2017frm part1 notes2 Current Issue部分该怎么准备

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UID149596&帖子14&主题14&积分0&在线时间1 小时&注册时间&
<td class="t_msgfont" id="postmessage_09年我3月份考过了证券从业资格(基础和投资分析),两门都七十多分;9月份考过了CPA的会计和财务管理,会计71分,财务管理64分;11月份考过了FRM,FRM4个1,2个2,2个3,1个4。()一般吧,op risk,current issues我根本理不顺,可能因为我是理工科出身。
& & 顺便说一下我的基本情况:我本科学数学的,研究生在学软件的。我今年所有考试没有参加任何辅导班(除了听张志凤的会计基础班)。我的经验可能对理工科学生帮助较大。
& & 证券从业资格我就不说了,这种考试一般都能过,而且我主要是说备考FRM。FRM我是3月份开始报名的,刚开始报名之后,看了1个月的HANDBOOK,感觉就是很多知识它都没讲清楚。4月份之后我就没怎么看,放下了。5、6月份继续上课,准备期末考试。7月份正式开始复习注会和FRM。
& & 接下来,我的经验可能和别人有些不同了,尤其适用于又要考CPA又要考FRM的考生,而且特别适合零基础...
& & 首要的一个问题是7-9月份复习CPA不看FRM,11月份来得及么?现在来看以FRM的通过率,绝对没有问题。我第二次接触FRM内容,真正看notes的时间是10月19日,以后全天都在看FRM,每天10小时左右,看了1个月。当然中间我还去上海参加了个面试(恶心,友邦华泰不仅耽误我时间,还耽误我金钱),蹉跎了几天。但是现在看来1个月左右的时间要想都都弄明白,考个好成绩,而且你还没什么基础,根本不现实,不过想PASS时间上我觉得够了。
& & 9月底考完CPA,我就先耍了一阵,又赶上十一,哎。不过这期间,我断断续续把JOHN HULL的那本《期权、期货以及其他衍生品》的英文版看了,我靠,确实经典,比较易懂,当时想到HANDBOOK写得真垃圾。我强烈推荐这本教科书,有时间好好看看,教科书和考试用书最大不同是教科书能够自学,很有系统性,易懂;而考试用书更多的是给你覆盖每个考点,相对来说很散,而且有些知识点没学过想看懂,做梦吧...
& & 接下来我就看NOTES好像一共1600多页,当初给自己定的每天80页,一共20天,到10月底看完,和大家说个实话,我到考试当天,notes也没看完...我英文不是很好,6级只有433...而且Notes比较乱,越到后面越没公式,没数字了,我越来越看不太懂了...哭了~其实我当时想看中文版的资料,可是感觉心烦啊,没时间搞啊,又得花钱,算了吧。
& & NOTES我一直看到11月10日,看到第五本了,不行了还有10天要复习了,要做模拟题了,我反过来再看HANDBOOK,感觉是茅塞顿开。HANDBOOK写得是如此的系统,讲解是如此的清晰,是有关风险管理理论不可多得的好书,而且那里的考点FRM考试基本都会涉及大部分。之后10天里有3天半,做了3套半模拟题,都是论坛下的(做广告~),2006年和2007年真题,Notes里的一套PRACTICE EXAM,以及GARP官方给出的模拟题100道。
& & 我的复习过程基本就是这样,如果再给我准备一次FRM考试的话,我会再认真看看JOHN HULL那本《期权、期货以及其他衍生品》(第六版中文已出,100多元,大家可以去学校图书馆去借,我们学校早被预定排队着呢),以及在最后复习时好好看看HANDBOOK,如果想考9个1的话,我会再看看op risk,毕竟这是BASEL II最重要的一块,以及CURRENT ISSUE。
& & 由于我基本上没什么基础,加之我是通过考试学一下有关金融财务方面的知识。所以我的备考经验就是在较短的时间,真正把有用的知识变成自己的,真正去理解而不是去死记硬背,对付考试。顺便提一下CPA的备考经验,今年我就考了2门会计和财管,都过了(可能今年比较水吧,我会计竟然上了70)。我觉得学知识最重要是理解吧,张志凤的会计基础班是我唯一听的资料,网上有很多地方可以免费下。真的不错,强力推荐吧。其实注会复习虽有2个半月,但是玩的时间总有1个月吧,日了,以后少叫我打DOTA,会“死人”的...可能,我复习备考一个考试,不管是几门,也就能坚持一个月左右吧。
& & 来年我可能想把CPA的剩下四门考了,据说除了审计,其他就比较容易一些了...还有想把CFA I考了吧。到时还得请教大家~
& & 看吧,要是找到牛B的实习或工作,我就啥也不考了!
