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  2014年考试已经结束,新一轮的复习又将开始。面临2015年高考,考生应该如何复习高考英语这个考试科目呢?新东方在线汇总整理《英语阅读理解专题指导之猜测词义题》,供2015年高考考生参考。  猜测词义题  在阅读中我们经常会遇到许多生词。这时许多同学立即翻阅词典,查找词义。这样做不但费时费力,而且影响阅读速度、影响对语篇的整体把握。事实上,阅读材料中的每个词与它前后的词语或句子甚至段落都有联系。我们可以利用语境(各种已知信息)推测、判断某些生词的词义。近年来全国统一高考中加大了对考生猜词义能力的考查,因此,掌握一定的猜词技巧,对突破高考阅读理解、提高我们的英语语言能力都有非常重要的意义。  常见的题干有:  1) Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word?  2) The word... could best be replaced by.  3) In the... paragraph, the word... means (refers to).  4) According to the passage,... probably means.  5) The author uses the word... to mean.  猜测词义时,一般可利用以下四个方面的线索:  一是针对性的解释  针对性解释是作者为了更好的表达思想,在文章中对一些重要的概念、难懂的术语或高深的词汇等所做的通俗化的解释。这些解释提供的信息明确具体,所使用的语言通俗易懂,利用它们来猜测词义就非常简单。  1.根据定义(definition)猜测词义  如果生词有一个句子(定语从句或是同位语&同位语前常有 that=&& is=&& to=&& in=&& other=&& or=&& i.g.=&&&或是同位语从句)或段落来定义,或使用破折号,冒号,分号后的内容和引号括号中的内容加以解释和定义,那么理解这个句子或段落本身就是推断词义。定义常用的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with, be considered, to be, be called, define, represent, refer to, signify 等。  例1.Do you know what a territory is ? A territory is an area that an animal ,usually the male, claims(声称)as its own.(2005年湖北卷)  [分析]由定义可推知,这里territory指的是:动物的地盘。  例2.In fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat, exist in the U.S. today.(2005年浙江卷)  [分析]由同位语an endangered wild cat我们很快猜出生词ocelots的义域:一种濒临灭绝野猫。  例3. Here is The Pines ,whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou ,wild boar ,and reindeer with surprising sauces . (2004年福建卷)  According to the passage ,The Pines is a & & & & .  A.place in which you can see many mobile homes  B.mountain where you can get a good view of the valley  C.town which happens to be near the Banff National Park  D.restaurant where you can ask for some special kinds of food  [分析]通过whose引导的定语从句,我们可以推测到:The Pines 是一家餐馆的名字,由此不难推出理解题的答案为:D。  2.根据举例猜测词义  恰当的举例能够提供猜测生词的重要线索。  例4. The course gives you chances to know great power polities between nation states. It will provide more space to study particular issues such as relationship among countries in the European Union, third world debt, local and international disagreement, and the work of such international bodies as the United Nations, the European Union, NATO, and the World Bank.(2004年辽宁卷)  [分析]根据such as 后面列举的一系列例子,我们应该能推断出句中的issue 是指议题。  二是内在逻辑关系  根据内在逻辑关系推测词义是指应用语言知识分析和判断相关信息之间存在的逻辑关系,然后根据逻辑联系推断生词词义或大致义域。  1.根据对比、比较关系猜测词义  在一个句子或段落中,有对两个事物或现象进行对比性的描述,我们可以根据生词的反义词猜测其词义。表示对比关系的词汇和短语主要有:unlike, not, but, however, despite, in spite of, in contrast 等。表示对比关系的句子结构:while 引导的并列句。同对比关系相反,比较关系表示意义上的相似关系。表示比较关系的词和短语主要有:similarly, like, just as, also, as well as 等。  例5.A childs birthday party doesnt & it can be a basket of fun.  What does the underlined word hassle (paragraph 1) probably mean? (2002年NMET)  A.a party designed by specialists & & & & & & & B.a plan requiring careful thought  C.a situation causing difficulty or trouble & & & D.a demand made by guests  [分析]根据对比关系,这里hassle 和 a basket of fun 是相反的意义,很容易判断理解题的答案为C。  例6.Green loves to talk, and his brothers are similarly loquacious.  该句中副词similarly表明短语loves to talk和loquacious 之间的比较关系,其意义相近。由此我们可推断出loquacious的意思是健谈的。  2.根据因果关系猜测词义  在句子或段落中,若两个事物现象之间构成因果关系,我们可以根据这种逻辑关系推测生词词义。  例7.feel that since you are my superior , it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do .  (2005年上海卷)  The word presumptuous in the middle of the passage is closest in meaning to & & & .  A.full of respect & & B.too confident and rude &C.lacking in experience &D.too shy and quiet  [分析]根据since 引导的原因状语从句的内容(既然你是我的上司),我们可以推断这里presumptuous的意思是:冒失的,放肆的意思,后半句的意思是:我告诉你怎么做会是一种放肆/冒失的行为。