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红包是什么意思 红包在线翻译 红包什么意思 红包的意思 红包的翻译 红包的解释 红包的发音 红包的同义词 红包的反义词 红包的例句
红包 基本解释红包[hóng bāo]词典red paper containing money as a gift, bribe or kickback词典:红包;红袋子。词典:红包。红包 汉英大词典红包[hóng bāo]red paper containing money as a gift, red packet红包 网络解释1. red envelopes:比如,春节的重大活动就是一家人聚在一起吃年饭(have a big meal),走亲访友(visit friends),孩子会拿到大人的红包(red envelopes)等. 写活动的时候,应该按照活动发生的先后顺序来写. 除夕之夜团聚吃年饭,然后正月初一开始走亲访友,2. red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year:爆竹 firecrackers (People scare off evil spiri... | 红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.) | 舞狮 lion dance (The lion is believed to be able ...3. red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming:爆竹 firecrackers (People scare off evil spirits a... | 红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming | 舞狮 lion dance (The lion is believed to be able to ...红包 双语例句1. 1. 你认为政府官员接受红包是很正常的事情吗?&&&&Do you think it is natural for the government officials to receive the kickback?2. 在春节,我们可以好好休息一下,然后,让父母给我们买新衣服,而且还有红包。&&&&At Spring Fastival, we can have a good rest. Then we can ask parents to buy clothers3. 然后,我可以得到许多红包。&&&&And then, i can get a lot of money by it.4. 我收到一封20000元的红包。&&&&I got 20, 000 yuan in a red envelope.5. 我还以为这是你的红包钱数。。。&&&&I am looking for my love...Are you my love?6. 多数情况下红包是没有必要的。&&&&In most cases the red envelop is not necessary.7. 小的时候,过年能穿新衣服,收到长辈的红包,觉得是一种幸福&&&&In the childhood, we can put on new clothes and receive a cash gift from eldership in the Chinese New Year.8. 8. 或者说,也有可能是你买卖的收益,甚至是爱你的人作为礼物送给你的红包,诸如此类。&&&&Or, it may be money you get from selling or as a cash gift from someone who loves you, as some examples.9. 马长成认真的摺著福慧红包,用心,就是和大众结好缘,慈济全球委员超过五万人,而马长成是第七十四号志工;多年来,他的心从未退转、做慈济从不缺席。&&&&Ma Changchen was a mason, and from his youth his home was never easy. Back when he first began with Tzu Chi there were people who worried over what he mig but his character won people over. Ma never made mistakes, and people came to trust him.10. 除了制作福慧红包,各地的慈济志工也忙著准备要给岁末祝福参加者的其他礼物,在慈济高雄鼓山联络处,志工王春桃发挥裁缝的一技之长,身为一位裁缝师,她天天都到联络处制作福慧袋。&&&&While wisdom and blessing envelopes were being made, Tzu Chi volunteers elsewhere have been busy preparing other gifts to be given to participants of Tzu Chi's year end blessing ceremonies.11. 讨喜:新郎与女方家人见面后,应持捧花给房中待嫁新娘,此时,新娘之女友要故意拦住新郎,可是条件要新郎答应,通常都以红包礼成交。&&&&&&When a groom meets with a bride's familly members, he should sent a bouquet to the bride, and the bride's girlfriend stop the groom of doing this intentionally.12. 12. 建筑师们总是想争取机会去建房子,所以这是整个行程中的一个高潮,仅次于最后一天发红包--装在信封里的厚厚的一沓现金。最早的28个团队是各为12500美元,第二批每队首付为14300美元。&&&&&&For architects used to competing for the chance to build, it was a highlight of the visit, second only to the distribution, on the last day, of cash payments in thick envelopes —$12, 500 for each of the 28 initial teams, and first payments of $14, 300 for the new ones.13. 纳采:男方纳聘车队到达女方家时,男方燃放鞭炮,女方亦燃放鞭炮相迎,由新娘兄弟一人替新郎开门相迎,再端洗脸水让新郎洗手、擦手,新郎应回以红包答谢,而后押箱先生将聘礼交予新娘父兄。&&&&&&Arriving: when the cars arrive at the girl's house, the family of the groom-to-be sets fireworks to notify, and the family of the bride-to-be also sets fireworks to welcome them.14. 14. 他们会带着柑橘和红包走亲访友,传达祈求富禄富贵的美好祝福。&&&&&&They will go house visiting with Mandarin oranges and red packets, symbolising good wishes for prosperity.15. 就是在这个聚会把红包发给家里的未婚成员。&&&&&&It is at this gathering that red packets are given to unmarried members of the family.16. 晚餐过后,父母及长辈会给予孩童或未结婚的家人「红包」,而已经工作的人,也同样要给父母亲及祖父母红包。&&&&&&After dinner, parents and older relatives give children or unmarried members of the family red envelopes with money inside. Those who have been working should also give their parents and grandparents red envelopes.17. 17. 递一个小红包,就很少一点钱,那时候小孩就很高兴了。&&&&&&I received a small red bag, which contains little money in it. But I was so happy.18. 18. 这是我第一次设计的婚礼红包盒。&&&&&&That is my first wedding Ang Pao Box design.19. 弟弟真的以为只给那么多,感觉到非常失落,因为除去他爷爷以外的长辈都给100元,可舅爷爷就只给10元,他很失落和生气,跑出去了,我舅爷爷看他出去了,就和我爸爸妈妈聊了一会,后来我弟弟进来了,就对我舅爷爷说10元钱也要,并从舅爷爷手中接过了红包,弟弟打开红包一看是100元,刚才那些感到失落的心情一扫而光,他就像一个从地狱升到天堂的人一样高兴的跳了起来。&&&&&&The brother really think only to so much, and feel very lost, because the removal of his grandfather, the elders gave away 100 yuan, can be uncle and grandfather only to 10 yuan, he was lost and angry, ran out, and I see uncle grandfather He went out on and my parents talked for a while, then my brother came in and told me 10 yuan should Jiuyeyeshuo and grandfather from the maternal uncle took over the red envelope, my brother open the red envelope a look at 100 yuan, just wiped out those who feel frustrated, he is like a rose to heaven from hell, like happy people who jumped up.20. 有些中国人随机应变,既然红包可以贿赂活人,那么它也同样可以用来取悦阴鬼。&&&&&&Some Chinese have adapted to circumstances, and since a red envelope can bribe a living, breathing human being, the effect should be no less in sucking up to the ghosts of the nether world.红包是什么意思,红包在线翻译,红包什么意思,红包的意思,红包的翻译,红包的解释,红包的发音,红包的同义词,红包的反义词,红包的例句,红包的相关词组,红包意思是什么,红包怎么翻译,单词红包是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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