sad
and do all they can to cheer up their mother
but nothing works for long
and when they start nagging her she scolds them too harshly and goes into her room crying.
She longs for a hero or savior and thinks of all the men she has known
who she might call on now to help mend her broken heart.
Then remembering her girls she thinks,
"But no one will want me now, men do not even love their own children,
how will they love mine to another man."
This thought makes her cry all the harder and wish,
as she has a million times in the last two days
that he would just say he was sorry and come home.
Her dreams were all built on the love that she would receive when she married
and not the hard work and strength of character that would be required of her.&&
And no medication or drugs,
no old flames or new fantasies
can do anything to help her now.
She can try and demand that her children fill the gap he has left in her heart
but if she tries she will only curse their lives also.
There are some things we must face alone and the first of these is loss.
Remembering this truth she braces herself and looks in the mirror
at her face all swollen from crying
she closes her eyes and accepts that the dreams she once had were all childish fantasy
and that he is not coming back ...
It hurts like a knife through her heart and the pain reaches a crescendo that she finally
finds unbearable.
But in that very same moment when her soul is torn in two
the silver lining shines through and a new brighter future peaks through this same tear.
The girls need a bath
and the house needs putting in order
and it is a lovely afternoon for them all to take a walk in the park.
As she gathers herself and walks out to greet her children
she feels a strength in herself that she has never felt before.
Her girls are so sad but also so relieved to see her back on her feet
that they even forget the TV show they were only a moment ago mesmerized by.
The woman remembers a time when the three of them were together,
without him, but all happy and having fun.
She decides right then and there that this is how
she wants to be feeling again soon.
And so it is and the storm which might have ripped all their lives to pieces, passes.
She has passed this test and found her own power
and though she realizes now that he may in fact return
the woman that was once dependent on him for her happiness is gone forever.
Because there are some things we must face alone ...
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Nov 27, :22 AM
Chapter: 26 & &&& &&& && &&& The Battle of Arendelle & &&Vita and I rested in silence, holding each other close in the dark of the night. Once again, we found each other unable to sleep. Vita softly ran her fingers across my bare chest. I dipped my head and kissed her cheek, whispering the words, "I love you." & &&The young gypsy tilted her head up and whispered back, "I love you too." She placed a gentle, yet tender kiss on my lips. "It'll be daybreak soon." & &&"I know," I sighed. "And the seas will be swarming with warships." & &&"Sideburns..." thought Vita. "Do you really believe we can win this battle?" & &&I looked into her eyes and affirmed, "Yes." & &&"I do too," she smirked and took my hand. "You know...I'm really glad I didn't shoot you in the face when we first met." & &&"You have such a romantic way with words," I chuckled. "But I'm glad you didn't shoot me either." & &&We kissed once more before turning over to the edge of our bed. I gently held Vita from behind and nestled her in my arms. The two of us eventually dosed off for a bit, waking up just as the sun began to peer over the horizon. Its soothing glow illuminated the seas as Vita took a deep breath. "It's time." & &&We rose early and suited up together. I laced my boots, straightened my coat, and fastened my weapons. My ebony pistol rested at my side while the musket remained slung over my shoulder. Lastly, I sheathed Santino's sword and tied it to my belt.
& &&I peered across the room to see Vita wearing her gypsy garbs. I watched her bare back disappear under her attire as she pulled it upwards. She grasped her flowing black hair and tied her scarlet bandana over all of it. A single curl of hair coiled down her forehead as she tightened the bandana. Vita then strapped on a leather vest, armed from top to bottom with throwing knives. Over that, she wore her coat and equipped her sword and musket. She turned to face me, as we admired each other's attire. & &&Vita walked up and fastened the coat button I had missed. I looked into her eyes while gently gripping her waist. "No matter what happens, we're in this together." & &&"Always," she nodded before we shared another kiss. An Arendelle soldier's trumpet could be heard from the courtyard, signaling for us to form up. We stepped outside to see the war gypsies standing alongside massive garrisons of Arendelle's finest men. They stood in a single green mass, their white-gloved hands tightly gripping their muskets. Kristoff stood among them, also wearing their uniform. I guess Anna couldn't convince him to lose the pickaxe. The mountain man had it slung over his shoulder along with a musket.
