
数数是什么意思 数数在线翻译 数数什么意思 数数的意思 数数的翻译 数数的解释 数数的发音 数数的同义词 数数的反义词 数数的例句
数数 基本解释数数词典:总数;数数;罪状;论点。词典:认为;计算;测算,估计;评定,断定。词典:(挑棒游戏用的)小棒,挑棒游戏。数数 网络解释1. 1. count:孩子们回家后,会数数(count)谁的糖果最多. 还有一个典型的万圣节花招是把一卷手纸拉开,...2. 数数2. Counting:例如,年龄较大和年龄较小的孩子都能运用提取(retrieval)策略和数数(counting)策略来计算加法问题,但不同的是,年龄较大的孩子更多地运用了提取策略,特别是在困难的问题上.3. 3. D-D Digital-Digital:D-A Digital-Analog 数模 | D-D Digital-Digital 数数 | DA Data Access 数据存取数数 双语例句1. 1. 如果你对你的脸数数看,你找到的点不会超过13个。&&&&If you look at the numbers on your face, You won't find 13 anyplace.2. 几位年轻人正在帮助我为马匹装上马具,请细心数数我有多少名助手?&&&&Some young men are helping me to harness the horses. Count carefully, how many young men are helping me3. 通过角色扮演,你可以教会孩子不同的处理技巧,比如缓解放松的技巧,数数练习,深呼吸练习以及分散注意力的方法。&&&&Through role-play, you can introduce and show different emotion coping strategies, like relaxing skills, counting exercise, breathing exercise and distraction techniques.4. 当需要某种圈数时,只要将紧定螺钉4 松开,移动齿轮3 至圈数数表1 的对应位置,旋紧紧定螺钉4即&&&&Are required, please loosen screw 4 and move gear 3 to the position corresponding to the certain revolutions of5. 把豆子和纽扣等装入纸盒里,父子二人各抓出一把,叔叔看谁的多;或者在吃葡萄等水果时,数数它们的种子;或者在帮组剥豌豆时,一边剥一边数不同形状的豆荚中各有几粒豌豆。&&&&Fruit, count count their seed Perhaps while shelling a garden pea for the set, Be shell and counting the bean pod of different shape in each have a few garden peas Usually do game of throw the plug.6. 现在都有所退步,诗词还记得几首,汉字学了新的王了旧的,数数经常跳着数,点着物体数多次才能通过10到达10以上的范围。&&&&Now have retrogressed, poetry still remember a few the first, characters learn a new king of the old count often go through a few, a few points with objects on many occasions to come through a 10 to reach 10 more than the scope.7. 在我生命的头四年里,她对我很好,她教我识字、数数、清洗我用过的餐盘,帮我洗净双手。&&&&And she had been wonderful to me in my first four years, when she taught me to read and count, clean my plate, and wash my hands.8. 一十为单位数数让小朋友做跳跃的游戏。&&&&Have fun by tens in a jumping jack exercise.9. 9. 析:数数时只要别忘记放在下面的方块,就会得知准确的答案为 C 。&&&&D. Twenty-five.10. 在这个例子里面,我们用一个递增量来数数并向事件队列发送消息来触发下一个处理器。&&&&In this case, we set up an accumulator for counting and queue an event to trigger the next handler.11. 数数11. 其实生活、学习、工作中的很多事情都很简单,大可不必费九牛二虎之力去伤透脑筋,人生、爱情、理想也是如此,很多时候都只是相当于一年级的数学一样,或者根本就没有上过学、一字不识的人看待鸡兔同笼这一问题时的思维一样——打开笼子数数不就知道了?&&&&&&In fact, life, study, work in a lot of things are very simple, no need to spend tremendous efforts headache, life, love, the ideal is so often just the equivalent of first grade, like math, or no schooling, those who did not know the word look at the chicken and rabbit cages at the time of this issue the same way of thinking - a few do not open the cage a few know?12. 在多重继承层次中作为基类的类通常应该将它们的析构函数数定义为虚函数。&&&&&&Classes that serve as base classes in a multiple-inheritance hierarchy ordinarily should define their destructors to be virtual.13. 世界上的人可以分为三种:会数数的人和不会数数的人。&&&&&&Tina, freeboy, and Mingzi, you can invite more friends to wallop now.14. 同样我看齐白石的画更看重的是他画面的形式处理,比如黑白、点线、块面,而不是看是否画了工笔草虫,再数数有几个贝叶。&&&&&&I attach more attention on the form transaction in painting of Qi Baishi such as black and white, spot and line and block and face instead of watching whether there is painted grass and worm with meticulous detail.15. 能背24段唐诗、N段歌谣,会唱好几十首歌,会数数,会背26个字母和汉语拼音,能看懂英文版的动画片,能用英语回答简单问题。&&&&&&Back to paragraph 24 Tang, N paragraph songs will promote the good image of dozens of songs will count, will be back for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet letters and 26, can read the English version of animation, use English to answer simple questions.16. 教育学院的研究人员发现,母亲是否认同在孩子小的时候定期教他们识字、数数和讲故事的重要性,这与孩子们五岁之后的优劣表现有着直接的联系。&&&&&&Researchers at the Institute of Education found a correlation between mothers who believe it is important to teach their children the alphabet and to count and read to them regularly and the child's achievement at the age of five.17. 如果数数自己的福气也算是小气的话,那我布鲁斯特·艾兴登就是个小气鬼。&&&&&&I am—well, classical, drawn by perfection as to some magnetic, Platonic pole, idealism and beauty's true North.18. 这就是单独一个数数程序的输出。&&&&&&Here then is the single counter program's output.19. 数数19. 在导入时,我首先在拍篮球,让学生替我数数。&&&&&&In the import, I have to shoot basketball, to enable students to count for me.20. 天黑了,我在营帐边上抽着烟,心里觉得挺满意的。慢慢地又感到有点儿寂寞。我便在河岸上坐下,倾听着流水冲刷河岸声,数数天上的星星,数数从上游漂下来的木头和木筏子,然后去睡觉。在寂寞的时候,这是消磨时间最好的办法了。你不会老是这样的,你很快就会习惯的。&&&&&&When it was dark I set by my camp fire smoking, and feeling p but by and by it got sort of lonesome, and so I went and set on the bank and listened to the current swashing along, and counted the stars and drift logs and rafts that come down,
there ain't no better way to put in time w you can't stay so, you soon get over it.数数是什么意思,数数在线翻译,数数什么意思,数数的意思,数数的翻译,数数的解释,数数的发音,数数的同义词,数数的反义词,数数的例句,数数的相关词组,数数意思是什么,数数怎么翻译,单词数数是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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