& & 谢谢大家。
UID149792&帖子13&主题0&积分0&在线时间1 小时&注册时间&
UID182361&帖子2&主题1&积分0&在线时间0 小时&注册时间&
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Volume 14 Issue 2
by Daniel Lindvall
If Ever a Wiz There Was: The post-fact tornado of truthful hyperbole in Trump&#8217;s presidential campaign
by Garry Leonard
Contextualizing The Stranger
by Tony Williams
The World of Film Through the Eyes of Reporter &#8216;Billie&#8217; Wilder
by Simón Pe?a-Fernández
Literary Pistols and Rhetorical Bullets: When evangelist Pauline (Kael) met homilist (Dirty) Harry
by David C. Ryan
Post-Wall Berlin Documentary Films
by Katrina Sark
A Madcap Heart: The twisted allure of Gloria Grahame
by Peter Kurtz
Frozen, Homosexuality and Masochism
by Robert Geal
The Film&#8217;s the Thing: Truth in nested narratives in the films of Almodóvar
by Bruce Drushel
&#8216;Are You Watching Closely?&#8217; A study of Christopher Nolan&#8217;s engagement with structure, chronology and motif
by Mukund Madhav Varma, Ravi Bhoraskar and Sudha Shastri
A Personal Latin American Cinema: Interview with Lorenzo Vigas
by Loreta Gandolfi
Andrew Cividino and the Triumph of Sleeping Giant
Rediscovering the Cinema Culture of the Congo: An interview with Cecilia A. Zoppelletto
by Paul Risker
Review: The Confidence of Competence: Howard Hawks&#8217; Rio Bravo
by Jeremy Carr
Book Review: Welles, Act III and Orson on the Street (Orson Welles: One Man Band, At the End of the Street in the Shadow: Orson Welles and the City)
by Tony Williams
Criterion Core: A Distant Kind of Intimacy (Hiroshima mon amour, Fantastic Planet, Inside Llewyn Davis)
by Jacob Mertens
Around the Festival Circuit: The 2016 Cannes Film Festival
by Joseph Pomp
Parting Words: The Cloak of Patriotism
by Jacob Mertens
Volume 14 Issue 1
by Daniel Lindvall
Crisis in the Digital Visual Effects Industry and Hollywood Cinema
by Rama Venkatasawmy
Play It Again, Diane: Woody Allen&#8217;s portrayal of female characters to promote the male lead
by Brianne Jewett Brenneman
Creating the Traumatic Body: Female genitals as wounds in Antichrist
by Harriet Earle
Everything We Want and the Documenting of Personal Quests
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Films We Will Never See: An account of André Delvaux&#8217;s unproduced film projects
by Santiago Rubín de Celis
What Grows in This Stony Rubble? Melodrama in It&#8217;s a Wonderful Life and The Waste Land
by Garry Leonard
The Fall of the House of Amberson
by Tony Williams
The Aviator: Film-making, capitalism, flying and the psychopathological
by Leighton Grist
Absorbing from Collaborators: A conversation with Gina Leibrecht
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Distributing Chinese Independent Cinema in the United States: A conversation with Karin Chien
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Show Me a Hero: Alan Zweig on Steve Fonyo and Hurt
Review: Genius as Madman: The Stanford Prison Experiment
by Matthew Sorrento
Criterion Core: Noir Protagonists and Conspiring g Nightcapes (I Wake Up Screaming, Ride the Pink Horse, Night and the City, Insomnia)
by Brandon Konecny
Cinematic Inception: Ben Wheatley and Down Terrace
by Chris Neilan
Book Review: Hollywood Presents Jules Verne: The Father of Science Fiction on Screen
by Tony Williams
Parting Words: Video and Politics
by Jacob Mertens
Volume 13 Issue 4
by Daniel Lindvall
Film Title Sequences and Widescreen Aesthetics
by Deborah Allison
&#8220;Morale Boosting Necklines&#8221; and Other Forms of Support: Propaganda aimed at American women in World War II films
by Brianne Brenneman
Atomic Cinema: Nuclear proliferation and deterrence theory as refracted through the camera lens
by Si Sheppard
Fear and Self-Loving: Masturbation in teen movie comedies
by Brian C. Johnson
The Insurrection of Time: Temporality, modernity and The Battle of Algiers
by Kevin Chabot
Folktales, Female Martyrs and Flaubert in Tunisian Films
by Matthew Fullerton
The Renaissance of Kurdish Cinema
by Abdulla Al-Dabbagh
Mothering, Modernizing, and the Power of Horror: Mother images in Korean art films Mother and Pietà
Documentary, Adaptation, Creation: An interview with Robert Pulcini and Shari Springer Berman
by Matthew Sorrento
Lost Films: A conversation with Guy Maddin and Evan Johnson on The Forbidden Room
