paper books 访谈will only be on computers,not on paper

Book will only be on computers,not on paper., Book will only be on computer
Book will only be on computers,not on paper. 我很急
需要翻译! 等待公主GLS Book will only be on computers,not on paper.
书籍将仅会以电脑的形式展现,而不是在纸上Every morning my father buys a newspaper on his way to work. Every evening my mother looks through magazines at home. And every night, I look at the posters with photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep. Can we imagine life without paper or print?
Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago, and has been made from silk, cotton, bamboo, and, since the 19th century, from wood. People learned to write words on paper to make a book. But in those days, books could only be produced one at a time by hand. As a result, they were expensive and rare. And because there weren’t many hooks, few people learned to read.
Then printing was invented in China. When printing was developed greatly at the beginning of the 11th century, books could be produced more quickly and cheaply. As a result, more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly.
Today information can be received online, downloaded from the Internet rather than found in books, and information can be kept on CD-ROMs or machines such as MP3 players.
Computers are already used in classrooms, and newspapers and magazines can already be read online. So will books be replaced by computers one day? No, I don’t think the Yao Ming poster on my bedroom wall will ever be replaced by a computer two metres high!
小题1:What does the writer do before he goes to sleep’?
A.He reads books.
B.He reads newspapers
C.He looks through magazines
D.He looks at the posters on the wall.
小题2:When was paper first created?
A.About 2.000 years ago.
B.In the 19th century.
C.About 1.000 years ago.
D.In the 11th century.
小题3:Why were books expensive and rare before the invention of printing?
A. People could not read.
B. People could not write words on paper.
C. People could not find silk, cotton or bamboo.
D People could only produce books one at a time by hand
小题4:What happened after books became cheaper?
A.People didn’t want to buy books.
B.Printing was invented in China.
C.Knowledge and ideas spread quickly.
D.The Internet was introduced to people soon
小题5:What is the writer’s opinion about books and computers’?
A.People won’t need books any more
B.Books won’t be replaced by computers.
C.People prefer to find information in books.
D.Computers have already replaced books._政治经济类阅读 - 看题库
Every morning my father buys a newspaper on his way to work. Every evening my mother looks through magazines at home. And every night, I look at the posters with photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep. Can we imagine life without paper or print?
Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago, and has been made from silk, cotton, bamboo, and, since the 19th century, from wood. People learned to write words on paper to make a book. But in those days, books could only be produced one at a time by hand. As a result, they were expensive and rare. And because there weren’t many hooks, few people learned to read.
Then printing was invented in China. When printing was developed greatly at the beginning of the 11th century, books could be produced more quickly and cheaply. As a result, more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly.
Today information can be received online, downloaded from the Internet rather than found in books, and information can be kept on CD-ROMs or machines such as MP3 players.
Computers are already used in classrooms, and newspapers and magazines can already be read online. So will books be replaced by computers one day? No, I don’t think the Yao Ming poster on my bedroom wall will ever be replaced by a computer two metres high!
小题1:What does the writer do before he goes to sleep’?
A.He reads books.
B.He reads newspapers
C.He looks through magazines
D.He looks at the posters on the wall.
小题2:When was paper first created?
A.About 2.000 years ago.
B.In the 19th century.
C.About 1.000 years ago.
D.In the 11th century.
小题3:Why were books expensive and rare before the invention of printing?
A. People could not read.
B. People could not write words on paper.
C. People could not find silk, cotton or bamboo.
D People could only produce books one at a time by hand
小题4:What happened after books became cheaper?
A.People didn’t want to buy books.
B.Printing was invented in China.
C.Knowledge and ideas spread quickly.
D.The Internet was introduced to people soon
小题5:What is the writer’s opinion about books and computers’?
A.People won’t need books any more
B.Books won’t be replaced by computers.
C.People prefer to find information in books.
D.Computers have already replaced books.
小题1:根据第一段And every night, I look at the posters with photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep.描述,可知作者在睡觉前都要看着墙上的海报,故选D。
小题2:根据第二段Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago,描述,可知报纸是在大约两千年前产生的。故选A。
小题3:根据短文第二段But in those days, books could only be produced one at a time by hand. As a result, they were expensive and rare.描述,可知书籍贵的原因是因为,书籍那时只能手写。故选D。
小题4:根据短文第三段As a result, more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly.描述,可知在书籍变得便宜之后,知识和思想传播的更快乐。故选C。
小题5:根据短文最后一段描述,可知作者认为电脑不会代替电脑,故选B。2014年6月托福独立口语机经预测及参考答案(下) - 新通外语
S1:What is one style of clothing that the students in your school tend to
wear? Why do you like this style of clothing?
In my opinion, style of clothing reflects both popularity, and personality.
Students in my school tend to wear a &Preppy Style&. This style is often
associated with young students who are engaged and excited about learning, but
who like to show some individuality and status. For example, students sport
brand named labels of shirts, sweaters, jackets, and slacks. They also wear a
certain type of flat shoe, tennis or sneaker. Western brands such as
Aeropostale, Old Navy, and Hollister have popular &preppy styles&. &Preppy
students&, as they are often referred to, like to be seen and known as studious.
They always carry their backpacks, and may even wear &eye glasses& to complete
their &preppy& look. I like this style of clothing because whether students are
genuinely &preppy& or just like to mimic the look, the competitiveness seems
healthy. &The Preppy style& student may aspire to better grades.
