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Jamie Dornan Fifty Shades of Grey: Actor to Play Christian Grey | Variety
Jamie Dornan Will Play Christian Grey in ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ (EXCLUSIVE)
Film Reporter
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'Once Upon a Time' actor replaces Charlie Hunnam in adaptation of sexy bestseller
Northern Irish actor Jamie Dornan has been tapped to replace
as Christian Grey in the Universal and Focus adaptation of “.”This story first appeared in the October 29, 2013 issue of Variety.
Dornan plays Sheriff Graham Humbert in ABC series “Once Upon a Time”; he’s also played a serial killer in BBC Two crime drama “The Fall,” and he appeared in Sofia Coppola’s “Marie Antoinette.” The 31-year-old thesp performs in an Irish folk duo and has modeled for Calvin Klein, Christian Dior and Armani. His modeling experience may be useful, as the part will require him to act in explicitly sexual scenes.
Dakota Johnson will co-star as Anastasia Steele, with Sam Taylor-Johnson on board to direct.
Universal and Focus Features declined to comment.
The project was hit with a huge curveball when Hunnam departed after being attached for just a month. Universal said Hunnam’s exit was due to scheduling issues with “Sons of Anarchy” and upcoming movie “Crimson Peak,” but some sources said battles over a rewrite and the actor’s doubts about the role may have played a part in his decision.
When Hunnam exited, U and Focus execs decided to go for more of a discovery and brought in Dornan and Billy Magnussen to test with Johnson last Friday. Though the studio considered bringing in more actors to test, as of Wednesday morning sources said no one else had been brought in.
Universal will now work quickly to land thesps for the remaining supporting roles that include Steele’s roommate Kate, a role for which U had already been testing actresses prior to Hunnam’s exit.
Michael De Luca is on to produce the adaptation of E.L. James’ sexy bestseller, which is set to bow Aug. 1, 2014.
Dornan is repped by UTA and United Agents.
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from Variety[英语学习交流]喜欢Grey想借此学英语的朋友一起来交流啊!_实习医生格蕾吧_百度贴吧
突然间想把Grey再从头看一遍,并借此练一下英语,有志同道合的朋友一起来交流一下吧!认真看了一集,发现里面实在有太多俚语看不懂了,请教各位老大! 另外,小妹是搞微生物的,实在太多医学术语搞不太清楚了,请教大家!
每天不能花太长时间在上面,一点一点来吧,希望各位老大指导! 第一季第一集 The game --they say a person either has what it takes to play or they don't.My mother was one of the greats.Me, on the other hand --I'm kind of screwed.This is, uh...Humiliating on so many levels.You have to go.Why don't you just come back down here, and we'll pick up where we left off?(Derek还真是...)No, seriously. You have to go. I'm late,which isn't what you want to be on your first day of work, so...So, uh, you actually live here.No.Yes, kind of.It's nice -- a little dusty --odd, but it's nice.(好怪异的评价)So, how do you kind of live here?I moved two weeks ago from boston. It was my mother's house. I'm selling it.Oh, I'm sorry.For what?You said "was."(好细心啊!)Oh, my mother's not dead. She's --You know what? We don't have to do the thing.Oh, we can do anything you want.No, the thing -- exchange the details, pretend we care.I'm gonna go upstairs and take a shower, okay?And when I get back down here, you won't be here, so, um...goodbye, um...Derek.Derek. Right. Meredith.Meredith.Yeah. Mm-hmm.- Nice meeting you.- Bye, Derek.
Each of you comes here today hopeful,(喜欢下面这一段)wanting in on the game.A month ago, you were in med school, being taught by are the doctors.The 7 years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life.You will be pushed to the breaking point.Look around you.Say hello to your competition.Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty.Five of you will crack under the pressure.Two of you will be asked to leave.This is your starting line.This is your arena.How well you play...that's up to you.Like I said...I'm screwed.
Okay, Martin, Robinson, Bond, Hawkins.Only 6 women out of 20.Yeah. I hear one of them's a model.Seriously, that's gonna help with the respect thing?- You're Cristina, right?- Patton, Monroe...Which resident are you assigned to? I got bailey.The nazi? Me too.You got the nazi? So did I.At least we'll be tortured together, right?I'm George O'malley.Uh, we met at the mixer. You had on a black dress with a slit up the side, strappy sandals...(George真是...可爱)Now you think I'm gay. No, I'm not gay.It's -- it's just that you were -- you were very unforgettable.O'malley, Yang, Grey, Stevens.And I'm totally forgettable.- Bailey?- End of the hall.That's the nazi?I thought the nazi would be a guy.I thought the nazi would be a nazi.Maybe it's professional jealousy.Maybe she's brilliant, and they call her a nazi because they're jealous.Maybe she's nice.Let me guess -- you're the model.(无语)Hi, I'm Isobel Stevens, but everyone calls me "Izzie."I have five rules. Memorize them.(Baleiy太帅了!)Rule number one -- don't bother sucking up. I already hate you. That's not gonna change.(貌似suck up是拍马的意思)Trauma protocol, phone list, pagers -- nurses will page you.You will answer every page at a run -- a run -- that's rule number two.Your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours.You're interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain.You run labs, write orders, work every second night until you drop, and don't complain.On-call rooms -- attendings hog them.(请教hog啥意思?)Sleep when you can where you can, which brings me to rule number three.If I'm sleeping, don't wake me unless your patient is actually dying.Rule number four -- the dying patient better not be dead when I get there.Not only will you have killed someone, you would have woke me for no good reason. We clear?Yes?You said five rules. That was only four.(Mere真是敏捷啊!)Rule number five -- when I move, you move.
