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以“healthy”为话题的4篇1.A healthy lifestyleIf you want to be healthy, you must have a healthy lifestyle. You should do exercise every day. You must go to bed early and get up early. And drink milk every day. You should not eat junk food and drink coffee. You must sleep nine hours every night. You must try to eat lots of vegetables and drink milk every day. Your healthy lifestyle helps you get good grades. Good food and exercise help you to study better.2.Keep in good healthDo you want to know how to keep in good healthy? Let me tell you something about keeping healthy. You should exercise every day and have good eating habits. You should try to eat a lot of vegetables. You should eat fruits and drink milk every day. You shouldn’t drink coffee. You shouldn’t eat too much junk food, like chocolate. Good rest is also good for your health. So you should sleep nine hours every night. Healthy lifestyle helps you to get good grades. Good food and good rest help you to study better.I hope you all have a healthy lifestyle.3.Keep a healthy lifestyle.Do you know how we can keep a healthy lifestyle? Now let me tell you. We should de exercise every day. For example, we can run in the morning and play ping-pong in the evening. We should eat healthy food every day. We try to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. And we shouldn’t eat too much junk food, because it is not good for our health. At night, we can drink some milk. But we shouldn’t drink coffee. We should get up early and sleep early. And we shouldn’t watch TV and surf the internet for too long time. We should sleep nine hours every night.A good healthy lifestyle helps us get good grades. Good food and exercise help us to study better.4.A healthy lifestyleI have a healthy body, because I have a healthy lifestyle. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. My eating habits are pretty good. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. But I never drink coffee, because my mom says, it is too bad for my health. I love junk food, too. But I eat it only once a week. I sleep nine hours every night. Good food and good rest can help me to study better! And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades!
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来源:互联网 发表时间: 10:31:30 责任编辑:王亮字体:
就差一句话了 (老师说要结尾三句)Here are some ideas to keep healthy.If you can do all these things you can stay healthy.___________________________________(在写一句 即可)
,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:Let‘s form the good habit of keeping healthy。让我们养成注意保持健康的好习惯吧解决方案2:
The body is the capital of revolution.If we want to make our dream come true.We must have a healthy body to face the challenges of the future.
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How to keep healthy英语
How to keep healthy英语
As we know, keeping healthy is important to us. But what should we do to keep healthy? First,we should get up early.we should eat healthy food, drink a lot of water and do more exercise . Food can give us energy. Doing exercise can make us strong. Second,we should change clothes often, wash hands often, keep the air fresh and clean and do house cleaning often to stop germs from getting into our bodies.You shouldn&t keep long fingernails. At last, we should go to see a doctor at once if we don&t feel well.
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推荐英语作文散文吧网站海不择细流,故能成其大。山不拒细壤,方能就其高。healthy life英语作文范文相关话题健康对于我们每个人来说都是十分重要,只有拥有强壮的体魄更好地学习和工作。下面小编为大家带来healthy life英语作文范文,欢迎大家学习!
healthy life英语作文范文1:
Health is very important for everyone. And it&s not very difficult for us to be health. For me, having a good eating habit is the most important. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day, because they&re not only good for our eyes but also for our health. Remember, don&t eat too much meat or ice-cream, they're both junk food. If I were you, I would take a long walk before going to sleep instead of watching TV or playing computer games. We&re too tired after a busy day and we need to have enough sleep. Being happy and confident also help a lot. Don&t be angry all the time. I hope all of you will become healthier.
healthy life英语作文范文2:
Healthy is very important for everyone. Keeping healthy not only can we get exercise, but also makes our body more healthy. Let me tell you how to keep healthy. As we know exercise is the most important way to keep healthy. So, I think you need to take exercise every day. It is necessary for us to keep a healthy eating habit. For example, we have to eat more vegetables and fruits. It can make us comfortable. You should try to eat less meat, ice &cream. The breakfast is a part of our life. I always drink milk eat eggs and burgers. And you are supposed to play basketball, have enough sleep and run every day. Playing computer games and watching TV are bad for our health. Both of them are unhealthy. And you&d better not be nervous and angry all day. In a word, being happy all day can make our body get stronger and stronger.
healthy life英语作文范文3:
Health is very important for everyone. I have some good ways of keeping healthy. The food you eat is the most important. Firstly, I always eat fruit, vegetables, eggs, etc. They are really useful for me. Secondly, and I play sports and have enough sleep nearly every day. And the key to keep healthy is to be happy, confident forever! What&s more, you are not allowed to eat junk food anymore or play computer games for a long time. They are not only bad for your health but also influence your work much! In a word, I hope everyone can be healthy.
healthy life英语作文范文4:
Health is very important for everyone. I can give some of my ideas. First of all, I eat an apple every morning. I think eating lots of vegetables is good for our health. So, I eat vegetables every day. Don&t eat too much meat and ice-cream. And I often drink lots of water before going to bed. Playing sports is good for our health. I like to play tennis. I think we should do exercise every morning. We should have enough sleep every night. Don&t play computer games too much time. It&s important to have good dinner. I hope everyone can have a good healthy life.
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