S2:What kind of job will you choose? A job through which you can get a lot of
money or a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction
I will definitely choose the second one-a job through which I can obtain
great personal satisfaction. I have two reasons for this choice. To begin with,
a job takes up at least eight hours per day, which is one third of our lives in
total. If I am assigned to boring tasks or things I don&t like to do, I feel
unhappy all day and that is the last thing I want. Moreover, money plays only a
minor role in my life, compared with personal satisfaction and leisure. So
basically I will try my best to find my &labor of love&, because once I do so,
my job will become my leisure and I feel happy and contented all day long.
S1:If a high school is planning to organize an after-school activity for its
students, what kind of activity would you recommend and why?
Recently I have taken quite an interest in cooking so I would suggest that
the school organize a cooking-learning activity to teach students to prepare
some delicious food. It can be really fun and I bet there will be a lot of
communication going on with students and it&s a good way to build up team
spirit. The school can even hold a contest to see who can cook the most
delicious food and it doesn&t have to be very complicated. Only some common easy
stir-fry recipe dishes are enough, like Kung Pao Chicken or Stir-fry Bean
Sprouts. More importantly I think cooking is an essential skill for people
nowadays as eating self-cooked food is a much more healthy and less costly way
of life than for example eating in a restaurant or in a fast-food store.
S2:Some people prefer to wash dishes by a dish washer. Others prefer to wash
dishes by hands. Which do you prefer and why?
Long before automatic dishwashers were invented, families washed dishes the
old-fashioned way, using water, soap, towels, and their hands. My family
traditionally hand washed dishes after eating their meals. Dishwashing was a
family responsibility, and everyone, including children who reached a certain
age, was expected to learn the proper way to wash dishes. For example, I can
remember having to re-do dishwashing because I did not get them clean enough the
first time. After that, I learned to wash more carefully. I prefer hand washing
dishes to the dishwasher, because sometimes there are not enough dishes to cycle
through the dishwasher. Also, sometimes, it's necessary to pre-wash or soak some
dishes, pots, and pans, because the dishwasher does not clean them as well as
hand washing. Finally, washing dishes by hand can be therapeutic, and can be a
pleasure to do after one's family has enjoyed a great meal.
S1: What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing students to eat in
class? Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.
To be honest, I can only think of one advantage, which is students won&t be
starved in the class. So for those who get up late in the morning and don&t have
time to eat their breakfast at home, being allowed to eat in class means a
rescue. However, the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages. When students
eat things in the class, terrible smells permeate the room, sometimes
accompanied by obnoxious chewing noises. So it&s impossible for other students
to focus because it destroys the learning atmosphere. Often teachers have to
wait until this student has finished his meal, which is certainly not fair to
those time-conscious students. Once I had this experience of having the same
class with a girl who kept eating stuff throughout the class. I&m sure she&s a
nice girl personally, but we were all irritated because one, most of us were
hungry, two, it was a tough class, and three, the noise was distracting.
S2: Some people like to collect old things such as newspapers. Others throw
things away after they have used them. Which do you prefer and why?
Because I am some kind of nostalgia type, I prefer keeping old things to just
throwing them away as rubbish. Many old things are filled with sweet memories
which can remind people of their past. Thanks to my mom, I still have many toys
I played with when I was a little girl. Secondly, old items may have great value
for collection. Take newspapers for example. The one with Chairman Mao&s opening
speech on the Founding Ceremony for China in 1949 surely will be a good bargain
in an antique market. Moreover, from an environmental point of view, recycling
used items such as newspapers and magazines is a good start towards reducing
carbon emission. Finally, when it comes to old clothes, an interesting thing is
that fashion always resurfaces after a few years. Old clothes may become vogue
again so it makes sense to keep them instead of throwing them away.
S1: Describe one way to improve the system of education in your country. Use
specific details and examples to support your opinion.
It is hard to define a perfect solution to the improvement of education
system since it&s such a complicated and multifaceted subject. But if I have to,
I would like to say that diversifying the evaluation methods of the admission
into the university will definitely help a lot. That means we should put more
attention to students& other performances rather than depend solely on their
academic scores. For example, students& performance as well as attendance of
those so-called less important subjects such as art, PE and so forth should be
taken into account when assessing their qualification. Only if we carry out this
principle in school can students take those subjects seriously and could have a
chance to get really stretched. How to improve the education system is a
long-term problem confronting both parents and the government .It could turn out
to be a bigger one if we give an inappropriate response to it.
S2: Some people like to reading paper books while other like to listen to
audio books. Which do you prefer and why?
It&s reasonable for people to choose audio books over printed ones. The
attractions consist of three points: convenience, taking up less space and
saving time. But in my opinion, traditional reading is better at least for three
reasons. First, paper reading allows you to read at your own pace. You can even
have a second go if you didn&t get the meaning. Second, it&s possible and
convenient for readers to make references, take notes or underline beautiful
sentences in a book. Last but not least, books are what an author&s thoughts are
all about. You should treasure them up and digest the essence whenever you want
to. In my house, there are three shelves fully stored with all my cherished
books such as the four great classics of Chinese literature, The Analects of
Confucius and so forth. I have read them time and time again in my spare time.
It is the very advantage that audio books can never match.
S1: What kind of food do you recommend to add to the food menu of the campus
cafeteria? Use Examples and details to support your response.
I recommend the cafeteria expand its menu with more nutritional foods. First,
Kant more choices. For instance, a fresh, healthy salad bar should be
available to students.