Get out of my way!What do we got?Katie Bryce, 15-year-old female, new onset seizures, intermittent for the past week.I.V. lost en route(请教为什么用lost啊,不太懂唉), started grand mal seizing as we descended.All right, get her on her side.Izzie, 10 milligrams diazepam I.M.No, no. The white lead is on the right.Righty, whity -- smoke over fire.(好像绕口令,smoke over fire是指什么啊?)A large-bore I.V. Don't let the blood hemolyze. Let's go!What&& do we have? A wet fish on dry land.(请教,这是指病人很危急,需要抢救吗?)Absolutely, Dr. Burke.Dr. Bailey, let's shotgun her.(请教,shotgun怎么解?)That means every test in the book -- C.T., CBC, chem-7, tox screen.Cristina, you're on labs. George, patient work-ups.Meredith, get katie for a C.T.She's your responsibility now.Wait. What about me?Honey, you get to do rectal exams.
Katie&& Bryce's labs came out clear. There's nothing in the results that explain her seizures.- I just thought you wanna know.- Okay.I heard every year, the attending on call picks the best internand lets them perform a procedure during the first shift.I'm just saying it's what I heard.Go away... now.--------------------------------Yeah, sounds good.He'll be fine?You'll be fine.If you don't count the fact that my bacon days are over, sure.So, bypass surgery tomorrow with Dr. Burke -- I hear he's good.And, after that, you can have all the bacon-flavored soy product you can eat.Mmm. Kill me now.I wish I could, but I'm a healer.---------------------------------------------- You're lost.I'm not lost.(嘴硬,呵呵)How are you feeling?How do you think I'm feeling?I'm missing my pageant.You're missing your pageant?(这样的病人真让人崩溃)The spokane teen miss.I was in the top 10 after the first 2 rounds.This is my year.I could have won.Hello.You're so lost. What are you, like, new?---------------------------------------------------Okay, so I'm just gonna insert my fingers into your rectum.--------------------------------------------------------No.Out.Out.Bet you missed a lot when you first started out. You and I are gonna have so much fun together. --------------------------------------------------I twisted my ankle in talent rehearsal.I do rhythmic gymnastics, which is, like, really cool.Nobody else does it.And I tripped over my ribbon. And I didn't get stuck with someone this clueless,and that was, like, a nurse.(为什么是nurse呢?)
This shift is a marathon, not a sprint. Eat.I can't.You should eat something.You try eating after performing 17 rectal exams. The nazi hates me.(哈哈)The nazi's a resident. I have attendings hating me.You know Meredith is inbred?Like it's uncommon around here to be a doctors' parents --No, royally inbred -- her mother is Ellis Grey.Shut up. The Ellis Grey?(原来shut up是可以这样用的啊!)Who's Ellis Grey?The Grey Method. Where'd you go to med school -- Mexico?She was one of the first big chick surgeons.(个人觉得big chick好像是大人物意思,对吗?)She's a living legend. Yeah, she won the harper avery twice.So I didn't know one thing.Talk about parental pressure.God, I would kill to have Ellis Grey as a mother.I'd kill to be Ellis Grey.All I need is one good case.Katie Bryce is a pain in the ass.(经多方查证,a pain in the ass是指“带来麻烦的”)If I hadn't taken the hippocratic oath, I'd kevorkian her with my bare hands.(请教 kevorkian 是什么意思?查不到唉)What?
Good afternoon, interns.It's posted, but I thought I'd share the good news personally.As you know, the honor of performing the first surgery is reserved for the intern that shows the most promise.As I'm running the O.R. today, I get to make that choice.George O'malley.Me?You'll scrub in for an appendectomy this afternoon.(scrub in是啥意思,是一词组吗?)Congratulations.Enjoy it.Did he say me?------------------------------------ I've seen his file. George O'malley barely made the cut to get in this program.He's not your guy.He's my guy, all right.Every year, you pick your guy, and every year, your guy suffers more than any other intern.Terrorize one, and the rest fall in line.(杀一敬百!哈哈,这个查到了!)I get it, I respect it, but George O'malley's a puppy.
scrub in就是指参加手术吧,医生手术前都要在外面刷手以免有细菌,所以就叫scrub in了吧。。楼主看的好仔细。。发现了好多谚语啊。。
- Katie Bryce -- 3604?- It's right there.Thank you.Katie, honey, mom and dad are here.They gave her a sedative for the C.T. scan, so she's a little groggy.(sedative镇静剂)Will she be all right?Our doctor at home said that she might need an operation. Is that true?What kind of operation?She's, um -- well...You know what? I'm not the doctor.I'm a doctor, but I'm not Katie's doctor, so I'll go get him for you.What?Katie's parents have questions. Do you talk to them, or do I ask Burke?No, Burke's off the case.Katie belongs to the new attending now, Dr. Shepherd. He's over there. ----------------------------------- 好戏开场了! Dr. Shepherd.Dr. Shepherd?This&& morning, it was Derek.Now it's Dr. Shepherd.Dr. Shepherd, we should pretend it never happened.What never happened -- you sleeping with me last night, or you throwing me out this morning?Because both are fond memories I'd like to hold onto.No, there will be no memories.I'm not the girl in the bar anymore, and you're not the guy.This can't exist.You get that, right?You took advantage of me, and now you want to forget about it.I was drunk, vulnerable, and good-looking, and you took advantage.(Derek咋自我感觉这么良好呢?!)Okay, I was the one who was drunk, and you are not that good-looking.Maybe not today.Last night, I was very good-looking. I had my red shirt on. You took advantage.- I did not take advantage.- Want to take advantage again -- say, friday night?No.You're an attending, and I'm your intern.Stop looking at me like that.(to be honest,眼神很迷人)Like what?Like you've seen me naked.Dr. Shepherd, this is inappropriate.Has that ever occurred to you?
