
导读: 形容天气好的句子英语篇一《高考英语作文必背素材 : 关于天气的好句》
形容天气好的句子英语篇一《必背素材 : 关于天气的好句》
1. What's up with him today? He has a face like thunder!
2. I'm a bit disappointed in John and David. It turned out they were only fair-weather friends.
3. We don't have a snowball's chance of winning that contract!
4. Don't worry about those two arguing. it's just a storm in a teacup.
5. The exam was a breeze.
6. We're snowed under at work.
7. They're blowing hot and cold over this issue. It's impossible to know what they want!
8. He's always working in his garden - come rain or shine.
9. It's going to get very busy on Thursday. Today and tomorrow are just the lull before the storm.
10. I don't want to spend this extra money. I'll save it up for a rainy day.
11. I'm going to see which way the wind blows before asking her about a raise.
12. You'll steal her thunder if you wear that dress tonight!
13. I'm feeling a bit under the weather at the moment.
14. This recession is quite serious and it's becoming difficult to weather the storm!
it never rains but it pours 祸不单行
thrown caution to the wind 冒险
a storm in teacup 大惊小怪
twisting in the wind 孤立无援
rainy day 艰难的时刻/困境
ill wind that blows nobody any good 有祸也有福/有人愁有人喜
every cloud has a silver lining(每一块乌云后面都有银色的一面) 困难中必有希望
bolt from the blue 突如其来的
under the weather 身体不舒服
weather the storm 渡过危机
as right as rain 万事顺利
1. What's up with him today? He has a face like thunder!
2. I'm a bit disappointed in John and David. It turned out they were only fair-weather friends.
3. We don't have a snowball's chance of winning that contract!
4. Don't worry about those two arguing. it's just a storm in a teacup.
5. The exam was a breeze.
6. We're snowed under at work.
7. They're blowing hot and cold over this issue. It's impossible to know what they want!
8. He's always working in his garden - come rain or shine.
9. It's going to get very busy on Thursday. Today and tomorrow are just the lull before the storm.
10. I don't want to spend this extra money. I'll save it up for a rainy day.
11. I'm going to see which way the wind blows before asking her about a raise.
12. You'll steal her thunder if you wear that dress tonight!
13. I'm feeling a bit under the weather at the moment.
14. This recession is quite serious and it's becoming difficult to weather the storm.
Sunny 晴天
cloudy 多云
overcast 阴天 Calm 无风
light 微风
风力不大 strong 大风
gale强风 Light Drizzle 微雨 Drizzle 毛毛雨Showers 阵雨 light
rain 小雨 moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨
thunderstorm雷雨 Drifting
Snow 飘雪 light snow 小雪
moderate snow中雪
heavy snow 大雪
sleet 雨夹雪
Haze(mist) 薄雾
Sandstorm 沙尘暴 Hail 冰雹 warm up天气转暖
clear up 天气放晴
scattered showers
局部阵雨 sunny/bright
阳光充足 clear/fair/fine 晴朗 partly cloudy 局部
cloudy 多云 overcast/dull
freezing 冰冷 cold 冷 cool 凉爽 mild
hot 炎热 fine/clear/good weather
好天气 sunny/fine
晴天 bad weather
坏天气 sleet
雨夹雪 lightning
闪 电 cloudy then rainy
sunny then cloudy
1. weather forecast 气象预报
2. weatherman 气象员
3. weather station 气象站
4. cold wave 寒流
5. partly cloud 少云
9. drop in temperature降温
Snow Showers=短暂阵雪
Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风
Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风
Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声
Mostly Clear=大部晴朗
Mostly Cloudy=大部多云
Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风
Mostly Sunny=晴时多云
Partly Cloudy=局部多云
Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风
PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风
PM Light Rain=下午小雨
PM Showers=下午阵雨
PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪
PM T-Storms=下午雷雨
1、春雨:Spring Rain 2、春分:vernal equinox 3、清明:clear and bright 4、惊蛰:excited insects
5、春风:spring breeze
二、夏: summer 1、夏令营:summer camp 2、连衣裙:one-piece dress 3、电风扇:electric fan
4、空调:air conditioner
三、秋: autumn 1、秋分:the autumnal equinox 2、秋播:fall seeding 3、秋海棠:elephant's-ear
4、秋菜:autumn vegetable 5、秋千:swing
四、冬: winter 1、雪花:snowflake 2、滑雪:skiing
sucker 5、雪雕:Snow sculpt
come rain or shine 无论如何、不管怎样
It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。
get wind of sth. 听到……的风声
get the wind up 变得紧张/害怕
do a snow-job on sb. 对某人花言巧语
storm into or out of someplace 怒气冲冲地走进或走出
1) weird weather 天气很反常
we've had some really weird weather lately! 我们最近天气很反常!
