缅甸天然气替代品 发电质橡胶替代原始林可能引发的环境问题

兰国玉, 吴志祥, 谢贵水. (2014)海南橡胶林植物多样性特征. 生物多样性, 22(5): 658-666Guoyu Lan, Zhixiang Wu, Guishui Xie. (2014)Characteristics of plant species diversity of rubber plantation in Hainan Island. Biodiversity Science, 22(5): 658-666&&
1 中国热带农业科学院橡胶研究所, 海南儋州 571737
2 农业部儋州热带作物科学观测实验站, 海南儋州 571737);① 金恒镳 (2008) 台湾人工林的适应性管理. 生态系统研究与管理简报, 19(5), 1-12.
*通讯作者 Author for correspondence. E-mail:
基金项目: 中国热带农业科学院橡胶研究所基本科研业务费项目(); 海南省自然科学基金(313060)
为探讨人工林物种多样性维持机制及人为干扰后人工林群落的多样性恢复机制, 作者依据自然林的核心理论建立了一个1 ha的橡胶( Hevea brasiliensis)林固定样地, 通过研究近自然管理后样地内植物物种组成与分布来探讨近自然管理后橡胶林生物多样性的特征。结果表明: 近自然管理后橡胶林群落物种多样性较高, 1 ha样地内共有植物69科155属183种。在面积为4,000 m2、3,000 m2和2,000 m2时分别包含了样地内大约90%的种、属和科; 逻辑斯蒂模型拟合拟合种-面积曲线效果较好( R2=0.997), 证明了1 ha取样尺度可以满足橡胶林群落物种多样性研究的需要。多度-面积曲线和丰富度-面积曲线与随机分布模型有明显的差异, 表明橡胶林群落内个体数及物种分布呈非随机性。(4)对数级数模型和对数正态模型拟合橡胶林群落的种-多度分布都不理想, 相比而言后者拟合效果稍好。
Characteristics of plant species diversity of rubber plantation in Hainan Island
Guoyu Lan1,2,*,
Zhixiang Wu1,2,
Guishui Xie1,2
1 Rubber Research Institute Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Danzhou, Hainan 571737
2 Danzhou Investigation & Experiment Station of Tropical Crops, Ministry of Agriculture of China, Danzhou, Hainan 571737
To explore diversity maintaining mechanism and restoration after disturbance of the plantation, we established a 1-ha dynamic rubber plantation plot and managed it in a close to nature way according to the core theory of close to nature forest. Based on field survey data, plant species composition and distribution in the rubber plantation was analyzed. A total of 183 species belonging to 155 genera and 69 families were recorded in the plot. In the area of 4,000 m2, 3,000 m2 and 2,000 m2, the plot contains about 90% of species, genus and family respectively. Logistic model fitted species-area is very good with R2 0.997, which indicates that 1-ha plot is large enough for monitoring of species diversity of rubber plantation. The distribution pattern of abundance and richness in the plot are very different from those constructed from random placement model, which indicates that the unevenness distribution of abundance and richness are not caused by the random distribution. The species-abundance distribution of the plot could not be well fitted by using the lognormal model and log serial model. In comparison, the lognormal model fits it better than log serial model.