Open, identify, ligate, remove, irrigate, close.Open, identify, ligate, remove, irrigate, close.He's gonna faint. He's a fainter.No, code brown, right in his pants.He's all about the flop sweat. He's gonna sweat himself unsterile.10 bucks says he messes up the mcburney.$15 says he cries.I'll put $20 on a total meltdown.$50 says he pulls the whole thing off.That's one of us down there, the first one of us.Where's your loyalty?- $75 says he can't even I.D. the appendix.- I'll take that action.(原来打赌是这说的,...says...)Okay, O'malley, let's see what you can do.Here it comes.Scalpel(手术刀).Scalpel.That burke is trouble.The human flesh is a tough shell. Dig in.Pickups(镊子?).Pickups.Clamp.Clamp.I'm there.Damn, he got the peritoneum(腹膜) open. I'm out.I told you -- he's gonna pull it off.Scalpel.Scalpel.Appendix is out.Not bad.Thank you.Now all you have to do is invert the stump into the cecum(盲肠)and simultaneously pull up on the purse strings,but be careful not to...break them.You ripped the cecum.You've got a bleeder(吸血鬼).You're filling with stool. What do you do now?Uh...Think. You start the suction, and you start digging for those purse strings before she bleeds to death.Give him a clamp.B.P.'s dropping.He's choking.Come on, George.Today. Pull your balalls out of your back pocket. Let's go.(哪位大侠知道这句是什么意思啊?是谚语吗?片子上翻的是把恐惧抛到脑后!)What are you waiting for? Suction.Getting too low, folks.Dr. Burke.Get out of the way.Pansy-ass idiot.(这是什么意思啊?大笨蛋吗?)Get him out of here.Suction. Clamp.- He's 007.- 007, yep.- A total 007.- What's "007" mean?License to kill.(007原来如此)
007. They're calling me "007," aren't they?- No one's calling you 007.- No one's calling you 007.On the elevator, murphy whispered, "007."How many times do we have to go through this, George? 5, 10?Give me a number, or else I'm gonna hit you.Murphy whispered, "007," and everyone laughed.He wasn't talking about you.Are you sure?Would we lie to you?Yes.007 is a state of mind.Says the girl who finished first in her class at stanford.(这句说的是谁啊,是那个手术病人吗?还是Murphy?搞不懂)Oh, man. It's 911 for Katie Bryce.I got to go.Maybe I should have gone into geriatrics.No one minds when you kill an old person.I've got to get my own place.
Excuse me! Excuse me!Took you long enough.You're okay? The nurse paged me "911."I had to go all "exorcist" to get her to even pick up the phone.Wait.There's nothing wrong with you?I'm bored.You little...- I'm not a cruise director. - You don't have to wig out.The pageant's supposed to be on cable, but this crappy hospital doesn't get the channel.If that cow kylie wood is gonna walk off with my crown, I have to see it.Can you call someone?Okay, this is an actual hospital.There are sick people here.Go to sleep, and stop wasting my time.But I can't sleep. My head's all full.That's called "thinking."(经典)
Go with it.What do you need?Mr. Jones has junky veins, and he really needs antibiotics.(junky vein是静脉吸毒吗?)I should start a central line.(这句是什么意思啊,不太懂)So start one.You don't know how.I've never done one.Well, you know what that means.Can't we just page someone else?She's the on-call resident.Okay.Okay, I'll just -- I'll wake her.- Dr. Bailey, I don't mean to bother you.- Then don't.- It's mr. Jones.- Is he dying?No.Then stop talking to me.What is it?!Next time you wake me, he better be so close to dead, there's a tag on his toe.(Baily虽然嘴硬,但是对病人和intern实际上还是很nice)
4-b's got post-op pneumonia.Let's start antibiotics.Are you sure that's the right diagnosis?Well, I don't know. I'm only an intern.Why don't you go spend 4 years in med school and then let me know if it's the right diagnosis?She's short of breath. She's got fever. She's post-op.Start the antibiotics.God, I hate nurses.I'm Alex.I'm with Jeremy. You're with the nazi, right?She may not have pneumonia, you know? She could be splinting, or have a P.E.(splinting和P.E是什么啊?)Like I said, I hate nurses.What did you just say?Did you just call me a nurse?Well, if the white cap fits.(什么意思啊?谁知道?)Damn it, Katie.Is she seeing anybody?I don't know.She's hot.I'm friends with her.I mean kind of friends -- not actually friends, exactly,but we're tight, and we hang out -- really, only just today.(呵呵,总是越说越拧)- Dude.- Dude, stop talking.
