be far fromm being impractical 怎么翻译?

雅思高分写作教程 Contents (目录) Unit One: 议论文写作高分技能  Lesson One: 英文议论文文体介绍  Lesson Two: 雅思考试中涉及的5种议论文  Lesson Three: 雅思考试议论文写作步骤  Lesson Four: 写作实题练习一  Lesson Five: 写作实题练习二  Lesson Six: 写作实题练习三 Unit Two: 综合写作提高技能  Lesson One: 综合写作中阅读篇与听力篇之间关系详解  Lesson Two: 二种综合写作模板  Lesson Three: 模拟练习  Lesson Four: 实题练习一  Lesson Five: 实题练习二  Lesson Six: 实题练习三  Lesson Seven: 实题练习四 附录1:四类议论文分别举例说明: 附录2:议论文范文28篇 雅思写作综述(学术类) 雅思考试全程时间2小时50-55分钟。 写作出现在听力,阅读之后,是笔试部分的最后一项。雅思写作包括二篇作文(Task One & Task Two). Task One:要求考生在20分钟内完成一篇不少于150字的文章。通常是要求考生写一篇报告-Report. 考生要先看图表(曲线图-Graph、 柱状图-Bar Chart、 饼状图-Pie chart、 表格Table、 流程图Flow chart 等),然后总结图表的信息,并写出一篇报告。 Task Two: 要求考生在40分钟内完成一篇不少于250字的议论文。 文体涉及分析性议论文,评论性议论文,驳斥性议论文,理由性议论文。 Writing Section & 写作部分 Task 写作要求 Based on 写作素材 Type of Task 写作类型 Timing 时间 Recommended length 字数要求 Task One 报告-Report Read a chart, table, graph etc 图表 Summarize information and present the information in a report 总结图表信息,写出一篇报告 Writing: 20 minutes 写作:20分钟 150words 150字 Task Two 议论文写作 Your own knowledge and experience 个人知识与经历 Give your opinion of an issue or express your personal preference 对某一问题发表个人观点或就某一问题讨论并提出解决方法 40 minutes 40分钟 250 words 250字  Unit One: 英文议论文文体介绍 议论文写作包括以下种类:  驳斥性议论文 & Refutation essay  分析性议论文 & Analysis essay  评论性议论文 & Comment Essay  理由性议论文 & Reason-Statement Essay 1) 驳斥性议论文 & Discuss the pros and cons, advantages and advantages etc. 驳斥性议论文: 有争议的观点 Should Capital Punishment be abolished? Does money mean everything? Although abuses of the system are inevitable, social welfare payments are essential to protect the rights citizens have to a guaranteed minimum income in a democratic society. Discuss Many people think the main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and it is the waste of resources and space to provide expensive hi-tech media such as computer software, DVD and video. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 范文: 日雅思作文考题(8分作文) Many people think the main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and it is the waste of resources and space to provide expensive hi-tech media such as computer software, DVD and video. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Hi-tech media such as computer software, videos and DVDs are being increasingly introduced to public libraries. Some people start to argue that limited space and resources should not be wasted on these media. However, I personally think hi-tech media should be encouraged, for the good of both the libraries and the general public. First and foremost, people go to libraries in order to fulfill their thirst for knowledge and information, in which case the library itself has become the place where the latest technology is first introduced to the general public. The use of hi-tech media such as computer software enables people to get real life experiences of the latest technological achievements, which were once only read in books. Furthermore, hi-tech media e.g. computer software, videos and DVDs can store information longer than traditional means. Since one of the major functions of libraries is to provide information, the longer the storage of information, the better. In terms of space saving, hi-tech media can actually save space. Take for example the Encyclopedia Britannica, a traditional set consists of over 30 volumes and take about one complete shelf section to store all these volumes. But a small computer disc is enough to store all these information. This particular example clearly demonstrates the advantages of hi-tech media over traditional books and publicatons in views of space saving. In fact, if all information were stored by hi-tech media, the libraries could provide us with a lot more information. Some people argue against hi-tech media. They say hi-tech media waste library space. They say so because they don&t really comprehend the words &hi-tech media&. Their arguments are really made out of ignorance. In my opinion, to argue against hi-tech media is comparable to argue against human development. To sum up, hi-tech media have proved to be beneficail for both the lib it is an investment, which will be worthwhile in the future. 范文:(通篇驳斥) 范文:It is often said that the subjects taught in schools are too academic in orientation and that it would be more useful for children to learn about practical matters such as home management, work, and interpersonal skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree? A criticism often heard these days is that the subjects taught in schools tend to be too academic, and contribute little to preparing a young person for the real-life tasks he or she will have to perform after graduation. They say that academic subjects are rooted in the past, and are not useful for solving modern problems. I disagree with this point of view for three reasons. My first reason is that it is the duty of parent, not teachers, to prepare their children to deal with the practical affairs of life. The home, not the classroom, is the ideal place to learn about home management and interpersonal skills. As for work abilities and attitudes, they are best learned &On the job& and under the supervision of an experienced older worker. My second reason is that academic subjects have withstood the test of time. They represent the accumulated wisdom of our ancestors down through the ages, and, far from being impractical, they equip us with the knowledge and confidence to make sound judgments about any problems which may crop up. In addition, academic subjects are good for training us in mental discipline, while practical subjects are weak in this regard. My third reason is based on the saying &Man doesn&t live by bread alone.& Schooldays devoted solely to instruction in down-to-earth practical matters would be dull indeed! Lessons in the best literature of the world and the epoch-making scientific and geographical discoveries of the past enrich our lives and make us feel that we are part of the great family of mankind. All in all, the teaching of academic subjects in schools is entirely appropriate. It is my firmly held view that practical subjects have no place in the classroom. On the contrary, the curriculum should be more academic! 