他们把你吃过晚饭了吗 英语准备好了的英语

1. Get up起床
Good morning,sweetie. You finally got up.
Did you sleep well? 你睡得好吗?
Did you have a bad night? 晚上过得不好吗?
How was your sleep last night? 昨晚睡得好吗?
It’s almost time to get up. 该起床了。
Wake up, sleepyhead. 起床,小懒鬼。
Time to get going. 出发的时间到了。
We need to get moving. 我们要赶快行动。
It’s already late. 已经迟啦。
Are you still lazing around? 你还赖床吗?
Rise and shine! 快起床吧!
You better hurry.
It’s time to get dressed. 该穿衣服啦。
It’s already 8 o’clock.已经八点了。
Well, honey, wake up, or you’ll be late for school.
Ten more minutes. I'm still sleepy. 再多睡十分钟。我还想睡。
Did you stay up late last night? 你昨天晚上熬夜了吗?
No, I couldn't fall asleep last night.没有,我昨晚根本睡不着。
Peter, take off your pajamas. 彼得,把睡衣脱掉。
What should I wear today? 我今天要穿什么?
It’s chilly outside, so don’t forget to put on your jacket.
How’s the shirt? 这件衬衫看起来如何?
Son, it looks great on you. 儿子,你看起来很帅。
Hurry up and get dressed. 快点换衣服。
You put your shoes on wrong. 你把鞋子穿错了。Put on shoes
You’ve got your shoes on the wrong way. 你把鞋子穿错了。
You’ve got your right shoe on your left foot, and the left shoe on
the right foot.你把右脚的鞋子穿在左脚上,把左脚的鞋子穿在右脚上了。
Those shoes are on wrong. 鞋子穿错了。
These shoes don’t match.这两只鞋子不是一双。
These shoes don’t go together. 这两只鞋子不是一双。
Are those shoes pinching your toes? 那双鞋子挤脚吗?
Do you know how to tie your shoelaces yet? 你知道怎么系你的鞋带吗?
What do you want to wear today?今天你想穿什么?
What do you feel like wearing today?今天你想穿什么?
It’s too cold for short sleeves.今天穿短袖太冷了。
Is this shirt too tight?这件衬衫太紧吗?
Here’s a pretty little shirt for you.这件漂亮的小衣服是给你的。
How did your clothes get so dirty?你的衣服怎么会这么脏?
You look smashing! 你看起来好极了!
It’s not really your look. 看起来都不像你了。
Red is definitely your colour. 红色是很适合你的颜色。
What a neat outfit!你穿得漂亮极了!
You’re dressed nicely! 你穿得漂亮极了!
Come on, we need to get these pants on. 来吧,我们需要把这些裤子穿上。
Did you outgrow these pants already? Wow, you’re growing fast.
Y you can’t wear them today.
Your pants are on backwards.你的裤子穿反了。
Straighten out your legs. 把你的腿伸出来。
Put your legs straighten out.把你的腿伸出来。
Stretch your legs. Don’t bend over.把腿伸直。不要弯腿。
I can’t get your pants on with your legs like that.
Lift up your leg. 把腿抬起来。
Put your foot through here.把你的脚穿过这里。
Put your foot through this opening. 把你的脚穿过这里。
Now your other foot/leg.现在另一支脚/腿。
First put your arm through the sleeve, now put your head
Your sweater is on backwards. 你的羊毛衫穿反了。
You have your sweater on backwards. 你的羊毛衫穿反了。
Your sweater is inside-out.你把羊毛衫里朝外穿了。
You have your sweater on inside-out. 你把羊毛衫里朝外穿了。
Put your hand through the sleeve. Now the other one.
Your right arm goes in the right sleeves.你的右手放到右边的袖子里。
Now put your other arm in the other
Your little finger is let me get it out.
Take your clothes off/take off your clothes.脱衣服。
Let me button up your shirt. 让我帮你把衬衫扣起来。
Your shirt is buttoned up wrong. 你的衬衫纽扣扣错了。
Will you button up the coat by yourself? 你会自己把外套扣好吗?
Unbutton your shirt. 把你的衬衫纽扣解开。
Z it’s cold out. 把你的夹克衫的拉链拉上,天气冷了。
Unzip your jacket. 把你的夹克衫的拉链拉开。
Mom, the toothpaste dropped on my shorts.妈,牙膏不小心沾到我裤子上了。
Oh, dear, go get another pair. I'll help you change your
Brush your teeth.刷牙
Wash your face.洗脸
I'm going to scrub your face.我要给你洗脸啦。
There are bubbles on your face. Rinse off.你脸上还有泡沫呢。清洗掉。
Comb/Brush your hair.梳头。
The bath is ready.洗澡水准备好了。
Be careful. The floor is slippery.小心,地板很滑。
Mom, there isn't any hot water.妈,没有热水。
Turn on the shower.把莲蓬头打开。
It's getting cold.水越来越冷了。
Ok. I'll check the heater. Dry yourself with the towel
If you never take a bath, other children won't want to play with
You got mud all over. Go take a bath.你弄得身上都是泥。去洗个澡吧。
Let's take a bath now.现在让我们洗澡吧。
We will get water ready first.我们先准备水。
Let mummy test/check the water, hot or cold. The water is just
OK/It feels just right.让妈妈试一下水温,热还是冷。水温正好。
It's bath time. Let's undress first.洗澡时间到了。先脱衣服。
Let's make you nice and clean. I'll help you. Now take your clothes
Mummy is scrubbing the bathtub.妈妈在刷澡盆。
Go get your bathrobe in the closet/wardrobe.从衣橱里把你的浴袍拿出来。
Let's prepare all the stuffs we will need for the bath: washcloth,
towels, bathtub, clean
Let's have a shower. Take off your clothes yourself, and don't
forget put on your little slippers.我们要冲淋裕了。自己脱衣服,不要忘记换上拖鞋。
Which toys would you like to play with?你想玩哪个玩具?