今天只能学5分钟的了! What took you so long?She's having multiple grand mal seizures.Now, how do you want to proceed?Dr. Grey, are you listening to me?!She's got diazepam -- 2 milligrams lorazepam -- I just gave the second dose.Dr. Grey, you need to tell us what you want to do.Dr. Grey!- Okay, she's full on lorazepam?- She's had 4 milligrams.You paged Dr. Bailey and Dr. Shepherd? Lorazepam's not working.Phenobarbital -- load her with phenobarbital.Pheno's in.No change.- You paged Dr. Shepherd?- I just told you.Well, page him again, stat.What do you want to do?Dr. Grey, you need to tell us what you want to do.- Heart stopped.- Code blue! Code blue!Code blue! Code blue!Wait.Charge the pads to 200.Charge.Clear.Still v-fib(室颤). Nothing.Charging.19 seconds.Charge them to 300.300. Anything? 27 seconds.Charge to 360.Come on, Katie.49 seconds.At 60 seconds, you're supposed to admin her another drug.Charge again!Charge again.Anything?I see sinus rhythm(窦性心律).Blood pressure's coming up. All right.Pressure's returning.Rate's coming back.What the hell happened?She had a seizure, and her heart stopped.You were supposed to be monitoring her.- I checked on her --- I got her. Just -- just go.Somebody give me her --give me her chart, please.You get a 911, you page me immediately, not in the 5 minutes it takes you to get to the emergency, immediately.You're on my team, and if somebody dies, it's my ass.Meredith?You tell anyone, ever...--------------------------------- You said it was a seizure disorder.Now you're saying it isn't?I'm saying that I don't know.What do you think it could be?I don't know.When will you know?I don't have an answer for you.- For now, Katie is stable, and -- - Wait one damn minute.(原来愤怒是可以这样表达的)We came here because this hospital is supposed to be the best in washington.That's my kid in there -- my kid --and you have the audacity to stand here and tell me, "I don't know."(又学了一句,呵呵)Mr. Bryce -- No, I want someone else, a doctor who knows what they're doing.You get me someone else, someone better than you.Mr. Bryce, I assure you that I am working hard on Katie's case. No, you're not. If you were, you'd be able to give me some answers.(家属总是不能在这一点上理解医生,不过家属的心理也是可以体谅的) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
I put you on the bypass machine, which pumps blood for your heart.Fix your ticker(心脏), take you off the machine -- I'm done -- simple procedure.So I shouldn't worry?I'm very good at what I do.But still it's surgery.There are some risks.I'll see you in the O.R. this afternoon, Mr. Savitch.You're not gonna leave me alone with that guy, are you?Oh, I'll be outside the O.R. the whole time.No, Dr. Burke is very good.Don't worry.I'll see you after.He'll be fine, right?Tony's gonna sail through it.(sail through(使)顺利通过…)You have nothing to worry about -- I promise.I gotta go.--------------------------------------------------What are you doing?I'm suturing(缝合) a banana with the vain hope that it wakes up my brain.(神奇的Yong) What are you smiling at, 007?I'm sorry. I get mean when I'm tired.You know what?I don't care.I comforted a family, and I got to hang out in the O.R. today. All is well.Does anybody know why we're here?Well, good morning.I'm gonna do something pretty rare for a surgeon.I'm gonna ask interns for help.I've got this kid, Katie Bryce.Right now, she's a mystery.She doesn't respond to our meds.The labs are clean, the scans are pure,(原来是这么说的啊)but she's having seizures -- grand mal seizures with no visible cause.She's a ticking clock.(这句很经典,学习了!)She's gonna die if I don't make a diagnosis, which is where you come in.(啊,还可以这样说啊!)I can't do it alone.I need your extra minds, extra eyes.(这句也很好)I need you to play detective. I need you to find out why katie is having seizures.I know you're tired. You're busy. You got more work than you can possibly handle.I understand, so I'm gonna give you an incentive.Whoever finds the answer rides with me。(请教:这句是说找到答案的人就可以跟着他工作了吗?)Katie needs surgery.You get to do what no interns get to do -- scrub in to assist on an advanced procedure.Dr. Bailey's gonna hand you Katie's chart.The clock is ticking fast, people.(这句很有用啊!)If we're gonna save katie's life, we have to do it soon.