& &&We embraced Mama and the other gypsies, bidding them good morning. "Are they here yet?" groaned Marek, armed to the teeth in firearms. "I wanna kill already." & &&"Don't worry, Uncle Marek." winked Vita. "They'll be plenty of killing to do before you know it." & &&"Oh my," gasped Mama with a smile as the Elsa and Anna stepped out. Captain Elias led the two out onto the stairs in front of the courtyard. The royal sisters were in regal and versatile military uniforms. Elsa wore a magenta coat along with teal pants and black boots. Anna was suited in a green coat while wearing black pants and boots. A single sword was sheathed at her side. Unlike her sister, all Elsa had were her bare hands. I guess her magic would indeed suffice. The queen's hair was styled in her signature braid while Anna's was up in a bun. & &&Elsa stood tall and announced. "Soldiers of Arendelle! Gypsies of the west! Friends both old and new!" She raised her fist and shook it, "The armies of Weselton and the Southern Isles are upon us with a sole purpose: to burn Arendelle to the ground. They may appear strong, but they have missed one crucial detail....They don't know the strength of our hearts!" The soldiers cheered as she continued. "Our hearts are strengthened by all that we love. This is for all of those you hold dear. This is for our beautiful country and all who have come before us. This is for a glorious victory. For today, let it be known from Corona to DunBroch, that we all chose to stand our ground, and declare in one voice that WE WILL NOT BE BROKEN!" All of us grew restless as she sparked up ice magic in her palms. "Now I ask.....soldiers.....gypsies.....friends...WHO WILL STAND WITH ME?!" & &&Her question was answered by thunderous roars and battle cries. "I will!" I screamed among them. & &&"Our bodies! Never our souls!" exclaimed Mama. & &&"Death to the duke!" screeched Vita. Before we knew it, she had the entire gypsy force chanting those words.
& &&"LET'S GO!" screamed Elsa with all of her might. "Battle stations!" & &&"Battle stations!" reiterated Captain Elias. & &&"Baaaaaattle staaaaaations!" echoed Anna.
& &&"Posti di combattimento!" hollered Mama. "Andiamo! Andiamo!" She shoved through the crowd and quickly embraced me. The elder gypsy planted two firm kisses on my cheeks and said, "God be with you, Hansino."
& &&"And with you," I said before hugging her again. I then kissed Vita and said, "I'll meet you on the wall as soon as I can." & &&"I'm counting on it, Sideburns." she winked before dashing off. "Take care of that fleet!" & &&I nodded, watching her disappear into the crowds of war gypsies headed for the wall. I then met up with Anna and Elsa, who led me to the seawall. We peered over it while Elias and other soldiers kept watch with spyglasses. The next hour was filled with an eerie, pulse-pounding silence. The town was deserted, its civilians seeking shelter in the caves. Only wind could be heard blowing across the abandoned streets. I looked behind the seawall to see regiments of infantry standing ready with their muskets. Meanwhile, the gypsies were stationed across and behind the wall on the other side of the kingdom. They stood watch over the grassy field between them and the hill.
& &&I cracked my neck, now keeping my gaze fixed on the ocean. Soon, Elias' eyes widened, "Wait....wait........" He lowered his spyglass and shouted, "Here they come!" & &&Masts bearing the Southern Isles crest could be seen rising over the distant waves. Elsa shouted, "Make ready the cannons! Prepare to fire on my command!" The soldiers along the seawall hastily loaded and aimed the artillery pieces. I kept turning my gaze from the fleet to the wall in the fields, worrying about Vita and the others. Weselton hadn't even emerged from the hilltop yet. Perhaps they were awaiting the Southern Isles bombardment.
& &&We watched as the ships sailed ominously across the fjord, closing in for the kill. "I count at least twenty....no....thirty warships." observed Elias. & &&As soon as the ships got in range, they slowly began turning to commence a bombardment. I turned to the queen and nodded, "Alright, Elsa. You're up." & &&She nodded back to me and raised her hands high. Her fingers swished around as icy fractals swirled out of them. The blue summer skies turned silver with clouds, and a light snowfall began. The temperature drastically dropped, and I could fully see my breath. In that instant, Elsa unleashed a powerful beam of ice at the water below the seawall. The beam froze the harbor and the rest of the fjord to solid ice, thus stopping the fleet dead in its tracks. Lucky for us, none of the warships had managed to turn, preventing broadside cannonfire and leaving them vulnerable to ours.
& &&Elsa looked to both sides of artillery, raised her hand, and screamed at the top of her lungs, "FIIIIIIIRE!" & &&"FIRE!" echoed Elias as the seawall cannons ignited. Cannonballs were blasted through the air, making their way towards the fleet. I used my spyglass to observe the effects. The majority of our barrage missed, but several cannonballs struck against the first ships. They even tore the mast clean off of one of them. Our cannons were fired once more, producing the same effect to the initial ships.