The variety of vegetables on a salad bar gives students choices of their
favorite foods. Also, a salad can be eaten as a side dish or a full meal. Salads
are a great value, and the cafeteria should include locally grown produce, which
is likely to be cleaner, healthier, and cheaper to purchase. Next, the menu
should include more choices of fresh fruit. Fresh fruit has natural flavors and
sugars, and are an important part of a healthy diet. Many students need special
diets, while others dislike the high-calorie fat, and sugar in some cafeteria
food. Without a doubt, the addition of salads and fruits would encourage, and
help students to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
S2: Some people like to buy new and expensive books while others prefer to
buy old and cheap ones. Which would you prefer?
I prefer old, cheap books over new, expensi1&e ones for two reasons. First, I
save money, because buyers of a book's first publication usually pay more,
because they can be the first to claim they ha1&e a copy of the book. Additional
ad1&ertising, marketing, and publishing costs are included in the price of the
first books printed. However, I can sa1e money by waiting a few weeks until the
book is available to check out from my public library, or I can borrow it from
someone else that has already purchased and read it. Also, I save money if I
find the book at a used book store, garage sale, flea market, or EBay. Second,
if I wait to purchase a book at a lower cost, I can buy extra ones. In the end,
I prefer worn, readable books e1&en if previous hands handle handled it.
S1: Your university is planning to replace paper books and magazines in its
library with electronic books. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this
I thinks it&s a great idea to replace paper books and magazines with
electronic ones. Because, it&s is easier for students to keep thousands of
e-books with their portable personal devices, such as laptops, Ipads,
ebook-readers. Also, since electronic materials are often cheaper than print
materials, this helps with our university&s limited budget and at the same time
protect our environment. What&s more, students are not allowed to cut off
paragraphs from the library books, while electronic sources can be cut ,paste or
re-edit, and organized by key words and phrases, that would greatly reduce the
amount of reading, and searching.
S2: Should the government spend money on projects which can encourage its
citizens to lead a healthier lifestyle?
My firm position is that the government should spend money on projects to
encourage citizens to lead healthier lifestyles, because it can reduce money
spent on insurance and medical care, as well as save lives. Also, if more
individuals have an incentive to do preventive health care, they would enjoy
their longevity, and at the same time provide more labor force and fortune to
the society. In a word, government funding to encourage healthier lifestyles is
S2:版本1:Should people be encouraged to visit science AND art museums?
In my opinion, people should be encouraged to visit science museums over art
museums, for two reasons. Firstly, science in my country is a less popular
school subject than art, and we need to get more young people interested in the
world of physics, chemistry and biology. Visiting interactive science museums
and learning about what scientists achieve is the first step to recruiting the
scientists of the future. Secondly, it is important for people to learn about
topics such as medicine and the environment, and how these are relevant to them
personally. This may lead to more donations to medical or scientific research,
and more people taking care of the world in their everyday lives. That&s why,
even though many think art museums would be more interesting, we have to
encourage both adults and children to visit science museums.
版本2:Should people be encouraged to visit science AND art museums?
In my opinion, people should definitely be encouraged to visit both science
and art museums, primarily for the two following reasons. Firstly, many people
these days waste their free time playing computer games and watching TV, which
isn&t productive for them or anyone else. Going to museums instead would make
their minds more active and help them learn more about the world than they can
see from their living rooms. It might even give them enthusiasm to be involved
in other activities. Secondly, visiting museums sparks young people&s interest
in everything from sculpture to physics. Visiting interactive museums and seeing
remarkable exhibitions are the first steps to recruiting the artists and
scientists of the future, so that my country will be able to reach great heights
in years to come. That&s why everyone, but particularly young people, should be
encouraged to visit science and art museums as much as possible.
S1: If you were to choose a place to live, what kind of location would you
prefer and why? 1. A place close to school 2. A place close to your family 3. A
place close to a transportation hub (airport or bus terminal, etc.)
If I had to choose a place to live, I would prefer living close to a
university, because I could walk to school every day without having to take a
bus or drive my own car, and I would be able to attend some great entertainment
on the campus. First of all, walking is good exercise, and not driving helps me
to avoid traffic, parking, and wasting time. For example, if you keep on walking
every day, even for a little while, it will help to keep you in shape, and even
lose weight if you need to. Second, I love to look in the newspapers for
exciting concerts, lectures, and plays that come to campus and are often free of
charge. For example, Taylor Swift is probably coming to a campus near you, since
the students love pop stars. That&s why you can&t beat living near a campus.
S2: Some people think the best way to study is to attend a lecture. Others
say that it&s better to read by yourself. Which way do you prefer and why?
From my experience, I believe that the best way to study is silent reading,
because when I read alone, I am able to focus, question, and interact with the
text. Lectures can be engaging or distracting, depending on the teacher and the
classroom. So, I prefer reading by myself, because I learn and remember more.
For example, sometimes I need to read something more than once in order to
focus. Unless you tape a lecture, or can take really good notes quickly, you may
not be able to keep up with a lecturer. Studying alone, I am not distracted by
people talking and getting up and moving around. I control the distractions. I
also like to silently question why the author said or didn&t say something. It&s
kind of like having my own private conversation with the author. In the end, I
remember more of what I read by myself.
S1: Nowadays robots are widely used in the society. What are the benefits and
risks of this?