by John Duncan Talbird
The Kozole Rule: Profile of a Slovenian film-maker
by Erica Johnson-Debeljak
Review: A More or Less Sensible Project: Jacques Ranciére&#8217;s Béla Tarr, the Time After
by Brandon Konecny
Criterion Core: Three Takes on Class Concsciousness (A Day in the Country, The Swamp, Here Is Your Life)
by William Repass
Around the Circuit: The 2015 Toronto International Film Festival
by Barry Keith Grant
Parting Words: Japanese Animation and the Fall of the House of Ghibli
by Jacob Mertens
Volume 13 Issue 3
by Daniel Lindvall
by Gary McMahon
The Medium as Messenger: Farewell notes, filmic motifs and the melodrama
by Julian Hanich
Boys From Bed to Battlefield: Questions of German guilt in The Bridge
by Lotte Buiting
The Subalterns Who Walked Themselves to the Neo-liberal Market: The cynical Bildungsroman Danny Boyle&#8217;s Trainspotting and Slumdog Millionaire
by Tamas Nagypal
The Perils of Aphrodite: A new take on star theory
by Arnold Cusmariu
The Accidental Cultist: An interview with Jack Hill
by Paul Risker
Filming a Family Legacy: An interview with Samantha Fuller
by Anna Weinstein
The Cult Life On-screen: An interview with Cédric Kahn on Wild Life (Vie Sauvage)
by Gary M. Kramer
The Eyes of Cronenberg, Russell and &#8220;The Time Warp&#8221;: An interview with cult cinematographer Peter Suschitzky
by David A. Ellis
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by Irv Slifkin
Review: David Fincher&#8217;s Alien Autopsy
by Mike Miley
Review: The Ninth Gate and the Realm of Divinity
by Stephen Sigl
Criterion Core: Framing Domestic Loneliness (The Long Day Closes, Love Streams, All That Heaven Allows)
by Brandon Konecny
Parting Words: Decisive Moments
by Jacob Mertens
Volume 13 Issue 2
by Daniel Lindvall
Before The Sheik: Rudolph Valentino and sexual melancholia
by Elisabetta Girelli
&#8220;Death, Thou Shalt Die!&#8221;: Heathers and the culture industry
by Logan Wiedenfeld
Some Further Thoughts on Vera Cruz
by Tony Williams
&#8220;The Merchant Is Become the Sovereign&#8221;: Corporate imperialism in James Cameron&#8217;s Avatar
by Si Sheppard
Jia Zhangke and His A Touch of Sin: Social violence, the criminal knight and chilling fantasy
by Shenshen Cai
The Essence of African Cinema: Diverging media ideologies in sub-Saharan African cinema
by Manouchka Kelly Labouba
Unconquered, Our Better Selves: On Jackie Robinson (42) and Nelson Mandela (Invictus) and sports as social reconciliation
by Daniel Garrett
At Home with H.R. Giger: A conversation with director Belinda Sallin
by John Duncan Talbird
Ned Rifle and the Peculiarity of Hal Hartley: An interview
by Amir Ganjavie
&#8220;Done In&#8221;: Adam Stephen Kelly on his Cannes debut
Review: Faust and the Abandonment of the Metaphysical
by Stephen Sigl
Criterion Core: Vengeance is Theirs! (Pickpocket, Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, Vengeance is Mine!, Ride the Pink Horse, The Thin Blue Line)
by Matthew Sorrento
Cinematic Inception: Christopher Nolan and Following
by Chris Neilan
Parting Words: Film as Meditation
by Jacob Mertens
Volume 13 Issue 1
by Daniel Lindvall
Damsels in Distress?
by Stella Hockenhull
&#8220;We Were All Rushing. Why? Because We Were Preparing to Go to the Movies!&#8221; Actress Lassie Lou Ahern reminiscences about her gorgeous career in Hollywood silent pictures
by Jeffrey Crouse
Time and Pace: Synchrony in the city of Make Way for Tomorrow
by Thomas Zachary Toles
Assheton Gorton: A Life in Film
An interview with Murray Pomerance
Humanist Ethics in John Sayles&#8217;s Casa de los Babys
by Wyatt Moss-Wellington
Shades of Activism: Jon Raymond on Night Moves
by Matthew Sorrento
Filming in Toronto: An interview with Elan Mastai on What If
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Criterion Core: Fabled Facts, Factual Fables and the Domain of the Fringe Documentary (My Winnipeg, The Blues Accordin&#8217; to Lightnin&#8217; Hopkins, F For Fake)
by Jacob Mertens
Director Spotlight: Marco Berger and the Intimate Portrayal of Sexual Tension
by Gary M. Kramer
Celluloid Politics: Monolith and Montage
by William Repass
Parting Words: The Inertia of the Academy Awards
by Jacob Mertens
Volume 12 Issue 4
by Daniel Lindvall
Naked for Lunch: Alex Radivojevi? interviewed
by Rajko Radovi?
