
英语翻译供应商 supplier
Demand for commercial vendors
就是采购商或者采购机构:purchaser或者purchasing agent就可以了
也可以是Providere.g.internet provider
vendor参考例句:Content provider内容供应商ISP(Internet Service Provider)互联网服务供应商End the practice of awarding business on the basis of a price tag.终止以价格战挑选供应商的行为。 Attach a label or tag to the cylinder identifying the problem and return the cylinder to the supplier.给钢瓶贴上标签或标志说明问题,然后把钢瓶返还给供应商。It has built up a bridge to promote the cooperation among IT suppliers from both China and overseas.它在国内外IT供应商和渠道之间传达商机、推进合作Once a reorder is authorized, generate reorder sends necessary data to the Supplier, who ships the items to the store订货单一经核准,GENERATE reorder(产生订货单程序)就向SUPPLIER(供应商)发出需要的数据,供应商就把货运送到商店。The result was a quota on U.S. imports but the foreign suppliers pocketed windfalls from the price markup其结果就是对美国的进口商品实行一种配额,但外国供应商却因提价攫取了暴利。International competitive bidding - ICB: Bidding open to all eligible suppliers and contractors.国际竞争性招标(简写为ICB);指对所有合格的供应商和承包商开放的招标。Information provider信息供应商A a sutler.食品供应商;随军小贩:n. 供应者;供应国;供应商Which supplier do you deal with?你和哪一家供应商交易?How to identify the potential suppliers?如何识别潜在的供应商?He 's our regular supplier of beverage or our regular beverage supplier.他定期向我们提供饮料。Support to deal with nonconformance product of supplier.帮助处理供应商的不合格产品。Easy integration of resources of the supplier and consumer易整合供需双方的资源:n. 摊贩;卖主;供应商;自动售货机vendor's account卖主帐户 PROM vendor evaluation card system卖主评价卡片系统 If the problem persists, contact the program vendor. 若该故障一直存在,请与供应商联系。 Remember, the estate agent is working for the vendor.记住,房地产代理商是为房地产卖方服务的。You should not grant this access unless you trust that vendor or distributor. 除非您信任那个供应商或销售商,否则不应该授予此访问权限。翻译推荐:相关热点:
supplier是什么意思 supplier在线翻译 supplier什么意思 supplier的意思 supplier的翻译 supplier的解释 supplier的发音 supplier的同义词
supplier英 [s?'pla??(r)] 美 [s?'pla??r] 第三人称复数:supplier的近义词supplier 基本解释danci.911cha.com名词供应商; 供应国; 供应者,供给者; 补充者supplier 网络解释1. 供方:我们公司的质量目标(quality objective)是: 5.顾客(customer): 接受我们企业产品的人或组织 6.供方(supplier): 给我们企业提供产品的人或组织 7.5s是什么?2. 供应者:每个数据传送都有两个参与者,供应者(supplier)产生并发送数据, 而使用者( consumer) 则接收和处理数据. 根据谁发起数据的传送, 可分作两个类型. 在 推出式(push)类型中,供应者发起数据传送. 而在拉进式(pull)类型中,发起人是使用者.supplier 双语例句1. for the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of any person, firm or company, in connection with any Restricted Business endeavour to entice away from the Company any person who at the Closing Date is or who within a period of one year prior to the Closing Date has been a supplier of the Company whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by reason of t and&&&&自交易完成之日起年内,以自己的名义、或联合任何个人、商号、公司、或以任何个人、组织、公司的名义、或与任何受限制的商业活动有利益关系,怂恿或诱使那些在交易完成之时或交易完成之前一年内仍为公司「或子公司」供应商的人抛弃公司「或子公司」和自己交易,无论此人是否因转移业务而构成违约;和2. Even battered Elkhart got some good news: on August 4th Dometic, a supplier of recreational-vehicle parts, said that with some help from local incentives it would add 240 jobs to its operation in the town.&&&&甚至不景气的埃尔德哈特市也有了好消息:8月4号,一个休闲车部件的供应商说,在当地刺激政策的鼓励下,将会给该镇增加240个工作岗位。3. Once in every six months, HKPC will request a supplier whose product information is&&&&构,回覆香港生产力促进局是否有需要更新其产品资料。