Look, give the antibiotics time to work.The antibiotics should have worked by now.She's old. She's freaking ancient.She's lucky she's still breathing.I got a shot to scrub in downstairs on a patient that wasn't alive during the civil war.Don't page me again. -------------------------------------------------------Hey, I want in on shepherd's surgery.You've been the intern on Katie since the start.You want to work together?If we find the answer, we have a 50-50 chance of scrubbing in.I'll work with you, but I don't want in on the surgery. You can have it.You're kidding? It's the biggest opportunity any intern will ever get.I don't want to spend any more time with Shepherd than I have to.What do you have against shepherd? If we find the answer, the surgery's yours. Do you want to work together or not?Deal.---------------------------------------------------------------So she doesn't have anoxia(缺氧), chronic renal failure, or acidosis.It's not a tumor, because her C.T.'s clean.Are you seriously not gonna tell me why you won't work with Shepherd?No.What about infection?No, there's no white count, and she has no C.T. lesions, no fevers,nothing in her spinal tap. Just tell me.You can't comment, make a face, or react in any way. We had sex.What about an aneurysm(动脉瘤)?No blood on the C.T. and no headaches.Okay, there's no drug use, no pregnancy, no trauma.Was he good?I mean, he looks like he'd be good. Was it any good?We're out of answers.What if no one comes up with anything?You mean what if she dies?Yeah.This is gonna sound really bad, but I really wanted that surgery.She's just never gonna get the chance to turn into a person.(这句有点意思)The sum total of her existence will be almost winning miss teen whatever.You know what her pageant talent is?They have talent?Rhythmic gymnastics.Oh, come on.What is rhythmic gymnastics? I can't even say it. I don't know what it is.I think it's something with a ball and a --What?Meredith, what?Get up. Come on.The only thing that she would possibly need is an angiogram(造影).-----------------------------------------------Oh. Oh, Dr. Shepherd, just one moment.Katie competes in beauty pageants.I know that, but we have to save her life, anyway.She has no headaches, no neck pain, her C.T. is clean.- There's no medical proof of an aneurysm. - Right.- But what if she has an aneurysm, anyway?- There are no indicators.She twisted her ankle practicing for the pageant.- I appreciate you trying to help, but --
- She fell when she twisted her ankle, she fell.It was no big deal, not even a bump on the head. She got up, iced her ankle, and everything was fine.It was a fall so minor, her doctor didn't even think to mention it when I was taking her history,but she did fall.You know what the chance is that a minor fall could burst an aneurysm?One in a million -- literally.Let's go.Where?I'll be damned.There it is.It's miner, but it's there.It's a subarachnoid hemorrhage.She's bleeding into her brain.She could have gone through her entire life without it ever being a problem.- One tap in the right spot... - And it exploded.Exactly. Now I can fix it.You two did great work.Love to stay and kiss your asses, but I got to tell Katie's parents she's having surgery.(kiss ass在网上查了一下,有人说是拍马屁,有人说是很棒的意思,在这里看来是后者)- Katie Bryce's chart, please.- Here you go.Dr. Shepherd, you'd said that you'd pick someone to scrub in if we helped?Oh, yes, right. I'm sorry I can't take you both.It's gonna be a full house.Meredith, I'll see you in O.R.Good. Thank you.Cristina...
Wow, that was quick.His heart had too much damage to give him a bypass.I had to let him go.It happens -- rarely, but it does happen --the worst part of the game.But I told his wife -- I told gloria that he would be fine.- I promised her that -- - You what?- They have four little girls. - This is my case.Did you hear me promise?The only one that can keep a promise like that is god, and I haven't seen him holding a scalpel lately.You never promise a patient's family a good outcome!I thought...You're important enough to make promises to Mrs. Savitch?You get to be the one to tell her that she's a widow.-------------------------------------------------------------Izzie.- Maybe Meredith couldn't -- - I'll tell him I changed my mind.- Don't do me any favors. It's fine.- Cristina -- - You did a cutthroat(残酷的) thing. Deal with it.Don't come to me for absolution. You want to be a shark, be a shark.- I'm not -- - Oh, yes, you are.Only it makes you feel all bad in your warm, gooey places.No, screw you.I don't get picked for surgeries 'cause I slept with my boss,and I didn't get into med school 'cause I have a famous mother.Some of us have to earn what we get.---------------------------------------------------------Gloria, there were complications in the surgery.Tony's heart had a lot of damage.We tried to take him off bypass, but...there wasn't anything we could have done.What are you talking about?He...Tony died.He's dead.Gloria...I am so sorry.Please...go away.--------------------------------------------I promised I'd make her look cool.Apparently, being a bald beauty queen is the worst thing that happened in the history of the world.Did you choose me for the surgery because I slept with you?Yes.I'm kidding.I'm not gonna scrub in for surgery.You should ask Cristina. She really wants it.You're Katie's doctor.And on your first day, with very little training, you helped save her life.You earned the right to follow her case through to the finish.You shouldn't let the fact that we had sex get in the way of you taking your shot(抓住机会).----------------------------------------I wish I wanted to be a chefor a ski instructor or a kindergarten teacher.You know, I would have been a really good postal worker.I'm dependable.You know, my parents tell everyone they meet that their son's a surgeon,as if it's a big accomplishment --superhero or something.(天下所有的父母都会这样吧)If they could see me now.When I told my mother I wanted to go to medical school,she tried to talk me out of it --said I didn't have what it takes to be a surgeon,that I'd never make it.So the way I see it, superhero sounds pretty damn good.We're gonna survive this, right?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------She's still short of breath. Did you get an abg or a chest film?Oh, yes, sir, I did.And what did you see?Oh, well, I had a lot of patients last night.Name the common causes of post-op fever.- Uh, yes.- From your head, not from a book.Don't look it up. Learn it. It should be in your head. Name the common causes of post-op fever.Uh... the common causes of post--Can anybody name the common causes of post-op fever?Wind, Water, Wound, Walking, Wonder drugs -- the five W's --most of the time, it's Wind --splinting or pneumonia.Pneumonia's easy to assume, especially if you're too busy to do the tests.What do you think's wrong with 4-b?The fourth "W," "Walking."I think she's a prime candidate for a pulmonary embolus.How would you diagnose?Spiral C.T., V/Q scan, provide O2,dose with heparin, and consult for an IVC filter.Do exactly as she says, then tell your resident that I want you off this case.I'd know you anywhere. You're the spitting image(一模一样) of your mother.Welcome to the game.-----------------------------------------------------------------------All right, everybody. It's a beautiful night to save lives.Let's have some fun.I can't think of any one reason why I want to be a surgeon...but I can think of a thousand reasons why I should quit.They make it hard on purpose.There are lives in our hands.There comes a moment when it's more than just a game...And you either take that step forwardor turn around and walk away.(喜欢这段)I could quit,but here's the thing...I love the playing field.----------------------------------------- It was good surgery.- Yeah.We don't have to do that thing where I say something, and then you say something,and then somebody cries, and there's a moment.Yuck.Good.You should get some sleep.You look like crap.I look better than you.That's not possible.------------------------------------------That was amazing.You practice on observe...and you think you know what you're gonna feel like, standing over that table, but...that was such a high.Yeah.Yeah.I should, uh, go do this.You should.I'll see you around.See you around.See you.----------------------------------------So...I made it through my first shift.We all did.The other interns are all good people. You'd like them...I think.I don't know -- maybe.I like them.Oh, and I changed my mind.I'm not gonna sell the house.I'm gonna keep it.I'll have to get a couple of roommates,'s home, you know?Are you the doctor?No.I'm not your doctor,but I am a doctor.What's your name?It's me, mom -- Meredith.All right.I used to be a doctor, I think.You were a doctor, mom.You were a surgeon.