Redefining the Self: The Human Centipede and physical spectatorship
by Laura Wilson
Family, Gang and Ethnicity in Italian-themed Hollywood Gangster Films
by Silvia Dibeltulo
A New World Is Coming: Visiting with Godfrey Reggio
by John Malkin
A Queer Reading of Nuevo Cine Mexicano
by Oscar A. Pérez
Turning Japanese: From Sideways to Saidoweizu: An examination of a Japanese remake of a Hollywood film
by Jeffrey L. Griffin
Like a Mirror Walking Alongside a Road: An interview with Volker Schl?ndorff
by John Duncan Talbird
A Rebel Rides Again: An interview with Monte Hellman on The Shooting (1966) and Ride in the Whirlwind (1966)
by Matthew Sorrento
Tarkovsky&#8217;s Nostalghia: A conversation with Nathan Dunne
by Noah Charney
Life Regained: An interview with Michael Rossato-Bennett on Alive Inside (2014)
by David A. Ellis
Review: Cosmopolis
by James Slaymaker
Criterion Core: The Sound of Silence (Safety Last!, City Lights, Master of the House)
by Brandon Konecny
Around the Circuit: Toronto International Film Festival
by Barry Keith Grant
Parting Words: The Problem with Perfection
by Jacob Mertens
Volume 12 Issue 3
by Daniel Lindvall
Introduction: Contemporary Independent Iranian Cinema
by Parviz Jahed (Guest Editor) and Amir Ganjavie (Associate Guest Editor)
The Question of National Cinema in Iranian Independent Cinema
by Amir Ganjavie
The Myth of Bastoor and the Children of Iranian Independent Cinema
by Farshad Zahedi
Independent Cinema in Post-1979 Revolution Iran
by Mansoor Behnam
An Independent Voice with a Famous Face: Interview with Niki Karimi
by Ali Moosavi
Iranian Independent Cinema Does Not Exist!
by Milad Dokhanchi
Melodrama and Censorship in Iranian Cinema
by Niklaus Reichle
Keeping It Reel
by Roxanne Varzi
Back at the &#8216;Foot of the Mountain&#8217;
by Kara Abdolmaleki
The Other Film International
by James Udden
Underground Cinema in Iran
by Parviz Jahed
Interview: Wallace Shaw and Andre Gregory
by Matthew Sorrento
Interview: Ted Kotcheff
by Paul Risker
Interview: Jack Laskey and Peter Fudakowski
Review: Journey to Italy
by Jeremy Carr
Criterion Core: Time Distorts All Things (Shoah, Thief, Persona)
by Jacob Mertens
Film Musings: Gender Performativity and The Rocky Horror Picture Show
by Victoria Tickle
Parting Words: The Elusive Art of Adaptation
by Jacob Mertens
Volume 12 Issue 2
by Daniel Lindvall
Scotland As a Site of Sacrifice
by John Marmysz
Whose Fault Was the Holocaust That Never Occurred: Made-for-television fantasies of nuclear displacement in the 1980s
by David Christopher
The Ford Brothers and the Men Who Shot Westerns
by Joe Carducci
Saffronizing Bollywood Cinema: The Good Indian and the Muslim Threat
by Narinderjit Kaur Dhillon and Joel Gwynne
Where Redemption Is Found: Julie Dash&#8217;s great film Daughters of the Dust and the book anthology Screenplays of African American Experience
by Daniel Garrett
Detectives: Height and age of actors
by Sandor Setalo
Technological Metafiction: Recursive visual culture in the cinema of the late 1990s
by Axel Andersson
Mass Human Suffering and Political Machinations: Back to 1942
by Peter Wilshire
&#8220;The absolute truth about someone is not possible&#8221;: an interview with Sebastian Junger on his homage documentary to Tim Hetherington, Which Way Is the Front Line From Here?
by Jamie Isbell
Working on the Periphery: an interview with David Lowery
by Jacob Mertens
Review: Nymphomaniac
by Forrest Cardamenis
Criterion Core: The Persistence of Family (Life is Sweet, The Big City, I Married a Witch)
by Brandon Konecny
A Study in Story: The expert protagonist in Le Samoura? and Drive
by Christopher Neilan
Parting Words: Los Angeles and the Networking Culture
by Jacob Mertens
Volume 12 Issue 1
by Daniel Lindvall
Did Film Noir Really Happen, or Was It a Set-up?
by Garry Leonard
Exotic Pinups, Magnetic Divas, Beloved Icons: Zarah Leander and Rita Hayworth through the Looking Glass of National and Transnational Identity
by Galina Bakhtiarova
The Silver Scream: The Art of Edvard Munch as a Cinematographic Representational System
by Anders R. S?rnes
The 1950s Stardom: Popularity, Publicity and the Discourse of Love
by Aarti Wani
Keys to a Hurricane: Reading Race, Class, and Abjection in The Skeleton Key
by Maisha Wester
A Historical Approach to the Slasher Film: The Classical Period, the Post-slasher, and the Neoslashers
by Sotiris Petridis
Storytelling Intertextuality: From Django Unchained to The Matrix
by Helle Kannik Haastrup
Yesterday&#8217;s Belle: Today&#8217;s Pretty Young Thing
by Yaron Dahan
Here and There: An Interview with Director Mitja Okorn
by Noah Charney
Interview: Bernardo Bertolucci is Back, Dishing on Berlusconi, Branod, Borges and 3D
by Ed Rampell
Interview: The Online Chatroom of Andrew Douglas&#8217;s uwantme2killhim?