You can pick a couple of toys and throw them into the
First wash your neck and then your arm, back, tummy, your leg, your
feet. Last wash your
Wash your body so you don't miss any parts. Start from your neck
and go down to your toes.洗洗你的小身体,不要漏掉任何地方。从你的脖子洗到你的脚趾。
Let me wash behind your ears, armpits, under the chin, around the
Turn around please, I'll wash you back.请转过去,我要给你洗后背了。
Don't splash.不要把水溅出来。
Be careful not to get the water into your eyes or
You are padding in the bath.你在澡盆里戏水玩。
Let's smear some lotion to your body.让我们抹一点护肤液在你身上。
Lather up really well. 搓起泡。
Use the bath sponge to scrub your body.用洗澡球擦洗身体。
Hold the shower head, rinse your body.拿着淋浴头,冲洗你的身子。
Are you warm enough? 你暖和吗?
Do you feel cozy/comfortable in the warm water? 你觉得舒服吗?
Now, you can play with your toys for a little while
Call me when you want to get out the bath.想出来时叫我。
The water is getting cold, you have to get out of
If you stay in that bathtub any longer, you'll shrivel up into a
We will come out, are you ready?我们要出来了,你准备好了吗?
It is time to get out of the tub.该从澡盆里出来了。
Put on your pajamas.穿上睡袍。
Let me wrap a towel around you.让我用毛巾把你裹起来。
Dry you off with a towel.用毛巾把你擦干。
The towel is soft and warm, mummy will dry you from top to
Dry yourself. Don’t catch a cold.擦干,别感冒了。
Before you have breakfast/lunch/dinner, you should wash your hands
Wait a minute please, mommy will get the water and soap for
Where is your handkerchief?你的手绢在哪里?
Now, put your hands into the water.把你的手放进水里。
Wet your hands and put on the soap.把手弄湿,然后抹香皂。
Rub your hands together. Look, here come the
Look! The bubbles are dark now. Your hands are too dirty and make
the bubbles dark.看!泡沫变黑了。你的手太脏了,把泡沫弄黑了。
Now, put your hands into the water again.
Wash off the bubbles.把手上的泡沫洗干净。
Rinse off your hands.清洗手上的肥皂。
Ok, your hands are clean now.好,手洗好了。
Let mummy dry your hands.妈妈把你的手擦干。
Left hand, and then right hand.左手,然后右手。
Did you wash your hands well? 手洗干净了吗?
You need to wash your hair or it will start to
Close your eyes. I'm going to wet your hair.闭上眼睛,我要弄湿你的头发。
It’s not too hot. Here I'm going to put some shampoo on your
Now, are you ready? Close your eyes really
Let me tip your head back and wash your hair.把头向后仰,让我帮你洗头发。
Ok, let me dry off your hair.把头发擦干。
The shampoo is not supposed to sting your
It’s no big deal if you get water in your
Rinse the shampoo off your hair.给你清晰头发。
Let me rinse your hair.我给你清洗头发。
Your hair is all done.你的头发洗好了。
Let’s me dry your hair.让我给你擦干头发。
Take off your pants. 把你的裤子脱下来。
Do you want to go to the toilet? 你想上厕所吗?
Do you need to go potty? 你要去大/小便吗?
I have to go pee/I need to pee. 我要小便了。
I have to go poop/I need to poop. 我要大便了。
I need to go to the bathroom/use the restroom. 我要去一下洗手间。
Don’t unroll the toilet paper. 不要把卷纸散着。
You unrolled the toilet paper again. 你又把卷纸散着了。
You’ve been playing with the toilet paper, and I told you many
times not to do that. 你又在玩卷纸了,我跟你讲过很多次不要那样做了。
Wipe your bottom. 擦一下你的屁股。
Don’t use too much toilet paper.不要用太多卷纸。
To flush the toilet. 冲一下抽水马桶。
Don’t put anything but toilet paper in the toilet.
Poop is smelly/stinky, so we need to flush the toilet.
Poop and pee have lots of germs in them, so we need to wash our
hands every time after we go potty. 大小便里有很多细菌,所以每次便后我们都要洗手。
You have to wash your hands with soap after you
Poop has lots of germs that could make you sick.
8、卫生习惯 Hygienic habits
Don’t pick your nose. 不要掏鼻子。
Don’t stick your fingers in your nose. 不要把手指戳到鼻子里。
Your hands are sticky. 你的手黏乎乎的。
Please don’t touch the furniture with sticky hands.
Wash them immediately. 立即把他们洗掉。
Don’t drink from other people’s cups, you’ll catch their germs.
Don’t put your fingers into that food. 不要把你的手指插到食物里。
Mom, what’s for dinner tonight? 妈,今天晚上吃什么?
We’re having beef curry and rice today. 今天吃牛肉咖喱饭。
When will it be ready? 还要多久才准备好?
In about ten more minutes. Help me set the table first, will you?
I'm happy to do it. 我非常乐意呢。
Dad, I don’t like it. 爸,我不喜欢这个。
Don’t be so picky. It’s good for your body. 不可以挑食,这个对你的身体很好。
I'm shirsty. I want some water. 我口渴想要喝水。
The soup tastes great! Take some. 汤的味道很棒!喝一点。
Dad, I'm full. 爸,我吃饱了。
Honey, you should finish your food. 亲爱的,你应该把东西吃完。
Honey, do you want to eat out? 亲爱的,要不要出去吃?
Hurray! I want to. 好棒喔!我要我要。
What do you want to eat? 你想吃什么?
How about Korean barbecue? 韩国烤肉如何呢?
Sounds great! 好啊!
Peter, wash your hands first, and then have some dessert.
Mom, can I have some ice cream? 妈,可以吃点冰激淋吗?
Not today, honey. Don’t eat too much ice cream.
Mom, can I have one more piece of cake? 妈,我可以再吃一块蛋糕吗?
Ok. The last piece is for your dessert. We’re having dinner soon.
I bet you are hungry! Let’s have some meals. 我想你肯定饿了,吃点东西吧。
Wash up, it’s time to eat. 洗洗手,该吃饭了。
Wash your hands before you eat. 吃东西前要洗手。
Is breakfast ready? 早饭准备好了吗?