Previously on "Grey's anatomy"...The 7 years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life.You will be pushed to the breaking point.Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty.Five of you will crack under the pressure.Two of you will be asked to leave.Dr. Shepherd, we should pretend it never happened.What never happened -- you sleeping with me last night,or you throwing me out this morning?You're an attending, and I'm your intern.Stop looking at me like that.Like what?Like you've seen me naked.Your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours.You're interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain.What are you doing here?You and I are gonna have so much fun together.You know Meredith is inbred?Like it's uncommon around here to be a doctor's parents.No, royally inbred. Her mother is Ellis Grey.Shut up. The Ellis Grey?She's a living legend.What's your name?It's me, mom -- Meredith.All right.We're gonna survive this, right?---------------------------------------------------------It's all about lines.The finish line at the end of residency.Waiting in line for a chance at the operating table.And then there's the most important line --the line separating you from the people you work with.It doesn't help to get too familiar.To make friends.You need boundaries between you and the rest of the world.Other people are far too messy.It's all about lines.Drawing lines in the sandand praying like hell no one crosses them.----------------------------------------------------------------Look, I'm sure you're very nice,but I'm very particular about who lives in my house, and you're just not right.Why? Look, I'm quiet. No loud music, no parties.Where were you when the challenger exploded?The what?The space shuttle challenger.Uh... I think I was in kindergarten.Exactly. No.Why do you put up posters for roommates if you don't want roommates?I do want roommates. We're together 100 hours a week.You want to live together, too?I see you bring bribes now, huh?My mom irons my scrubs. I have to get out of there.It's not a bribe. I don't think it's a good idea.- I can put down last, first, and deposit.- It's totally a bribe.I can cook, and I'm an obsessive cleaner.No. I just want two total strangers who I don't have to talk toor be nice to, and it's not a bribe. It's a mocha latte.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------George, you're running the code team. Meredith, take the trauma pager.Christina, deliver the weekend labs to the patients.Izzie, you're on sutures.Dr. Bailey, I was hoping to assist you in the O.R. Today.
Maybe, do a minor procedure, I think I'm ready. Mocha latte?- If she gets to cut, I want to cut, too.- Yeah, me too.I wouldn't mind another shot. I mean, if everybody else is...Stop talking.Every intern wants to perform their first surgery.That's not your job.Do you know what your job is? To make your resident happy.Do I look happy? No. Why? Because my interns are whiny.You know what will make me look happy?Having a code team staffed, having the trauma pages answered,having the weekend labs delivered, and having someone down in the pit, doing the sutures.No one holds a scalpel till I'm so happy, I'm mary freakin' poppins.Mocha latte, my ass.Why are y'all standing there? Move!-----------------------------------------------------------Seattle has ferryboats.Yes.I don't know that.I've been living here six weeks.I didn't know there were ferryboats.Seattle is surrounded by water on three sides.Hence the ferryboats.Now I have to like it here.I wasn't planning on liking it here.I'm from New York.I'm genetically engineered to dislike everywhere except Manhattan.I have a thing for ferryboats.I'm not going out with you.Did I ask you to go out with me?Do you want to go out with me?I'm not dating you, and I'm definitely not sleeping with you again.You're my boss.I'm your boss's boss.You're my teacher and my teacher's teacher.And you're my teacher."I'm your sister, I'm your daughter."- You're sexually harassing me.- I'm riding an elevator.Look, I'm drawing a line.The line is drawn.There's a big line.So, this line, is it imaginary or do I need to get you a marker?We'll talk later?------------------------------------------------------ Are you the surgeon?- Yeah.- We've got a rape victim.- Better get in there.25-year-old female found down at the park. Status -- post trauma.She came in with a gcs of six. B.P. -- 80 over 60.Exam is significant for blunt head trauma.Unequal breath sounds, right pupil is dilated, and she's ready for x-ray.Ready to roll?H ey!Yeah.Call ahead to clear a C.T. Let them know I'm coming.Load up the portable monitor.Call respiratory for a ventilator.I'll get x-rays while I'm down there.She's gonna spend a hell of a long time in recovery and rehab.If she survives.What is she, like 5'2", 100 pounds?She's still breathing after what this guy did to her?If they catch the guy, they should castrate him.See how shredded her hands are?She tried to fight back.Tried to? Rape kit came back negative.She kicked his ass.So, we have a warrior among us, huh?Allison.