2) 分析性议论文 & Analysis essay 分析性议论文: 分析所讨论的事务或观点的性质. 阐述其重要性, 正确性, 必要性或荒谬性, 危害性. 并提出可行的解决方法。 The benefits of making friends of different kinds The importance of making cities greener The harmful effects of heavy exposure to TV In many countries, more and more young people are leaving school and unable to find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? Give reasons and make some suggestions. (日) 范文:It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations. There is much discussion nowadays as to whether or not the relationship among family members is as close as before. Diverse contributing factors can be identified. In the following I would like to present my point of view. Great changes have taken place in family life along with the development of society. One of them is that the once-extended family tends to become smaller and smaller. Many children have to leave their parents at an early age to study or work elsewhere. As time passes, children become emotionally estranged from their parents. Compared with the past, social competition is becoming increasingly fierce. People are urged to concentrate their efforts upon work, so that they can achieve success, or at least afford a reasonable standard of living. As a result, they can&t afford to spend their leisure hours with their families. The importance of bonds of kinship is gradually fading from their minds. In addition, the availability of various kinds of recreational facilities also diverts people from enjoying chats with family members. Their free time is mostly occupied by watching TV, surfing the Internet or playing video games. They come to lose interest in communicating with the other members of their families. In view of such alienation within families, I believe that urgent steps must be taken. For members of families who live away from one another, regular contact on the phone can bring them the care they need. Family reunions on holidays or other important occasions can make a difference as well. For those living together, it is a good idea to take some time off work to spend time with family members. In the final analysis, a close family relationship can surely be maintained as long as we realize the significant role it plays in our lives and attach great importance to it. 范文2:With the increasing popularity of computers and calculators, student literacy is decreasing dramatically. What are the positive and negative effects the progress of science and technology has brought about? It has been widely noted that with the growing use of computers and calculators both in the classroom and in the home, the level of literacy and mathematical ability of students is dropping. This raises serious doubts about the value of the progress of science and technology. In the following I will discuss the pros and cons of this question. First of all, advances in science and technology have certainly brought about many benefits for mankind. They have made our lives more comfortable and healthier. In addition, they have eased the burden of work for most people and provided them with more leisure opportunities, while at the same time increasing productivity dramatically. Nevertheless, it can not be denied that technology has some negative side-effects. As mentioned above, with computers which check spelling, grammar and calculation for them, students have little incentive to learn how to do these things by themselves. Also the availability of TV programs and videos encourages an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle. Another aspect of this issue is that technology may be good or bad, depending on how we use it. For instance, dynamite may be used to make road construction easier, or it may be used to kill people. Again, nuclear reactors can supply huge amounts of cheap electricity, but if they are carelessly handled they can cause devastating pollution. We can conclude that the progress of science and technology has both positive and negative effects. What we must do is make sure the positive ones are encouraged and the negative ones are eliminated as far as possible. Among other things, this means that students are warned not to let computers and calculators do all their work for them. 3) 评论性议论文 & Comment Essay 评论性议论文: 即开放型议论文, 因为文章只是客观的分析和评论某一事物的正反两方面, 或在某一问题上反映出的二种不同看法, 并不下结论. 常用以评论电视, 电脑, 安乐死等很难绝对说好或不好的主题. 题目特点:Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ----- pros and cons----- the benefits and dangers ----- positive and negative effects ----- 范文:Advertisement plays a major role on TV in developed market economies. Despite the benefits of such information, many people are critical of the role of TV advertising. Write an essay analysing the positive and negative effects of TV advertisement. TV Advertisement has become an integrated part of our TV watching experience. Unlike the Internet, where we can often disable the popup advertising window, we can&t screen out TV advertisements. The questions is, is the price worth paying? Obviously, these advertisements can be distracting and have other bad effects, but before we jump to our conclusions, let&s consider some of the points that have been made in their defense. First of all, advertisements provide us with information, and information is essential to a medern economy because it brings those who have products and services to sell into contact with those who want to buy. Indeed, advertisements are the most efficient means of such communication and arguably help to keep the price of consumer goods down. Secondly, the advertising on TV creats job opportunities for the designers and the marketing majors. Finally, we should not overlook the fact that advertisements make TV