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner is ready. 早饭/午饭/晚饭准备好了。
Din-din is ready. 食物准备好了。
Come sit at the table. 坐到桌子这儿来。
We’re having your favorite today. 我们今天准备了你最爱吃的东西。
Put on your bib. Now you are ready to eat. 戴上围嘴。现在可以吃饭。
Please go ahead. 请先吃饭吧。
Come and get it. 开饭啦。
It’s time for breakfast/lunch/supper. 该吃早饭/中饭/晚饭了。
I'm coming. 这就来啦。
Don’t spill it. 别弄洒了。
Don’t tip it over. 别弄洒了。
Let mommy help you sit on the high chair. 妈妈帮你坐餐椅。
Buckle up the belt. 扣上安全带。
Lay down the tray. 把托盘放好。
Do you want any more rice? 你还要添点饭吗?
I will bring you some rice. 我给你盛点米饭来。
The breakfast is delicious. 早饭美味极了。
What do you like to have for your breakfast? Cake or fried rice?
Would you like something to eat? 你想吃点什么?
What would you like for dinner? 晚饭你想吃什么?
What do you want for dinner? 晚饭吃什么?
What do you want to eat for dinner?晚饭吃什么?
How about some cake/steak? 吃点蛋糕/牛排怎么样?
What’s for breakfast/lunch/supper? 早饭/中饭/晚饭吃什么?
Let’s take a short break for lunch. 让我们休息一会儿去吃午饭。
I must go home to cook lunch for us. 我必须回家给我们做中饭吃了。
You are hungry, aren’t you? Don’t worry. Mommy will serve you.
Do you like the breakfast today? 今天的饭好吃吗?
You really like your breakfast. 你吃的真香。
You finished all your dishes. 你碗里的饭都吃完了。
You have a really big tummy. 你真能吃呀。
Are you full? 你吃饱了吗?
Your rice spilled all over the tray. 你的托盘上都是饭。
Try this one. 吃吃看这个。
Do you want more rice/vegetable/meat/fish/soup?
Which one is your favorite dish on the table? 桌上的菜你最喜欢哪一个?
Do you like the corn soup? 你喜欢玉米汤吗?
How awful! 真可怕,太难吃了。
Aw, it tastes terrible! 哦,味道不好。
How does it taste?它尝起来怎么样?
It tastes really great. 味道真得很好。
It’s very bitter. 它很苦。
It’s too salty. 它太咸了。
It tastes sweet. 它尝起来是甜的。
It is nutritious. 它是有营养的。
We have some snacks. 吃点点心吧。
Where are the snacks? 点心在哪儿?
They are in the cupboard. 在碗橱里。
Have some water/tea/milk. 喝一些水/茶/牛奶。
Are you thirsty? 你渴吗?
I drank milk. 我喝牛奶。
Sip the juice. Don’t gulp it. 小口喝果汁。别吞着喝。
Could you pour me a glass of water? 你能给我倒一杯水吗?
Thank you! That’s enough. 谢谢,够了。
They filled my cup with water.他们在我的杯子里倒满水。
This orange is sour. 这橘子是酸的。
The cake is sweet. 这蛋糕是甜的。
The medicine is bitter 这药有苦味。
The onion is spicy. 洋葱是辣的。
The ice cream is cold. 冰激淋很冰。
The chicken soup is too hot. 鸡汤太烫了。
10、餐桌礼仪 Table manners
Don’t throw food on the floor. 不要把食物扔在桌上。
Stop playing with your food. 不要玩食物。
Don’t smear that all over the table. 不要把桌子都弄脏。
Don't talk with your mouth full. 嘴里塞满食物时不要说话。
Just eat one at a time. 一次吃一个。
Don’t put too much food into your mouth each time. 一次少吃点。
Don’t put all of those i you could choke.
Don’t spill tomato s it’s very hard to remove.
You know how to use the chopsticks. Great! 你会用筷子了,真棒。
Don’t poke your mouth with the chopsticks. 不要用筷子捅嘴。
Don't’ play with the chopsticks. 不要玩筷子。
Don’t bite the chopsticks. 不要咬筷子。
Your little sister doesn’t know how t she can
only use a spoon. 妹妹不会用筷子,她只会用汤匙。
Hold the bowl with one hand while eating with your spoon with the
other hand. 用勺子舀饭的时候,用另一只手扶着碗。
So the bowl won’t move around and it’s easier to scoop up the rice
with your spoon. 这样碗就不坏动来动去,你用勺子舀饭就会比较容易。
Don’t scoop up too much with your spoon. 每次用勺子舀得少一点,别舀那么多。
This knife cuts well, doesn’t it? 这刀挺好使的,是不是?
Mom, I'm ready for school.妈,我准备好要去上学了。
Don’t forget to come straight hone after school. 别忘了放学直接回家喔。
I know, mom. 我知道,妈咪。
Have you got everything? 东西都带了吗?
Oh, my jump rope. Mom, can you get it for me?
It’s time to go. 该走了。
Y we’re going to the store.
B it’s cold out there. 围好,那儿冷。
Wait for me. 等等我。
Close the door. 关门。
Open the door. 开门。
I’ll be right there. 我马上就去。
Take your time. 慢慢来。
Let’s go for a walk. 让我们去散步吧。
Hurry up/Be quick/Time’s up. 快点。
Time flies, let’s have a race with time. 时间飞逝,让我们和时间赛跑吧。
Where is the restaurant? 餐厅在哪里?
How far is the bank? 银行离这里有多远?
Nearly here. 快到了。
I'm on my way. 我正在路上。
How do you get to your house? 怎样能到达你的住宅?
Go up Main Street. 沿着中心街走。
Turn left at the first traffic light. 在第一个交通灯左转。
Go three blocks. 走三个街区。
Then turn right on first street. 然后在第一街右转。
It is the second house on the left. 左边第二栋住宅。
14、在车上 In the car
Let’s go for a ride. 让我们开车去吧。
Buckle yourself in. /Buckle up. 系好安全带。
Get in your seat. 在你的座位上坐好。
Don’t touch the gear shift. 不要碰引擎。
Don’t unbuckle your seat belt while we’re driving.
