
You just don't know how beautiful you are in my eyes.你不知道在我眼里你有多美My love,Do you remember the first time we met each other was on my English class, and you were sitting at the corner while I was standing in front of the crowd giving a speech on how to learn English? I never called you to answer any of my questions, instead I glimpsed you for several times, of course, without being caught by you and the rest.你还是否记得我们第一次见面是在我的英语课上,当时你坐在一个角落里,而我站在人群前面正在滔滔不绝地给大家讲如何学好英语。我没有叫你回答任何问题,其实,我不止一次偷偷地看你而后又快速的把目光移走。当然,都没让你和其他人发现。When I met you for the second time, you attended my small class with a pair of gorgeous red shoes.I knew I had found my true love before the end of that class.我第二次见到你,是在我的小班课上,当时你穿着一双漂亮的红色高跟鞋。那节课结束前,我就感觉到我已经遇到了我的真爱。I asked around the office to get your Wechat ID, and for the first time watched your charming back moving out of my sight. I decided to take some immediate actions, and never let you go.我到处问询你的微信号,然后第一次看着你迷人的背影离开我的视线。我决定要立刻行动,绝不能把你放走。When I told you on wechat that you magically matched all the criterion I set for choosing my ideal wife,I was also surprised by that.I bet you didn't notic how excited I was at that moment。当我告诉你,你居然神奇地完全符合我选择最理想伴侣的所有标准时,我自己也惊呆了。你一定没察觉到在那一刻我有多兴奋。One week later, we had our first date at a vegetarian restaurant for dinner.Two weeks later, we held hands at a chilly night when we were on our way to see sunset.一周以后,我们在一家素食餐厅第一次共进晚餐。两周之后,我们在一个满是凉意的晚上,在去看夕阳的路上第一次牵手。Three months later, we felt we are the right one we had been searching for in our life and the only right thing to do was getting married.三个月后,我们都觉得彼此就是生命中一直在找寻的那个人,而我们最想做的事情就是踏入婚姻的殿堂。We were engaged on a hot summer day, we got married in early Autumn.我们在一个炎热的夏天订婚了,紧接着就在初秋成为了合法夫妻。By then, I began to understand the definition of responsibilty and how to be a man.I wouldn't let you regret that you chose to spend the rest of your life with me for even one single second.从那起,我渐渐明白了责任感的涵义和做为一个男人的职责。我不会让你有一刻后悔决定嫁给我,陪我共度余生。Instead of holding a grand wedding as what you had been dreaming about, we traveled and shared a lot of memorable moments along the journey for our honey-moon.我们没有举办你一直期待着的一场盛大的婚礼,而是去了远方。在蜜月的旅途中我们共度了诸多美好的时光。Every time you walk to me and grab my hands,I'd ask myself: is it true that such a beautiful girl standing in front of me is my wife? And I always have to double confirm with the fact.每次你走向我,拉起我的手,我都会问自己:这个站在我面前的漂亮女孩真是我的老婆吗?并且我总是要反复确认事实才心安。I used to enjoy taking photos of the nature a lot whenever I am on my way.I've put on a new habit after I met you. You became the most attractive scenery in the world.我以前总是喜欢走到哪就拍些自然风景。自从你走进了我的生活,你就成为了我的世界里最美丽的风景。You are just like an angel walked out from fairy tale and appeared in my life dramatically.You used your innocent smile brightened the deepeast part of my soul. I can't find any expression to tell you what you mean to me and how much I love you. But I know all the words are small, all my love for you will be shown in all the details.你仿佛是一个从童话里走出来的天使,戏剧般地出现在了我的生命里。你用你那纯真的笑容点亮了我灵魂的最深处。我竟然无法用任何语言来表达你对我的意义有多重,也无法说出我到底有多爱你。不过,我知道任何语言都是无力的,只有点滴细节中才会让你真正感受到我对你的爱。It's been exactly one year since we met for the first time now. I am sure that we will have 10 more, 20 more, 30 more or even 40 more anniversaries to celerate in the future. I don't like to say the word forever, but may our love lasts till the very last day we live in the world.从初次见面到今天整整一年了。我相信我们将会在一起庆祝10个,20个,30个,甚至40个结婚纪念日。我从来不说永远,但我希望我们的爱能够延续到我们活在这个世界的最后一天。My dear, I love you! Happy The First Anniversary.亲爱的老婆,我爱你,结婚一周年快乐!
录着我们全部的经历和我所有的心情。一字一句都带着我最真挚的情感,没有华丽的辞藻,没有刻意的手法,如流水般自然而然地把我的心声一字不漏地写出来。当你无情地把它撕碎时,粉碎的不仅是你手中的信纸,还有我的心。而我拼凑出来的也不仅是情书,还有我对你的余情。   给你一封岁月情书,本是为了感动你,怎料最后只有我被感动了。或许你早就决定要离开,无论我如何挽留你都不会为我留下来。我不知该恨你如此决绝,对我的付出和感情不屑一顾,还是该庆幸你这么无情,让我对你彻底死心。但是,我想这都不重要了,我们到此为止,从此我不诉前情,不念过往,让岁月静好,不会因你再生悲欢。[}


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