possible in the first place. Without the revenue generated through advertising, many TV stations would find it diffult to sustain their other programs. However, TV advertising does present a number of objectionable features. Most obviously, they interrupt the programs, distract our attention and may even spoil our enjoyment. More seriously, TV advertisements accustom us to viewing and listening in snatches, shortening our attention span and encouraging us to listen only to sound bits rather than consider issues carefully. Then there is the question of the messages the advertisements convey. These are not only information but also a whole host of sbutle and not-so-subtle suggestions. Advertisements do not simply give us information about products we may want to buy, they also arouse in us desires to buy new products and leave us dissatisfied until we have bought them. At a deeper level, advertisements often present us with an alluring fantasy world that gives us false promises of happiness, wealth, intelligence, popularity and so forth, if we well only buy the product on offer. Advertisements thus threaten to turn our culture into a clllection of commodities and create wasteful consumption:throwaway products mean throwaway lifestyles. Given the practical realities of the modern economy, we cannot avoid advertisements on TV. But at least we can evaluate their messages and their ultimate effect. That is the way to keep our feet on the ground and not be overly swayed by them. 4) 理由性议论文 & Reason-Statement Essay 理由性议论文: 先表明态度和立场, 然后列举理由 Why do I prefer to spend most of my time reading? Why do I prefer to live in a big city instead of a small town? Why teaching is the job I like best?  Marching into the 21st century, what, in your opinion, is the greatest invention of the 20th century? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 范文:(2001年5月考题) As we march into the twenty-first century, many people ponder the question of what humanity has accomplished in the previous century. Furthermore, many are determined to decide which device or concept stands above the rest as the greatest twentieth century invention. In my opinion, the Internet deserves this title for its ability to connect, to inflence and to inspire. As the brainchild of the CIA, the Internet was initially used to connect agency computers. Now, through e-mails and online communicate devices, hundreds of millions of people can send and receive information with the click of a button. The Internet &telephone&, with its speak and display functions, may soon replace the conventional telepone as a means of communication. The Internet may also replace conventional forms of media. Newspapers, magazines and television news programs have all lost some of their influence with the rise of Internet news services, message boards and web logs or &blogs&. Many people now incorporate reading news online and posting their thoughts on it into their daily routines. People currently have opportunities to search for and contribute to the world&s shared news and information. Just as they are compelled to leave a mark on the Internet with their message board comments, many people have chosen to use the Internet as a tool for advancing themselves and their products. Political candidates and established businesses in every country have turned to web pages and Internet advertisements in an effort to gain supporters and customers, respectively. Perhaps the most exciting aspect of the Internet is that it offers new businesses inspiration to expand by providing a low-cost substitute to traditional brick-and-mortar growth. Everyone that has come into contact with the Internet understands its importance. It allows millions to communicate, to learn and to create. As the above examples show, the Internet, a great benefactor of our development, is the twentieth century&s greatest invention.  Lesson Two: 雅思考试中涉及的5种议论文(应对所有Task2考题) Topic Type & 命题类型 Percentage of Topics & 出题比率 Give personal opinion & 发表个人观点 24% Discuss both views and give your own opinion 讨论题目观点(二种观点),说出你更赞成哪一种观点 29% Analyze causes and make suggestions or recommendations 分析原因并 - 提出(建议)解决措施或讨论造成的影响(结果) 5% To what extent do you Agree or disagree? 多大程度同意或不同意 35% Discuss Advantages and disadvantages(benefits or drawbacks) 利弊分析 7% 雅思考试中涉及的这5种议论文,按照议论文文体分类如下: 议论文文体 雅思考试议论文 理由性议论文 Give personal opinion & 发表个人观点 分析性议论文 评论性议论文 讨论题目观点 Discuss both views and give your own opinion 分析原因并-提出(建议)解决措施或讨论造成的影响(结果) Analyze causes and make suggestions or recommendations 利弊分析& Discuss Advantages and disadvantages 驳斥性议论文 多大程度同意或不同意某种观点 To what extent do you Agree or disagree? 理由性议论文写作提纲(陈述个人观点 & Give personal opinion) INTRODUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT 1-3 SENTENCES THESIS STATEMENT(论点句-明确表明观点) PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT(OPTIONAL) 支持论点的几个理由(简要介绍) BODY PARAGRAPH 1: TOPIC SENTENCE (REASON ONE) 主题句(支持理由1) DETAILS AND EXAMPLES 细节、举例说明主题句观点 PARAGRAPH 2: TOPIC SENTENCE (REASON TWO) 主题句(支持理由2) DETAILS AND EXAMPLES 细节、举例说明主题句观点 PARAGRAPH 3: TOPIC SENTENCE (REASON THREE) 主题句(支持理由3) DETAILS AND EXAMPLES 细节、举例说明主题句观点 CONCLUSION SUMMARIZE REASONS AND REAFFIRM THESIS 总结支持论点的几个理由并重申论点 分析性议论文写作提纲(分析原因并提出(建议)解决措施) INTRODUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT 1-3 SENTENCES 先说出存在的问题,然后探讨(分析)原因 BODY PARAGRAPH 1: TOPIC SENTENCE (REASON ONE) 分析第一个可能的原因 PARAGRAPH 2: TOPIC SENTENCE (REASON TWO) 分析第二个可能的原因 PARAGRAPH 3: TOPIC SENTENCE (REASON THREE) 分析第三个可能的原因 CONCLUSION 提出解决措施 & suggestion or recommendation 分析性议论文写作提纲(讨论题目观点-Discuss both views) 1 INTRODUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT 1-3 SENTENCES 说明要评论的主体 1)我将在文章中对二种观点进行分析 BODY PARAGRAPH 1: 分析(讨论)第一种观点 PARAGRAPH 2: 分析(讨论)第二种观点 PARAGRAPH 3: CONCLUSION 得出结论,A优于B 分析性议论文写作提纲(讨论题目观点-Discuss both views) 2 INTRODUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT 1-3 SENTENCES 说明要评论的主体 1)我认为A优于B, 以下是原因 BODY PARAGRAPH 1: 分析(讨论)第一种观点(支持) PARAGRAPH 2: 分析(讨论)第二种观点 (不足) PARAGRAPH 3: CONCLUSION 因此,A优于B 分析性议论文写作提纲(利弊分析& Discuss Advantages and disadvantages) INTRODUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT 1-3 SENTENCES 说明要评论的主体 我将在文章中作利弊分析(评论) BODY PARAGRAPH 1: 有利方面的分析 DETAILS AND EXAMPLES 细节、举例说明有利的方面 PARAGRAPH 2: 弊端方面的分析 DETAILS AND EXAMPLES 细节、举例说明弊端 PARAGRAPH 3: 利或弊的进一步分析 DETAILS AND EXAMPLES 细节、举例说明 CONCLUSION 结论(利大于弊或弊大于利) 驳斥性议论文写作提纲(多大程度同意或不同意某种观点) INTRODUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT 1-3 SENTENCES THESIS STATEMENT(论点句-明确表明观点) PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT(OPTIONAL) 支持论点的几个理由(简要介绍). BODY PARAGRAPH 1: TOPIC SENTENCE (REASON ONE) 主题句(支持理由1) DETAILS AND EXAMPLES 细节、举例说明主题句观点 PARAGRAPH 2: TOPIC SENTENCE (REASON TWO) 主题句(支持理由2) DETAILS AND EXAMPLES 细节、举例说明主题句观点 PARAGRAPH 3: Refutation (驳斥段) DETAILS AND EXAMPLES 列举典型对立观点,驳斥对立观点 CONCLUSION SUMMARIZE REASONS AND REAFFIRM THESIS 总结支持论点的几个理由并重申论点 1) 陈述个人观点 & Give personal opinion 日考题: &Tomorrow is the most important thing in life& - US movie actor and director John Wayne. Why is it important for individuals and countries to think about the future rather than focusing on the present? 日考题: Most countries spend much money on education, as they start to realize the importance of education. In your opinion which two subjects are the most important for young people and which one is the least important? Subjects: Literature Math Physics Music Sports Economy History Geography 日考题: Some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of population who are aged 15 and younger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects it may have in those countries? 日考题: School teachers used to be the s however, some people argue that teachers are not as important as before because of the increasing variety of information resources. What&s your opinion? 日考题: Mobile phones and the Internet are very useful. However, it is rare for old people to use them. What ways could mobile phone and the Internet be useful to old people? How does the old people to be encouraged to use this new technology? 日考题:(分析原因+陈述观点) International travel sometimes makes people more prejudiced rather than broad-minded. Give out reasons why it can&t bring benefits to those visitors. Do you have ways to improve people&s understanding of the countries they visit? 日考题: Many people are afraid to leave home because of crime. Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel little can be done. What&s your view? 日考题: Economic progress is one way to measure the success of one country, while some people think there are other factors. What other factors should be considered? Within these factors, do you think anyone is more important than the others? 日考题: In modern day society, fashion is becoming more and more popular in people&s choice of clothes. Why? Do you think it is positive development or negative development? 日考题: There are more workers to work from home and more students to study from home. This is because the computer technology is more and more easily accessible and cheaper. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? 2) 讨论题目观点 & Discuss both views and give your own opinion 日考题: Some people believe that time spent on television, video and computer games can be valuable for children. Others believe this has negative effects on a child. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 日考题: Some people think the best way of reducing crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, think there are other better ways to reduce crime. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 日考题: Some people think it is acceptable to use animals for the benefit of humans. Other people think it is wrong to exploit animals for human purpose. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 日考题: As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others, however, think that the user should pay for the cost. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 日考题: Some people think it is the responsibility for government to ensure that people have healthy lifestyles. Others think people should have the freedom to decide their own lifestyle. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 日考题: Some people believe that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams always suceed in sports. Others think that success in sports depends on mental attitudes. Discuss both views and give your opinions. 日考题: Many people think cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people freedom to travel further. However, others think this leads to environmental problem, so air travel should be more expensive in order to discourage people from using it. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 日考题: Some people think that children should obey the rules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do. Other people think that children controlled too much can&t deal with problems themselves. Discuss both views and state your own opinion. 日考题: Some people support the development in agriculture such as factory farming and creation of new types of fruits and vegetables, while others oppose this view. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 日考题: Some people think international cooperation has brought benefits to the world environmental protection, while some others think more benefits has been brought to international business. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 日考题:= 05.01.15 Some teachers think it is effective for students to study in group while others think it is better to study alone. What are the benefits of each way and which one do you think is more effective? 3) 分析原因并提出(建议)解决措施或原因结果分析 Analyze causes and make suggestions or recommendations 日考题: People living in big cities face many problems today. What are the problems? Should the government encourage people to live in reginal towns? 