Key words:
close to natural management;
species diversity;
species-area curve;
speices-abundance distribution
近年来, 由于天然橡胶价格的不断提升和国内需求的不断增加, 胶农种植橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)的积极性很高, 致使各地毁林种胶的事件屡有发生, 引起了社会各界的广泛关注()。一些学者从根本上否定发展天然橡胶林的积极作用, 认为种植橡胶使得原始林面积锐减(), 是造成水土流失、生物多样性减少(; )及区域干旱()等问题的罪魁祸首。面对以上质疑, 如何既能实现天然橡胶产业的可持续发展, 又能实现环境的保护, 是科研人员面临的一个重要而紧迫的科学问题。近自然经营是兼顾林业生产和自然保护的一种经营模式, 其经营思想可表述为“ 在确保森林结构关系自我保存能力的前提下遵循自然条件的林业活动” ()。其理论基础为近自然林业理论(Close to Natural Forest Theory), 该理论起源于德国, 强调人类应尽可能地按照森林的自然规律来从事林业生产活动()。“ 近自然林” 具有天然林的稳定特征, 能持续发挥多种效益, 是人工林与天然林的有机结合()。目前, 欧盟各国普遍采用了近自然林业经营的方法(), 而且大多数实践取得了成功()。我国近年来在近自然林业抚育技术和评价技术等方面开展了大量研究和实践(), 如果能将近自然林的理论应用在天然橡胶产业中, 不仅可以实现橡胶林生物多样性的恢复, 也可以实现天然橡胶产业的可持续发展。国内对橡胶林群落物种多样性已经开展了一些研究(; ; ; ; ), 但由于研究目的不同, 这些研究均没有调查橡胶林植物多度或盖度及每个物种在样地中的分布。依据近自然林理论, 我们于2012年在海南儋州试验场设立了1个1 ha固定样地, 并实行近自然管理。本文基于该样地2013年的野外调查数据, 分析了群落内物种组成、多度及分布特征, 拟探讨以下两个问题: (1)近自然管理后橡胶林物种组成、分布及多样性特征如何?(2)与其他热带森林相比, 其物种多样性的水平和特征究竟如何?通过以上问题的探讨, 旨在发展人工林树种多样性维持机制理论, 尝试揭示人为干扰后人工橡胶林群落的多样性恢复机制。1 研究区概况儋州市位于海南岛的西北部, 处于东亚大陆季风气候的南缘, 属热带湿润季风气候, 夏无酷暑, 冬无严寒, 阳光充足, 雨量充沛。常年平均气温为23.5℃, 最热月7月的平均温度为27.8℃, 极端最高气温33℃, 最冷月1月的平均气温为17.5℃, 极端最低气温3.2℃。多年平均降雨量为1, 815 mm, 由于受季风影响, 全年雨量分布很不均匀, 干季雨季分明。5-10月为雨季, 占年雨量的84%, 11月至次年4月为干季, 占年雨量的16%。实验区位于海南儋州中国热带农业科学院试验场内。实验区内橡胶树的品系为‘ 热研7-33-97’ 。该品种是以高产的‘ RRIM600’ 和抗风的‘ PR107’ 为亲本选育出来的速生早熟高产抗风品种, 其抗病(白粉病)能力较强()。该品种1995年被评为大推品种(), 种植面积达目前海南民营新建胶园的约90%。该品种对中部山区环境有良好的适应性, 具有代表性。实验区内橡胶树于2005年种植, 2013年开割。中国热带农业科学院橡胶研究所于2012年在儋州试验场四队橡胶林建立了1个1 ha固定样地, 开始实行近自然管理。在建立固定样地之前, 实验区内实行常规管理, 存在施用化肥、压青、清除林内植被等生产活动, 林内设有营养沟。之所以在开始割胶后实行近自然管理, 主要是因为开割前林分尚未完全郁闭, 如果采用近自然管理会严重影响橡胶树的生长和营养积累。生境及群落特征。实验区海拔70-100 m, 坡度在5-10&#x000 , 林分郁闭度为85%以上。实验区橡胶树平均胸径为15.7 cm, 平均高度为14.6 m。近自然管理前, 由于存在控萌和压青等生产活动, 林下植被基本上被清理, 一些盖度大的物种如散穗弓果黍(Cyrtococcum patens)、芒(Miscanthus sinensis)、短叶黍(Panicum brevifolium)等禾本科植物略有残余分布。近自然管理后, 许多植物物种得以恢复, 但群落结构仍比较简单, 主要有3个层次: 第一层为乔木层, 全部由橡胶树组成, 近似均匀地分布于整个样地之中, 高度为10-15 第二层为灌木层, 高度为2-3 m, 主要是一些灌木和藤本植物及乔木树种的幼苗, 代表性物种为构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)和大青(Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum); 第三层为草本层, 是一些乔木、灌木、藤本的幼苗及草本植物, 其中最为典型的为散穗弓果黍、火炭母(Polygonum chinense)、短叶黍、丰花阔叶草(Borreria latifolia)等植物, 一些藤本植物如牛筋藤(Malaisia scandens)则在灌木层和草本层中交叉出现。