2) pop-up storm 雷阵雨
in the summer, it seems like d.c. is hit by pop-up storm every day! 夏天的时候,华盛顿每天好像
3) raining cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨
we got hit by a pop up storm yesterday! all of a sudden it started raining cats and dogs and i didn't have an umbrella!! 我们昨天赶上雷阵雨!突然开始瓢泼大雨!而我又没带雨伞!
4) storm clouds 乌云
5) roll in 飘过来
you know it's gonna rain when you see big storm clouds rolling in! 看着乌云飘过来,就知道快下雨了。
A: It looks like it's going to be sunny.今天看来像是个晴天。
B: Yes, it's much better than yesterday.是的,比昨天好多了。
A: They say we're going to get some rain later.据说待会儿要下雨。
B: Oh, let's just hope it stays[维持某种状态]哦,我只希望一直暖和下去。 PART 2
A: I think it's going to be a nice day.我想今天会是一个好天。
B: It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday.肯定比昨天大有好转。
A: But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.但是,据说今天下午又要转阴刮风了。
B: Well, the worst of the winter should be over.不过,冬天最糟糕的一段日子总该过去了。 PART 3
A: It seems to be clearing up.看来天要放晴了。
B: It's such a nice change.真实令人高兴的转变。
A: I really don't think this weather will last.我确实认为这样的好天长不了。 B: Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again.但愿不会再冷。
A: Beautiful day, isn't it?
B: Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all.是的,一点也不像收音机里说的那样。 A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.但愿整个周末都能保持这样的好天气。 B: As long as it doesn't snow!
A: It looks like it's going to be sunny. 今天看来像是个晴天。
B: Yes, it's much better than yesterday. 是的,比昨天好多了。
A: They say we're going to get some rain later. 据说待会儿要下雨。
B: Oh, let's just hope it stays[维持某种状态]warm. 哦,我只希望一直暖和下去。
A: I think it's going to be a nice day.我想今天会是一个好天。
B: It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday. 肯定比昨天大有好转。
A: But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon. 但是,据说今天下午又要转阴刮风了。
B: Well, the worst of the winter should be over. 不过,冬天最糟糕的日子该过去了。 A: It seems to be clearing up. 看来天要放晴了。
B: It's such a nice change. 真实令人高兴的转变。
A: I really don't think this weather will last. 我确实认为这样的好天长不了。
B: Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again. 但愿不会再冷。
A: Beautiful day, isn't it? 今天天气真好,是不是?
B: Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all. 是的,一点也不像收音机里说的那样。
A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend. 但愿整个周末都能保持这样的好天气。
B: As long as it doesn't snow! 只要不下雪就行啊!
2. 盛夏的中午,火辣辣的太阳毫不留情地炙烤着眼前的一切:小区里的水泥地面和对面的楼房就像一面面铜镜,刺得眼睛都睁不开;树儿们都耷拉着脑袋,有气无力地挨着这难熬的时光,不时地又抬起头,好像在看远处的天空能否有乌云飘过。此时的地面,就像是被一个巨大的蒸笼罩住了,让人热的透不过气来。躲在空调房里的我,只盼望能早点下一场大雨。
3 瞧,动植物都无精打采的。狗一动不动地趴在那还没被太阳照射的地方,伸出舌头,呼哧呼哧地直喘粗气。树垂头丧气地耷拉着脑袋,枝条懒洋洋地低垂着,叶子干巴巴地蜷曲着。知了在树上不停地鸣叫,似乎在喊:“热死我啦,热死我啦……”连活泼可爱的小鸟也无精打采地落在树干上,懒得冒着酷暑飞去觅食。一只小鸭子热的受不了,走进它自己的“游泳池”,刚把腿伸了进去,又马上回到了岸上,你猜为什么?原来强烈的太阳光把水晒得烫烫的,它想:妈呀,烫死我了,再这样下去,我准要变成烤鸭了!
