fromthe most importantt to least important 为什么最高级没有the

  If you're not reaching the kind of success you imagine in the areas that
area important to you, one or more of the following things might well be true of
you, too:  如果你还没有在你认为重要的领域中取得成功,那么你至少符合下面的一种情况:  1  You don't have a goal.  你没有一个目标。  A lot of time we find ourselves &spinning our wheels&, struggling through a
day-to-day routine that isn't getting us anywhere because we don't know where we
want to go. Sometimes we had goals when we set ourselves on a particular path,
but we've changed along the way and those goals are no longer that important.
Sometimes we simply did what was expected of us without ever stopping to think
about what we eventually wanted to accomplish for ourselves. Whatever the case,
figuring out what your goals are and, just as importantly, whether your current
actions are helping to achieve them, is important.  很多时候,我们发现自己“转动轮子”,终日和时间赛跑,却没有去到任何地方,这是因为我们不知道自己想去哪。有时候,我们已经在前进的道路上设立了自己的目标,但一旦我们改变了自己的方向,那些目标就不再重要了。有时候,我们只是简单地去做那些自认为渴望的事,却没有停下来考虑自己真正想要的是什么。不论在哪种情况下,也不论你现在的行动对实现目标是否起作用,指出你的目标是很重要的。  2  You don't have a vision.  你没有一个远景。  Setting goals is important but isn't enough to drive you to the finish
it's important, too, to be able to imagine yourself as the achiever of
your goals. How will you feel, what's the payoff, why is it worthwhile to follow
these goals and not some other ones? If goals are the end result of a journey,
your vision is the fuel to get you there.  设定目标是很重要,但这还不足以使你去达到它。设想你已经在目标上取得成功同样重要。你的感觉怎么样?回报是什么?为什么值得跟随这些目标而不是其它的?如果目标是一场旅行的最终结果,你的远景就是让你达到那的燃料。  3  You don't have a plan.  你没有一个计划。  If goals are your destination and a vision is your fuel, your plan is the
without a plan, you have no idea what immediate steps to
take to achieve your goals. Planning means taking stock of the resources you
have, the resources you need, and the steps you have to take to put those
resources into action. The world is full of people with goals they have never
accomplished because they didn't have a plan ― don't you be one of them.  如果目标是你的终点,远景是你的燃料,你的计划就是让你到那的地图。没有计划,你就不知道眼下要做什么去达到你的目标。计划意味着储存你所拥有的和所需要的资源,以及那些把这些资源转化为行动的步骤。这个世上有太多有目标却从未实现的人,是因为他们不曾有一个计划――别让你自己成为他们中的一员。  4  You're too certain.  你太固执。  Too much certainty creates inflexibility. If you're sure that your plan is
correct, and refuse to accept the possibility of error, you may well find
yourself stuck when an unexpected change comes about, or when your plan takes
you in an unexpected direction. However strong your plan and however sure you
are of your goals, make room for periodic reassessment.  太多的肯定会造成僵化。如果你肯定你的计划是正确的,并且拒绝接受错误的可能性,当预期以外的情况发生时,或当你的计划把你带到一个你不期望的方向时,你会发现自己陷入了困境。不论你的计划多么强,也不论你对自己的目标有多肯定,都要为重新考虑预留余地。  手机上也能学英语?还有机会和外教互动?  搜索微信订阅号:英语听读(yytd360)。  关注后还能免费试听+水平测试。并且回复“资料”可获取英语4.6级冲刺宝典!5  You're not certain enough.  你不够肯定。  At the same time, too little certainty will paralyze you. If you refuse to
take a step because you aren't positive it will move you towards success, you
won't make any better progress than if you had no goals at all. Keep your eyes
open and be willing to change, but have faith in yourself, too.  同样的,太少肯定会让你气馁。如果你因为不确定是否能成功就拒绝向前迈一步,那你就不会比完全没有目标更有进展。保持你的双眼睁开,并且愿意改变,但同时也要对自己有信心。  6  You don't learn from your mistakes.  你没有从错误中吸取教训。  A lot of people take their mistakes as signs of their unworthiness. They
take setbacks as proof that they were never meant to achieve anything in the
first place, and that they were stupid to even try. Mistakes are crucial to
success ― if we take the time to analyze them and learn from them. Even when
they bar us irrevocably from attaining a goal, the lessons we learn from our
mistakes help us to make new and better goals.  许多人都认为错误是毫无价值的迹象。他们用挫折证明自己一开始就不打算取得成功,同时也证明他们愚蠢到要去尝试。错误是成功的关键――如果我们花些时间去分析它们并从中学习的话。即便当错误不可避免地禁止我们达到目标,我们从错误中吸取的教训也能帮助我们设定一个新的更好的目标。  7  You reject outside influences.  你拒绝外部的影响。  A lot of people see the influence of others as a weakness, or worse, a
restriction or even &pollution& of their innate creativity. This is, in a word,
hogwash. We are first and foremost social beings, none of whom has ever
accomplished anything without the help of others. Welcome and accept other
perspectives on your strengths and weaknesses, your successes and failures.