As I see it, robots are here to stay, and are widely used in society. Robots
have benefits and risks at the same time. They are used on land, in air, and on
sea. Robots are being designed to perform surgical procedures, just like
surgeons once performed. I saw one being used on YouTube. It was cool! The
military is using robots to carry out secret missions. For instance, robots are
now front line &soldiers&. They are being sent deep in the ocean where man can&t
survive, and are finding all kinds of treasures. The risks of robots are just
like any other artificial, man- it can break, malfunction, and be a
danger. Also, the more robots are used, the more human labor is replaced. This
could lead to unemployment, which is already a severe problem in the present day
S2: Should employees be required to wear suits in the workplace, or should
they wear casual clothes?
In my opinion, I feel that most casual clothes are nice enough for the
workplace, because many jobs require a lot of hands-on tasks, or you may be
working behind the scenes and never really be seen by anyone except those who
are doing the same work as you. So, for these reasons, employees do not need
formal suits. For example, why would retail workers need a suit, when all that
they are doing is cleaning up behind customers, and re-shelving items that are
out of place or may be thrown all over the place. Also, you don&t need a suit if
you are cooking food, bringing out the meals to diners or serving drinks. We
don&t usually pay bills to people with suits on. As long as someone is clean and
dressed appropriately, I believe that causal clothes are all that&s
S1: Talk about one of your family members who has similar traits as you.
Describe those traits.
When I consider a family member with similar traits as I, it&s my beautiful
daughter, because people say that she looks, talks, writes, and acts like me! I
agree that as she gets older, her facial features resemble mine. She has lovely
&dimples& I don&t. However, we both share glowing smiles. Another
trait that she has inherited from me is the sound of our voice. Most people
can&t even tell our voices a part when we speak on the phone. As a writer, my
daughter seems to have the same style and tone as I. She says that she hears
from voice when she writes. Finally, no one has to tell me that my daughter and
I act in similar ways. She and I are both good speakers, and always say what is
on our mind. I am proud that my daughter, my twin, shares so many traits.
S2: Between the following two places, where would you choose to live? 1. Big
and new place but far from your workplace and/or university 2 small and old
place but near your workplace and/or university
I would choose to live near a small, old place near a university for these
reasons. As a student attending a local university, I rely on the convenience of
its location to housing, shopping and entertainment. Since I don&t own a car, I
depend on public transportation to get to school, work, shopping centers, and to
entertainment. A small, old place can be affordable, clean, and safe. I prefer
the closeness of living near my neighbors, and for everything that I depend on
to survive from day to day. I also save money which I can use to pay for my
tuition and books. Living in a small, old place has more to offer than its size,
and each day brings a new experience.
S1: Which of the following three subjects would you choose to learn? Math,
painting, science. Explain what you want to learn from this subject.
If I could choose to study any area, I would choose to study painting for
t11'o reasons. First, since I admire the works of painters like. Mary Cassat, I
would like to learn more about her style of painting and the reasons for her
paintings. I think that I would be able to appreciate her paintings even more if
I understood the artist herself. Second, studying painting would give me a
chance to develop my own skill as an artist. I would like to learn to paint
portraits of children and mothers like Cassat did. Her work shows love and
compassion toward the subject. It touches the heart. I would like to paint in
that way. I would like my work to give. a message of love and compassion. These
are the two reasons that I would like to study painting.
S2: Do you prefer to use e-mails to communicate with your friends and family
members or do you prefer to use the telephone?
When I want to talk with my friends or family, I prefer to use the phone for
two reasons.
First, the telephone lets me hear the actual voices of my loved ones. To hear
the tone of love in my parents' voices or the laughter in the voice of my dear
friend from college is too wonderful to describe.. No matter what words people
try to use in emails, the words alone still can't convey the tone of the
speaker. The second reason is that it allows for spontaneity of conversation.
Emails tend to be silted and one sided since really they are just half of a
conversation. The phone allows for the topic to wander and change as real
communication takes place. Though both are useful, for real conversation with
friends and family, nothing can be better than and nice, long,
catch-up-on-the-news-chat with those we love..
S1: Talk about the benefits of talking to older family members (grandparents,
uncles, aunts, etc.)
One of my favorite things to do is to be around older members of my family. I
like to sit quietly and just listen as they talk to each other. My favorite
thing is when they start telling stories about the things they used to do when
they were young. My Aunt Grace always brings up the time that Uncle John was
chased by the rooster when he was a little boy. Then Uncle John tells the story
about Aunt Helen&s first date. Life was very different when the aunts and uncles
were young, and it is interesting to hear how they lived. Apart from being
interesting, talking with older family members allows me to learn from their
knowledge and wisdom, as they are never reluctant to teach you important lessons
about life.
S2: When things at home such as furniture or electrical appliances are
broken, some people prefer to have them repaired in a shop, while others prefer
to fix them at home. Which do you prefer and why?
When items at my home break, I prefer to fix them myself if I am able. I
prefer repairing the item myself for two reasons. The first reason is simply
money. It is very expensive to have a repairman come to my home or send an item
to the repair shop. The repairman charges a fee to come, and then he charges an
hourly fee to do the repair. The cost will add up fast! The positive reason for
doing the repairs myself is the good feelings that come when I am able to learn
something new and be self-sufficient. It makes me feel proud that I have been
able to take care of a problem for myself by myself. From time to time there
will be repairs that I cannot fix, but when I can, I like to take care of
problems myself.