对应的理解题答案为:B。  例8.Pruning is important because it encourages the growth of tender shoots,or young leaves.(2005年江西卷)  根据原因状语从句的内容,我们可以判断Pruning的意思是:修剪(树枝等)的意思。  3.根据说明、并列、同等同义近义、、反义等关系猜测词义  在句子或段落中,我们可以利用熟悉的词语,根据语言环境所表面的关系猜测词义。  例9.William Shakespeare said. The web of our life is of a mingled yarn(纱线),good and ill together. (2005年江苏卷)  The underlined word mingled in the last paragraph most probably means & & .  A.simple & & B.mixed & & & & C.sad & & & & & D.happy  [分析]句中good and ill together 更具体地说明了a mingled yarn的意义,据此我们不难推测mingled的意思是:混合的,交织的。  例10.Is it possible to beat high blood pressure without drugs ? The answer is yes, according to the researchers at Johns Hopkins and three other medical centers. (2004年湖北卷)  [分析]根据and three other medical centers 这种并列关系,我们很容易推断出:Johns Hopkins是一家医疗中心。  例11.There is no reason to insult and defame the man simply because you do not agree &with him.  [分析]根据与insult侮辱的同等关系猜测defame为诋毁 ,中伤或诽谤  例12.The game Americans call soccer is known around the world as football.  [分析]运用与football的同义关系推断为足球。  例13.The house stood at the end of a quiet neat street. The little dwelling,however,looked neglected and cheerless.  [分析]运用与The house近义关系可以推断dwelling与住所有关  例14.Most women in China ---educated and illiterated, urban and rural, the young and old-----work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers.  [分析]后面的urban and rural, the young and old之间都有反义关系,运用这个关系可以推断illiterated为未接受过教育的,即文盲  三是通过构词法  在猜测词义过程中,我们还可以依靠构词法方面的知识,从生词本身猜测词义。  1.根据前缀猜测词义  例15.Do you have any strong opinion on co-educational or single-sex schools?  根据词根educational (教育的),结合前缀co-(共同,一起),我们便可以猜出co-educational的意思是:男女同校教育的意思。(2005年江西卷)  2.根据后缀猜测词义  例16. It's a quiet, comfortable hotel overlooking (俯瞰) the bay in an uncommercialized Cornish fishing village on England's most southerly point.(2005年广东卷)  后缀 -ise/ize意思是使成为;使化,结合词根commercial(商业的),不难猜出 uncommercialized 的意思是:未被商业化的。  3.根据复合词的各部分猜测词义  例17.Good tool design is important in the prevention of overuse injuries. Well – designed tools and equipment will require less force to operate them and prevent awkward(别扭的)hand positions.(2005年北京卷)  Well-designed 或许是个生词,但我们分析该词的结构后,就能推测出其含义。它由well (好,优秀)和design (设计)两部分组成,合在一起便是设计精巧的意思。  例18. We live in a technological society where most goods are mass-produced by unskilled labor. Because of this, most people that craft (手艺) no longer exists. (2004年浙江卷)  根据合成词中的mass (大量的)和produce (生产),我们可以推测 mass-produce的意思是:大批量生产;规模生产的意思。  4.猜测词性变换新词含义  例19.The other teams, disappointed, were on the bus heading home. (2004年山东卷)  head本为名词,表头。由the bus和home的语境逻辑可以推断,该句head为动词,表方向,结合全句可译为开往、驶向。  例20.I had first known she was wrong, that her anxiety had clouded her judgment. (2004全国卷Ⅱ)  cloud本为名词,表云。分析语境逻辑可知,忧虑会影响一个人的判断,因此该句clouded应译为使难以。
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小学英语英语阅读(一)My name is Wang Ling. I‘m a girl. I’m twelve. I’m in Class Three. Grade One, My nother and my father are teachers. Miss Gao is my English teacher. I think she is twenty – five. She is a good teacher. I like her. (
)1.Wang Ling is in Class Two, Grade One. (
)2.Her mother is a teacher. (
)3.Miss Gao is her Chinese teacher. (
)4.Miss Gao is twenty – five. (
)5.Wang Ling isn’t a boy. (二)Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the U.S.A Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sunday and Saturday. Peter likes China and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play table tennis (乒乓球)after class.