10、 夏天是个变脸的季节,它时而哭,时而笑。一会儿晴空万里,碧空如洗,天高云淡,骄阳似火;一会儿天低云暗,乌云密布,狂风怒吼;一会天公大发雷霆,电闪雷鸣;一会瓢泼大雨,倾盆滂沱,;一会儿潇潇雨歇,虹桥飞架南北 。夏天就如同孩子的脸一般,没有征兆地变换着。
11、夏天是一个燃烧的季节。核聚变的火球烈日中天,狗吐着舌头,蝉烦躁地鸣叫,柏油马路被晒得软软的,鱼浮出水面出来换气。酷暑下劳作的人们挥汗如雨 ,一个个汗流颊背庄稼晒得直打蔫,懒洋洋地站在那儿,久旱盼甘露的田地有的裂了缝,农夫心中如汤煮,忙着抽水灌溉。池塘中盛开的出水芙蓉 像一个个燃烧的奥运火炬,有的含苞欲放,小荷才露尖尖角,正有蜻蜓立上头。
歇,虹桥飞架南北 。夏天就如同孩子的脸一般,没有征兆地变换着.
1.今天天气怎么样? Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?今天天气好。 Il fait beau.
2.天气好极了。 Il fait un temps magnifique.(splendide)
3.天气温和。 Il fait doux.(bon,tiède)
4.天气凉爽。 Il fait frais.
5.今天有太阳。 Il fait du soleil.
6.天空晴朗,万里无云。 Il fait clair,asns nuages.
7.天气干燥。 Il fait sec
8.天气潮湿。 Il fait humide.
9.天气不好。 Il fait mauvais.
10.今天阴天 Il fait un temps gris.
11.气温多高? Qu’indique le thermomètre?
10度 Le thermomètre marque 10 degrés.
零下2度 Le thermomètre indoque 2 degrés au-dessous de zéro.
12.今天温度是多少?15度 Quelle thermomètre fait-il aujourd’hui? Il fait 15°C.
13.今天气温多高;零度 Quelle est la température fait-il aujourd’hui. Zéro degré.
14.今天多少度?零下10度 Combien fait-il aujourd’hiu? Il fait mois d’ao?t?
15.八月份平均气温多少? Quelle est la température moyenne du mois d’ao?t?
平均气温摄氏30度 La température moyenne est de 30°C
17.你们地区最高温度多少? Quelle est la température maximale(la plus élevée)de votre région?
18.最低气温是多少? Quelle est la température minimale(la plus basse)de la journée?
19.夏天,气温可高达42度。 En été , la température peut monter(s’élever) jusqu’à 42°C
20.冬天,气温可下降到零下30度。 En hiver, la température peut descendre (baisser) à moins 30°
21.在我们那儿,同一天里气温常常相差很大。 Chez nous,il y a souvent de grands écarts de température deams la même journée.
22.我们地区冬天和夏天的温差不大。 les écarts de température entre l’hiver et l’éte ne sont pas très importands dans nos régions.
23.气温变化于零下10度和零上42度之间。 La température varie entre -10°et 42°.
24.今天温度比昨天更低。 La température d’aujourd’hui est plus bassw que celle d’hier.
25.明天气温比今天还要高。 La température de demain sera encore plus élevée qu’aujourd-hui.
26.天热。 Il fait chaud.
27.天热得受不了。 Il fait une chaleur torride (acablante, insupportable).
28.天闷热 Il fait loued.(étouffant)
29.天热得喘不过气来。 C’est irrespirable.
30.热得像火炉 C’est un four!
31.烈曰当空 Il fait un soleil br?lant.(Quel soleil de plomb!)
32.今天大太阳,戴上草帽。 Mettez un chapeau de paille, il y a beaucoup de soleil.
33.天真热,我从来没有碰到过这么热的天。 Qu’il fait chaud aujourd’hui! Je n’ai jamais vu un temps pareil.
34.多热的天,咱们进屋吧,屋里凉爽一点。 Quelle chaleur! Entrons dans la maison, il y fait plus frais.
35.这屋子真热,你把窗打开,让人透透气。 Qu’esr-ce qu’il fait chaud dans cette piéce! Ouvre la fenêtre pourqu’on ait un peu d’air.