Her -- her name is Allison.Allison.I think I may have found the cause of our rupture.More suction.What is this?Does anybody know what is it?Oh, my god.What? Spit it out, Grey.- She bit it off.- Bit off what?That's his... penis.She bit off his -- his penis.If she can fight the infection, she'll be fine.It's all gonna depend on whether or not she wakes up in the next 72 hours.Yo, we should get a drink later.You can tell me the long story of what makes a hotshot doc leave the big apple for Seattle.(big apple有意思)Short story, actually.Your chief of surgery made me an offer I couldn't refuse.Richard asked you to come?Yeah. Why?Oh, nothing.See you later.Do you know what the code team does?Saves lives.I shock a heart, and someone lives to see another day.That's upbeat.It's a glass half full --(有人知道这是什么意思吗?)Bambi, don't say another word till after the hunter shoots your mother.I don't like you.I have a B.A. from Smith, a PHD from Berkeley,and an M.D. from Stanford, and I'm delivering lab results.It's gonna take me all day to get through these.Then get started.Oh, I wasn't complaining.Intern was reassigned, so he's mine now.Have him shadow you for the day.(这句的说法比较有意思)You show him how I do things.Alex Karev. Nice to meet you.You're the pig who called Meredith a nurse. Yeah.I hate you on principle.And you're the pushy, overbearing kiss-ass. I hate you, too.Oh, it should be fun, then.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm Dr. O'malley. I'll be running this code. What do we got?We have a 57-year-old gentleman with asystole.- Three and four.- Charging to 200, please.- Charging.- Cleared.---------------------------------------------------------------All right, Mrs. Lu, I'm Dr. Stevens.I'm gonna sew up your wound.You're gonna need -- yeah -- about six stitches.Are you allergic to any medication?Oh, I'm sorry. I don't -- Do you speak english?I'll find, um --Does anybody here speak chinese?----------------------------------------------------- Hi.- Is the chief in?He's on his way.Is that in?Yeah.Can I see it?No. Forget I asked.Meredith, it's good to see you.Hey, I heard your mother was leaving Mayo.She going back with the U.N.?She's, uh, taking time off.To write another book, I suppose.Listen, so, they said to bring this to you, so --Yes, uh, for the police.Right.When did the police say they were coming?You know how slow they are, so she better take it with her.What?You have to take it with you.Chain-of-custody rules.All medical matter in a rape must stay with the personwho collected it until it's placed into police custody.You collected the specimen, so you have custody.Custody of a penis.Yes, until the cops come for it.Okay.Well, what am I supposed to do with the penis?
You have a disorder called multinucleate cell angiohistiocytoma. It's not a cancer sarcoma.It's very rare but minor.You'll be discharged today, okay?I don't need a surgery?No.I'm not gonna die? I'm fine?Fit as a fiddle... or whatever.---------------------------------------------------------------What's that?Don't ask. You don't want to know.I do want to know.Really.You really want to know?It's a severed penis.Okay.I didn't really want to know.-----------------------------------------------------------------------Why do I have to be the one who gets hugged?Because -- I don't do that.Besides, you're the ovarian sister here.Did you call me an ovarian s-- an ovarian s--Since when does the possession of ovaries become an insult?Meredith's carrying a penis around in a jar.Oh, from the rape surgery?Yeah, and it's not a jar.It's a cooler.Talk about taking a bite out of crime.You okay?Yeah.- Allison's shoes are...- What?The rape victim, Allison, her shoes.I have the same ones in my locker,and I normally never wear them because they're not comfortable. But today I did.And she was wearing the same shoes, and it's just...stupid, and I'm tired, and forget it.You know what you need?No.It's sick and twisted.We said last time was the last time.You've been doing it without me?Nancy Reagan lied.You can't just say no. Come on.Do you know what would happen if anyone knew?I'm doing it.You can come with me,or you can stay here and be miserable.You are such a woman.That's a code.I got to go.You are really cute.What are you doing in here?The -- there were no tests ordered, and the baby has a murmur.I know.He turned blue.You're surgery. You're not authorized to be in here.Do you know how much trouble you can get into for this?Are you going to do any tests?It's a benign systolic ejection murmur.- It goes away with age.- So you're not gonna do tests.He's not your patient. He's not even on your service.Are you sure it's benign?I'm a doctor, too, you know.You should get out of here.---------------------------------------------------- You get a good case?- No -- her.She won't let me sew her up.I wouldn't have called you, but I can't get ahold of the translator.Can you just ask her what's wrong?No.Why not?Because I grew up in Beverly Hills.The only chinese I know is from a Mr. Chow's menu.Besides, I'm korean.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chief.So, you asked Shepherd to come to Grace, huh?He was an old student of mine.He left a Manhattan private practice because you asked.Yes.No other reason?Just a favor for an old professor?- It'll be years before I retire.- Chief of surgery is mine.Chief of surgery is mine.It was yours. Now I'm not so sure.I am the best surgeon at Grace with the lowest mortality rate.- You can't just bring --- Now ask me why I'm not so sure about you.Ask me why.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Don't people get sick anymore?I mean, how are we supposed to get any O.R. time if everyone's gonna just live?Look.I'll take 10, you take 10.Get in, get out. No smiling, no hugging, no letting them cry.Just be quick about it.You're the one that's slow.I am not slow. You are slow.You want to bet?Yeah, you're on.- A comprehensive workup... - ...did not reveal any...- ...abnormalities.- Your doppler was negative....for venous thrombosis so there's no need for chronic......anticoagulation or an oral...- The biopsy was, however, positive... - ...for a mixed anaerobic......non-group-"a" streptococci infection.Your B.U.N. and creatinine elevations had us worried......about rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis......which could have signaled an autoimmune disease.What does that mean?We're not gonna amputate your leg.- You get to keep your kidneys.- Congratulations.You can go home today.Yeah, yeah. Congratulations. Whatever.Congratulations.There's nothing wrong with you. You're gonna be fine.Congratulations.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What's your favorite '80s group?Queen.No.- Twisted Sister.- Oh!It's not like there's a right or wrong answer to that question.The Go-Gos, Duran Duran, The Eurythmics.--------------------------------------------------------------------------Have a nice day.You can go home today.Time of death -- 15:45.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Man, I've called every hospital in the county.I don't know. Sooner or later, the guy that did this is gonna seek medical attention.When he does, that penis you're carrying around is gonna nail him.Where is her family?Doesn't have any.No siblings?No.Both parents are dead. She just moved to Seattle three weeks ago.Welcome to the city.Meredith, are you okay?Yeah, I'm fine.I just have to do something.