2 方法2.1 样地建设方法样地布设方法参照巴拿马Barro Colorado Island 50 ha样地的技术规范(, )。样地大小为100 m× 100 m, 采用全站仪将其划分为400个5 m× 5 m样方, 以5 m× 5 m样方为基本调查单位。样地地形图见。图1Fig. 1 图1 某种植物在5 m× 5 m样方中的坐标值及出现的小样方Fig. 1 X and Y coordinates of a species in the 5 m × 5 m quadrats and the subplot where it locates对于乔木(橡胶树)树种测量其胸径(树干1.3 m处)和高度, 以及在5 m× 5 m样方中的x和y坐标值。对于灌木层物种记录其种名、高度及在5 m× 5 m样方中的x和y坐标值。草本层调查包括蕨类植物、乔木和灌木的幼苗、藤本及草本植物。对容易调查个体数的草本层植物, 如个体比较大的蕨类等, 调查内容包括种名及在5 m × 5 m样方中的x和y坐标值; 对于不易调查个体数的草本层植物, 如散穗弓果黍等禾本科植物, 需将5 m × 5 m样方划分为25个 1 m × 1 m小样方, 并将每个小样方编号为1, 2, 3, …, 25, 记录该种的种名及出现该种的样方编号 ()。2.2 分析方法2.2.1 多度和丰富度随机分布模型应用随机分布模型拟合橡胶林群落内多度和丰富的分布, 并与实际观测值进行比较, 以此了解橡胶林群落物种多度与丰富度的分布。随机模型多度(): (1)随机模型丰富度(): (2)其中Na为面积为a时的个体数量, Sa为面积a时的 物种数, N为总个体数, A为总面积, ni为物种i的个体数。绘制多度和丰富度曲线的95%置信区间, 来检验实际观测值与拟合值是否有明显差异, 如果观测值在置信区间内, 则差异不显著; 反之亦然。2.2.2 种-面积曲线的拟合种-面积曲线是用R软件绘制: 是计算面积为1 m× 1 m, 2 m× 2 m, 3 m× 3 m, …, 100 m× 100 m的系列样方内物种个数, 然后以面积为x轴, 物种数为y轴绘制曲线。上述系列样方为以样地的左下角为起始点0.0点, 边长分别为1 m, 2 m, 3 m, …, 100 m的正方形。采用3种种-面积模型, 即对数模型、幂函数模型和逻辑斯蒂模型进行模拟。其表达式分别是: 对数模型S= z× Ln(A) + C(), 幂函数模型S = c× Az, 逻辑斯蒂模型(), S = b/(c+A-z) ()。其中S为物种数, A为取样面积, c、b和z均为模型参数。比较3个模型的决定系数(R2), 以此判断3个模型拟合效果的好坏。2.2.3 多度的拟合物种-多度分布是群落中物种个体数的频率分布, 最早也拿来作为物种多样性的测度。不同学者用不同的方法表示物种多度分布, 其中最为有名且最有效的方法之一为等级/多度图()。本文采用对数正态模型和对数级数模型拟合了海南橡胶林样地内的种-多度分布, 多度等级按照关于多度的划分。首先绘制种-多度的直方图, 其次采用对数正态模型和对数级数模型对橡胶林群落的种-多度分布进行拟合, 再用卡方判别每个多度等级的观测物种数和理论物种数的差别(), 卡方值越大, 表示模型拟合的效果越差。如果x2> 5.89 (x20.05, 13= 5.89, P=0.05), 则拒绝原假设: 即实际多度值与拟合的多度值存在较大的差异。对数正态模型: (3)其中µ , σ 2分别为多度值取对数后的平均值和方差, x表示个体数, f(x)表示个体数为x的物种数。对数级数:fn= ɑ xn/n , n = 1, 2, 3, …() (4)其中fn 是个体数为n的物种数, ɑ 为多样性指数, x 是参数。ɑ
> 0 并且 0 < x < 1(大多数情况下x > 0.9)。拟合物种-多度分布的方法通常是先根据的多度等级划分等级, 多度等级为n包含的个体数量从2n到(2n+1-1), 其中n=0, 1, 2, 3, …。2.2.4 多样性指数采用α 多样性指数和Shannon-Wiener指数计算橡胶林群落不同面积内的多样性指数, 并绘制多样性指数-面积曲线图。α
多样性指数(): (5)其中α 是多样性指数, N是个体数, S是物种数。Shannon-Wiener指数: (6)其中Pi 为1株个体属于第i个种的概率, 以其个体占总个体数的百分比表示。3 结果3.1 橡胶林群落物种组成在1 ha的样地中共有橡胶树439棵, 林下植物183种, 隶属于69科155属(, )。其中蕨类植物10种, 被子植物173种(包括单子叶植物26种, 双子叶植物147种)。按照生活型来分, 183个物种中有乔木物种46种(主要为乔木树种的幼苗和幼树), 灌木植物45种, 藤本植物22种, 草本植物(一年生草本和多年生草本)70种。群落中橡胶树的直径大多数在16-18 cm之间(), 而15 cm以下的约占1/4, 15-17 cm的约占1/2; 小径阶如直径小于10 cm的橡胶树有11株, 而直径大于20 cm的仅有1株。总之, 橡胶树胸径分布较为集中, 个体虽存在差异, 但并不显著。3.2 橡胶林群落种面积曲线橡胶林群落的种-面积曲线表明(), 在面积为0-4, 000 m2 时, 物种数随着样地面积的增加而快速增加; 在面积为4, 000-10, 000 m2时, 物种数增加的速度下降。在样地面积为4, 000 m2时, 包含了约165个物种, 占总种数的90.1%。图2Fig. 2 图2 海南橡胶林种/属/科-面积曲线图Fig. 2 Species-, genera-, and family-area relationship in a 1-ha rubber plantation plot in Hainan表1Table 1表1(Table 1)