36.我喜欢天气热的地方,我怕冷。 Je préfére les pays chauds,je ne supporte pas le froid.
37.我浑身是汗,我要洗个澡。 Je suis tout en cueur,(en nage) je vais prendre une douche.
38.走,乘凉去。 Allons prendre le frais.
39.给我们一点饮料喝,凉快凉快。 Donnez-nous à boire quelque chose qui nous rafra?chisse.
40.把窗户打开,把电扇也打开,使房间凉快一点。 Ouvrez les fenêtres et mettez en marche le ventilateur pour rafra?chir la chambre.
41.天冷。 Il fait froid.
42.天很冷。 Il fait très froid.(Il fait un froid de canard. )
43.天寒地冻。 Il fait glacial.(Il fait froid à pierre fendre.)
44.感到凉意。 Le froid se fait sentir.
45.寒气袭人。 le froid est pénétrant (ivf,per?ant,mordant)
46.突然来了寒流。 Il est survenu coup de froid inattendu.
47.寒流将造成大幅降温 La vague de froid entra?nera une importante baisse de température.
48.寒流冻坏了蔬菜和果树的花朵。 Un coup de froid a gelé les légumes et les fleurs des arbres fruitiers.
49.寒流是从北方过来的。 La vague de froid descend du Nord.
50.寒流终于过去了。 La vague de froid s’est enfin retirée.
51.我冷。 J’ai froid.
52.我怕冷。 Je ceains le froid.(Je suis frileux.)(Je suis sensible au froid.)
53.你鼻子尖都冻红了,到暧气那暖暖。 Tu as le bout de nez tout rouge. Va te chauffer près du radiateur!
54.我们晒太阳取暖。 Nous nous chauffons au soleil.
55.我冻坏了。 Je gèle. (Je caille.)
56.我冷得发抖。 Je grelotte (tremble) de froid.
57.我的手冻木了。 J’ai les mains transies (gelées).
58.你不给孩子多穿点衣服,他就会会着凉的。 Votre enfant prendra froid, si vous ne le couvrez pas assez.
59.冬天要注意多穿一点衣服。 Il faut avoir soin de bien se couvrir en hier.
60.下冰雹。 Il grêle. (Il tombe de la grêle.)
61.冰雹越下越大。 Les grêlons tombent de plus en plus.
62.冰雹砸着玻璃窗。 La grêlons fouette (frappe) les vitres.
63.一阵冰雹把蔬菜的水果全毁了 Une averse de grêle a détruit (saccagé)les lé gumes et les fruits.
64.降霜 Il fait du givre.(du frimas).
65.房顶上覆盖着霜 Les toits sont couverts de givre.
66.树枝挂满了白霜 Les arbres sont chargés de givre.
67.今天地上结了薄冰。 Il fait du verglas aujourd’hui.
68.街道上都覆盖一层薄冰 Les rues sont couvertes de verglas.
69. 结冰 Il géle.
70.夜里河水冻了。 La rivière a gelé pendant la nuit.
71.晾在外面的内衣都冻冰了。 Tout le linge dehors a gelé.
72.天冷,地冻得很硬。 Le froid géle le sol.
73.这房间冷得要死 On gèle dans cette chambre.
74.我的脚冻了,暖不过来。 J’ai les pieds gelés, je n’arrive pas à me réchauffer.
75.下雪 Il neige.
76.下小雪 Il tombe une neige fine.
下大雪 Il tombe une neige épaisse.
下雨雪 Il tombe une neige humide.
77.冰在零度时融化 La glace fond à 0 °C
78.下鹅毛大雪。 Il neige à fros flocons.
How’s the weather today?今天天气怎样?
What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎样?
How’s the weather tomorrow? 明天天气怎样?
What was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气怎样?
What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气怎样?
How’s the weather in Beijing in summer? 夏天北京天气怎样?
What’s the weather like in London in winter?伦敦冬天天气怎样?
Is the weather always like this? 天气老是这样吗?
Is it always as hot (cold) as this? 天气总是这样热(冷)吗?
What do you think of the weather here? 你认为这儿天气怎样?
How do you like our weather?你认为我们这儿天气怎样?
What’s the temperature today, do you know? 今天的气温是多少,你知道吗? What does the weather forecast[man] say?天气预报是怎么说的?
What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow? 明天的天气预报怎么说?
