求助,几百块 纠结很久了很久的一道2012prep逻辑题

(1) 答案不超过3个词:a,an,the 不做限定词量,但必须写在括号中(加个括号)
(2) 注意主动与被动,单复数间的转换
(3) 当有两个词形相同的词可供选择时,选自己不熟悉的词(根据出题原则)
2. 填空式summary做法
名词/数字 70%
分配:动词 20%
adj./adv. 10%
没有prep. pron.
l prep/v+n 直接回原文找prep/v(v有可能有小变化)à定位动作的发出者或接受者(v)
l adj 直接找
  Prep2012-Pack1-CR-021 VCR014018 Easy
  Manager: Although our corporation lists rules in an orientation booklet,
few employees read the booklet carefully enough to familiarize themselves with
all the rules. Lecturing employees for inadvertent rule violations often makes
them resentful and less cooperative. Thus, to improve employee adherence to
rules, we plan to issue gentle reminders about various rules in each issue of
our weekly newsletter.
  Which of the following would it be most helpful to discover about the
employees in the corporation in order to evaluate the likelihood that the plan
will succeed?
  A. Whether most of them who are lectured for inadvertent rule violations
are deterred from violating the same rule again
  B. Whether most of them who inadvertently violate rules already feel
resentful and uncooperative
  C. Whether most of them violate at least some rules with which they are
  D. Whether most of them who regularly read the weekly newsletter are
familiar with at least some rules
  E. Whether most of them would usually read with sufficient care the
portions of the weekly newsletter that are reminders of rules
  Prep2012-Pack1-CR-022 VCR008516 Easy
  Letter to the editor: Our city plans to allow major commercial development
along the south waterfront and, in so doing, to increase its tax revenue.
  But, to succeed commercially, the development would inevitably create far
more road traffic than the existing roads to the waterfront can handle, causing
serious congestion. Providing enough roads or public transportation to the area
would cost far more than the city could gain from the increased tax revenue.
  Which of the following, if added to the city's plan, would be most likely
to help solve the problem the letter describes?
  A. Funding construction of new roads to the waterfront with a system of
tolls on the new roads to the waterfront
  B. Allowing residential development along the waterfront so that there will
be waterfront residents who can walk to the commercial development
  C. Giving tax breaks to developers of es along the waterfront to
offset any tax levied on them for construction of roads or public
  D. Evaluating the net benefits that the commercial development would bring
to the city in terms of improved quality of life for the city's residents rather
than in financial terms
  E. Allowing commercial development in other city neighborhoods whose roads
are not seriously congested with traffic
  Prep2012-Pack1-CR-023 VCR00710 Medium
  Products sold under a brand name used to command premium prices because, in
general, they were superior to nonbrand rival products. Technical expertise in
product development has become so widespread, however, that special quality
advantages are very hard to obtain these days and even harder to maintain. As a
consequence, brand-name products generally neither offer higher quality nor sell
at higher prices. Paradoxically, brand names are a bigger marketing advantage
than ever.
  Which of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the paradox
  A. Brand names are taken by consumers as a guarantee of getting a product
as good as the best rival products.
  B. Consumers recognize that the quality of products sold under invariant
brand names can drift over time.
  C. In many acquisitions of one corporation by another, the acquiring
corporation is interested more in acquiring the right to use certain brand names
than in acquiring existing production facilities.
  D. In the days when special quality advantages were easier to obtain than
they are now, it was also easier to get new brand names established.