Accept help graciously when it's offered. This doesn't mean you should take
every piece of advice offered you, but you should listen seriously and openly
and weigh carefully the input of others. And learn from their mistakes, when you
can.  许多人把其他人的影响看作是一个弱点,一种错误,一种限制,甚至是一种对他们与生具来的创造力的一种“污染”。总之就是一派胡言。我们首先是社会人,没有一个人可以完全不要他人的帮助就能获得成功。欢迎并接受他人对你优缺点和成功失败的评述。优雅地接受他人的帮助。这并不代表你要接受所有的建议,但是你要认真而公开地倾听,并仔细斟酌。可以的话,从他人的错误中学习。  8  You worry about being copied.  你担心被复制。  Often we close ourselves off from other people not because we're afraid
that they will influence us but that we will influence them, that our brilliant
ideas will be taken up by someone else and no longer be solely ours. So we avoid
sharing our passions, and spend our energy jealously guarding our &secret&
rather than simply moving forward. In the end, we turn our passions into burdens
that become difficult to carry instead of a joy.  经常,我们会让自己和他人保持距离,并不是因为担心他人会影响自己,而是担心自己会影响他人。我们害怕自己出色的点子被他人占有,不再仅仅属于我们。因此,我们避免分享自己的激情,并且花精力谨慎地保守我们的“秘密”,而不是简单地往前走。最后,我们把自己的激情变成一种很难被欢乐所代替的负担。  9  You use up your reserves.  你耗尽了储备。  When I've found myself at my lowest points, it's always been for lack of a
reserve ― whether of money, of time, or most crucially of energy. In part this
was the fault of inadequate planning and over-certainty ― I should have
reassessed my situation more realistically before exhausting my resources ― but
whatever the cause, it's a dangerous place to be. A mistake that could be easily
recovered from under normal circumstances becomes overwhelming when you're too
broke or too exhausted to respond adequately. Keep track of where you are
financially, materially, and emotionally before you find yourself too worn down
to continue.  当我发现自己处在最低谷时,这总表示缺乏储备――无论是金钱还是时间,或者是最关键的能源。在某种程度上来说,这是计划不足和过度肯定的后果。――在耗尽我的储备以前,我要对现状重新做一次更实际的评估。――无论如何,这都是危险的情况。一个在正常情况下可以很容易被纠正的错误会在你精疲力尽不能对它作出适当反应的时候变得势不可挡。在你觉得情况太坏而不能继续以前,要在财务上、物质上和情感上保持跟踪。  10  You fear success.  你害怕成功。  Forget fear of failure, it's fear of success that kicks us the hardest.
It's the darnedest thing, too ― the kind of thing that you don't imagine
possible, until one day you realize that you really don't know what to do with
yourself if you ever accomplish your goals. On the other side of success is the
unknown, and believe it or not, the unknown is often scarier than the known
world of struggle and unfulfillment this side of success. When I realized this,
one night as I drifted unhappily to sleep, it jerked me straight up in my
bed!  忘记对失败的恐惧之后,对成功的恐惧最使我们受伤。这也是件最可恨的事。你不太可能会想到这类事,直到有一天,你真正意识到,如果你达到了所有设立的目标,你将无事可做。成功的另一面是未知,不管你相信与否,未知都比现实世界中的斗争和未达到成功更可怕。一天晚上,当我不开心地渐渐入睡时,一想到这些,我就猛地从床上坐了起来!