Wu Dong and Peter likes making things. Now they are making a plane. They like flying planes on Sunday morning. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English. They teach each other. (互相)( )1、Wu Dong has an American friend. ( )2、They go to school from Monday to Friday. ( )3、They often fly planes after class. ( )4、Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese. ( )5、Peter often eats rice cakes because he likes eating them. (三)阅读短文,判断正误(对的写T, 错的写F) This is Billy and his brother’s bedroom. It’s not very big, but it is tidy(整洁).There are two beds in the room. There is a desk between(在……中间)the beds. There are some books on the desk. Some are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a phone on the desk, too. There are two chairs beside the desk. One is for Billy, and the other(另一把)is for his brother. There is a map of America on the wall. There is a map of the world on the wall, too. Billy and his brother like their bedroom very much.True or False:(
) 1. The bedroom is small, and it’s clean.(
) 2. There are two desks in the bedroom.(
) 3. There are some Chinese books on the desk.(
) 4. There are two maps on the wall.(
) 5. There isn’t a phone in the bedroom.(
) 6. The chairs are for Billy and his brother.(四)阅读短文,判断正误.(对的写T, 错的写F)We have a two-month holiday every summer. It starts in July and ends in August. During(在…期间) this summer holiday. I went traveling out of Nanjing with Sue. She is my good friend. We went to Shanghai by boat. We had a good time there. My classmates were all at home. They did their homework and watched a lot of TV. They told me they didn’t like traveling. (
)1、The summer holiday starts in June and ends in August. (
)2、We took a boat to Shanghai. (
)3、We had a lot of fun in Shanghai. (
)4、My classmates stayed at home. (
)5、My classmates like traveling.(五) 阅读判断正误,正确的在括号内填“T”,否则填“F” Hi, everyone. Here is the weather report. It’s an interesting day today for weather around the country.Look! It’s sunny in Beijing, but rainy in Jinan. It’s fine and cloudy in Qingdao. It’s raining in Shanghai. It’s warm in Guangzhou and Fuzhou. It’s cool in Xi’an and Shenyang .It’s cold in Harbin. It’s hot in Shenzhen and Hongkong.That’s the weather report for today. Thank you for watching.
)1、The radio is giving the weather report .
)2、It’s fine in Beijing today.
)3、You may play volleyball outside in Xi’an.
)4、You can go to Shanghai today.
)5、You can go to the park in Fuzhou.(六) 阅读判断正误,正确的在括号内填“T”,否则填“F”Mary is an American school girl. She is ten years old. Now she and her parents(父母) are in Shanghai. Her parents teach English in our school. They are very kind. Mary is a good pupil. She is good at math. She is clever. Now she can speak a little Chinese.(
) 1 Mary is from America.(
) Her father is a Chinese teacher.(
) 3 Mary is in Shanghai now.(
) 4 She isn’t good at math.(
) 5 Mary can speak a lot of Chinese(七)阅读判断正误,正确的在括号内填“T”,否则填“F”Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the U.S.A Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sunday and Saturday. Peter likes China and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play table tennis (乒乓球)after class.