I have to go.All right. I'm gonna sit with her.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr. Burke?There's a baby up in peds. I saw him have a tet spell, and I think I hear a murmur.Hmm. Did peds call us for a consult?- Actually, no, they're not --- So you want me to what?- If you could just go up and look at him.- Not without a peds consult.I'm a busy man, Grey, and there are rules.Look, it's not like I'm the chief or something.---------------------------------------------------------------------You're hot.You're drunk. Hold still.Wait, you're that --that girl from the magazine.The red bikini.Yeah, it was pink.I'm done. You can see the nurse outside now.- Is she crazy or something?- I don't think so.Please. Please sit down. I really need to look at your arm.kay.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------What are you doing down here?Just sitting here with my penis.What about you?Hiding from Alex.I kissed Derek.In the elevator.Oh, you kissed him in the elevator?I was having a bad day.I am having a bad day.This is what do you do on your bad days -- make out with Dr. Mcdreamy.Well... you know, that and carrying around a penisjust makes everything seem so shiny and happy.George said Allison was wearing your shoes.Yeah.It's weird, right?It's weird that you care.I think it's weird.------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can I have security, please?What do we got?- Take a look.- What?Uh, let's get him to O.R. 1.Meredith, you call the chief and let him know we got the rapist.I saw Allison.You can't believe the beating that she took.And then to see this.That old saying, "you should see the other guy."Why are we not attempting to re-attach the severed penis?Teeth don't slice. They tear.You can only re-attach with a clean cut.If she wanted to slice him off with a knife...Besides, the digestive juices didn't leave much of the flesh to work with.Right. So, what do we do?Sew him up minus a large part of the family jewels.And his outlook?He'll be urinating out of a bag for a very, very long time.Not to mention he'll never be able to have sex again.- Oh, too bad.- Shame.Let's all take a moment to grieve.Clamp.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Richard.We got the rapist.He stumbled right into the hospital.
Yeah, I heard.- Listen, Burke --whyYou really want to know?I want to know when you stopped thinking of me as your number one.- Richard, I do more in this hospital than --- You do only exactly as much as is necessary.You never take an extra step.You never give an extra minute.You're comfortable and arrogant, and it doesn't impress me.You want to be chief?Earn it.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm sorry. I have patients lined up.I don't have time. I don't understand you.I'm sorry.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My head hurts.Maybe it's a tumor.You wish I had a tumor.Look, I'd rip your face off if it meant I got to scrub in.I've been suturing all day.My hands are numb.At least you're helping people.At least you get to practice freakin' medicine.I had to send my chinese lady away.She was, like, camped out down there.Oh, poor Izzie, turning away patients. Boohoo.So the police say they can't send a crime-scene guy down for hours,so I have to spend the night with the penis.Alex, don't say it.It was too easy anyway.Who here feels like they have no idea what they're doing?I mean, are we supposed to be learning something?Because I don't feel like I'm learning anything.Except how not to sleep.It's like there's this wall. The attendings and the residents are over there,being surgeons, and we're over here, being...Suturing, code-running, lab-delivering penis minders.I hate being an intern.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi.- Hi.Is he yours?Yeah.He's adorable.Thanks.Oh, please.You are so out of line.She says the murmur might not be benign.I think we should do an echo to check.This is your career.There really is no reason to get alarmed.What's the problem?If our baby is sick, we want him treated... now.Who said your baby was sick?The surgical intern, who has no business on our service.Who authorized you being here?- I was just --- I did.Can you excuse us for a second?Dr. Burke.Are you messing with my intern, Dr. Kay?No, sir.Give me the chart.There's nothing wrong with him. I checked.- Are you sure?- Yes.You can guarantee he's fine? You're 100% sure?How sure are you?I don't know, 75%?Not good enough. He's my patient now.That okay with you, Dr. Kay?Absolutely.He can take our patient?He's an attending.Which means I can do whatever I want.Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I'm Dr. Burke, head of cardio.We're gonna run some tests and give you an answer within the hour.Grey. Excuse me.I want an ekg, chest x-ray, and an echo.I don't have all day.- You're a busy man.- I'm a busy man.


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