日考题: Many people are busy with work and do not have enough time to spend with families and friends. Why does this happen? What are the effects of this on family life and society as a whole? 日考题: Many people think it is very important to protect environment but make no effort to do it themselves. Why does it happen? How to solve this problem? 4) 多大程度同意或不同意某种观点 To what extent do you Agree or disagree? 日考题: The older generation have very traditional ideas about the correct ways of life, thinking and behavior. However, some people think that these ideas are not helpful for the young generation to prepare for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 日考题: In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 日考题: People should look after their health as a duty to the society they live in rather than personal benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 日考题:= 06.03.25 One long-distance flight consumes fuel which a car uses in several years& time, but they cause the same amount of pollution. So some people think that we should discourage non-essential flights, such as tourist travel, rather than to limit the use of cars. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view? 日考题: Children can learn efficietly by watching television, so they should be encouraged to watch television regualarly both at home and in school. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 日考题:= 04.10.23 Schools should teach children some adademic subjects which will be beneficial to their future careers. Therefore, other subjects such as music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 日考题: University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in additions to their own subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 日考题: Nowadays, more university students choose to study some practical subjects (such as marketing, computer programming, etc) instead of theoretical subjects (such as economy, math, chemistry). Some people suggest that universities should focus on practical subjects, but not theoretical subjects. What do you agree or not agree? 日考题:= 05.07.23 Detailed description of crimes on newspaper and TV can have bad consequences on society, so this kind of information should be restricted on media. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 日考题: Once children start school, teachers have more influence than parents on their intellectual and social development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 日考题:= 05.06.18 Putting criminals into prison is not so effective in dealing with them. Instead, education and job training should be offered to them. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 日考题: Students from poor background such as rural areas often find it difficult to access to university education, so people think universities should make it specially easy for them to study at. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 日考题: Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they want. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 日考题:= 04.11.13 Many people use distance-learning programs (study material post, TV, Internet, etc) to study at home, but some people think that it can&t bring the benefits as much as attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 日考题: Some people say modern children&s games do not develop a wide range of skills, while traditional games can be much better for developing such skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 5) 利弊分析 & Discuss Advantages and disadvantages 日考题: In some countries, it is now possible for people to buy a wide variety of foods transported from all over the world. To what extent do the benefits of this development outweith the drawbacks? 日考题:= 04.04.17 In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your knowledge or experiences. 日考题: International travel is becoming cheaper, and more and more countries open their door and with more and more tourists. Do the advantages of the increased tourism outweigh its disadvantages? 日考题: As global trade increases, many goods, even some daily goods, are exported to another country, which includes long-distance transport during shipping. Do you think its benefits outweigh its drawbacks? 日考题: Memorization of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in most education systems. Does the usefulness of this method of learning outweigh its limitations? 具体写作步骤: Step 1: Read the essay topic,write your thesis statement 分析命题, 写出论点句 Step 2: identify the task辨别议论文类别 Step 3: Brainstorming and work out an outline - 寻找有力论据并写出提纲 下面将写议论文的这3个步骤逐一讲解  Lesson One: 分析命题,写出论点句 Step 1: Read the essay topic,write your thesis statement分析命题, 写出论点句 看到命题后的第一步是认真分析命题提出的要求,确保写作时不会走题。 如果你写走了题,答非所问,你可能一分也得不到。 例如1:In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer? 这道命题是让你说出你的偏好(your preference),你是更喜欢在家利用电脑学,还是在学校课堂学?Do you prefer to study at home using computers or study at school? 例如2:Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 这道命题是让你说出你是否赞同&消费品的高销售量反映出的是广告的力量,而不是社会的真实需求&这种说法。 Write your thesis statement -写出论点句 一篇好的议论文开头段要有明确的论点。论点句(thesis statement)就是推出论点的句子。在分析命题的同时,要找到命题的要点,并写出论点句。论点句的作用是将文章集中在一个中心焦点,使读者明确了解文章的目的。在托福写作中,评判一篇文章的好坏,并不在于论点的正确与否。关键在于论点是否明确,扣题,及论证是否有利。 例如1:论点句1(thesis statement): Studying at school is best for me. 论点句2: I prefer to study at home (using computer&s and television etc) 例如2:论点句1: I totally agree that the high sales reflect advertising power---- 论点句2: I disagree with the notion that the high sales reflect advertising power---- 论点句3: The high sales partly reflect advertising power, partly reflect real need----- 同一个命题会有不同的论点句。例1: You have been told that dormitory rooms at your university must be shared by two students. Would you rather have the university assign a student to share a room with you, or would you rather choose your own roommate? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer. 论点句1: Since I don&t get along well with many people, I prefer to choose my own roommate. 从这个论点句中我们可以看出作者将围绕说明他/她不善于与人交往,因此偏好自己选室友。 