表1 海南橡胶林群落的植物类型组成统计
Table 1 Plant species types of a rubber plantation plot in Hainan植物类群Taxa物种数No. of species (%)生活型Life form物种数No. of species (%)被子植物 Angiospermae单子叶植物 Monocotyledoneae26 (14.2)乔木 Tree46 (25.1)双子叶植物 Dicotyledoneae147 (80.3)灌木 Shrub45 (25.0)蕨类植物 Pteridophyte10 (5.5)草本 Herb70 (38.3)合计 Total183 (100)藤本 Liana22 (12.0)
表1 海南橡胶林群落的植物类型组成统计
Table 1 Plant species types of a rubber plantation plot in Hainan图3Fig. 3 图3 海南橡胶林1 ha样地个体数-面积曲线和种-面积曲线Fig. 3 Abundance-area relationship and species-area relationship in a 1-ha rubber plantation plot in Hainan用同样的方法绘制出属-面积曲线和科-面积曲线。前者和种-面积曲线表现出的规律相似, 如在面积为0-3, 000 m2时, 属数随着样地面积的增大而快速增加; 在面积为3, 000-10, 000 m2时, 属数增加的速度降低, 在面积3, 000 m2时, 包含了约140个属, 占总属数的90.3%。后者与种-面积曲线表现的规律略有不同, 在一定尺度内随着面积的增加(如在2, 200-6, 000 m2范围内)而累积科数并不增加。但总的来说, 在面积为0-2, 000 m2之间时, 科数随着样地面积的增加而快速增加, 在面积2, 000 m2时, 包含了62个科, 占总科数的89.8%。3.3 橡胶林群落多度和丰富度的分布从多度-面积曲线(a)和丰富度-面积曲线(b)可以看出, 随着面积的增加, 一定面积内实际植物个体数及拟合值均呈近似直线增加的趋势, 然而仍有一定差别, 这种差别在中小尺度上表现更为明显, 表明橡胶林群落内植物个体数的分布为非随机分布。同样, 一定面积内实际植物物种数与拟合值也存在明显差别, 表明橡胶林群落内丰富度同样为非随机分布。3.4 橡胶林种-面积曲线的拟合3种种-面积曲线拟合结果表明, 对数模型不能实现对种面积曲线的拟合, 而幂函数模型和逻辑斯蒂模型可以实现拟合。幂函数模型为S =10.6× A0.32 (R2=0.887, P< 0.001); 逻辑斯模型为S=1.12/(0.005+ A-0.74) (R2=0.974, P< 0.001), 详见。由明显可以看出, 逻辑斯蒂模型的拟合结果与观测值比较吻合。图4Fig. 4 图4 海南橡胶林种-面积曲线的拟合Fig. 4 Fitness the species-area relationship in a 1 ha rubber plantation plot in Hainan3.5 物种多度分布由可以看出, 对数正态模型和对数级数模型的拟合曲线与实际的多度分布直方图的差别很大, 故这两个模型的拟合效果都不好, 对数正态模型的卡方值为34.1(), 小于对数级数模型的卡方值80.9。因此, 相比而言, 对数正态模型比对数级数模型的拟合效果好。同时可以看出, 如果除去一些稀有物种, 橡胶林群落物种多度分布近似地服从对数正态分布模型。图5Fig. 5 图5 海南橡胶林群落物种多度分布的拟合Fig. 5 Fitness the species-abundance of rubber plantation in Hainan3.6 多样性指数为样地的多样性指数-面积曲线图。可以看出Shannon指数和α 指数表现出一致的趋势, 但仍有差别。如当面积增加到3, 000 m2时, Shannon指数不再增加, 曲线表现得更为平滑。而α 多样性指数-面积曲线则略有波动。4 讨论4.1 橡胶林群落实行近自然管理后物种多样性并不低橡胶林群落由于受人为生产活动的影响, 群落内物种多样性较低, 但我们比较了调查面积相似的橡胶林与热带山地雨林、热带雨林的物种数, 发现橡胶林实行近自然管理后, 其群落物种多样性并不低(附表4)。海南岛尖峰岭山地雨林1 ha样地内有直径大于5 cm的树种171种, 隶属52科93属(); 海南琼北地区的热带雨林青梅(Vatica mangachapoi, 龙脑香科)林0.9 ha的样地内含有物种155种, 隶属132属64科()。