Look at the car wheels turning. 看车轮子在动。
The car wheels go round and round. 车轮不断地滚动。
The concrete truck rolls along the road. 混凝土搅拌车滚过路面。
Look at that car over there. It’s coming towards us.
14、捉迷藏 Hide-and-seek
Want to play hide-and-seek? 想玩捉迷藏吗?
We want to play hide-and-seek. 我们想玩捉迷藏。
I'm going to count to ten. 我会数到10。
Ready or not, here I come. 准备好了吗?我来啦。
Gotcha/ I got you. 我抓你啦。
Where are you?你在哪里?
I am here. 我在这里。
15、户外活动 Outdoor activity
let’s make a sand castle. 让我们做一个沙子城堡吧。
Want to play outside/ in the yard? 想到外面/在院子里玩吗?
Let’s go play in the park. 让我们去公园玩吧。
Did you get dizzy on the merry-go-round? 你坐旋转木马晕吗?
Want to go down the slide? 相玩滑梯吗?
16、玩追逐游戏 Play catch
let’s play catch. 让我们玩追逐游戏吧。
Catch! 抓到啦。
Good catch! 抓到啦!
17、玩球 Play the ball
Let’s play the ball. 让我们玩球吧。
Roll the ball/toy to me/over there. 把秋/玩具给我/滚到那边去。
Throw me the ball. 把球扔给我。
18、荡秋千 Play on the swing
Want to swing? 想要当秋千吗?
Let’s swing on the swings. 让我们荡秋千吧。
Shall I push you? 需要我推你吗?
You can touch the sky. 你都可以够到天空啦。
和其他孩子一起玩 playing with other children
Let’s all just get along.让我们友好相处。
Now, isn’t it more fun to play together?现在,一起玩是不是更有趣呢?
I'm going to tell.我要告诉大人去了。
Don’t be a tattle-tale.不要做告状派。
Don’t hurt people’s feelings.不要伤害其他人的感情。
That’s not playing fair.那样玩法不公平。
You cheated.你作弊。
You have to learn to stand up for yourself.你要学习捍卫自己。
制止矛盾break up the conflicts
Why are you always picking fights?你们为什么总是发生争吵?
Don’t play rough.玩的时候不要粗暴无礼。
Don’t kick.不要踢人。
Don’t step on his toes.不要踩在他脚趾上。
Don’t hit him.不要打他。
She doesn’t want to be held like that.他不喜欢被那样抱着。
No bullying.不要欺负别人。
Pulling hair isn’t nice. It hurts people.拉人头发布友好。那会伤害别人。
Don’t trip her.不要绊倒她。
整理文具make the stationery
Uh-oh, you dropped the crayons all over the floor.
Don’t leave crayons on the floor where people will step on them.
Please put the caps back on the pens/markers when you’re done with
them. 用完钢笔/记号笔后,请把笔帽盖好。
Don’t waste paper. 不要浪费纸。
You’ve been tearing pages out of that book, haven’t you? Now what
did I tell you about that?你有没有把那本书上的书页撕下来?现在我告诉你什么了?
Why did you tear up that paper? Now you have to pick up all the
pieces off the floor. 你为什么撕那张纸?现在你必须把地板上所有的碎纸屑捡起来。
You tore off that picture again, didn’t you? 你又把那幅图撕掉了,是不是?
Don’t mark on your clothes with the magic
打扫房间 Helping around the house
Jenny, can you come and help me?珍妮,你可以过来帮我吗?
Mom, what should I do?妈,我要做什么?
It’s dusty everywhere in the house. Can you help me do the
Ok. I will call Peter to clean it together.好吧,我叫彼得一起帮忙打扫。
That’s my good girl. The clothes need washing. I’ll do the
Jenny, clean up your mess, please.珍妮,把这一团脏乱整理干净。
Ok. Mom, I’m putting these books into the box. I’ll do it later.
Peter, tidy up your mess. Pick up the garbage under your desk,
Mom, can I do it later? I haven’t finished my homework.
Peter, you better hurry. Summer vacation is over in 2 days.
Have you done your chorse yet?你做了你的杂务了吗?
Time to clean up. 清洁时间到了。
Don’t track mud all over the house. 不要把泥巴弄得屋子里到处都是。
What a mess you’ve made. 你弄得一团糟。
Look at the mess you’ve made. 看你弄得乱糟糟的。
Look at this mess!看这儿乱的。
Pick up your socks and put them in the laundry basket.
Can you do me a favor please? Please give me a hand, baby!
You make everywhere such a mess! 你把到处都弄得这么乱!
Clean it up right now. 马上把它清洁好。
Let’s tidy up! 让我们收拾一下。
就寝 Bedtime
Jenny, you should go to bed now. 珍妮,该睡了。
But it's still early. 但是现在还很早啊。
Don’t stay up late. 不要太晚睡。
But, daddy, I’m not sleepy. 可是,爸,我还不想睡。
Well, honey, turn off the light, lie down and go to sleep.
Let’s go to sleep/bed. 让我们去睡觉。
It’s time to go sleepy-bye. 睡觉时见到了。
Time for bed. 该上床了。
It’s time to go to bed. 该上床了。
You need to go to bed, period. 你需要上床了,睡觉时见到了。
No more discussion, you’re going to bed now. 不要再讨论了,现在你需要上床了。
You know that when I say it’s bedtime, I’m not going to change my
mind. 你知道,当我说睡觉时间到了,我就不打算改变主意了。
No more of your stories. You need to go to bed now.
不要再找理由了。现在你需要上床睡觉了。Nightie-night, sleep tight.晚安,好好睡。
Sweet dreams. 做个好梦。
The land of dreams awaits you. 梦乡在等你。
Maybe the Tooth Fairy will come tonight. 也许牙仙今晚回来。
作息时间 rest schedules
When do you get up every day?你每天几点起床?