What’s the average temperature in London on a summer’s day? 伦敦夏天的平均气温是多少? ~
山地气候 mountain climate
冬季季风气候 winter monsoon climate
季风气候 monsoon climate
高气压 high-pressure
锋面 frontal edge
亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate
气团 air mass
热浪 heat wave
高原气候 plateau climate
闪电 lightning
海滨气候 littoral climate
极地气候 polar climate
雪堆 snowdrift
热带气候 tropical climate
寒冷 chilly
恒风 constant wind
微风 breeze
逆风 headwind
台风 typhoon
轻风 light
信风 trade wind
微风 gentle breeze
温带沙漠气候 temperate desert climate
温带干燥气候 temperate arid climate
大雨 heavy rain breeze
热带季风气候 tropical monsoon climate
大陆气候 continental climate
天气预报 weather forecast
和风 moderate breeze
沙漠气候 desert climate
甘霖 welcome rain
清风 fresh breeze
沿海气候 coastal climate
冰柱 icicle
强风 strong breeze
高地气候 highland climate
西北风 northwester
疾风 near gale
海洋气候 marine climate
地形雨 local rains
森林气候 forest climate
狂风 squall
烈风 strong gale
温带气候 temperate climate
雨季 rainy season
狂风 storm
湿润气候 humid climate
雨点 raindrops
暴风 violent storm
温带草原气候 temperate grassy climate
东北信风 northeast trades
飓风 hurricane
热带雨林气候 tropical rainy climate
东南风 southeaster
台风 typhoon
热带海洋气候 tropical marine climate
风级 wind scale
龙卷风 tornado
虹 rainbow
间歇雨 intermittent rain
小雨 light rain
阵雨 shower
毛毛雨 drizzle, fine rain
疾风 gusty wind
微波 rippled
反常天气 freakish weather
气旋 cyclone
微浪 smooth wavelets
北风 north wind
气压 barometric pressure
细浪 light seas
阴天 cloudy day
小浪 moderate seas
冰点 freezing point
雪花 snow flake
中浪 rough seas 1 / 6
西南风 southwester
大浪 very rough seas
冷峰 cold front
顺风 favorable wind
强浪 high seas
低气压 low-pressure
闷热天气 muggy weather
巨浪 very high seas
雨量 rainfall
狂浪 monster waves
气象学 atmosphere
大气 climate
自然力量(风 、雨) temperature
to be warm, to be hot
天气热 to be cold
天气冷 season
季节 spring
秋(美语:fall) winter
雪 thunder
东北风 northeaster
雷 thunder
东风 east wind
滂沱大雨 downpour
火山地震 volcanic earthquake
炎热 scorching heat
暖锋 warm front
海啸 tidal wave
风眼 eye of a storm
山崩 landslide
零度以下 subzer
downpour, shower
暴雨 storm, tempest
暴风雨 lightning
闪电 land wind
陆风 hurricane
飓风 cyclone
旋风 typhoon
台风 whirlwind
龙卷风 gale
季节风 gust of wind
阵风 breeze
露水 humidity
潮湿 freeze
冰冻 snowflake
雪花 snowfall
降雪 waterspout
水龙卷 dead calm
风平浪静 2 / 6
Indian summer
AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴
AM Showers=上午阵雨
AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪
AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨
Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风
Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪
Few Showers=短暂阵雨
Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪
Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风Fog=雾
Heavy Rain=大雨
Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨
Heavy Snow=大雪
Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨
Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨
Light Drizzle=微雨
Light Rain=小雨
Light Rain Shower=小阵雨
Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风
Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声
Light Snow=小雪
Light Snow Fall=小降雪
Light Snow Grains=小粒雪
Light Snow Shower=小阵雪
Mostly Clear=大部晴朗
Mostly Cloudy=大部多云
Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风
Mostly Sunny=晴时多云
Partly Cloudy=局部多云
Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风
PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风
PM Light Rain=下午小雨
PM Showers=下午阵雨
PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪
PM T-Storms=下午雷雨
Rain Shower=阵雨
Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风
Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪
Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪
Rain / Wind=雨时有风
Rain and Snow=雨夹雪
Scattered Showers=零星阵雨
Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风
Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪
Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风
Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨
Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨
Showers Early=早有阵雨
Showers Late=晚有阵雨
Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风
Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨
Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪
Snow and Fog=雾夹雪
Snow Shower=阵雪
Sunny / Wind=晴时有风
Sunny Day=晴天
Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨
T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨
T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨
Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪
Windy Rain=刮风下雨
Wintry Mix=雨雪混合
meteorology 气象学 atmosphere 大气 element 自然力量 observatory 气象台
weather man 天气预报员 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪
snowflake 雪花 thunder 雷 wind 风
land wind 陆风 mist 薄雾 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨
rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨 rainfall 降雨
rain check 因……而取消,延期 rain or shine 风雨无阻
It never rains but it pours. 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。
downpour 暴雨 shower 阵雨
storm, tempest 暴风雨 thundershower 雷阵雨
sandstorm 沙尘暴 lightning 闪电 hurricane 飓风
tornado 旋风;龙卷风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 breeze 微风
gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水
drizzle 毛毛雨 humidity 湿度
thermometer 温度计 dead calm 风平浪静 drought 干旱
fine becoming cloudy 晴天转阴
cloudy with occasional showers 阴,有阵雨 cloudy with scattered showers 阴,局部阵雨 cloudy at first,becoming fine 阴转晴
fine apart from isolated showers 晴,局部阵雨 cloudy becoming fine 多云转晴
maximum/minimum temperature 最高/最低温度
fair to cloudy
1. The warm sunny weather always give me a sense of well-being。
2. We didn't have the picnic because the weather was unsettled。
我们没有出去野餐,因为天气变幻莫测。 3. The spell of rainy weather has broken。
持续的雨天突然放晴了。 4. The weather was lazy。
5. Severe weather immobilized the rescue team。
6. As often as not the buses are late on foggy day。
7. We had glorious weather for our cruise, sunshine all day and every day。
我们这次巡航天气实在太好了,一连几天阳光普照。 8. The cold weather froze the lake 。
9. The air was frosty。
10. You need cool, moist weather for these plants to germinate。
这些植物在清凉潮湿的天气中才能发芽。 11. Rainy weather always depresses me。
12. The wet weather extended into September。
wild weather
weather process
weather lore
weather advisory
weather forecast
villainous weather
vile weather
shivery weather
propitious weather
overcast sky,cloudy sky
middle rain
storm, tempest
light rain 小雨 moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨
moderate snow中雪 heavy snow 大雪
light snow 小雪
sleet 雨夹雪
sandstorm 沙尘暴
overcast 阴天
windy 大风
breezy 微风 light rain 微雨
heavy rain 大雨
thunderstorm 雷雨 rainy 雨天
cloudy多云的 sunny阳光明媚的
How’s the weather today? 今天天气怎样?
What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎样?
How’s the weather tomorrow? 明天天气怎样?
What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气怎样?
How’s the weather in Beijing in summer? 夏天北京天气怎样? Is the weather always like this? 天气老是这样吗?
What do you think of the weather here? 你认为这儿天气怎样?
What’s the temperature today, do you know? 今天的气温是多少,你知道吗?
What’s the average temperature in London on a summer’s day? 伦敦夏天的平均气温是多少?
It looks like rain [raining]. 看来要下雨了。
It’s going to rain. 要下雨了。
It’s beginning to rain. 开始下雨了。
It’s clearing up. 天放晴了。
It’s going to be fine tomorrow. 明天将是个晴天。
It seems to be clearing up. 天似乎要转晴了。
It’s getting warmer (and warmer). 天气越来越暖和了。
I think there’ll be a storm soon. 我看很快就会有场暴风雨。
I don’t think the rain would last long. 我看这雨不会下很久的。 I think the rain is going to last all day. 我看这雨会下个整天了。
We’re going to have a snowfall today. 今天会下雪了。
I’m so glad it has turned out fine. 我真高兴结果是个好天。 I’m so sorry it has turned out wet. 真遗憾结果是个下雨天。 I hope it will keep fine. 我希望天会一直晴下去。
I hope the weather stays this way. 我希望天气总是这么好。 I hope it won’t rain. 我希望天不会下雨。
The rain has stopped. 雨停了。
What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?
What's the weather like in winter in beijing? 北京冬天天气怎么样? What's it like outside today? 今天外面天气怎么样?
How is the weather tomorrow? 明天的天气怎么样?
What's the weather going to be tomorrow? 明天天气怎样?
What does the weather forecast say? 天气预报怎么说的?