需要说明的是: 尖峰岭的山地雨林只调查直径大于5 cm的乔木和灌木, 并没有包含草本植物; 琼北地区的龙脑香热带雨林的调查虽然包含了草本, 但树高1.5 m以下的乔灌木种类没有调查。因此, 直接比较橡胶林与山地雨林或热带雨林的多样性比较困难, 但至少可以说明橡胶林群落实行近自然管理后物种多样性并不低。常规管理的橡胶林下植物物种多样性受人为影响较大。管理强度较大的林段下可能仅有几种草本植物, 管理强度稍弱的林段下物种多样性稍高些, 而且不同林段的物种多样性也可能迥然不同。我们在常规管理的橡胶林中选取2个20 m× 20 m小样方作为补充, 比较了近自然管理与常规管理的种-面积曲线(), 可以看出, 近自然管理橡胶林的物种多样性较明显高于常规管理。图6Fig. 6 图6 海南橡胶林多样性指数-面积曲线. a: α 多样性指数-面积曲线; b: Shannon多样性指数-面积曲线。Fig. 6 Diversity-area curve of rubber plantation in Hainan. a, α
index- b, Shannon index-area curve.图7Fig. 7 图7 近自然管理与常规管理种-面积曲线比较Fig. 7 Comparison on species-area relationship between close to nature management and traditional management4.2 1 ha的取样面积对于研究橡胶林群落的物种多样性已经足够取样面积不同, 得出的结论往往也有所不同, 即所谓的尺度效应()。取样面积越大, 取样数量越多, 所得到的结果越可靠, 但难度也越大。一般认为群落调查的取样面积至少应该大于群落的最小面积()。2005年台湾林业试验所在南投柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)人工林设立永久试验样地, 研究不同疏伐强度对人工林组成、结构与功能、生物多样性等的影响, 其样地的面积为1 ha。海南橡胶林内植物主要包括草本植物, 乔木和灌木树种很少, 而且高度基本处于草本层或仅少数物种存在于灌木层, 且本项目研究方法为连续取样, 并详尽调查1 ha样地内每株植物种类及分布, 因此我们认为1 ha样地的面积具有代表性。种-面积模型对尺度具有明显的依赖性, 选择模型必须考虑在不同尺度下的模型的拟合优度。发现, 对数模型适合模拟小尺度上种-面积关系, 幂函数模型适合中等尺度, 逻辑斯蒂模型适合较大的研究尺度(; ; )。的研究也指出: 大尺度上逻辑斯蒂模型能较合理地描述该区域的种-面积关系, 只要取样面积足够大, 能涵盖该区域的所有物种, 逻辑斯蒂模型就优于其他模型。本文采用3种模型拟合了橡胶林群落的种面积曲线, 结果表明逻辑斯蒂模型拟合效果相对较好。这一结果在一定程度上验证了的结论, 另一方面也表明1 ha的取样面积能够满足橡胶林群落的物种多样性研究。4.3 近自然管理后人为干扰影响尚未完全消除本研究中的橡胶林群落是2012年建立固定样地后才实行近自然管理的, 群落内的物种大多数是人为清理地面植被后建立起来的, 可视为森林恢复的初级阶段。但群落中人为干扰的影响尚未完全消失, 反映在植物物种组成和森林结构等方面。在物种组成方面, 橡胶林群落中有5个世界广布的入侵杂草, 如假臭草(Praxelis clematidea)、飞机草(Eupatorium odoratum)、酢浆草(Oxalis corniculata)等, 入侵类杂草较高的优势度反映了群落处于演替的初级阶段; 在森林结构方面, 尽管橡胶林群落中有构树、倒吊笔(Wrightia pubescens)、大青等乔木, 但这些物种尚未进入林冠层, 高度仅2-3 m, 也反映出了群落处在演替的初级阶段。对数正态分布本身是随机过程的产物, 当每一个物种在取样中的个体数量随机决定而不依赖于其他物种时, 其物种-多度常表现为这种分布()。符合这种模型的群落大多属于环境条件较好、物种丰富而分布较均匀的群落, 如热带雨林或海湾森林群落及多数昆虫群落()。一些学者就物种-多度的对数正态分布是否可作为热带雨林中生境干扰程度的指标进行过激烈辩论(; ; ; )。橡胶林群落物种-多度分布近似于对数正态分布, 一方面表明橡胶林群落环境较好, 物种丰富且分布较为均匀, 另一方面也证明了符合对数正态模型的物种-多度的群落可作为生境干扰程度的指标。本研究的橡胶林群落人为干扰后建立的近自然林, 群落中的物种分布格局是尚未完全通过种间竞争而形成的格局, 有近似随机分布(已经偏离了随机分布)的格局。附录 Supplementary Material附Fig. S1 附 橡胶林固定样地地形图Fig. S1 Topographic map of a 1-ha rubber plantation plothttp://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/PDF/w.pdf附Fig. S2 附 海南橡胶林群落橡胶树径阶分布图Fig. S2