下一篇: 很抱歉没有了
Copyright ©The most important thing is having fun 和The most important thing is to have fun有区别吗?如是有区别,麻烦大家说出他的区别,最后无论有无区别都请大家说出该句各个单词充当的句子成分,多谢
The most important thing is having fun 和The most important thing is to have fun有区别前者 是动名词 作表语 强调经常性 习惯性 抽象性 也许是 客观真理后者是 动词不定式 作表语 强调阶段性 特定性 具体性 将来性前者意思是 最重要的事 是 开心后者意思是 现在最重要的事 是 要开心The most important形容词的最高级 作定语 thing是主语is是系动词 having fun是动名词短语作表语 fun是动名词的宾语和The most important thing是主语 is是系动词 to have fun是动词不定式作表语fun是不定式的宾语
再如 my job is teaching english . 经常性
我今天工作 是 教英语
my job today
is to teach english特定性
我今天的工作 是 教英语
其他的如like to do和like doing也是一样吗?(可否加我q,有事好请教)
是的 如 i like playing basketball,but i don't
like to play basketball this afternoonmy job is teaching english . 经常性
我的工作 是 教英语my job today
is to teach english特定性
我今天的工作 是 教英语你 拒绝 被加好友
算了 我很少上q
这个句子里面是没有区别的,但是如果是like doing就是喜欢做某事,like to do就是现在想去做某事。两个句子都是主系表结构,is是系动词,前面是主语后面是表语
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How to Read a Page: A Course in Effective Reading, With an Introduction to a Hundred Great Words, by I.A. Richards (W. W. Norton, 1942).&
February 24, 2016.
First off, a few clarifications are in order.This list of important words was drawn up by British
I.A. Richards, author of several books including Basic English and Its Uses (1943). However, these 100 words are not a part of the simplified version of the language that he and C.K. Ogden called .Also, we're not talking about the 100
in English (a list that contains far more
And unlike the 100 words recently chosen by David Crystal to tell The Story of English (St. Martin's Press, 2012), Richards' words are primarily significant for their , not their .Richards introduced his list of words in the book How to Read a Page: A Course in Effective Reading (1942), and he called them "the most important words" for two reasons:
They cover the ideas we can least avoid using, those which are concerned in all that we do as thinking begins. They are words we are forced to use in explaining other words because it is in terms of the ideas they cover that the meanings of other words must be given.Here, at last, are those 100 important words:Amount, Argument, Art, Be, Beautiful, Belief, Cause, Certain, Chance, Change, Clear, Common, Comparison, Condition, Connection, Copy, Decision, Degree, Desire, Development, Different, Do, Education, End, Event, Examples, Existence, Experience, Fact, Fear, Feeling, Fiction, Force, Form, Free, General, Get, Give, Good, Government, Happy, Have, History, Idea, Important, Interest, Knowledge, Law, Let, Level, Living, Love, Make, Material, Measure, Mind, Motion, Name, Nation, Natural, Necessary, Normal, Number, Observation, Opposite, Order, Organization, Part, Place, Pleasure, Possible, Power, Probable, Property, Purpose, Quality, Question, Reason, Relation, Representative, Respect, Responsible, Right, Same, Say, Science, See, Seem, Sense, Sign, Simple, Society, Sort, Special, Substance, Thing, Thought, True, Use, Way, Wise, Word, Work
All these words carry multiple meanings, and they can say quite different things to different readers. For that reason, Richards' list could just as well have been labeled "The 100 Most Ambiguous Words":The very usefulness which gives them their importance explains their . They are the servants of too many interests to keep to single, clearly defined jobs. Technical words in the sciences are like adzes, planes, gimlets, or razors. A word like "experience," or "feeling," or "true" is like a pocketknife. In good hands it will do most things--not very well. In general we will find that the more important a word is, and the more central and necessary its meanings are in our pictures of ourselves and the world, the more ambiguous and possibly deceiving the word will be.
In an earlier book, The Making of Meaning (1923), Richards (and co-author C. K. Ogden) had explored the fundamental notion that meaning doesn't reside in words themselves. Rather, meaning is : it's fashioned out of both a verbal
(the words surrounding the words) and the experiences of the individual reader. No surprise, then, that miscommunication is often the result when the "important words" come into play.It's this idea of miscommunicating through
that led Richards to conclude that all of us are developing our reading skills all the time: "Whenever we use words in forming some judgment or decision, we are, in what may be a painfully sharp sense, 'learning to read'" (How to Read a Page).In case anyone's counting, yes, there are actually 103 words on Richards' top-100 list. The bonus words, he said, are meant "to incite the reader to the task of cutting out those he sees no point in and adding any he pleases, and to discourage the notion that there is anything sacrosanct about a hundred, or any other number."So with those thoughts in mind, it's now time to create a list of what you think are the most important words.
The 100 Most Important Words in English}


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