Have you heard the weather forecast? 你听天气预报了吗?
What's the weather report for tomorrow? 天气预报明天怎么样? What will it be after the clear weather? 晴天以后天气怎么样? Is the weather always like this? 天气老是这样的吗?
Is it always as hot as this? 天气总是这样热吗?
Do you like the weather here? 你喜欢这儿的天气吗?
What do you think of the weather here? 你觉得这儿的天气怎么样? Which seasins dou you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?
What's your favorite season? 你最喜欢哪个季节?
What a nice day! 多好的天气呀!
What great weather we're having today! 今天天气真好!
It's a beautiful/lovely day. 今天是个好天气
It's Sunny 是晴天
It's cool/warm/pleasant 天气很凉爽/温暖/舒适
It's very crisp and cool 天气干爽
Today is a sunny day 今天真是阳光灿烂的一天
The sun is shining 阳光明媚
The weather is much better than yesterday 天气比昨天好多了
The air is warm,but there's a nice breeze 空气很热,但是有怡人的微风 It's going to be fine tomorrow 明天将会有好天气
we'll have fine weather for the next few days 以后几天天气晴朗
I hope the weather will stay this way 我希望这种天气持续下去
It's good to see the sun again 真是太好了,太阳又出来了
Lovely weather,isn't it? 天气真好,是吗?
Fine day,isn't it? 今天是个好天气,是吧?
The weather is terrible 天气真糟糕
The weather forecast says it isn't good 天气预报说今天天气不好
What's the temperature? 温度是多少?
It will get warmer as the day goes by 天气会一天天地变暖和
Spring is warm 春天是温暖的
It's a warm day 是温暖的天气
It's warmer than yesterday (今天)比昨天暖和
How hot is it outside? 外面有多热?
It's so hot/cold 是如此的热/冷
It's burning hot! 燃烧般的热!
It's Africa hot 非洲般的热
It's very sultry 天气非常的闷热
It's extremely hot and muggy 天气非常炎热闷人
It's blazing hot outside 外面很炽热
With all this moisture,it feels very muggy outside 由于湿气很重,外面很闷热 I felt like I was roasting inside house 在屋里我觉得跟火烤一样
This morning is cooler than expected 今天早上比预计的要凉快
It's cools down in the fall 到了秋天天气渐渐凉了
I hope the weather there is cold enough 我希望那儿天气够冷
The temperature has dropped a lot today. 今天温度低多了
It's going to get cold fast 天气很快会变冷的
It's a little bit chilly out 外面有点寒冷
It's freezing outside 外面很冷
It's twenty degrees Centigrade today 今天是摄氏二十度
The temperature will drop below zero 气温将降到零度以下
It's two below zero. 零下二度。
It's seven degrees below zero. 今天是零下七度。(摄氏)
You know global warming may raise the temperature 你知道全球变暖会使气温上
as long as it doesn't rain 只要不下雨就行
It's going to be cloudy tomorrow 明天将是阴天
It looks like rain. 看起来要下雨
I guess it's going to tain 我想要下雨了
The paper says it might rain this evening 报纸说今天傍晚可能要下雨
It's wet and cloudy 天气潮湿阴沉
It's rainy and wet 天下雨并且潮湿
Oh,the rain is coming down 呕,雨已经下下来了
It's drizzling/sprinkling outside 外面在下毛毛雨
It's really raining 雨下的可真大
It's raining pretty hard right now 现在雨下得很大
The rain is pouring down 大雨倾盆而下
It's coming down outside 外面在下倾盆大雨
It's raining cats and dogs. 天正下瓢泼大雨
It's raining buckets 雨量像水桶倒出来一样
It's thundering and lightening. 雷电交加
I hope the rain will stop soon 我希望这场雨会很快停下来
The rain seems to be stopping 雨看来渐渐停了
It'll clear up soon 天很快就会放晴
It seems to be cleaning up. 天似乎要转晴
Some of the street are almost flooded with rain 有些街道几乎被雨水淹了 We had a lot of rain this winter though 但是我们今年冬天下了很多雨
I think there will be a strong wind 我想可能要刮大风了
Today's a windy day 今天外面刮大风
It's a windy day 刮风了
It's blowing hard. 风刮得很大
It's rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy/wet/dry. 今天是雨天/阴天/刮风/下雪/潮湿/干燥。 I'm afraid it won't be cold enough for a snowfall 我恐怕天不会冷的下雪 It's starting to snow outside 外面开始下雪了
It's snowing heavily. 正在下大雪。
The snow won’t last long. 雪不会持续太久。
How much snow do you have in the winter in this area? 你们这个地区冬天下多少雪?
