
陨落是什么意思 陨落在线翻译 陨落什么意思 陨落的意思 陨落的翻译 陨落的解释 陨落的发音 陨落的同义词 陨落的反义词 陨落的例句
陨落 基本解释陨落[yǔn luò]词典陨落fall from the sky of outer space陨落 汉英大词典陨落[yǔn luò]fall from the sky of outer space陨落 网络解释1. Shindu:Shala 平安 | Shindu 陨落 | Shorel'aran 再见2. 2. falldowndecay:fallbehindlagtechnologically,etc.arrearbackwardnessdragglelaggingleeway 落后 | falldowndecay 陨落 | falldropdepreciation 跌落3. Sparkle glare fall:? Sparkle glare trail 火焰的延伸轨迹 | ? Sparkle glare fall ***陨落 | ? Sparkle glare shorter ***短暂踪迹4. Degenerate:Growth成长... | Degenerate陨落... | Violence暴力...陨落 双语例句1. 冲入夜空,当群星陨落,要到你身旁。&&&&Forests of stone standing petrified, To be by your side.2. 当水仙少年的芳魂溺毙在池中,原本甜美的池水失色成一潭咸涩泪液,林中仙子来到林边哭泣,这样他们就可以用歌声来慰藉水仙少年陨落在湖中的灵魂。&&&&When Narcissus died the pool of his pleasure changed from a cup ofsweet waters into a cup of salt tears, and the Oreads came weepingthrough the woodland that they might sing to the pool and give itcomfort.3. 陨落的意思3. 1979年巴列维国王的出走他乡以及伊朗伊斯兰共和国的成立标志着王朝时代在伊朗的陨落,也标志着二战后美伊亲密关系的终结。&&&&The destruction of Shah and the foundation of Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979 symbolized th it also indicated the end of U. S.-Iran client relations.4. 陨落是什么意思4. 烟花在黑夜闪烁和陨落的那一瞬间,我许了个小小的心愿&&&&I think that that lesson applies to people, and it also applies to countries.5. 5. 她声称,艺术、音乐还有时尚对纽约经济的贡献长久以来备受忽视;如果不采取行动,这一项冠领全球的优势恐将陨落。&&&&The contribution made by art, music and fashion to the city's economy has, she argues, long been overlooked. And unless something is done about it, another crown could slip.6. 6. 暴风雨的乌云可能会聚集,星星可能会陨落,可是我会永远爱你,直到地老天荒。&&&&Strom clouds may gather and stars may collide, but I love you, until the end of time.7. 那童年里梦幻世界的一个星星陨落了。&&&&The one of stars of my dreamlike world of my childhood was get down!8. 8. 那是他轻抛浪掷的年华。他看见天空中一颗流星陨落下来,消失在黑暗之中。&&&&These were the day he saw a star fall from the sky and disappeared, and this was the symbol of himself.9. 9. 但花旗的陨落也是急遽的。&&&&But Citi's fall has been steep.10. 10今生不悔 11我即将离去,请让我最后一次为你祝福 12在最后一个冬夜,我也会随风消逝在花海中 13当春天的第一只蝴蝶落在我的额骨上,答应我,不要为我落泪 14自由啊,就是凋零的曼珠沙华飞舞在花海中啊 15不要哭,因为我自由了呢 16当夜空中的流星陨落,就从此结束了我的寂寞 17记住我最后的微笑 18死亡的彼岸,死是那么蓝 19自由的离开这个世界…… 20浴火重生——白凤『注明:全部翻译有追加&&&&This life not regret 11 I soon depart, please let me last time pray for heavenly blessing for you 12 in the last winter night, I with the wind will also dissipate in Huahai 13 when the spring's first butterfly falls on mine frontal bone, promises me, do not cry for me 14 free, is graceful bead Sha Hua on the wane dances in the air in Huahai 15 do not cry, because I was free 16 that night airborne meteors fall from the sky, henceforth had ended my loneliness 17 remember my final smile 18 death's other shore, die is that blue 19 free leave this world......11. 