S1: If you are asked by your teacher to do community service, which of the
following would you choose? Explain why. 1 helping children with their homework
2 teaching adults to use the computer 3 cleaning city park
One of my favorite activities to do for community service is to clean our
local park. There are two reasons that I usually choose that activity. First,
serving in the park allows me. To help many people at one time. In our
community, most families spend some time. Each week at the park. Mothers take
their children to play, older folks gather to talk, and many other groups meet
there from time to time. When I clean at the park, I feel like I am helping many
people all at once. Secondly, working at the part allows me to be outside in the
fresh air. Since. I am indoors at school most of my day, I like a chance to
enjoy a change of scenery, fresh air, and a little exercise. I want to be a
productive member of society, and cleaning the park is one of my favorite
community service projects.
S2: Do you prefer to live in an area that is noisy but close to shops or
public transportation, or an area that is quiet but far away from shops and
public transportation?
If I had to choose between living in a quiet area that is far away from shops
and public transportation or living in a noisy area that is close to these
conveniences, I would definitely choose living in the quiet area. First, living
in a quieter and more peaceful area is very important to me. After the stress of
school or work, it is pleasant to leave the noise and activity behind for a
little while. The quietness allows my body, mind, and spirit to relax. Second,
living away from shops and public transportation usually means the area is less
crowed. I like living where there are fewer people even if it is less
convenient. I can always walk or cycle to the places I need to get to.
S1: If you were to do a project, which of the following would you choose? 1.
A recycle program 2. Teaching children about vegetable growing 3. Teaching
children about healthy eating
I think I would like to teach children about healthy eating. Recycling and
vegetable growing are very useful things to know and both are helpful for the
environment, but they&re not necessarily urgent. If there are kids who don&t
know about healthy eating, however, that could start to make them sick very
quickly. If they&re not getting enough vitamins from fresh fruit and vegetables,
they could become tired and sluggish. If they&re eating too much sugar and fat,
they could become overweight or even develop serious problems like diabetes.
Kids need to learn good eating habits from an early age and stick to them! It&s
a very worthwhile thing to teach them about and I would feel I was doing a lot
S2: Which do you prefer? An interesting class but very strict with scoring,
or a boring class that gives you high scores.
I would prefer an interesting class that is strict with grades and scoring.
Of course, I see the appeal of a super easy class where you don&t learn much but
are guaranteed to get a good grade. I mean, who doesn&t love good grades? Yet,
if you do that too much, you start to feel unfulfilled. You wonder &Why am I
even in school if I&m not learning anything? I&m getting straight A&s, but what
does that even mean anymore?& It becomes pointless. I find it is much more
satisfying to be very interested in a class and learn a lot, even if the work is
hard. Then you at least feel that you achieved something. Your grade may be
average or even bad, but you learned things that truly excited you and that you
will always remember.
121207NA NEW !
S1: Among the following professions, which do you think is the most important
to a city? Police officer, building designer or transport worker.
I think police officers are absolutely vital to a city running properly. When
you hear of cities that are falling apart, one of the main problems that they
have is a lack of a police force. Robberies increase, violent crimes increase.
People become afraid to even go downtown or walk down the street after dark
because they feel unsafe. Then families start to move away for the sake of their
children, and so on. It&s a mess. A city, first and foremost, needs to be a
place where citizens can feel secure enough to live their normal lives. That
means having police officers available when needed, both on patrol and
responding to emergency phone calls. Well-designed buildings and public
transportation are just secondary compared to that.
S2: Nowadays many people find their social network on the Internet. Do you
think it is a positive trend?
Yes, I think this is a positive trend for the most part. Online dating, for
instance, can be very useful. Often, it&s difficult to know whether people you
randomly meet in person are single, in a relationship, or even interested in a
relationship. Trying to figure it out can be awkward at times. But dating
websites lead you to a large amount of people who are very clear about what they
are looking for as far as relationships. It simplifies the process. Also online,
you can make friends who share your interests and passions by going to websites
about those specific topics. Someone who is shy and withdrawn might find it
easier to initially talk to new people if it is done over the computer.
Eventually such interactions can happen in person, but meeting online can make
it start easily and pleasantly.
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S1: Describe a person in your family whose personality or behavior is very
different from yours.
My Aunt Vivian is crazy about jazz music. She&s always going to jazz shows
and concerts around the city. Whenever I visit her house, there are trumpets
blaring from the speakers of her stereo. It&s funny because nobody else in our
family cares much for jazz. Not me, not my parents, not even Aunt Vivian&s
husband. It just sounds like noise to us, honestly. But we try to learn when she
talks about it! She&s such an animated person, too. She&ll talk so fast,
explaining what the different instruments are doing, that I can barely
understand her sometimes. I&m much more relaxed and calm than she is! But I
admire her knowledge and her dedication to jazz. She could probably teach a
class on it if she wanted.
S2: Some schools require students to bring their own computers to the
classroom. Do you agree or disagree with the policy?
I disagree with this policy. What about the students who don&t have very much
money and can&t afford their own laptops? Or have very old computers that
overheat or have other technical issues? This could be a very uncomfortable
situation for them. Also, when students have computers right in front of them,
it is too easy for them to get distracted from the classroom activities. They
could start messaging with friends or playing games&It just leads to trouble!
Good, old-fashioned notebooks work just as well for taking notes. If the
students need to complete an activity on the computer, the class can just meet
in a computer lab on campus. Most schools have at least one computer lab, if not
S1: An environmental group is planning to organize an activity to help
protect the environment. What activity do you suggest and why?
I think the best activities are those that are educational and easily
accessible. To organize a community clean-up day might be a good idea, because
the whole community can participate in this activity, without the need to have
any specialized knowledge. On a single day a large number of people, not only
adults but also children, gather and work together for the common interest of
their own community. They can clean up the streets, dump the trash, and most
importantly, learn useful knowledge about environmental protection during the
process, like the correct ways of handling toxic wastes.