& &&I squinted through the lens, spotting several battalions leaping off of their ships and carefully trekking across the frozen fjord. "Just as I thought," I smirked. "The first wave is on foot. Wait for the second to join them. Then you know what to do, your majesty." & &&Elsa sparked up more ice magic in her palms. "I'm ready." Several minutes later, a second wave of troops joined the first for the advance. They formed up in ranks, cautiously marching over the ice. Elsa narrowed her vision, clenched both fists, and rose them up. Continuing to observe with my spyglass, I watched as the ice began to glow. Some soldiers noticed this phenomena while others pressed forward. Elsa then flicked one of her hands upward, causing the corresponding side of ice to grow massive icicles. She did the same with her other hand as hundreds upon thousands of icicles formed across the icy fjord. The first row of men were impaled by them while the rest attempted to fall back. The Snow Queen surrounded the advance within a circle of icicles, leaving them trapped. She then caused the clouds above to rain lethal shards of ice down on them.
& &&The soldiers were in complete hysteria, breaking through the icicles and fleeing for their ships while others were struck by falling ice. "Keep it up, Elsa. You're doing great!" I smiled before calling to Elias. "Captain! Give them another barrage!" & &&He firmly nodded, raised his hand, and swept it down yelling, "FIIIIIIIIIIRE!" The cannon's blasted away, sending forth cannonballs on the fleeing troops. The artillery shells smashed holes in the frozen fjord, causing many to fall into the icy waters below. With the amount of equipment they were wearing, it was nearly impossible to resurface. The Southern Isles advance was in shambles, its first wave of infantry meeting a slow and gruesome demise in the depths of the freezing fjord. & &&While Elsa kept up her magic, I returned my gaze to the wall back on land. Weselton still had not arrived, and the gypsies remained idle. A thin sheet of snow now covered the once-green plains before them. Elsa then swept her hand across her body, using her magic to form a massive wall of ice along the fjord.
& &&Captain Elias kept his eye trained on the hysteria and said, "The remaining infantry are heading for the hills. They're going to try and get around the icewall. The bastards are slipping and sliding everywhere," he chuckled. I watched as the smile vanished off of his cleanly shaven face. "Wait....what's this? Queen Elsa, units moving along the shoreline!" & &&We had been so fixed on the first advance, that we hadn't noticed the second wave making its way around. They had dashed around the wall, off of the fjord, and onto land. "I've got them," sneered Elsa as she shut her eyes to concentrate. Her bright blue eyes blared open and she shot an ice beam at the ground before us. A frosty mist formed around it, as a familiar face emerged. It was just like the snow monster I had faced during the Great Freeze....except there were about fifty of them. The queen looked down at her monstrous creations and exclaimed, "These men have come to destroy our beloved kingdom. Protect us!" One of the snowmonsters roared, growing jagged, icy teeth and claws. Its brethren did the same and stomped towards the troops of the Southern Isles.
& &&The soldiers panicked, shooting away at these never-before-seen monsters. The bullets tattered against the giant snowmen, who smashed through the enemy lines. A single swipe from one of the creatures sent five or more foes flying through the air. "Good.....lord." I gasped in awe. & &&The icy blonde chuckled, "Hans, my dear. Never underestimate the power, of snow and ice." & &&"Yes ma'am," I huffed. & &&"Go Elsa! Go!" cheered Anna. She jeered and taunted over the seawall, "Take that, you Southern Isles scum!" She cringed and turned to me, "No offense, Hans." & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& &&"None taken," I smirked. & &&The redhead snickered and continued to scream, "Is that the best you've got, you dirty rotten curs?!" Moments after she said that, and explosion struck behind us, blasting a hole in the barracks. "What was that?!" & &&"You just had to say something....didn't you?" groaned Kristoff. "Is that the best you've got.....you had to say it." & &&I hastily grabbed my spyglass and looked out beyond the icewall. I could see several flashes in the misty distance, sending projectiles soaring high into the sky. "What is it?" asked Elsa. How could the broadside cannons breach the icewall?" & &&"They're not broadsides," I hastily replied. "They're mortars." My words were followed by the sharp, deathly whistles of cannonballs raining from directly above us. My green eyes widened as I spotted the first shells above us. "Take cover!" I screamed as the four of us ducked behind the wall. Arendelle's soldiers scattered to evade the mortarfire that crashed around us. Explosions blasted everywhere, two of which smashed through the rooftop of Arendelle Castle.