如产品供应机构在一个月4. Once in every six months, HKPC will request a supplier whose product information is published on the Web Site to confirm if it is necessary to update the supplier`s product information.&&&&香港生产力促进局每隔半年一次,会要求当时有产品资料登载在网站的产品供应机构,回覆香港生产力促进局是否有需要更新其产品资料。5. 1 The Supplier confirms that the process used in the manufacture of the Goods relied on minimal dependence and use of ozone depleting substances, toxic chemicals and other pollutants including lead, methyl chloroform and formaldehyde.&&&&供应商确认在货物生产过程中最小限度地使用臭氧物质、有毒化学物、和包括铅、甲基、氯仿和甲醛在内的其它污染物。6. The supplier evaluation system based on one-against-one mode of support vector machine is built.&&&&最后通过仿真实验证明了基於支持向量机的供应商评估系统的可行性和实用性。7. We are a synthesis fastener supplier with design, product and sale. With ourspecial in high-strength bolt, we also product and distribute differenttype fastener, hardware and standard part that maybe GB, BS, ANSI, DIN, NFE, JIS and so on&&&&我们的紧固件机构是集研发,生产和销售为一体的综合性紧固件配套组织,主打产品为高强度螺栓,同时兼以国标、英制、美制、德制、法制、日制等标准或异形紧固件、五金件的生产。8. Our cooperation is sourcing a good supplier from China.&&&&我们的合作是一个好的供应商采购来自中国。9. IBM and Matiq, the IT subsidiary of Nortura, Norway's largest food supplier, will develop and manage the technology infrastructure to enable track and trace solutions for the Norwegian food market.&&&&IBM和matiq ,它的附属nortura ,挪威最大的食品供应商,将发展和管理的技术基础设施,使追踪和跟踪的解决办法,为挪威食品市场。10. Monitor and control the RFQ progress of the new project, making sure that supplier quotation are competitive.&&&&在部门综合报价的截止日期前获得最有竞争力的供应商报价。11. The ATM provider could be bank or independent network supplier. You will see a fee charge screen on ATM before you confirm it.&&&&&&银行和其他ATM机的业主被指责向使用竞争对手的ATM机取款或查询馀额时收取过多的费用。12. Prepare monthly internal report on supplier base overall quality performance.&&&&&&准备月度的关于供应商质量表现的内部报告。13. Then the optimal bidding strategies of block bidding under uniform and PAB pricing methods are presented. A case study is given. The results show that the optimal bids are higher than power supplier's real costs under uniform and PAB pricing method. The optimal supply function bids under the uniform pricing method are also studied.&&&&&&在获得等效竞争对手报价概率分布的情况下,进一步研究了统一出清和PAB电价下,按容量段报价的最优报价策略及统一出清电价下按连续供应函数报价的最优报价策略,给出了相关算例,结果表明在统一出清和PAB电价下,最优报价均高于发电厂商的实际成本。14. In this paper, the 24 pulse rectifier power supply simulation model is built based on train drive system and the phase-shift principle of the 24-pulse rectifiers in urban power supply is analyzed and modeled. Considering three-level inverter SVPWM vector controlled traction system as the load, the running states are simulated with ideally power supplier and 24-pulse rectifiers supplier.&&&&&&建立了基于列车传动系统的24脉波整流供电系统仿真平台,对城轨24脉波供电整流机组移相原理进行分析和建模,将基于SVPWM三电平逆变器供电的矢量控制牵引传动系统作为负载,模拟仿真了在理想电源供电和24脉波供电时电机的运行情况。15. When a luxury chocolate and praline company was looking for a lubricants supplier to help in maintaining its operational excellence and food safety records, it turned to Shell.&&&&&&有一家高级巧克力和糖果公司需寻求一家能够帮助他们保持良好经营业绩和食品安全记录的润滑油供应商,它选择了壳牌。16. Noncompliance with these requirements put the supplier at the highest risk of violating the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions.&&&&&&不符合这些要求的供应商提出高危人群违反采购订单的条款和条件。17. We request the technology supplier shall provide related testing equipment, including vibration analyzer.