Criterion Core: The Balance Between Light and Dark (The Uninvited, The Devil&#8217;s Backbone, Eyes Without a Face)
by Jacob Mertens
Film Musings: Not Necessarily Noir
by Robert Kenneth Dator
Parting Words: The Innate Grace of Creating Art
by Jacob Mertens
Volume 11 Issue 6
by Daniel Lindvall
The New Mother: Replacement and re-nuclearization in Hollywood&#8217;s narratives about stepfamilies
by Hampus Hagman
Two Interviews about To Catch a Thief
by Tifenn Brisset
&#8216;Light the Cigarette, Fold Back the Silk&#8217;: Defining David Lynch as a liminal film-maker
by Michael Daye
Viddy Well, Brother: An Australian comic&#8217;s tribute to Stanley Kubrick
by Emmet O&#8217;Cuana
Authorship and Utopia: The case of John Carter
by Tony Williams
by Anna Weinstein
An Interview with Yann Gonzales
by Mark James
DVD / Blu-ray Reviews: A Man Escaped, Two-Lane Blacktop, Le Beau Serge, Repo Man, Fear and Desire, Gate of Hell, Sweetie
Book Reviews: Jean Epstein, Film Genre Reader IV, The Romy Schneider Story, A Social History of Iranian Cinema 4, Todd Haynes
Festival reports: Toronto, Busan
Volume 11 Issue 5
Editorial: My Noir
by Sarah Perks and Andy Willis
My Noir: Double Indemnity
by Michael Connor
My Noir: The Third Man
by Simon Stephens
My Noir: Sunset Boulevard
by Michael Knowles
My Noir: Women&#8217;s Prison
by Peaches Christ
My Noir: Explain Nothing: How uncertainty freed The Big Sleep
by Declan Clarke
My Noir: The Hitch-Hiker
by M.J. Hyland
My Noir: Touch of Evil
by Jamie Graham
My Noir: Shock Corridor
by Andrew K?tting
Neo-Noir: The cultural significance (and insignificance) of a film style
by Andy Willis
My Noir: Blood Simple
by Jason Wood
My Noir: John Dahl&#8217;s neo-noir trilogy
by Bren O&#8217;Callaghan
My Noir: Devil in a Blue Dress
by Maggie Hoffgen
My Noir: Ambiguity, ambivalence and alienation in 1990s international noir
by Sarah Perks
My Noir: Stray Dog
My Noir: Everybody Says I&#8217;m Fine
by Qasim Riza Shaheen
My Noir: Hell is a City
by Kevin Cummins
My Noir: Alphaville
by Sarah Schipschack and Leif Magne Tangen
Interview with Fahad Mustafa and Deepi Kakkar
by Gary M. Kramer
Spotlight on Cristina Commencini
by Anna Weinstein
DVD / Blu-ray Reviews: The Blue Angel, The First Films of Akira Kurosawa, Branded to Kill, The Secret of the Grain, A High Wind in Jamaica, Bigger Than Life
Book Reviews: Directory of World Cinema: France, War, Politics and Superheroes, The Cinema of Michael Winterbottom, A Social History of Iranian Cinema, The Actor Within: Intimate Conversations with Great Actors
Film review: Interior. Leather Bar.
Volume 11 Issue 3-4
by Daniel Lindvall
The Engels Project
by Mike Wayne and Deirdre O&#8217;Neill
Desiring to Merge: Restoring value in niche-interest adult DVDs
by David Church
Transvestite Mammy Caricature: Its cinematic and social evolution in Hollywood cinema
by Yjarvoe Jensen
Last Man (With)Standing: The character-disaster film
by Matthew Sorrento
Hitchcock Goes to the Dogs
by Murray Pomerance
The Invisible and the True Story of Italy: An interview with Giovanna Taviani
by Giovanna Summerfield
Ang Pelikulang Binisaya: Cebuano film and the search for a regional cinematic heritage
by Paul Douglas Grant
Our Decaying Object of Desire: The lost (and found) Cebuano film, Badlis sa Kinabuhi/Lifeline
by Misha Anissimov
The Theology of Gambling
by Radel Paredes
One Take, Many (Hi)Stories: Notes for an appreciation of Ang Damgo ni Eleuteria
by Stefano Ciammaroni
A Cebuano Zombie Invasion: Di Ingon &#8216;Nato
by Andrew Leavold
Cebu&#8217;s Black Sheep of God: Interview with Keith Deligero
by Paul Douglas Grant
Resisting Bollywood: Monpura as popular folk cinema of Bangladesh
by Md. Towfique-E-Elahi
Representation of Poverty in Indian Mainstream Hindi Films (1947-90): A case study
by Pallav Mukhopadhyay
Spotlight on Marleen Gorries
by Anna Weinstein
DVD / Blu-ray Reviews: David Lean directs Noel Coward, Walkabout, Guilty of Romance, Che, The Haunted Castle, Alice&#8217;s Adventures in Wonderland, Junebug, The Samurai Trilogy, La Signora di tutti, Pigsty
Book Reviews: Love in the Time of Cinema, Thomas Ince, Greek Cinema, Scotland, The Neorealist Body in Postwar Italian Cinema, World Film Locations: London, Popular Italian Cinema, Korean Cinema of the Global Era
Film reviews: Meat Hooked!, Big Joy: The Adventures of James Broughton
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Volume 11 Issue 2
by Daniel Lindvall
&#8216;The Last Silent Star Standing&#8217;: an oral history of 1920s film with Diana Serra Cary
by Jeffrey Crouse
The Passive Hero: from Yugoslavia to independence, an investigation into Slovenian film
by Noah Charney
A Pacifist and/or Cowardly Yank in Britain: The Americanization of Emily (1964) as anti-war classic