Wu Dong and Peter likes making things. Now they are making a plane. They like flying planes on Sunday morning. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English. They teach each other. (互相)( )1、Wu Dong has an American friend. ( )2、They go to school from Monday to Friday. ( )3、They often fly planes after class. ( )4、Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese. ( )5、Peter often eats rice cakes because he likes eating them. (八)I'm Fangfang.I live in a village. It's small but beautiful..Look! That is my house. There are some trees near it. Behind the house there's a big river. You can see some boats on the river. Many ducks are beside the boats. How lovely! Oh, many flowers are between the trees. Let's get some to our
)1.Fangfang's house is small.(
)2.There's a
small river behind the house.(
)3.There are some boats on the river.(
)4.What lovely ducks they are!(
)5.Some flowers between the trees are for our English teachers. (九)完型填空
Mrs. White__1__in a school. It is Sunday. She has__2__classes. At eight in the morning, she__3__to a shop and buys a nice dress. She puts it in her bag and then buys__4__cakes for her children. At eleven she__5__home. She wants to put on her new dress, but she__6__find her bag. She calls the shop assistant (售货员), “Hello, Mrs. Black. This is Mrs. White. Can you help__7__ find my bag?__8__in your shop.”“Of course, Mrs. White,” says the assistant. “We found three bags here. But which one is__9__?”“I’m__10__,” says Mrs. White, ” I can tell you which one is mine.”1. A. work
C. working
D. study2. A. not
D. no3. A. walks
C. walking
D. walk4. A. a piece
B. a little
D. much5. A. gets to B. gets
D. get to6. A. can
D. isn’t7. A. I
D. me8. A. It’s
C. They’re
D. He’s9. A. you
D. yours10. A. go
D. coming (十)完形填空
glasses This is a picture ____ my grandmother. She is eighty years old.She has _____ hair and she wears ________ . She loves me very much and I love her very much,too.WangLin is twelve years old,Jenny is twenty years old and Li Ming is fourteen years old. Wang Lin is ____ than Jenny. Jenny is ____ than Li Ming,but ____ than WangLin.(十一)判断对(T)错(F)ZhangLin is a boy. He’s twelve years old. His English is very good.Because his mother is an English teacher. His favouriter clothes is a yellow shirt. It’s very nice. He likes to play foot ball with his friends. He always go to school by bus.On Sundays we offten play and study together. We are good friends.1. Zhang Lin’s mother is a Chinese teacher.
)2. He likes a yellow shirt.
)3. He always goes to school by bike.
)4. Zhang Lin is twelve years old.
)5. He is my good friend.
far1. Look ____ her hair.It’s red.2. I
live _____ China.3. She goes to work_______ her bicycle.4. They go _____ a walk after supper.5. This is a picture _____ my family.6. I like to play checkers______ my uncle.7. Do you go to the gym ____ play badminton?(十三)阅读选择Li Ming has two good friends from Canada. They are rose and Mike. Their country is very far from China.They are in the same school,but they are not in the same class(班) .Li Ming and Rose are in Class One. They live in the same building. It is a little far from their school. They ride their bicycles to school and ride home together every day.(
)1.Where are Rose and Mike from?A. The U.K.
)2.Li Ming and Mike are _____.
A.in the same class
B.not in the same school
C. not in the same class.(
)3.They live ______.A. very far from their school
B.near their schoolC.in one building
4.They go to school and come home ____ every day.
A. by bicycle
C. by car(十四)阅读判断对(T)错(F)
Hello,my name is Jimmy. I’m eleven . I am in Class Five,Grad (年级)Six.Now let me tell you some thing about my family. There are three people in my family. My father my mother and I .My father is a worker and my mother is a worker ,too.And they are both good workers, I am a good student. My father and mother love me very much. I love them very much,too. We have a new car. It’s green. I like it very much.1.We have an old car.
)2.I’m in class six, Grand Five
)3.There are three people in my family.
)4.My father and
mother are both worker.
)5.I don’t like our car.
/view/f49e521b6bd97f.html 新概念英语第一册
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