When do you have breakfast each morning?你每天几点吃早饭?
When do you go to school every morning?你几点钟上学?
When do you have lunch every day?每天几点钟吃午饭?
When do you have your nap each noon?你中午几点睡午觉?
When do you go home every day?每天几点钟回家?
When do you have your supper every evening?每天几点钟吃晚饭?
When do you usually go to bed?你每天几点睡觉?
做噩梦 nightmare
It was just a nightmare. Nightmares aren’t real. They are like
playing pretend.那只是个噩梦。噩梦不是真的。它们就像玩假装游戏。
Everyone has nightmares. Mommy and Daddy have them sometimes
There’s nothing to be scared of.没有什么可害怕的。
I know it must have been scary, but it’s all over
Are you feeling better now?你现在觉得好点了吗?
We’re right in the next room.我们就在隔壁房间。
安慰 giving reassurance
Nothing serious, don’t worry, be a man. 没什么要紧的,不要担心,像个男子汉。
There’s no need to worry.不必担心。
It happens to everyone when he is a baby.每个小宝宝都会发生这样的状况的。
You almost fall down, but not really.你差点儿跌倒,但是并没有跌倒。
Give me your hand.握住我的手吧。
Easy does it.放松。
Have it easy.放松。
Take your time.放松。
Be patient.放松。
询问ask about
What happened?发生什么事了?
What’s the matter?出什么事了?
Is something wrong?出什么事了?
Is it serious?要紧吗?
Why are you crying?你为什么要哭?
Is something bothering you?什么事情让你不高兴了?
Is there something you want to talk about?你想要说什么?
Do you have anything to tell me?你有什么想要告诉我?
That’s a good/great idea.那真是个好主意。
You are smart/clever!你真聪明!
You are beautiful.你真漂亮。
You’re the best.你是最好的。
You’re tops.你是最棒的。
Top girl/boy.棒女孩/男孩。
What a champ!胜利了!
Very nice!非常好!
You are the winner.你是胜利者。
You are the first.你是第一名。
Nice girl/boy.好女孩/男孩。
You are so sweet.你真可爱。
I think you will do it well.我想你会做得很好。
I bet you will do nicely.我相信你会做得很好。
Try your best to do it well.尽你所能把它做好。
Try again.再试一次。
Once more.再来一次。
Cheer up.振奋起来。
Don’t be sad.不要难过。
Calm down. Let’s work this out together.冷静些,让我们一起来解决这个问题。
See, it works.看,他奏效了。
Good job/Well done!做得好。
I’m so proud of you.我很为你骄傲。
Way to go.就这样做。
You did great.你做得很好。
You were great.你真棒。
She is happy/angry/sad.她高兴/生气/沮丧。
Are you tired.你累了吗?
What’s wrong with you?你怎么了?
感叹sign with feeling
How funny!多有趣呀!
Wow!It’s so nice!哇!它太好了。
It’s a nice day.这是很好的一天。
Oh,my god/goodness!哦,我的上帝。
Wow! It’s so nice/lovely!哇!它太棒了/太可爱了。
How beautiful!多美呀。
Are you going to apologize?你打算道歉吗?
You don’t sound very sorry.你听起来不像很难过。
I’m sorry.很遗憾。
I apologize.我很抱歉。
Excuse me.对不起。
Not at all.一点也不。
表达情感expressing affection
You’re a peach.你真让人喜欢。
You’re my everything.你是我的一切。
My honey/sweet heart/sweetie.我的甜心。
My little one我的小家伙。
Dear/My dear one/Dearest!亲爱的宝贝!
My sweet-pea.我的甜豆。
Come here, sweet.过来,小可爱。
You’re my absolute favorite boy/girl.你是我最爱的男孩/女孩。
You’re my treasure.你是我的珍宝。
You make me so happy.你让我这么愉快。
Come sit on my lap.来坐在我的腿上。
Come snuggle up next to me.来紧挨着我。
I need some hugs.我要你的拥抱。
World’s neatest little girl/boy.世界上最可爱的小女孩/男孩。
You’re my precious one.你是我最珍爱的。
You light up my day.你点亮了我的生活。
You’re (my) number one boy/girl.你是我最重要的男孩/女孩。
I wouldn’t trade you for all the gold in the
You’re my biggest joy.你是我最大的快乐。
You’re my sunshine.你是我的阳光。
How much does mommy/daddy love you?爸爸/妈妈有多爱你?
This much!有这么多!
From here to the moon and back.从这儿到月亮那儿再返回来。
不要动 Don’t move
Hold it. 不要动
Don't move. 不要动
Stand still. 不要动/保持不动
Sit still. 不要动/保持不动
Hands off. 别动
Stop squirming. 不要扭动身子。
Stop fidgeting. 不要坐立不安。
提醒注意 call attention
Mind your way. 走路小心。
Watch out. 小心。
Be careful. 小心。
Look after yourself. 照顾好你自己。
Heads up! 当心!
Be quiet. 安静。
Be serious. 严肃点。
Be patient! 耐心点。
Keep calm! 安静/保持镇静!
危险警告 Dangerous
That was a really stupid thing to do. 那样做很愚蠢。
Have you taken leave of your senses. 你没有判断力了吗?
Are you out of your mind? 你神志不清醒了?
What possessed you to do that? 是什么让你那么做的?
What were you thinking? 你正在想什么?
Real swift, you turned the burner on. Don’t you know that could
start a fire? 这够敏捷,你把炉子打开了。你不知道这样会引起火灾吗?
What, are you crazy or something? 什么,你是不是疯了?
Danger! Keep off! 危险!小心!
Mom, my nose is bleeding.妈,我的鼻子在流血。
What happened, Peter? Did you have a fight?彼得,你怎么了?你打架了吗?
No, mom. I didn’t.妈,我才没有。
Did somebody hit you? Or did you just fall?有人打你吗?还是你跌倒了?