by Richard A. Voeltz
Time is Money: the acceleration of time and the vanquishing of space in Melancholia, Another Earth and In Time
by William Anselmi and Lise Hogan
Spotlight on Gillian Armstrong
by Anna Weinstein
Catching up with The Silver Goat: an interview with Tom Colley
DVD / Blu-ray Reviews: The Warped World of Koreyoshi Kurahara, Hwang hae/The Yellow Sea, Tokyo Drifter, Ruggles of Red Gap, Underwater Love, Two Lane Blacktop, Harakiri, Accattone
Book Reviews: The Film Theory Reader, Reeling: Do the Movies Have a Future?, The Films of Péter Forgács, New Zealand Film & Television, New Zealand Cinema, Producing Bollywood, The Apu Trilogy, A Social History of Iranian Cinema
Film review: Shah-re ziba/Beautiful City
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Volume 11 Issue 1
by Daniel Lindvall
How to Escape from Brazil: Interview with Slovenian philosopher Slavoj ?i?ek and British director Sophie Fiennes
by Rajko Radovic
Effacing the Effaced: Chris Marker&#8217;s collectivist period
by Patrick Tolle
Cinema Returns to the Source: Werner Herzog&#8217;s Cave of Forgotten Dreams
by Roger F. Cook
The Rhetorical Force of Conflicting Emotions in Operation Filmmaker: a cognitive approach to documentary performance and emotion
by Elizabeth Marquis
DVD / Blu-ray Reviews: Three Popular Films by Jean-Pierre Gorin, Metropolitan, Island of Lost Souls, Certified Copy, Summer with Monika, Hawks and Sparrows, The Complete Humphrey Jennings, The Gold Rush, The 39 Steps
Book Reviews: When Movies Mattered, Millennial Cinema, Polanski and Perception, Screen Dynamics, De-Westernizing Film Studies, Stardom and the Aesthetics of Neorealism, Jacques Rivette, Queer Pollen, Directory of World Cinema: Germany
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Volume 10 Issue 6
by Daniel Lindvall
Paradise is Here: The aesthetic world of Imad and Swel Noury
by Omar El-Khairy and Omar Kholeif
Graphic: Tears of Gaza
by Chris Hutchinson
Woman Run Amok: Two films by Lars von Trier
by Christopher Sharrett
No Start, No End: Auteurism and the auteur theory
by David Andrews
Nollywood Style: Nigerian movies and &#8216;shifting perceptions of worth&#8217;
by Jeffrey Geiger
Happenstance and Construction: An exploration into the work of artist film-maker Ben Rivers
by James Murray White
DVD / Blu-ray Reviews: Naked, The Lost Coast
Book Reviews: Cinema Italiano, Mika Kaursim?ki
Film review: African Chelsea
Around the Circuit: Toronto International Film Festival, Madeira Film Festival 2012, New Horizons
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Volume 10 Issue 4-5
by Daniel Lindvall
Shooting in Riyadh when Arabia Was Poor: American film crew accepts Arabian hospitality and lunch with Saudi King
by James Morrison
Harry Palmer, Michael Caine & The IPCRESS File: Part 2
by Gary McMahon
Deep, Deep, Down: The social satire of Mario Bava&#8217;s Danger: Diabolik
by John Berra
Erotic, Silent, Dead: The concept of women in the films of Stanley Kubrick
by Sabine Planka
Room to Rent: Sexual Dissidence in the films of Khaled El Hagar
by Omar Kholeif
Rethinking the Female Voice and the Ideology of Sound: On Stanley Kwan&#8217;s film Center Stage (Ruan Lingyu, 1992)
The Heroic Laughter of Modernity: The life, cinema and afterlife of a Bengali matinee idol
by Sayandeb Chowdhury
The Globalized Avatar of the Hindi Cinema Hero: Hrithik Roshan&#8217;s &#8216;double role&#8217; in Kaho Naa&#8230; Pyaar Hai (2000)
by Jayashree Kamble
Rethinking Russian Ark
by George Sikharulidze
A Conversation with Baldvin Zophoníasson
DVD / Blu-ray Reviews: Saló, or the 120 Days of Sodom, Spinnin&#8217;, Paths of Glory, Chantal Akerman in the Seventies, Fat Girl (? ma soeur!), Shogun Assassin, The Fantastic Planet (La Planète Sauvage), Pale Flower, The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)
Book Reviews: Tashlinesque, John Huston, Halsted Plays Himself, Cinema & Colour, Conversations with Cinematographers, Taking Place: Location and the Moving Image, Directory of World Cinema: Spain, Documentary Film in Post-War Britain, Hollywood Cinema and the Real Los Angeles
Film Reviews: The Paperboy, The Skin I Live In
Around the Circuit: Sheffield Doc/Fest, 55th San Francisco International Film Festival
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Volume 10 Issue 3
by Daniel Lindvall
Margin Call: an Interview with J.C. Chandor
by Wheeler Winston Dixon
Notes on Benjamin, Adorno, Mann, and the Cinema of Michael Haneke
by Carl Freedman
Digital Dimensions in Actorly Performance: the Aesthetic Potential of Performance Capture
by Chris Pallant
Jean Rouch as &#8216;Emergent Method&#8217;: towards new realms of relevance
by Sa?r Maty B?