论点句2:The opportunity to meet new people is an important benefit of a university education, so I believe it is better to let the university choose my roommate for me. 从这个论点句中我们可以看出作者将围绕说明与人交往的好处,因此偏好学校安排室友。 例2:Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the moon and to other planets). Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 论点句:The moon is a better place to explore because it is nearer than the planets. 这个论点句不符合命题要求。命题要求讨论&钱花在外空探测上好,还是地球上解决现实问题好&。 而不是问考生&探测外空的哪个星球好&。 这是考试写作时学员一定要重视的一个问题。一定要认真分析命题。如果你像前面举例那样选错了论点,即使是你写的再好,也可能一分得不到。有些平时英语相当不错的学员,考试时写作得低分的一个重要原因就在于次。没有认真分析命题,在一种似懂非懂的状态下就开始下笔写作,结果写走题,或部分走题。有时对命题中一个关键词的理解的偏差,就会导致整篇文章走题。 有关&钱花在外空探测上好,还是地球上解决现实问题好&的命题有二个可行的论点: 论点句1:While there is still hunger, poverty, and illiteracy on earth, our resources should be focused here and not in outer space. 从这个论点句中我们可以看出作者认为钱花在地球上解决饥饿、贫穷、文盲问题,比花在外空探测上更有价值。 论点句2:Gaining psychological and scientific knowledge through space exploration will benefit us more than trying to solve problems on earth. 从这个论点句中我们可以看出作者认为钱花在外空探测上更有价值。 例3:To what extent is nuclear technology a danger to life on earth? What are the benefits and risks associated with its use? 这个命题要求讨论&核技术对地球上生命构成多大威胁&。 在写这道题时许多学员都不约而同的站在核技术的对立面,说核技术不好,对人类构成毁灭性威胁。 后来经与一些学生沟通,了解到核技术这个词许多学员片面理解为核武器。如果这样,写出的文章肯定会部分走题,因为核技术不仅可用于制造核武器,还可用于建造核发电站,用于医学等。 从以上举例中我们可以看到认真分析命题的重要性。 论点句1: Nuclear technology, whether used for peaceful or military purpose, poses threat for life on earth. 论点句2:Nuclear technology, whether used for peaceful or military purpose, is good for our society. 论点句3:Nuclear technology can be used positively and negatively, depending on how we use it. 练习:找出以下各句中的论点句。 1) What is one of the most important decisions you have made? Why was this decision important? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer. a) Decisions are important because without them nothing would get done. b) Deciding to leave home to attend school in the US has been so far the most important decision I&ve made. c) Although my parents wanted me to study medicine, I knew that I should follow my heart and get a degree in nuclear physics. 2) Someone who was considered an educated person in the past (for example, in your parents& or grandparents& generation) would not be considered an educated person today. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. a) If you define education as earning degrees, then I would have to agree that today people are more educated than they were in the past. b) It was more difficult to get an education in the past since there weren&t as many schools. c) Both my grandfather and my grandmother attended university which is where they met. 3) Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. a) New museums are opening in almost every city in the world. b) Museums hold the historic and artistic record of a region, so visiting museums is the best way to understand a new place. c) Travelers want to see in person famous works of art that they have only seen in books so they head to museums when in new cities. 4) In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer? Use reasons and specific details to explain your choice. a) Interaction with my fellow students is important to me, so I would prefer to study in a more traditional setting. b) Computers and television are two examples of technology that will change a lot in the future. c) The advantages of studying what you want, when you want, and where you want do not, for me, outweigh the disadvantage of using technology for home education. 5) In general, people are living longer now. How will this change affect society? Use specific details and examples to develop your essay. a) People are living longer now because of improvements in medical care. b) As the majority of our population becomes older, our communities will have to shift their focus from providing services to the young, like schools, to services to aging adults, like medical care. c) Society has been around a long time and it is always changing.  Lesson Two: 辨别议论文类别 (雅思考试中涉及的5种议论文) Identify the task -辨别议论文类别 雅思考试中涉及的这5种议论文,按照议论文文体分类如下: 议论文文体 雅思考试议论文 理由性议论文 陈述个人观点 & Give personal opinion 同意或不同意某种观点 & Agree or disagree 分析性议论文 讨论题目观点 & Discuss a given opinion 分析原因并提出解决措施-Analyze causes and make suggestion or recommendations 评论性议论文 比较优缺点 & Advantages and disadvantages 驳斥性议论文 有争议的话题 & Controversial topics 下面我将雅思考试中这5种类型议论文,结合历年雅思考题,分别作详细介绍。 1) 陈述个人观点 & Give personal opinion 这类议论文在命题中通常先说出一种现象,然后要你对这种现象发表个人观点。通常这种文章最容易写。考生只需在开头段(Introduction)说出自己的观点,然或列举三个理由性议论文。采用一面倒的写法。 例如1:Some people think that tourists should follow the local customs and behaviour, while others think that host country should welcome culture differences. What&s your opinion? (日考题) 例如2:Some people think universities should provide knowledge and skills rela others think the true function of the university is to give access to knowledge for its own sake. What&s your opinion of the main function of the university? (日考题) 2) Agreeing or disagreeing 这类议论文要求考生说出自己支持还是反对某种观点,并加以论证。说出支持或反对的理由。通常采用一面倒的写法(理由性议论文),也可采用二面写法(视具体命题)。 例如1:Nowadays, some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works by using computer. Do you agree or disagree? (日考题) 例如2:In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods. This is having a negative effect on both families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (日考题) 3) 讨论题目观点 & Discuss a given opinion 这类议论文要求考生讨论二种观点或选择的利弊。 讨论后还要说出你的偏好(观点)。采用二面写法(分析性议论文)。 例如1:Air transport is increasingly used to export fruits and vegetables to other countries where they can&t be grown or are out of season. Some people believe that this is a good thing, but others consider this use of air transport can&t be justified. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (日命题) 例如2:Some people think that increasing business and cultural contacts have positive influ others think that it has negative effects on national identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (日考题) 4) 分析原因并提出解决措施-Analyze causes and make suggestion or recommendations 这类议论文要求考生讨论某一事物,现象发生的原因, 并给出你的解决措施(建议)。