Mom, I was just picking my nose, and now it’s
Watch out, Jenny! Be careful of the cars.小心,珍妮。小心车子。
I’m fine, dad.我没事啦,爸。
Did you get hit?你被撞到了吗?
No, dad. Can I go there to play ball?没有。爸,我能去那玩球吗?
Watch out for strangers, and don’t go too far away.
Don’t cross the street without looking both
Always look both sides before crossing the street.过街时一定要看清两侧。
Never cross the street without looking to make sure no cars are
Wait for the green light before you cross the
Remember, some cars don’t stop for red lights. You always have to
be careful.记住,有些汽车不看红灯的。你一定要小心。
Take it easy.放松。
It’s all over now.都过去了。
It’s okay. 好了。
You’re fine.你很好。
Everything is fine.一切都很好。
Mommy and Daddy won’t let anything bad happen to
There’s nothing wrong with crying.哭是没有用的。
You can talk to me about anything.你可以告诉我任何事情。
Mummy knows best.妈妈最知道了。
Mommy’s right here.妈妈就在这儿。
看动画片see cartoons
It’s time for cartoon.该看动画片了。
He was captivated by the adventures of the heroes in the animated
She loves seeing animated cartoons.她喜欢看卡通片。
She adores the cinema.她极喜爱看电影。
How do you feel about going to the cinema?去看电影怎么样?
Can you draw a picture?你能画幅画吗?
What do you want to draw today?你今天想画什么?
Do you want paper and crayons?你需要纸和蜡笔吗?
Color this picture for me.给我把这幅画涂上颜色。
Color within the lines/Stay within the lines.在线条内涂色。
Is the picture finished?画好了吗?
That’s a great coloring job. 涂得真好!
That’s a great job of coloring.涂得真好!
This is a sloppy coloring job. You went too quickly. Take your time
next time.这样涂色太草率了。你画得太快了。下次要慢慢画。
That’s interesting. What is it about?真有趣。画的是什么?
What did you draw here?这里你画的是什么?
Tell me about this picture.告诉我这幅画画了些什么。
昆虫 Insects
Bees work hard in flowers. They collect
Bees have two big eyes and wear black and yellow
Don’t be close to a bee and don’t catch it for it will sting
Butterflies have beautiful wings.蝴蝶有美丽的翅膀。
Ants usually work in group and they live
Dragonflies kill mosquitoes.蜻蜓消灭蚊子。
Mosquitoes and flies are harmful insects. They spread diseases and
threaten out health.孩子和苍蝇是害虫。它们散播病菌,威胁我们的健康。
Grasshopper is good at hopping. They can destroy
Cicadas like singing a happy song in the summer
Crickets like singing a happy song in the summer
Praying mantis has two powerful claws like sharp
Ladybug has some black points on its back.瓢虫的背上有一些黑点。
Spider weaves net everyday. Its net can stick small flying
Snail is crawling slowly with its house on its
学习ABC Learn ABC
Let’s see you draw a circle.让我们看你画个圆。
What does “dog” start with?单词“dog”是以什么字母开头的?
“D” is for dog.单词“dog”是以“D”开头的。
地点 Location
The object is in the container.东西在箱子里。
The box is on the table.盒子在桌子上。
A picture is on the wall.墙上有幅画。
The chandelier is above the table.吊灯正好挂在桌子上部。
A book is under the table.桌子下有本书。
The box is by the table.盒子在桌子旁边。
A box is beside the table.桌子旁边有个盒子。
The man is at the table.这个人坐在桌前。
He is in/inside the house.他在房子里。
Daddy is outside the house.爸爸在屋子外面。
The people are in front of the house.那些人在房子前面。
The family is behind the house.全家人都在房子后面。
The house is between the buildings.房子在高楼之间。
The umbrella is to the left of the box.雨伞在盒子的左面。
The fruit is in the center of the table.水果在桌子的正中间。
The car is in the middle of the street.那辆汽车在大街的正中间。
学前作业 Preschool workbooks
It’s time for homework.该做作业了。
Circle the one object in each row that does not
Color in red all the objects that are usually colored
Draw a line from each object on the left to the object on the right
that goes with it.把左边和右边匹配的物体画上线连一连。
Find three differences between these two
Circle each group that has exactly eight objects in
中国传统节日Traditional Chinese Festivals
The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese
people and is when all family members get together. First they
extend greetings to their parents. Then each child will get money
as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red
The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month.
This day’s important activities are watching lanterns, guessing
lantern riddles and eat yuanxiao, or rice
The Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness.
This is the most important day of
Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival. Folk
tales say the game originates from the activities of seeking Qu
Yuan’s body. Zongzi is an essential food of the Dragon Boat
The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month,
is a traditional festival full of romance. Do you know the legend
of the Cowhand and Weaver Maid?
The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar
month. The moon looks extremely round, big and bright. People will
enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes on that
The Double Ninth Festival is also called “Height Ascending
The Chinese government decided the Double Ninth Festival as
Seniors’ Day.我国政府把重阳节定为老人节。
After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and
节日祝福holiday phrases
Happy New Year!新年快乐!
Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!
I wish you a Merry Christmas!我祝你圣诞快乐!
I wish you a Happy New Year!我祝你新年快乐!
Happy Valentine’s Day!情人节快乐!
Happy Halloween!万圣节快乐!
Happy Thanksgiving!感恩节快乐!
Have a good holiday season!假日快乐!
天气 weather
What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?
Do you like rain? 你喜欢下雨吗?
It’s a sunny/cloudy/rainy day!今天是晴天/阴天/雨天。
It’s rainy, let’s go home.下雨了,让我们回家吧。
It’s raining.下雨了。
It’s cold/hot/warm.天气冷/热/暖和。
It’s fine today.今天天气不错。
It’s getting cold/warm tomorrow.明天要变冷/暖和。
Beautiful day, isn’t it? 天气很好,是不是?
The wind blows hard.风很大。
The three months in the spring are March, April and May.
We have warm weather and fine days in the spring.
The spring is coming, and the weather is very changeable.
The weather is very hot and it often rains in
People can go swimming and sightseeing in summer.在夏天人们能游泳、观光。
It is time for all things to grow up during the summer.