& &&The queen and princess looked out from cover, watching as cannonballs destroyed their home. While Elsa was better at remaining steadfast and concealing her pain, I could see tears rolling down Anna's cheeks. The ensuing flames reflected in innocent eyes of the young princess. No one could have ever imagined such a devastating attack on such a peaceful kingdom. One of the mortar shells struck the center of a garrison, sending men blasting across the courtyard. &Another hit the mountains behind us, making me fear for the citizens within. "Return fire!" exclaimed Elias. We fired our seawall cannons, letting our artillery burst through the icewall if it meant destroying those mortars. I looked over to see the enemy mortars crushing the queen's snowmonster army. They couldn't hold for much longer. Another barrage battered the seawall prompting the captain to yell, "We've got to get off this wall, your majesty!" & &&"Not yet!" growled the queen. She raised her hands high, and formed massive ice spheres as big as her monsters. She flung them over the frozen fjord, sacrificing her icewall to destroy the vessels. One by one, the icy bombs collided with the decks of each ship. The queen kept up this destructive barrage as the remaining ships returned with mortarfire. & &&I watched as the Southern Isles army defeated the remaining snowmonsters. Instead of charging the harbor, they made for the hills. This move bewildered me, until I saw the rest of their forces meeting up with another army. It all made sense. The fleet's barrage was but a destructive distraction to avert our gaze from the real advancing infantry. That explained why Liam and Marcus were present with the duke. Their true army was with Weselton the entire time. "We need to get to the main wall..now," I warned. & &&"What?" asked Kristoff. & &&"Move all forces to aid the gypsies! This attack was never intended to come from the sea." As soon as I said that, we heard the battle cries of both Weselton and the Southern Isles. Both massive armies mustered atop the hill, preparing to charge down and assault the wall. "Mama......Vita!" I gulped.
& &&Anna drew her sword and flourished it. "Let's get'em!"
& &&"Everyone! Rally to the wall!" ordered Elias as countless soldiers followed him. I was about to make my way down too, until I turned to see Elsa. The Snow Queen was still using her magic to destroy the remaining warships. I could see the rage filling her eyes as she grit her teeth and let out a battle cry. &Yet another warship met its icy demise, leaving one surviving ship.
& &&The queen fixed her gaze on it, generating one more ice bomb. She launched it just as the final ship fired its mortars. As her ice bomb bashed the ship to pieces, I heard the final mortar shells whistling overhead. I could see a single cannonball rocketing over her position on the seawall. "Elsa lookout!" I screamed.Elsa gasped, looking up as she did when her icy chandelier fell. She tried to form an icy shield, but it was too late. "Nooooo!" The cannonball struck, causing a massive explosion that sent me tumbling back against the breached seawall.
& &&I awakened from my daze to have Anna pull me from the rubble. "Are you alright? Where's Elsa?" I gave her a look of sadness that brought tears to her eyes. "No......" & &&"Guys! Over here!" hollered Kristoff. Just when all hope seemed lost, we found Elsa under some rocky debris. We hastily removed the rubble and pulled her out. Meanwhile, the armies of Weselton and the Southern Isles began their charge, roaring as a single unit towards the wall. & &&"Eh....Elsa?" worried Anna. "Sis? Come on, sis. Speak to me!" The queen remained limp and lifeless. "Oh no. I can't lose you too!" she buried her face in Kristoff's chest.
& &&I knelt down and pressed my head to her chest. I looked up and said, "She's breathing." & &&"Oh thank you...thankyouthankyouthankyou," panted Anna.
& &&I carried the unconscious queen in my arms and handed her to Elias. "She'll be alright, captain. Get her somewhere safe." He nodded and rushed off with her. I approached Anna and Kristoff. "Looks like we'll have to win this thing without magic." I drew my sword and exclaimed, "To the wall!"
The first siege in Arendelle's history...has begun! Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!Happy Anniversary, Frozen!Fanpage:&Music to listen to while you read:&Previous Chapter:&Next Chapter:&
Add a Comment:
This is epic!!
Thanks Elisa! Enjoy this and chapter 27!
I did! But i was so sorry for poor Eduardo!!
Oh god!!!!&Those bastards, they were just distracting Elsa. Agh, if only I was there to kick Liam's candy ass! ( Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson!XD)I so can't wait to read the two new chapters!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the amazing job dancing Mike!!!
Thanks so very much! It was but a mere decoy...Not only did it work, but they put Queen Elsa out of commission!&&&Hans and the other will have to fight on without her magic.
&&They will NOT win this battle!!!!! Weaseltown and the Southern Isles are going down now that Elsa's here!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liam should be happy of her return. We know what he wants to do after all
AND I WONT LET HIM KILL HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(She's still your wife, after all)
Let's hope she survives this encounter!
Don't you worry about that! She's the snow queen!(btw, my best friend told me that she sent you a message, but you didn't reply.)
The first part of the assault XDMust see what happens next!!!
Awsome chapter! And for the southern isles tactics... It's a good one... I don't like it playing with human life... but I must admit it's a good one... Hans... be a dear... and punch your brothers and the duke in the face, so hard, they be called "Gueules cassées" (It's how we called the soldiers of the WWI who got their faces destroyed and then rebuilded... in a way... with the chirugical abilities of 1918 that is...)
Thank you very much! As for the life gambling....It's Liam&& He's a sociopathic sadist ^^And youch! Facial reconstruction!&Thanks again for the compliment and hope you enjoy the rest!
Awesome start to the siege!I cannot wait to read the rest!&
Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy the rest!
awesome, and what gotta happend next
You shall see!
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