Interview with Luce Vigo
by Micha?l Abecassis
Interview with Jay Duplass, Steve Zissis and Jennifer Lafleur
by Janine Gericke
A Conversation with Roland Emmerich
DVD / Blu-ray Reviews: The Makioka Sisters, Menschen am Sonntag, 4 x Sacha Guitry
Book Reviews: Indie: An American Film Culture, World Cinemas, Transnational Perspectives, 100 Documentary Films
Around the Circuit: 11th Tribeca Film Festival
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Volume 10 Issue 2
by Daniel Lindvall
Cinema&#8217;s Civil War Sesquicentennial: Top twelve histories filmed with lightning
by Ed Rampell and Luis Reyes
Harry Palmer, Michael Caine & The Ipcress File: Part 1
by Gary McMahon
Love, Sacrifice and Redemption: A triadic tale of women in Dreyer&#8217;s Day of Wrath (1943), Fellini&#8217;s La Strada (1954) and von Trier&#8217;s Breaking the Waves (1996)
by Angela Tumini
Ray: The Last Phase
by Binayak Roy
The Production Dynamics of Western Films Connected with &#8216;The Soviet/Russian Topic&#8217;
by Alexander Fedorov
Between Past and Future: Looking For Buenos Aires in Hugo Santiago&#8217;s Invasion (Invasíon, 1969)
Hugo Santiago interviewed by Michael Guillén
An interview with Jean-Marc Barr
by Gary M. Kramer
Not Out Yet: Amit Sen on the Challenge of Tagore-Themed Comedy
Amit Sen interviewed by Alison Frank
DVD Reviews: The Kremlin Letter, The Music Room, Alice&#8217;s Adventures in Wonderland, The Theo Angelopoulos Collection Volume 1
Book Reviews: Arnheim for Film and Media Studies, Directory of World Cinema: Russia, Nicholas Ray x 2, Amélie
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Volume 10 Issue 1
Editorial: The Romanian New Wave
by Daniel Lindvall
The New Romanian Cinema Between the Tragic and the Ironic
by Christina Stojanova and Dana Duma
Surfing on the Romanian New Wave
by Marian Tutui
Continuity, Change and Renewal in Romanian Auteur Films: from Reconstruction (1969) to If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle (2010)
by Dominique Nasta
Radu Muntean&#8217;s Tales of Love and Fate
by Ioana Uricaru
An interview with Florin ?erban
by Gary M. Kramer
DVD Reviews: Police, Adjective, Strigoi, The Truth About Climate Change
Book Reviews: Sergei Eisenstein, Hollywood and the Cultural Elite
Film Reviews: Melancholia, Asphalt Tango, Philanthropy, 12:08 East of Bucharest, 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
Around the Circuit: New York Film Festival, Arsenals: Riga International Film Festival
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Volume 9 Issue 6
Editorial: Late Hollywood Silent Film Melodrama
by Jeffrey Crouse (Guest editor)
&#8216;Cocoon of Fire&#8217;: awakening to love in Murnau&#8217;s Sunrise
by George Toles
Three Versions of Stella Dallas
by Diane Stevenson
Gods and Nobodies: the extra, the October Jubilee, and Josef von Sternberg&#8217;s The Last Command
by Jonah Corne
Introduction to the William Rothman Interview: (&#8216;Why not realize your world?&#8217;)
by Jeffrey Crouse
&#8216;Why Not Realize Your World?&#8217; Philosopher/film scholar William Rothman
interviewed by Jeffrey Crouse
Interview with Jen and Sylvia Soska
by Sid Menon
DVD Reviews: Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?, Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, Metropolis, Modern Times, Dead Hooker in a Trunk
Book Reviews: New Trends in Argentine and Brazilian Cinema, 2 x Derek Jarman, Contemporary World Cinema, Josef von Sternberg
Around the Circuit: Toronto International Film Festival
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Volume 9 Issue 5
by Daniel Lindvall
Evicting The Tenant
by Stanka Radovic
Let&#8217;s Get Fiscal: Hollywood romance and the mechanism of the self in modernity
by Garry Leonard
Pop Star, Director, Actor: an interview with Michael Sarne
by Wheeler Winston Dixon
Children of Men and Demonlover: Corporate psyches, media bodies and the possibility of Tomorrow
by Vicente Rodríguez Ortega
Cinematic Cyborgs, Abject Bodies: post-human hybridity in T2 and Robocop
by Fran Pheasant-Kelly
When Movie Reviews Mattered: a conversation with Dave Kehr
by Michael Guillén
DVD Reviews: 8 x Kenji Mizoguchi, Nema-ye Nazdi/Close-Up
Book Reviews: Voices in the Dark, Dismantling the Dream Factory, Extra-Ordinary Men, Ingmar Bergman, The New-Brutality Film
Film Reviews: Mas Man Peter Minshall, Trinidad Carnival Artist (The Final Cut), Hanna