The weather becomes cooler and cooler during the
Leaves begin to fall to the ground when autumn
Autumn is the harvest time for farmers.秋天是收获的季节。
The weather is very cold in winter.冬天天气非常冷。
Most of the plants die during the winter.在冬天,大多数植物都死了。
Sometimes it snows in cold days.天冷的时候有时候下雪。
People can enjoy skating and skiing.人们可以滑冰和滑雪。
回答宝宝的问题answer the baby’s question
You’ve got me there. It beats me.我想不出来,你考倒我了。
That’s the point.那是关键。
形状 shape
What shape is the clock? It’s a
It’s our national flag. What shape is it? It’s a rectangle.
There’re five stars on the
Draw a triangle/heart, please.请画一个三角形/心形。
The sun is a circle.太阳是圆形的。
Shapes are everywhere in our life.我们的生活中到处都有形状。
What shape is a football? A sphere.足球是什么形状的?球形的。
Triangle has three sides.三角形有三条边。
It shaped like a top/leaf.它是陀螺/树叶形的。
I spoke to Ms. Zhang.我与张老师谈话了。
She will talk to your father. 她会与你的父亲会谈。
He is fluent.他说话很流利。
He speaks well.他说得很好。
She speaks quickly/fast.他说话很快。
Ms. Li spoke slowly. They understood
She doesn’t talk to strangers.他不同陌生人讲话。
I told her the truth.我告诉她真相。
She told us your secret.他告诉我们你的秘密了。
She says they are ready.她说他们准备好了。
Mr. King speaks English.金先生讲英语。
He speaks my native language.他说我的母语。
I speak a little English. 我会说一点儿英语。
Jim speaks English perfectl.Jim英语说得非常好。
He doesn’t speak Chinese.他不说汉语。
They don’t speak English well. 他们英语说不好。
They’re learning English.他们在学习英语。
Mary teaches English to the children.玛丽教孩子们英语。
You are tall/short/fat/thin.
Hand in hand.手拉手。
Wave your fingers.摆动你的手指。
Touch your stomach/belly.摸摸你的肚子。
Show me your nose/hands/head.给我看看你的鼻子/手/头。
照顾小婴儿take care of an infant
Does baby need to be burped?宝宝需要打个嗝吗?
Wave bye-bye to the nice man.对这个好人说再见。
Who is minding the baby?谁在照顾那个婴儿?
Will you watch over the baby while I’m out?我外出时你照顾这个婴儿好吗?
The baby looks happy ad healthy.这个婴儿看上去快乐、健康。
Can you look after my baby?您能为我照看一下婴儿吗?
The baby is not yet taking solid foods.婴儿还不能吃固体食物。
Mommy gives the breast to her baby.妈妈给婴儿吃奶。
The baby was sucking milk from its mother.婴儿在吮吸母亲的奶汁。
The baby was sucking its bottle.婴儿正在用奶瓶吸奶。
It is common for an infant to spit up a little milk after bing
You should not leave the baby to suck milk from the bottle by
himself. 你不能让婴儿在无人看管的情况下一个人从奶瓶中吸奶。
I just nursed him and changed his diaper, and he’s crying
Why does the baby keep burping?你怎么一直打嗝?
Baby had no sooner finished his feed than it all camp
农场里的动物animals on the farm
Ox is powerful. It helps farmer working in the
Ox/Cow/Goat/Sheep lives on grass.牛/奶牛/山羊/绵羊吃草。
Cows give us milk.奶牛贡献给我们牛奶。
Cows are black and white.奶牛是黑白相间的。
Hens give us eggs. They like eating grains and
We can ride horses.我们可以骑马。
Horses can run fast, and it can climb up the
Horses/dogs are honest and clever.马/狗很忠诚、聪明。
Dogs are out gate-keepers.够可以看门。
Pollywogs are frog’s babies.蝌蚪是青蛙的宝宝。
Frog hops on the leaves of lotus.青蛙蹲在荷叶上。
Frogs like eating harmful insects. They protect our
Rabbit hops on the grass. Rabbit likes eating carrots and
Rabbit has two red eyes and long ears.兔子有红眼睛和长耳朵。
Rabbit lives in holes, and its holes have many
Pig is very fat and lazy.猪很肥,而且懒惰。
At night, the bats leave their cave.天黑时,蝙蝠离开它们的洞穴。
Can you see the duck swimming in the river?你能看到鸭子在河里游泳吗?
What do donkeys say? Donkeys say “hee-haw”.驴子怎么叫?驴子叫“嘿-嚯”。
Look at that horse there. And there’s another horse. Do you see it
See you later, alligator.再见,鳄鱼。
There are many kinds of animals in the world and they are different
sizes, shapes, and colors.世界上有很多种动物,它们的大小、形状和颜色都各不相同。
Some animals can walk by four legs, such as tigers, lions, pandas
and bears.一些动物用四肢行走,如老虎、狮子、大熊猫和狗熊。
Wolves, lions and tigers live on meat.狼、狮子和老虎吃肉。
Some animals can live in water, such as seals/sea dogs, dolphins,
whales and fishes.一些动物生活在水里,如海狗、海豚、鲸鱼和其他一些鱼。
Fishes swim in the river.鱼儿水里游。
Dolphins are playing games in the sea.海豚在海里玩游戏。
Look! The dolphin is jumping out of the water. It is dancing on the
top of waves.看!海豚跳出了水面。它在浪尖上跳舞。
Some animals can swim on water, such as ducks, goose, swans and
pole bears.一些动物会在水里游泳,比如鸭子、鹅、天鹅和北极熊。
Swan is an elegant bird. It swims on the surface of the lake in
Some birds can fly in the sky, such as doves, tropical birds,
parrots, owls.一些鸟会在天上飞,比如鸽子、热带鸟、鹦鹉、猫头鹰等。
Doves bring us peace. 鸽子给我们带来和平。
Tropical birds have bright feathers.热带鸟有靓丽的羽毛。
Parrot says “hello to you”.鹦鹉会对你说:你好。
Owls often fly out at night. They can catch
Some animals drink milk from their mommy when they were new
born,and they are mammals.一些动物生下来时吃它们的妈妈的奶。它们是哺乳动物。
Both elephant mommy and babies have long nose. They are huge and
We call babies of lions and tigers as cubs.我们称狮子和老虎的宝宝为幼兽。
Little cubs like nuzzling with their mother.小幼兽喜欢紧挨着它们的妈妈。
Crocodile lives in shallow part of the river or in the wetland, but
sometimes it climb up to the land. It is a very dangerous
Today is your special day.今天是你特别的日子。
Today we’re celebrating the day you were born.今天我们庆祝你的生日。
This is your day.这是你的一天。
Today is a very special day. Can you guess what it
Happy Birthday to you!祝你生日快乐!