通常采用一面倒的写法(分析性议论文)。 例如1:Far too little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, but people have noticed this problem for a long time. Why have people done little about the problem? Give your suggestion as to how to solve this situation.(日考题) 例如2:The world of work is changing rapidly, so people cannot always depend on one job. Analyse the reasons of such phenomenon and offer measures to solve it. 5) 比较优缺点 & Advantages and disadvantages 这类议论文要求考生讨论某一事物,现象发生的原因, 并给出你的解决措施(建议)。通常采用一面倒的写法(分析性议论文)。 例如1: Exposure to international media, e.g. films, TV and magazines, has an impact on the local culture. Please discuss whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. (日考题) 例如2:Some people think that good health is very important to every person, so medical services should not be run by profit-making companies. Do the disadvantages of private health care outweigh the advantage? (日考题) 雅思这5种议论文写作都是按照议论文写作的基本模式 Introduction & Body & Conclusion. 遇到采用一面倒的写法的文章,在Introduction & 开头段作者要明确说出自己的观点, 并简要告诉读者支持这个观点的几个原因。 Body & 文章主体部分分为三个论据段,每个论据段说明一个支持原因。 Conclusion & 结论段要重申观点。 遇到采用二面倒的写法的文章,在Introduction & 开头段作者可先表明自己的观点, 也可以先不表明自己的观点,只说明要评论的主体。在文章主体部分分析两种观点,或一种观点的利弊后,再在结论段表明自己的观点。 例如1:(命题)Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 这道命题是让考生讨论&体育明星比其它重要职业赚更多钱&这种现象的二种观点。一种观点认为&体育明星比其它重要职业赚更多钱&是合理的&Justified&, 另一种观点认为不合理&unfair&. 最后你还要表明你的观点-Give your own opinion. 范文: As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars. (开头段作者只说明要评论的主体, 及&体育明星比其它重要职业赚更多钱&这种现象, 并没有作者个人的观点。 Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibility of governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of &fairness& is not the issue. (文章主体第一段,作者先评论了一种观点,即认为&体育明星比其它重要职业赚更多钱& 不合理&unfair&的这种观点。 Those who feel that sports stars& salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested very time they perform in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. So all of these factors may justify the huge earnings. (文章主体第二段,作者评论了另一种观点,即认为&体育明星比其它重要职业赚更多钱& 合理&Justified&的这种观点。评论中我们也看出作者更倾向于第二种观点) Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicates that our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements. (最后,作者表明个人观点,Justified & 合理, 至少比电影明星赚取大把钞票合理,但同时也反映出我们社会过于看重体育,而对于其它更根本性的职业重视不够) 。 点评:这是一偏典型的评论性议论文。对于一些难于绝对说好与不好的社会现象的分析、评论。 例如2:(命题)With the increasing popularity of computers and calculators, student literacy is decreasing dramatically. What are the positive and negative effects the progress of science and technology has brought about? 这道命题是让考生讨论一种观点, 即&计算机、计算器的普遍使用造成学生识字能力下降&这一种观点的利弊二个方面。 It has been widely noted that, with the growing use of computers and calculators both in the classroom and in the home, the level of literacy and mathematical ability of students is dropping. This raises serious doubts about the value of the progress of science and technology. In the following I will discuss the pros and cons of this question. (开头段作者只说明要评论的主体, 即计算机、计算器的普遍使用造成学生识字能力下降这种现象引起人们对科技进步价值的质疑,并没有作者个人的观点。 First of all, advances in science and technology have certainly brought about many benefits for mankind. They have made our lives more comfortable and healthier. In addition, they have eased the burden of work for most people and provided them with more leisure opportunities, while at the same time increasing productivity dramatically. (文章主体第一段,作者先评论了利(Benefits),即计算机、计算器的普遍使用带给社会的利益) Nevertheless, it can not be denied that technology has some negative side-effects. As mentioned above, with computers which check spelling, grammar and calculation for them, students have little incentive to learn how to do these things for themselves. Also, the availability of TV programs and videos encourages an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle. (文章主体第二段,作者评论了弊端,即计算机、计算器的普遍使用带给社会的弊端) Another aspect of this issue is that technology may be good or bad, depending on how we use it. For instance, dynamite may be used to make road construction easier, or it may be used to kill people. Again, unclear reactors can supply huge amounts of cheap electricity, but if they are carelessly handled they can cause devastating pollution. (文章主体第三段,作者指出即使是同一种科技,它的利弊还取决于如何使用,如炸药可用于修路也可用于杀害生命) We can conclude that the progress of science and technology has both positive and negative effects. What we must do is make sure that the positive ones are encouraged and the negative ones are eliminated as far as possible. Among other things, this means that students are warned not to let computers and calculators do all their work for them. (最后,作者的结论是科技的进步既有利也有弊。 我们能做的是尽量鼓励科技进步所带来的利,避免其弊端) 。 点评:这是一偏分析性议论文。文章中作者分析了科技进步可能带来的里与弊,比在最后提出建议。  Lesson Three: 寻找有利证据并列出提纲 Brainstorming and work out an outline - 寻找有力论据并列出提纲 应试写作中,在分析命题后,正式开始写作之前应先找到2-3个有力的论据。 应试写作与平时写一篇论文最大的区别在于资源(写作素材)。 平时写一篇论文,学员可以通过图书馆,因特网等途径搜集到大量资料用于作文支持论点的论据。 而在应试写作中学员只能通过搜寻大脑中现有的资源作为论据。这一搜寻论据的过程就称作Brainstorming. 有些书中将这个词翻译为&头脑风暴&。Brainstorming的英文解释是&search your brain for supporting evidence- 在大脑中搜寻有力的论据&。这个程序是写议论文必经的程序。如果没有有力的论据来支持论点,你的文章就会显得空洞,无力。由于搜寻论据与列出提纲是同时进行的,所以我将这二项作为同一步骤讲。 写作提纲应包括以下内容: 1)理由性议论文:一个论点句, 几个论据(段落主题句)及支持主题句的例证。 按照雅思三百字的要求,论据通常有三个,这样可以写出三个论据段。每个论据段还要有例证支持。 学员可采用一栏提纲。 例如: Think of the most important class you have ever taken. Why did you enjoy this class so much? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer. Outline & 提纲 THESIS STATEMENT: THE MOST IMPORTANT CLASS I HAVE TAKEN IS ART HISTORY Support One: I learned many things in this class Details and examples: Art History, religion, literature, and mythology Support Two: I had a excellent teacher Details and examples: The teacher is really experienced, enthusiastic, inspiring and well-known. Support Three: The Art History class prepared me well for my present career as an engineer Details and examples: I learned how bridges and buildings were built in the past I learned how cities were planned in the past. 2) 分析性议论文, 评论性议论文:在分析命题时学员要找出不同的二种观点,或一种观点的利弊二个方面。 