&&&&&&要求技术提供方要有柴油机振动分析仪等相关试验设备。18. Based on present market and future developing plan, we are confident to be the excellent and leading chemical supplier for artificial fabrics through stabilizing product, good quality, optimizing service, innovating technology and enriching products.&&&&&&公司通过全体员工的不断努力,发展出着色剂、表处剂、树脂和助剂四大类产品。我们力求以品质稳定、服务细化、技术创新、产品丰富,使深蓝成为人工面料领域优秀的专业材料供应商。19. 19. Category: Multiple packaging Package: Heinz Picnic Pack End user: H. J. Heinz Co. Supplier: Menasha Packaging Co. This die-cut carrier holds two bottles of catsup and one each of relish and mustard, in sizes from 26 to 32 ounces.&&&&&&类别:多包装封装:亨氏野餐包最终用户:学者海因茨公司供应商:默纳沙包装有限公司这种模切承运人持有两瓶酱和一个每一滋味和芥子气,尺寸从26至32盎司。20. From a professional supplier on Central Asian transit center DHL logistics system for its highly integrated.&&&&&&一位来自供应商的专业人士对DHL中亚转运中心的物流系统集成给予的高度评价。supplier 词典解释1. 供应者;供应商;供货方&&&&A supplier is a person, company, or organization that sells or supplies something such as goods or equipment to customers.supplier&&&&e.g. ...Hillsdown Holdings, one of the UK's biggest food suppliers...&&&&&&&&&&&希尔斯顿控股公司,英国最大的食品供应商之一 &&&&e.g. Japan is Asia's dominant supplier of imports and technology.&&&&&&&&&&&日本是亚洲进口货物和技术的最大供应国。supplier 单语例句1. France is Hong Kong's largest wine supplier, accounting for some 56 percent of its total wine imports by value in 2009.2. China is Cuba's biggest Asian supplier of capital and consumer goods ranging from busses and machinery to electrical appliances.3. China is the most capable potential supplier in the low carbon industry chain, but is not a pricing party.4. Corning is a leading supplier of advanced catalytic converter substrates and particulate filters, supplying the world's major manufacturers of gasoline and diesel engines and vehicles.5. She said the shop had been sourcing eel from a single supplier over the past year and the products carried health certificate.6. And the one Beijing 2008 Supplier selected so far is Crystal CG.7. Russia is a leading supplier of energy to the global market, but energy will be just one of many focuses during Russia's tenure as APEC chair.8. It has switched from an eager chaser of economic development to a hearty supplier of public service.9. The former Delphi Ride Dynamics and Brakes business was a premier supplier of automotive chassis products in the world.10. He said the raw material supplier had offered all quality reports required, so the company did not conduct a check.supplier 英英释义noun1. someone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity&&&&Synonym: supplier是什么意思,supplier在线翻译,supplier什么意思,supplier的意思,supplier的翻译,supplier的解释,supplier的发音,supplier的同义词,supplier的反义词,supplier的例句,supplier的相关词组,supplier意思是什么,supplier怎么翻译,单词supplier是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 我们的A类供应商 的翻译是:Our class a supplier 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
Our class a supplier
We are the type of supplier A
Our A kind of supplier
就是孙中山的陵墓 That Nanjing Zhongshan Cemetery has listened is Sun Yat-Sen's mausoleum & aPainting, lge. format: "late at night, when the dead no longe... 正在翻译,请等待... & aManager's name 经理的名字 & a学生上学方式的调查结果 正在翻译,请等待...