S2: When you give gifts to others, do you prefer gifts that are fun or gifts
that can be used?
If I am to give my friend a gift, I would choose something that my friend can
use over something that is simply fun but is not practical. This is because I
want my friend to keep this gift, so if this gift can be used daily, like a
coffee mug or a wallet or even a pillow, my friend will probably keep this gift
with him, which will remind him of our friendship. On the other hand, if the
gift is fun but without any practical use like a fancy toy, probably my friend
will enjoy playing with it for a while but soon he will stash it in the bottom
of the drawer and never take it out again.
S1: Which of the following do your friends like you about the most?
Cheerfulness, kindness, intelligence
I think my friends probably appreciate my kindness the most. I always make an
effort to be pleasant with them. When they tell me about their day, I truly
listen. If they have a problem, I support them. And at holidays and birthdays, I
always give thoughtful gifts that I know my friends will like. I don&t
understand people who are super competitive with their friends or try to make
their friends feel bad about themselves, hinting that they aren&t pretty enough
or smart enough. Who needs that? Who needs people in their life making them
unhappy? The whole idea is that a friend is a person who you like. You enjoy
their company. Being kind to them is extremely important.
S2. If you were to choose a class to study for fun, which one would you
choose? An art class or a science class?
I would choose an art class! I love art in all forms, from paintings to music
to sculptures. But I don&t know how to create any of it! So I would love to
learn a few basics. Even just knowing what types of paint to use or how to
properly draw shadows would be really useful. It&s all new to me. I also think
it would be kind of relaxing to just sit in an art class and paint for a couple
hours. I don&t have an activity like that currently, where I can zone out and be
creative in a nice, quiet space. It sounds great. Trying to make my own art
would probably make me appreciate famous works of art more, as well. I won&t
just think a painting is pretty. I&ll recognize how much work the artist put
into it and how difficult the techniques are. It would be a rich learning
S1: What are the most important qualities that a successful leader should
I think that a successful leader needs to always, first and foremost, truly
care for the people he or she is leading. Some politicians get wrapped up in
issues and scandals that may be exciting for journalists to cover, but actually
affect a very small amount of the population. That sort of disconnect isn&t very
helpful. The best leaders are the ones who have a keen eye on the real needs of
the people. There are leaders who say &You know what? Our school systems are not
providing a well-rounded enough education to our children& or &Unemployed and
struggling people need easy access to free food.& These are issues that many
people can connect with. It makes a very personal, positive difference in their
life. And the good leaders who attach themselves to such issues rarely gain
anything from it. They&re not being selfish or power-hungry. They just honestly
want to help.
S2: Do you agree or disagree? People should always tell the truth.
I suppose I disagree. Honesty, of course, is very important in life. However,
I don&t think it is wise or realistic for people to tell the truth 100% of the
time. Little white lies, for instance, are sometimes necessary. A husband
telling his wife who is sick in bed with the flu that she looks pretty (even
though she doesn&t) is an example of this. Or telling your sister that you like
her new house that she bought, even if you think it is freezing and in a bad
neighborhood. To spare your sister&s feelings, you lie a little. Maybe
eventually you&ll bring up questions of safety in the neighborhood, but not
immediately. There is a time and a place for everything. And sometimes, when
you&re waiting for the right time to tell the truth, a slight lie is okay.
s1: Which of the following extracurricular activities would you recommend
children to take? Plying sports, playing music, or visiting art galleries?
Explain why
I would recommend that children learn to play an instrument. The whole
process of learning to read music and play the corresponding notes is wonderful
for the minds of young kids. They&re memorizing things, they&re improving their
rhythm&They&re just using their brains in a way that is pretty unique and
beneficial. And once they learn to play entire songs, their confidence just
shines! This is especially true if they play their instrument at a school
concert or something similar. When they see their parents and the rest of the
audience clapping for them, they are so proud. It&s always good to accumulate
talents and skills, and knowing how to play an instrument is one that kids will
always appreciate they have.
S2: Which do you prefer? A job with a high salary but requires you to take a
lot of business trips, or a job with a low salary but does not require you to
take business trips.
I would prefer a job with a high salary and lots of business trips! Some
people might find business trips to be an annoyance, but they actually sound fun
to me. I love plane rides and hotels and traveling to new places. What a great
way to see other parts of the world! I think that would be preferable to just
staying in the same office every single work day. There would always be a new,
exciting trip just around the corner. And to not only get paid to travel, but to
receive a high salary for it? That&s a dream come true! Also, if somehow the
business trips do get old after a while or I feel like I&m not home enough, I
could always switch jobs. With all the money I&d made and saved from the high
salary, I&d still be pretty satisfied.
S1: Which of the following activities do you think bring the most benefits to
children and teenagers? 1. Reading books 2. Talking with elderly members of the
community 3. Travelling to other countries
I think that reading books provides the most benefits to children and
teenagers. Books can give them a window into the world unlike anything else. A
little girl reading in her backyard can suddenly be immersed in the world of
Paris in the 1770s, Japan in the 1950s, or even just a different way of life on
the other side of her own country. Reading from an early age gives kids a
context for the world they live in and a more open-minded stance. They don&t
only know their own narrow circumstances. They are aware of many, many other
modes of living. They also understand history and so much of what happened
before they were even born. This gives them a valuable wisdom that will never
leave them.