学员同时要确定自己的倾向性。是倾向于同意二个观点的其中一种,还是另一种,还是中立?学员应采用二栏提纲。 例如1:(命题)Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Outline & 提纲 JUSTIFIED UNJUSTIFIED (UNFAIR) 1. The earnings of sports professionals depends on their popularity with the public, not their contribution to the society 1. They don&t contribute as much as other professions to the society, such as politicians etc 2. They have to train hard and endure tests of matches every time 2. They are not as well educated as other professionals like surgeons, scientists etc. 3. They have a short career span 例如2:With the increasing popularity of computers and calculators, student literacy is decreasing dramatically. What are the positive and negative effects the progress of science and technology has brought about? Outline & 提纲 POSITIVE EFFECTS NEGATIVE EFFECTS 1. make life more convenient 1. 2. 2. 3. 3.  练习:按照以下三步骤写作 Step 1: Read the essay topic,write your thesis statement 分析命题, 写出论点句 Step 2: identify the task辨别议论文类别 Step 3: Brainstorming and work out an outline - 寻找有力论据并写出提纲 Air transport is increasingly used to export fruits and vegetables to other countries where they cannot be grown or are out of season. Some people believe that this is a good thing, but others consider this use of air transport can&t be justified. Discuss both views and give your opinion. . (日命题) Task: 讨论题目观点 & Discuss a given opinion Thesis statement: I think it&s justified ? Outline JUSTIFIED (GOOD) UNJUSTIFIED (BAD) 1. We get to taste more varieties of fruits and vegetables 1. .Waste of money to transport fruits and vegs via airplane 2.. fresh fruits and vegetables 2. cause more environmental problems 3. .comparative advantage of international or regional trade 3. . Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Discuss the pros and cons of both. Which place would you prefer to live in? Task: 讨论题目观点 & Discuss a given opinion Thesis statement: I would prefer big city Outline SMALL TOWN BIG CITY 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . Lectures were used in the past as an old way of teaching large numbers of students. As new technology is now available for education, some people suggest that there is no justification for lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree? .(日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline AGREE DISAGREE 1. .lectures provide face-to-face opportunity to discuss topics 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today&s world, which of these systems is more appropriate? .(日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods. This is having a negative effect on both families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . Nowadays, some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works by using computer. Do you agree or disagree? (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . Many developing countries are increasingly expanding their tourism industry. Why is this the case? Is it a positive development? (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . Nowadays, computer is used more and more in education. Do you think in which areas computer is more important and in which areas teachers are more important? (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . The unpaid community service should be a compensate part in our college programs (such as helping your neighbor or teaching the children sports or working for the charity). To what extent do you agree or disagree? (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . Customers are faced with increasing amounts of advertising due to the competition among companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? And what measures can be taken to protect their interests? (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . The society would benefit from the ban on all forms of advertising because it serves no useful purposes and can even be damaging. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . It is now possible to perform every task such as banking, shopping and business transactions without meeting people face-to-face. What is the effect it may bring on the individual and the society as a whole? (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . More and more people use the mobile phone or computer to communicate, and no longer write letters to each other. Some people think the skills of letter writing will soon disappear completely. Do you agree or disagree? How important do you think letter writing is? (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . Some people think schools should select pupils according to their academic ability, and others believe pupils with different abilities should be educated together. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Use an example to support your idea. (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . People think the public library will be replaced by the computer. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment, only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . Some people say the government should pay for the health care and education, but others say that it is not the government&s responsibility. Discuss and give your opinion. (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . Some people think universities should provide knowledge and skills rela others think the true function of the university is to give access to knowledge for its own sake. What is your opinion of the main function of the university? (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . The world of work is changing rapidly, so people cannot always depend on one job. Analyze the reasons of such phenomenon and offer the measures to solve it. (日命题) Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. . Task: Thesis statement: Outline 1. . 1. . 2.. 2. 3. . 3. .}


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