& asometimes.you have to be your owm hero.Because sometimes.the people you cant live without can sometimes.you海采取要求您的owm有安静。 由于sometimes.the人您伪善言辞活无罐头 & a那里有很多螃蟹在沙滩上爬 正在翻译,请等待... & aAn apple a day 一个苹果每天 & a不说了,累人啊 Did not say, is exhausting & a信息高速公路 Information superhighway & a我们应该为自己所拥有的一切心存感激而不是对任何事情都漫不经心 But we should all which has for oneself feel grateful are not are all careless to anything & aShe disclosed (揭露) the terrible wrongs that had been done to the slaves in the Southern States 正在翻译,请等待... & aDUST COVER 防尘罩 & a他们不是来自中国 They are not come from China & alose
distance 失去真正您,并且我,可能它是 fartherset 距离 & aareas of the process industry. In this technique a magnetic
& aan electrical storm 一场雷雨 & aSTOCKLOT STOCKLOT & anon compliance: 6 不是服从: 6 & a人的性格总是很复杂叫人看不清 Human's disposition very is always complex makes one not to be able to see clearly & a出貨預計 正在翻译,请等待... & amy oldar 我oldar & ai love you baby 我爱你婴孩 & aneolsaranghae 正在翻译,请等待... & a你们学校比我们学校稍微大一点 正在翻译,请等待... & a但是,欲望你是不懂的! But, the desire you do not understand! & a正在打电话的 Is telephoning & aMe gustas 正在翻译,请等待... & aA. Nobel was a man of strong will 正在翻译,请等待... & a她父母阻止她一个人去游泳 Her parents prevent her to swim & a后勤 Rear service & aNokia 8800 Gold ArteThe device model you are searching for may not exist, or may be available in another region
& aThis is a multi-part message in MIME format. 这是一则multi-part消息以MIME格式。 & adiagonstic diagonstic & aThe moraingy is largely played(practiced) in most of the coastal villages of Madagascar. But it is very famous in the northern part of Madagascar 正在翻译,请等待... & a所以我认为进行员工培训也是必不可少的方法 Therefore I thought carries on the staff to train also is the essential method & a轧辊装配 Roller assembly & a担任训练营的场地翻译志愿者 The assumption training battalion location translates the volunteer & aunintentional 有意无意 & acarried on the inspection, 继续了检查, & a距离大约120M From approximately 120M & a我感觉对不起她,等了我五年的女朋友。不 I felt is unfair to her, has waited for I five years girlfriend.No & asmall fruit 小果实 & a学院个人优秀奖 Institute individual honorable mention & a无线充电技术引,源于无线电力输送技术,利用磁共振在充电器与设备之间的空气中传输电荷,线圈和电容器则在充电器与设备之间形成共振,实现电能高效传输的技术。 The wireless charge technology directs, the source in the wireless electrical energy transmission technology, the use magnetic resonance transmits the electric charge between the battery charger and in the equipment air, the coil and the capacitor forms resonating between the battery charger and the & a爸爸给他开了一个罚单,并带他回局了。 The daddy has opened a traffic ticket to him, and led him to return to the bureau. & awhere did you meet your spouse?what is you oldest sousin's name? 您在哪里遇见了您的配偶?什么是您最旧的sousin的命名? & aBecause they are sealed between two panes of glass in a hermetically sealed unit, they never get dusty or dirty and need cleaning. For this reason they are ideal in hospitals and healthcare
dental surgery environments.
& aC.most students can’t graduate from high school
& aThe integral blinds are available in a full and extensive range of colours. Over a dozen colours as standard and scores of colours on extended orders.
& a57.Amiya attends Pro Literacy Detroit to
& a爸爸给他开了一个罚单,并带他回局醒酒。 正在翻译,请等待... & a56.Amiya'mother read the diploma to her so that
& a爸爸给他开了一个罚单,并带他醒酒。 The daddy has opened a traffic ticket to him, and leads him to sober up. & aOlden now splits her days between her classes at Pro Literacy and the library,where she checks out books and reads them.She says she hopes her improved reading skills will help her find a good job.
& awe trust you find above in order 我们按顺序信任您发现上面 & aAmiya Olden remembers well the day she graduated from Denby High sch001.She handed her diploma to her mother,who read it to her.“Then when someone asked me to read it,I could remember the things she read,and I knew what I had to say,”recalled Amiya Olden.“When we would go out to restaurants with my aunts,and that,S whe
& a我们的A类供应商 Our A kind of supplier &}


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