如此往复的呢喃着匍匐,蠕动,在这里未必就可以不失去,但你不是同谋尽管成为血红色欲望的始作俑者你并不清楚,这秘密策划的极度狂欢,幻灭之后起誓接连破碎,除爱情之外亦未能幸免于难瓦解的,铺成了碎石子路无论通向地狱或天堂,审判者都面临着罹难人陨落之后最坚忍的沉静滚动的浪潮穿上外套,划不出一道泪痕&&&&&&Such mutterings back and forth Crawling, creeping, here May not escape from loss, but you Are not an accomplice Despite being the initiator of sanguineous desire You do not know about this secretly planned carinival that breaks after disillusion Vows smash into pieces, besides love Nothing achieves survival Fragments, pave the cobbled road Whether in heaven or in hell, judges Face the rigid silence of those dead After the fall A rolling wave puts on its coat, not a stroke of tear stains12. 然而,他的精神却回到了这片爱尔兰的土地上,他陨落的生命必定化作春泥,沃润这片土地,守护他的人民。&&&&&&We have not been able to let the native land which his remains return to him to long for, he falls from the sky in the vast universe.13. 13. 告诉我,你要做什么?当一切陨落&&&&&&Tell me what do you do, when it all falls apart14. 911查询·英语单词14. 罗纳尔多从巴黎的陨落到横滨的重生,以及桑普拉斯自2000年七月在温布尔登获得史无前例的第十三项大满贯冠军以后的沉寂,直到今年的美网才重获冠军,他们都已经死过几百回了。他们都做出了巨大的付出,面对他们今日的辉煌,现在谁又会说他们没有名至实归呢?&&&&&&In a basement pub not far from Trafalgar Square in London, an establishment that wouldn't have looked out of place in downtown Rio de Janeiro, one packed with Brazilian tourists and supporters of the world's most popular football team, watching Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima walk up to receive the World Cup winner's medal with a trademark toothy grin, you could not but ponder, yet again, the 1caprices of life and sport.15. 15. 甘格纳斯:轰鸣之雷将来终结你们那些不切实际的梦想,你们的命运已经被注定了,没人能够阻止艾泽拉斯的陨落,我们的任务就是保证这一切如预期般的进行。&&&&&&Golganneth: The Thunderer has came to end your untrustful dream, mortal's fate has sealed, none can stop the fall of Azeroth, our mission is monitor the performance goes correctly.16. 甘格纳斯:轰鸣之雷将来终结你们那些不切实际的梦想,你们的命运已经被注定了,没人能够阻止艾泽拉斯的陨落,我们的任务就是保证这一切如预期般的进行。&&&&&&Golganneth, The ThundererGolganneth: The Thunderer has came to end your untrustful dream, mortal's fate has sealed, none can stop the fall of Azeroth, our mission is monitor the performance goes correctly.17. 17. 之后科学家探寻潜在的可以符合所有的3个天文条件并接近特洛伊的陨落的数据。&&&&&&The scientists then searched for potential dates that satisfied all three astronomical conditions close to the date of Troy's fall, which has since Schliemann's time been estimated to have occurred between 1250 and18. 完结,在黑夜中陨落,并永远消失了。&&&&&&Concluded, dropt in the night, and was gone.19. 20世纪的世界500强企业中,今天很多都已经陨落了。&&&&&&So many world's top 500 enterprises in 20th Century have been fall today.20. 或许,全世界的人都在等待他从一个世界到另一个世界的陨落。&&&&&&Maybe, the world is waiting for his fall from one end of Pacific to the other end.陨落是什么意思,陨落在线翻译,陨落什么意思,陨落的意思,陨落的翻译,陨落的解释,陨落的发音,陨落的同义词,陨落的反义词,陨落的例句,陨落的相关词组,陨落意思是什么,陨落怎么翻译,单词陨落是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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