S2: In some cities there is a law against making noises at night such as loud
music or TV. Some people support this while others do not. What is your
I support this law very much! Everyone should be able to get a good night&s
sleep, whether they live in a city or out in the middle of nowhere. It doesn&t
matter if they&re renting an apartment or bo people are
entitled to sleep peacefully in their home. The fact that others would be
blasting loud music or listening to their TV at full volume in the middle of the
night, knowing full well that they were probably keeping their neighbors awake,
is just horrible. It&s easy enough to listen to those things at a reasonable
volume! Therefore I think it is absolutely fair for rude, noisy people to get in
trouble for being inconsiderate. Maybe it will make them think twice about being
unnecessarily loud during sleeping hours.
S1: Among the following three activities, which do you think has the most
benefits for students? 1. A field trip 2. A home tutoring session 3. A
presentation given by a local leader
A presentation given by a local leader would be the most beneficial for
students to experience. For one thing, sometimes it is hard for young people to
visualize career paths beyond high school. . Having a local leader come in and
talk about their specific job, and the specific steps they took to get there,
could be very useful and encouraging. For another, some students don&t have any
real role models. This leader could become a vital role model for them. The
students could also ask any questions they want and maybe even find out about
internships or volunteer opportunities at the local leader&s office. The
presentation would give them some helpful tools for success.
S2: Some people consider going to the gym a priority in their life, while
others go to the gym only when they have time. Which do you think is better and
I think that prioritizing going to the gym is preferable to only going to the
gym when you have time. Often, people become lazy and don&t go to the gym nearly
as much as they first intend to. Not only do they get out of shape, but they&re
throwing money away on barely used gym memberships. It&s better to stay strict
and make yourself go to the gym on a defined schedule. You&ll feel healthier and
more content with yourself. If you truly only want to exercise at random times,
it&s probably better to quit the gym altogether. You can go on runs or do yoga
when you have time, and it won&t cost you a thing!
S1: What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in a fast-food
Fast food restaurants can be great when you go there on a whim. Say you and
your roommate have just seen a movie at the theater, it&s evening, and you don&t
feel like immediately going home and cooking dinner. Fast food is perfect for
moments like that! Your food will be ready in just a few minutes, it will be
greasy and salty, and it will taste delicious. Getting fast food can be
undeniably fun and enjoyable. But at the same time, it&s not a perfect
experience. The restaurant itself is usually devoid of any style or warmth. The
seats and tables are hard plastic. The color scheme is too bright and clashing.
Bad pop music plays on the radio. And the food, while tasty, is most likely full
of chemicals and preservatives that you wouldn&t find in a normal restaurant.
That&s why getting fast food, while fun, is best done only occasionally.
S2: Which do you prefer? Card game or computer game? Explain why.
I prefer card games! Computer games are fine, but computers have already
infiltrated our lives so much. We can work on them, write on them, watch TV on
them&.It&s nice to just take a break and play a game that has nothing to do with
computers. Even the feel of the deck of cards in your hands is such a welcome
physical change from staring at a screen. And something about cards is so
classic! You can sit on your front porch, playing a game of poker as the sun
sets in the distance, and really feel like someone could have been doing the
exact same thing a hundred years ago. It&s a very cool sensation and makes card
games even more fun.
S1: Which of the following makes you the happiest? 1. Spending time with
friends and family 2 .Studying by yourself 3. Exercising
I&m most happy when I&m with my family and friends. There is just nothing
like laughing and sharing and enjoying your time with people that you love! That
close human interaction is priceless. Now, don&t get me wrong, I appreciate my
alone time. I can be a little hermit, shut away in my bedroom. Nice breaks all
to myself, where I read or write, are great. But soon enough I start to yearn to
hang out with a friend or spend the afternoon with a family member. My
relationships ground me. When I&m content with them, I feel like I can face
anything in the world. And if I&m feeling sad, giggling over silly movies with a
friend or relative is the best cure I know of.
S2: Do you prefer to have classes in the morning or in the afternoon? Explain
I prefer afternoon classes by far! For one thing, I&m always completely
exhausted during morning classes. It is often, literally, a struggle to keep my
eyes open. I&ve even fallen asleep in class a handful of times! Not only do I
get embarrassed, but I miss out on important information from the lecture as I
snooze away. It&s just bad. To me, afternoon classes are much better. I&m able
to sleep-in a little and arrive at the classroom refreshed and ready to learn.
Also, when I&m up at night working on homework, it&s really nice to know that a
paper isn&t due until noon or my test isn&t until 2:00 pm. It seems like I still
have a lot of time, so I don&t get nervous or overwhelmed. When the class starts
at 8:00 am, it&s a completely different story!
S1: Your friend studies in a business school now, but he likes playing
musical instrument. Would suggestion would you give to your friend? To keep
studying business, or to learn to play music?
I would tell my friend to keep studying business, but still take music
lessons in his spare time. He already did all the work to get into business
school, so he shouldn&t just abandon it partway through. That would be such a
waste of time and money! Also, he&s never going to regret having a business
degree. But later on, he might regret it very much if he doesn&t follow through
on getting the degree. Even if he doesn&t go into business, any higher education
is helpful as you look for jobs and start your career. In his spare time, too,
he can absolutely continue to practice his musical instrument! Maybe he could
join a band after graduation and try to be a professional musician. Maybe it
will work, maybe it won&t. But he&ll still have his business degree to fall back
on, so he really can&t lose either way.
S2: Some people choose to go to a school which is close to home so they can
keep their old friends. However, other people like to study far away from home
so they can make new friends. Which do you prefer and why?