  E. The advertising of a company's brand-name products is at times
transferred to a new advertising agency, especially when sales are
(作者:读书人网友 编辑:kind887)
来源:  13:55:33 【】 
总体印象,换了。考前看JJ就由此感,今天考完更加确信,基本没看到机经,或许是我看的少吧  1.Issue,真的高频啊,universities or colleges should require……
  1.Issue,真的高频啊,universities or colleges should require all students to study abroad for at least one semester。大意如此。昨晚入睡前在床上拿这个联系一下,今天就考到了。晕。
  2。argument,一个公司的on-the-job accident比旁边某某公司多了百分之三十。Experts say the major*** is fatigure and sleep depravite blahblahblah.....没什么好说的。
  3。填空:记得不多,ubiquity uniqitous都考到了。  3.1 一种wide-ranging的动物还是植物在边远地区的poplulation is subject to less (--) and more variable condistions than other areas........从而得出结论是(----).我选的第一个空为favorable第二空为lower at the prephery。
  3.2 研究人员在一个社会理发现很多的cult和什么东东(记不住了总之和宗教有关),从而得出结论这个社会宗教是(--)我选无处不在的ubiquitous.
  3.3 一个作者的作品不应该继续被认为是(--),因为他最近的作品with obscurity什么的和(--)language。第一个空我选的是accessible,第二个空选的是rarefy.非常不确定我的复述和我的答案是否真确。
  3.4 学校怎么怎么着年轻的学生们不再(--),他们开始重回tradition和什么东东,我选的是contumacity或是他的形容词。
  4。逻辑。美国很多家庭其实很穷,但是没有这方面的详细资料。学校开始有free lunch的program。通过对这个free lunch的资料我们就可以了解美国贫困家庭的资料,问那个可以支持这个逻辑。我选A:穷孩子都会申请free lunch并且他们都被批准了。应该错不了。
  5。段阅读。记得最清楚的是:美国东部的red maple越来越多了,一种观点认为这个和空气中的二氧化碳含量有关,但是随后给了个什么原因(X)认为这种观点不可靠。 Another explanations contains 很多发面。其中一个就是和oak等很多其它的树比较blahblah。内容很容易。3道题,第一道问(X)的作用是什么,我选为了说明第一种见解不正确。第二道题问与红枫树共同生长的树木不能怎么样,选那个can not lavish in both young and mature forest.因为原文中有一句是说red maples have the unique 怎么怎么lavish in both young and mature forest. 还有一题忘记了。
  另外一篇开头说人们普遍认为好的建筑都是大的建筑,记不清了。什么什么trend连最好的设计师都不能怎么样,举例说两个鸟人设计的巴黎的什么东东,pipe什么的都露在外面。该建筑的下场果然不出所料。两年后巴黎政府下令返修。虽然给这两个设计师面子说返修是为了更好的容纳顾客visitor,但是其实都是为了改变建筑物的facade(?就是那个建筑物正面的单词)。第一问,举出这个两个鸟人的目的是什么?A 和 B很混淆,但是看到A说pre-twentith century 我就放弃了A,因为貌似文中说了那两个鸟人的事情是20世纪以后的。B的意思大概是:为了支持前一句提到的trend。这个trend让我对B犹豫,因为原文看不出trend的意思。第二问问这个短文主要critique on这个两个鸟人的设计的哪一方面,我选popularity,。选项貌似有cost at construction, location, originality等等。
  最后,伤心的数学。虽然低,老婆都不高兴了。但是不想重考。最烦数学,都很容易。但是就是不能满分。这次居然错了3个。有耐心的还是检查检查吧,反正我是做一遍就continue。WWQVQVQ一共不到3个半小时完成。没那心思伺候ETS。有个题目印象很深,因为老美也开始玩猫腻了:一个大盒子的dimension是H for height, W for width, L for length. 大盒子要正好装下400个小盒子1/2* 2* 2。单位一样就不写了。文大盒子的dimension可以是多少。先算体积,大盒子体积应该为800。但是有两个选项都是:(B) 32*25*1和(E) 16*10*5。我选了(E),因为知道E是可以放下去的,B的选项决定了1那个边只能放两层小盒子的1/2.这样一来25那个边怎么着都放不下2的倍数。
  还有一个,一个数既是一个平方数又是一个立方数( 某数的平方和另一某数的立方),该数的个位是5且比10的7次方小。问n是多少。答案5的6次方。
文章责编:zhaojing666& 看了本文的网友还看了
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