When does the birthday party take place?生日聚会什么时候举行?
The party starts at 9 o’clock.聚会9点钟开始。
When will the party be over?聚会什么时后结束?
Let’s picnic in that field over there.我们就在那块空地上野餐吧。
Did you enjoy Lily’s birthday party?你在莉莉的生日聚会上玩得开心吗?
Do you not feel well?你觉得不舒服吗?
She has a cough.他咳嗽。
He got headache.他头疼。
He got cold.他感冒了。
Her teeth got a pain.他牙疼。
He looks very pale.他看起来很苍白。
He hasn’t been
She seems listless.她看起来没精打采的。
She has a glazed-eye look.她看起来目光呆滞。
She’s not herself today.她今天身体不好。
看病see a doctor
Check it out.检查完善。
You need to get a shot.你需要打一针。
Is he allergic to any medication?他对药物过敏吗?
Does he have any allergies?他对什么过敏吗?
It won’t hurt very bad.那不会很疼的。
Come on, be brave/be a brave boy/girl.来吧,做个勇敢的男孩/女孩。
You get a sticker.你得到一张贴纸了。
You were so good/great.你很好。
You were so brave.你真勇敢。
You need to stay home today.你今天需要呆在家里。
You need to rest.你需要休息。
You need to stay in bed. I’m sorry it’s
It will heal soon.很快就会痊愈了。
我是谁who am I
How old are you?你几岁了?
What’s your name?你叫什么名字?
You are fast/slow.你很快/慢。
Can you sing/dance/fly/jump?你会唱歌/跳舞/飞/蹦?
That’s a girl/boy.那是个女孩/男孩。
What are you going to be when you grow up?当你长大以后你想做什么?
What do you want to be?长大后你想成为什么?
I’m going to be a computer programmer.我想成为一个程序员。
Do you think this job is interesting?你觉得这个工作有趣吗?
What are your plans for the future?你将来的计划是什么?
What does he do?他的职业是什么?
He is a guide/zookeeper/librarian/journalist/judge/basketball
He is an editor/office worker/engineer/airline
Hello, Tony. It’s Lily.
Please phone me later, Lily.请过一会儿给我打电话,莉莉。
Hello, can I talk with Mr. Smith please?你好,我能和史密斯先生谈谈吗?
Give me a buzz/Call me at eight.八点钟打电话给我。
Thank you for your call.谢谢您打电话来。
I’ll call you.我会打电话给你。
I’d like to speak to Lily.我想和莉莉讲话。
Can I take a messge for him?要我转告他吗?
Is he available?他能接电话吗?
May I have your name, please?请问您是谁?
Who is that speaking?请问您是谁?
Who do you wish to talk to?您要找谁呀?
What color is it? It’s red.这是什么颜色的?它是红色的。
Green is the sign of life and of hope. The grass, trees and leaves
are green.绿色是生命和希望的标志。青草、树木和叶子是绿色的。
Red is blood: life’s blood! It is the color of danger and of
The sea/sky is blue.大海/天空是蓝色的。
The moon and the stars are yellow.月亮和星星是黄色的。
The grape is purple.葡萄是紫色的。
Purple is the sign of authority and wisdom.紫色象征着权威和智慧。
Orange is the color of health and strength. Carrots, pumpkins,
oranges, mangoes and papayas are
The milk is white.牛奶是白色的。
White is the representation of purity.白色是纯洁的代表。
Dark is the color of mystery, loneliness, darkness, pressure,
There are so many colors in the rainbow. It is colorful. It is so
What time is it?几点了?
It is five o’clock in the morning.现在是早上五点。
It is a quarter past eight.八点一刻。
It is noon.现在是正午。
It’s half past 12.十二点半。
It si twelve thirty in the afternoon.现在是下午十二点半。
It’s midnight.现在是午夜。
It’s three thirty-five.现在是三时35分。
It’s five to six.现在差5分六点。
It’s a quarter to five.现在五点差十五分。
What’s the date?今天几号?
It’s October 1, 2008.今天是日。
What month is it?几月?
It’s may.五月。
What day is it today?今天星期几?
It’s Tuesday.今天星期二。
At 3 o’clock, the race begins.3点钟,竞赛开始。
In may they will come back from Beijing.五月他们将从北京返回。
I will visit you on Sunday.星期天我去看望你。
We can’t eat the food until we pay for it.你不能吃这些食物,直到我们付过钱。
Don’t grab anything.不要抓东西。
Don’ that’s not ours.不要碰,那不是我们的。
Please don’t knock down all those cans.请不要敲那些罐头。
Don’ we’re not at home.不要在这儿跑来跑去,我们不是在家里。
This isn’ we can’t make a lot of noise
Please don’t yell.请不要大声叫喊。
You promised me (that) you wouldn’t ask me to buy anything. Now
don’t go back on your promise.你向我保证你不会让我给你买东西的。现在不要反悔。
Remember, you promised not to ask me to buy things for
Stop asking me to buy things for you. I’m not going to. I told you
that al-ready.不要让我给你买东西了。我不会这么做的。我已经告诉过你了。
You know you’re not allowed to ask to buy things while we’re
Don’t grab things in the store. They don’t belong to


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