
达尔文&华莱士:《物种起源》之“争” – 木木文摘在线阅读
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和华莱士谈笑风生 华莱士谈笑风生
MIKE WALLACE, CBS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): When Jiang Zemin, thepresident of China, who arrives in the United States tomorrow, letit be known that he would like to kick off his trip with aninterview on 60 MINUTES, we said there's nothing we'd like better-- if he was willing to level with us. And he was.WALLACE (voice-over): In the 50 yearssince the Communist Party took power there, China has had justthree paramount leaders: Mao Tse-Tung, Deng Xiaoping, and now JiangZemin, who currently rules over almost 1.3 billion people -- oneout of every five people on Earth. He's been in charge for 11years, since Deng chose him to restore stability after thebrutality at Tiananmen Square. But still, Americans know remarkablylittle about this powerful man who arrives in New York Citytomorrow to visit the U.N. and to meet with American businessleaders. The president believes China has been misunderstood herein America, and he wants Americans to get a more favorable -- andhe says more realistic -- impression of his country.ZEMIN: I hope to convey through yourprogram my best wishes to American people.WALLACE (voice-over): He's been called the silk-wrapped needle, andin this interview you'll see why. For several years, we've beenasking to sit down with him. Finally, the president invited us toChina and told us he was willing to answer any question.(on camera): In arecent headline in one of your government newspapers, "ChinaDaily," the paper called the U.S. "a threat to world peace." Do youfeel that way, that the United States is a threat to worldpeace?ZEMIN (through translator): Candidly speaking, maybe it is becauseof the economic power and leading edge in science and technologythat the United States enjoys, that more often than not it tends tooverestimate itself and its position in the world. But today I wantto convey a nice message to the American people, so I don't want touse too many tough words in our talk.WALLACE: Al Gore, George W. Bush -- one of them is going to bepresident of the United States while you are president of China. Ifthey are watching right now, what would you want to say to themabout future U.S. relations with China?ZEMIN (through translator): I have a lot of friends among theleaders of both parties -- Republicans and Democrats.WALLACE: So you give money to both their campaigns?ZEMIN (through translator): Are you just joking? We have never donesuch things. I have read the campaign platforms of both parties andI believe whoever becomes president will try to improve thefriendly relations between Cina and the United States, for this isin the strategic interest of the whole world. Someone asked me notto pay attention to unfriendly remarks candidates might make aboutChina during the campaign because once elected, they will befriendly. I only hope that's true.WALLACE: The president had agreed to give short answers so that wecould cover more ground. And when I reminded him about it, he wasready for me.ZEMIN (through translator): But I think my answer is roughly thesame length as your question.WALLACE: I know it. That's absolutely true.ZEMIN (through translator): If you make concise and briefquestions, I'll give you brief answers.WALLACE (voice-over): This was the first time Western televisioncameras had been allowed inside the president's summer compound onthe beach at the resort town of Bedaihuh. It has been calledChina's Camp David. This is where the country's leaders meet inprivate every August to develop their plans for the coming year.The president agreed to speak candidly with us, so we asked him totell us candidly... (on camera): ... how would you characterize thestate of relations between China and the United States today, Mr.President?ZEMIN (through translator): On the whole, relations between Chinaand the United States are good. However, I would like to use wordspeople use to describe nature to describe the state of China-U.S.relations. Our relations have experienced wind, rain, and sometimesclouds or even dark clouds. However, sometimes it clears up. We allsincerely hope to build a constructive partnership between Chinaand the United States.WALLACE: That's spoken like a real politician. There's no candor init.ZEMIN (through translator): I don't think "politician" is a verynice word.WALLACE: It's a diplomatic word in this case.(voice-over): JiangZemin is a gregarious fellow who loves center stage, but he has notgiven an extended interview to an American television reporter for10 years, partly, he says, because Americans refuse to believe thatthe vast majority of Chinese are actually satisfied with one-partyrule. One of our most spirited exchanges was over his objection toour use of the word "dictator."欢迎您转载分享:
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时间: 11:44:08
摘要:华莱士,终其一生都是一个斗士,一个为了爱情而斗的斗士,一个为了自由而斗的斗士,一个为了国家和命运而斗的斗士。他是一个让人尊敬的英雄。 首先是华...
  就象以前初中上过一篇 保尔-柯察金文章一样“一个人的生命应当这样度过:当他回首往事的时候不会因虚度年华而悔恨,也不会因碌碌无为而羞愧!”
  英格兰国王还在苟延残喘着,想听着对手说一句”开恩“然后微笑着死去。侩子手一边又一边的劝说着”请求陛下对你的原谅,说句开恩就可以让你疼快的死去“当他以为华莱士终于要开口,说出那个让他保留一点征服者虚荣和尊 严的词时,示意侩子手停止用刑。
  英格兰国王在这一瞬瞪目死去,战友在这一刻垂睑泪下。 Every man dies, not every man really lives. 每个人都会死去,然而不是每个人都真正活过。
  就象以前初中上过一篇 保尔-柯察金文章一样“一个人的生命应当这样度过:当他回首往事的时候不会因虚度年华而悔恨,也不会因碌碌无为而羞愧!”
康文岗| 专家教师
辅导科目: 初中英语
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涂健| 专家教师
辅导科目: 高中数学
张玉新| 专家教师
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