I think staying close to home for college is a good idea. The transition from
high scho it&s nice to have your old friends close by
still. That way you can still see them on the weekends, catch up on what
everyone is doing, and maintain that closeness. I do think, however, that even
if someone stays close to home for school, they should not continue to live with
their parents. Instead, they should either live in the dorms or rent an
apartment with other students. Then, they can both have the comforts of being
near home and branch out in independence and adulthood. They will still meet new
friends, in addition to staying close to the old ones.
S1: If you were to study a new form of art, which would you choose? Wood
sculpture, portrait painting, or photography?
I would like to study wood sculpture, I think. For one thing, you hear about
it way less than you do portraits or photography. There&s probably a whole wood
sculpting culture that I know nothing about! What types of woods are nice to
carve from, and for what reasons? Which ones are softer or harder? What wood is
from local trees and what wood is foreign? I have no clue about any of these
things and honestly, it sounds quite interesting. Also, if my studies included
me trying to create some art myself, I think wood sculpture would be the choice
with the most creativity involved. With both portrait painting and photography,
you are capturing something pre-existing. You paint someone sitting for you or
you take a photo of something in front of you. But with wood sculpture, what you
end up carving comes solely from your imagination. That&s more appealing to
S2: Do you prefer to participate in activities alone, or with a team or
Usually I prefer to participate in activities with a team or group. If the
activity is a class project, for instance, it&s nice to have flurry of different
opinions. Everyone in the group will have focused on slightly different things
from the class and will add their unique voice to the project. That makes the
end result more dynamic than if I had just worked on it myself. Activities
outside of the classroom are also often more fun in a group. Going to a park,
for example, becomes something of a little adventure when there are several
people involved. Someone will unexpectedly begin to climb a tree like a monkey
or throw pinecones at everyone else&The randomness certainly increases and makes
everything more exciting.
S1: Which is the most challenging place to work? Museum, hospital, business
I think a hospital must be the most challenging place to work. Even though
doctors and nurses are completely trained and competent, it doesn&t change the
fact that there are lives at stake every single day! What unbelievable pressure!
Things can go wrong so quickly and everyone not only needs to know the correct
procedure to carry out or medicine to give, but they need to do it fast. Then
there is the whole personal aspect of calming down relatives of patients,
breaking bad news, giving diagnoses, and so on. Even the receptionists must
encounter some intense situations at least once a week. I imagine emotions are
running high pretty much constantly. It takes a definite inner strength to work
in a hospital!
S2: Which do you prefer? Taking a course taught by a teacher, or study by
I much prefer taking a course taught by a teacher! I need that structure of
going to class at a certain time and on certain days. I need someone giving me
specific chapters to read for homework. I just don&t have the discipline to do
that myself. Laziness would set in, I&m sure, and I wouldn&t study nearly as
much as I should. Also, a teacher can answer any questions I have about a
subject. If left to my own devices, I could have a question about something and
not be able to find a decent answer anywhere. Along that line of thinking, I
could also misunderstand something at some point and have no one there to
correct me. I wouldn&t even realize my knowledge was wrong! So, I might not even
learn that much of substance, really. I prefer to have a teacher&s guidance.
S1: A school is planning to organize it students to visit the workplace.
Which place do you recommend the students to visit? 1. A science lab2. A
business office 3. A TV studio
I would recommend a business office. I think in today&s economic climate,
most students would finally work in the office so by visiting a real office
environment they can know what their future place of work would look like. They
can also ask employees some questions like how to adapt yourself quickly to a
new working environment, and how to say no to your boss if you think he is wrong
or you think you can&t finish a task in time. On the other hand, a science lab
is only for a few of the most intelligent and a TV studio would only be for
those who study media and broadcasting.
S2: Some students prefer to work on their course paper one or two days before
its due date. Others like to work on the paper bit by bit every day. Which do
you prefer and why?
I prefer doing the work right away and a little bit every day. This ensures I
can finish the task in time. Writing a course paper requires a lot of research
work, like research in the library or conducting interviews or surveys. It
cannot be done just in two days. Another reason is that this ensures the best
quality. You have to allow the extra time to re-edit and improve on what you
have written.
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S1: Which of the following volunteer work would you choose and why? 1.
Working as a home tutor 2. Helping adults 3. Helping old people
I would choose helping adults as a volunteer position. Sometimes people are
so close to being stable in their life, and all they need is just a little help
and kindness. I would love to assist with something like that. Some adults, for
instance, are unable to read at a good enough level to get a job. Teaching adult
reading lessons would make a world of difference to people like them. Other
adults have maybe been laid off or gone through some other difficult time and
are now homeless. Volunteering at a soup kitchen would help assure that these
homeless people get a nice, hot meal and are served with a smile. Children are
often focused on with charity work and, although that&s an honorable thing, I
don&t think people should immediately become excluded from help when they become
adults. That good spirit toward each other needs to continue on.
S2: If you have time, would you choose to learn to play a new musical
instrument or learn to play a new sport?
I think I would learn to play a new sport. In fact, I&ve always wanted to
learn how to play volleyball. I know the very basics, I guess, of hitting the
ball over the net. But I have memories of being little and trying to play
volleyball with my friends and not really understanding how to properly do
anything. I couldn&t hit the ball hard enough, I didn&t know how to position my
hands&I don&t think I scored a single point! And that was the last time I tried
to play. So I think it would be fun if I could learn, finally, all the precise
moves and maneuvers to play a decent game of volleyball! Maybe I could even
challenge my friends to a match.
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