The average snowfall each year is about two feet 每年平均降雪量大约两英尺
It's very foggy. 雾很大。
The fog is beginning to lift. 正在收雾。
形容天气的词语(英语)sunny晴天 cloudy多云 overcast阴天 light rain 小雨moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain 大雨 moderate snow中雪heavy snow 大雪 light snow 小雪 rainstorm暴雨thunderstorm雷雨 fog雾 frost霜冻 sleet 雨夹雪typhoon台风 sandstorm 沙尘暴天气状况Wind direction风向Wind force 风力Lowest temperature最低气温(℃)Highest temperature最高气温(℃)AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴AM Showers=上午阵雨AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨Clear=晴朗Cloudy=多云Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴Drifting Snow=飘雪Drizzle=毛毛雨Dust=灰尘Fair=晴Few Showers=短暂阵雨Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风Fog=雾Haze=薄雾Hail=冰雹Heavy Rain=大雨Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨Heavy Snow=大雪Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨Light Drizzle=微雨Light Rain=小雨Light Rain Shower=小阵雨Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声Light Snow=小雪Light Snow Fall=小降雪Light Snow Grains=小粒雪Light Snow Shower=小阵雪Lightening=雷电Mist=薄雾Mostly Clear=大部晴朗Mostly Cloudy=大部多云Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风Mostly Sunny=晴时多云Partly Cloudy=局部多云Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风PM Light Rain=下午小雨PM Showers=下午阵雨PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪PM T-Storms=下午雷雨Rain=雨Rain Shower=阵雨Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪Rain / Wind=雨时有风Rain and Snow=雨夹雪Scattered Showers=零星阵雨Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨Showers=阵雨Showers Early=早有阵雨Showers Late=晚有阵雨Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨Smoke=烟雾Snow=雪Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪Snow and Fog=雾夹雪Snow Shower=阵雪Snowflakes=雪花Sunny=阳光Sunny / Wind=晴时有风Sunny Day=晴天Thunder=雷鸣Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨T-Storms=雷雨T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨Windy=有风Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪Windy Rain=刮风下雨Wintry Mix=雨雪混合shower 骤雨stormy 暴风雨fine 好天overcast 阴天windy 大风breezy 微风light rain 微雨heavy rain 大雨thunderstorm 雷雨rainy 雨天
??Mature, dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。
Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。
Ability to work independent1y, mature . 能够独立工作、思想成熟。
A person with ability plus flexibility should apply. 需要有能力及适应力强的人。
A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. 个性稳重、具高度责任感。
Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force. 能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。
Bright,aggressive applicants. 反应快、有进取心的应聘者。
Ambitious attitude essential. 有雄心壮志。
Initiative, independent and good munication skill. 积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。
Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality. 愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。
Willing to assume responsibilities. 应聘者须勇于挑重担。
Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。
Energetic, fashion-minded person. 精力旺盛、思想新潮。
With a pleasant mature attitude. 开朗成熟。
Strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心。
Strong leadership skills. 有极强的领导艺术。
Ability to work well with others. 能够同他人一道很好地工作。
Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。
The ability to initiate and operate independently. 有创业能力,并能独立地从业
Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。
Be highly anized and effecient. 工作很有条理,办事效率高。
Willing to learn and progress. 肯学习进取。
Good presentation skills. 有良好的表达能力。
Positive active mind essential.有积极、灵活的头脑。
Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively. 善于同各种人员打交道。
Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision. 有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。
Young, bright, energetic with strong career-ambition. 年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。
Good people management and munication skills. Team player. 有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头作用。
Able to work under high pressure and time limitation. 能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。
Be elegant and with nice personality. 举止优雅、个人性格好。
With good managerial skills and anizational capabilities. 有良好的管理艺术和组织能力。
The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health. 主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、学习能力优、事业心强和身体棒。
Having good and extensive social connections. 具有良好而广泛的社会关系。
Being active, creative and innonative is a plus. 思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。
With good analytical capability. 有较强的分析能力。
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