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Volume 9 Issue 4
by Daniel Lindvall
&#8216;Based on the novel by Kurt Vonnegut&#8217;
by Gary McMahon
The Barcelona School and the New Spanish Cinema
by Christiane Passevant
Origins of the New Spanish Cinema: interview with Basilio Martin Patino
presented by Christiane Passevant
The Recovered Memory of the Spanish Civil War and Revolution: an interview with Jaime Camino
presented by Christiane Passevant
Beyond the Barcelona School: an interview with Vicente Aranda
presented by Christiane Passevant
The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada and the Cognitive US-Mexico Border
by Jaime Isbell (Winner of the 2010 Frank Capra Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Film Criticism)
Fourth Iris Prize Festival report and interview with Magnus Mork, director of Samaritan
by Ryan Prout
Todd Verow and James Derek Dwyer
interviewed by Gary M. Kramer
DVD Reviews: Now & Later, Make Way for Tomorrow
Book Reviews: Stanley Kubrick&#8217;s Napoleon, Disability on Film
Film Reviews: Bi, Don&#8217;t Be Afraid, Dogtooth, Elmina
Around the Circuit: Cannes 2011
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Volume 9 Issue 3
by Daniel Lindvall
by Gary McMahon
Beware of the Wolves! The Turkish versus the European Reception of Valley of the Wolves: Iraq (2006)
by Kevin Smets, Dilek Kaya Mutlu and Roel Vande Winkel
&#8216;He Loved What He Did So Much!&#8217; An Interview with Evans (Evans) Frankenheimer
by Murray Pomerance, with an introduction by R. Barton Palmer
&#8216;The English Master of Movie Melodrama&#8217;: Hitchcock, Horror and the Woman&#8217;s Film
by Mark Jancovich
Interview: Positioning Cinephilia: Taking a Stance with Jonathan Rosenbaum
by Michael Guillén
DVD Reviews: Hausu/House, Revanche
Book Reviews: A Hitchcock Museum, Hollywood Film and Politics in the Bush-Cheney Era
Film Review: Blue Valentine
Around the Circuit: Tribeca Film Festival
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Volume 9 Issue 2
Hollywood and the Norden (More details .)
Editorial: Hollywood and the Norden
by Tommy Gustafsson and Pietari K??p? (Guest editors)
Adapting National Identity: Ethical Borders Made Suspect in the Hollywood Version of Susanne Bier&#8217;s Brothers
by Meryl Shriver-Rice
After The Celebration: Thomas Vinterberg&#8217;s It&#8217;s All About Love
by Arne Lunde
Hunting High and Low: Notes on Nazi Zombies, Francophiles and National Cinema(s)
by Jo Sondre Moseng and H?vard Andreas Vibeto
Hollywood Sin, Scandinavian Virtue: The 1967 Revolt of I Am Curious and The Graduate
by S?ren Birkvad
Born American? Renny Harlin and Global Hollywood
by Pietari K??p?
DVD Reviews: Dillinger is Dead, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Mala Noche, The Life of Jesus
Book Reviews: Contemporary African American Cinema, Film Architecture, Ang Lee, The Simpsons
Around the Circuit: Berlin International Film Festival
Volume 9 Issue 1
Carl Freedman on Gangsterism and Capitalism (More details .)
Part 1: The Supplement of Coppola: Primitive Accumulation and the Godfather Trilogy
by Carl Freedman
Part 2: Hobbes After Marx, Scorsese After Coppola: on GoodFellas
by Carl Freedman
DVD Reviews: L&#8217;Argent, Man with a Movie Camera, White Mane, The Red Balloon, Silent Light, Princess
Book Reviews: Vincente Minnelli, Orson Welles, Casablanca, Roman Polanski, The Cinema of the Balkans
Around the Circuit: The New York Film Festival
Volume 8 Issue 6
Making Movies in Europe
Working Title Films: From Mid-Atlantic to the Heart of Europe
by Tobias Hochscherf and James Leggott
Better Late than Never? The Role of Policy in the Turkish Cinematic Revival
by Melis Behlil
Once Upon a Time in Italy: Transnational Features of Genre Production, s
by Stefano Baschiera and Francesco Di Chiara
Practice Makes Perfect? The Production of the Swedish Sex Film in the 1970s
by Mariah Larsson
Made in Flanders (Redux): Film Production, Government Funding and Television Participation in Flanders, Belgium
by Leen Engelen and Roel Vande Winkel
City of Light, City of Shadows: The Difficult Take-off of a Spanish Film Studio
by Alejandro Pardo
A Film-friendly Town? Assessing a Decade at a Small Swedish Production Centre
by Olof Hedling}


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