DBH histogram of rubber trees in a 1-ha rubber plantation in Hainan http://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/PDF/w.pdf附Table S1附(Table S1)
附 海南儋州橡胶林群落物种名录
Table S1 Species list of a 1-ha rubber plantation plot in Danzhou, H http://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/PDF/w.pdf序号N科名拉丁科名属名拉丁属名种名拉丁种名1爵床科Acanthaceae楠草属Dipteracanthus楠草Dipteracanthus repens (L.) Hassk.2石蒜科Amaryllidacea独脚仙茅属Curculigo光叶仙茅Curculigo glabrescens (Ridl.)Merr.3钩枝藤科Ancistrocladaceae钩枝藤属Ancistrocladus钩枝藤Ancistrocladus tectorius (Lour.) Merr.4番荔枝科Annonaceae暗罗属Polyalthia暗罗Polyalthia suberosa (Roxb.) Thw.5番荔枝科Annonaceae假鹰爪属Desmos假鹰爪Desmos chinensis Lour.6夹竹桃科Apocynaceae狗牙花属Ervatamia狗牙花Ervatamia divaricata (L.) Burk. cv. Gouyahua7夹竹桃科Apocynaceae倒吊笔属Wrightia倒吊笔Wrightia pubescens R. Br.8夹竹桃科Apocynaceae狗牙花属Ervatamia海南狗牙花Ervatamia hainanensis Tsiang9夹竹桃科Apocynaceae腰骨藤属Ichnocarpus腰骨藤Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W. T. Aiton10冬青科Aquifoliaceae冬青属Ilex伞花冬青Ilex godajam (Colebr. ex Wall.) Wall.11天南星科Araceae犁头尖属Typhonium犁头尖Typhonium divaricatum (L.) Decne.12天南星科Araceae海芋属Alocasia海芋Alocasia macrorrhiza (Linn.) Schott13五加科Araliaceae楤木属Aralia黄毛楤木Aralia decaisneana Hance14萝藦科Asclepiadaceae匙羹藤属Gymnema大叶匙羹藤Gymnema tingens Spreng.15菊科Asteraceae泽兰属Eupatorium飞机草Eupatorium odoratum L.16菊科Asteraceae三七草属Crassocephalum革命菜Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S. Moore17菊科Asteraceae泽兰属Praxelis假臭草Praxelis clematidea (Crisebach) King et Robinson18菊科Asteraceae金腰箭属Synedrella金腰箭Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn.19菊科Asteraceae白酒草属Conyza小飞蓬Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq.20菊科Asteraceae斑鸠菊属Vernonia夜香牛Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less.21菊科Asteraceae一点红属Emilia一点红Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC.22菊科Asteraceae菊芹属Erechtites菊芹Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. ex DC.23菊科Asteraceae鬼针草属Bidens鬼针草Bidens pilosa L.24菊科Asteraceae翅果菊属Pterocypsela翅果菊Pterocypsela indica(L.) Shih25菊科Asteraceae地胆草属Elephantopus白花地毯草Elephantopus tomentosus L.26蹄盖蕨科Athyriaceae蹄盖蕨属Athyrium蹄盖蕨Athyrium filix-femina(L.) Roth27紫葳科Bignoniaceae猫尾木属Dolichandrone猫尾木Dolichandrone cauda-felina (Hance) Benth. et Hook. f.28紫葳科Bignoniaceae木蝴蝶属Oroxylum木蝴蝶Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent.29乌毛蕨科Blechnaceae乌毛蕨属Blechnum乌毛蕨Blechnum orientale L.30紫草科Boraginaceae厚壳树属Ehretia毛萼厚壳树Ehretia laevis Roxb.31苏木科Caesalpiniaceae山扁豆属Cassia决明Cassia tora Linn.32山柑科Capparaceae山柑属Capparis小刺山柑Capparis micracantha DC.33山柑科Capparaceae山柑属Capparis锡朋槌果藤Capparis zeylanica L34山柑科Capparaceae白花菜属Cleome皱子白花菜Cleome rutidosperma DC.35卫矛科Celastraceae南蛇藤 属Celastrus南蛇藤Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb.36使君子科Combretaceae风车子属Combretum风车子树Combretum alfredii Hance.37鸭跖草科Commelinaceae水竹叶属Aneilema大叶水竹叶Aneilema scapiflorum Wight.38鸭跖草科Commelinaceae鸭跖草属Commelina饭包草Commelina bengalensis Linn.39鸭跖草科Commelinaceae鸭跖草属Commelina节节草Commelina diffusa Burm. f.40旋花科Convolvulaceae鳞蕊藤属Lepistemon鳞蕊藤Lepistemon binectariferum (Wall. ex Roxb.) O. Kuntze41旋花科Convolvulaceae银背藤属Argyreia硬毛白鹤藤Argyreia capitata(Vahl) Arn. ex Choisy42旋花科Convolvulaceae山猪菜属Merremia山猪菜Merremia umbellate (L.) Hallier f. subsp. orientalis (Hallier f.) Ooststr.43旋花科Convolvulaceae山猪菜属Merremia掌叶山猪菜Merremia vitifolia(Burm. f.) Hall. f.44莎草科Cyperaceae莎草属Cyperus多脉莎草Cyperus diffusus Vahl.45莎草科Cyperaceae水蜈蚣属Kyllinga单穗水蜈蚣Kyllinga monocephalaRottb.46莎草科Cyperaceae珍珠茅属Scleria珍珠茅Scleria hebecarpa Nees47莎草科Cyperaceae莎草属Cyperus绿穗莎草Cyperus fuscus L. f. pallescens Husnet48姬蕨科Dennstaedtiaceae鳞盖蕨属Micrelepia热带鳞盖蕨Micrelepia speluncae (L.) Moore49姬蕨科Dennstaedtiaceae鳞盖蕨属Microlepia华南鳞盖蕨Microlepia hancei Prantl50毒鼠子科Dichapetalaceae毒鼠子属Dichapetalum毒鼠子Dichapetalum gelonioides (Roxb.) Engl.51薯蓣科Dioscoreaceae薯蓣属Dioscorea山薯Dioscorea fordii Prain et Burkill52薯蓣科Dioscoreaceae薯蓣属Dioscorea白薯莨Dioscorea hispida Dennst.53大戟科Euphorbiaceae大戟属Euphorbia铺地草Euphorbia prostrataAit.54大戟科Euphorbiaceae黑面神属Breynia黑面神Breynia fruticosa (L.) Hook. f.55大戟科Euphorbiaceae叶下珠属Phyllanthus小果叶下珠Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir.56大戟科Euphorbiaceae银柴属Aporusa银柴Aporusa dioica (Roxb.) Muell. Arg.57大戟科Euphorbiaceae白树属Suregada白树Suregada glomerulata (Bl.) Baill.58大戟科Euphorbiaceae土蜜树属Bridelia大叶土蜜树Bridelia fordii Hemsl.59大戟科Euphorbiaceae山麻杆属Alchornea红背山麻杆Alchornea trewioides (Benth.) Muell. Arg.60大戟科Euphorbiaceae小盘木属Microdesmis小盘木Microdesmis caseariifolia Planch.61大戟科Euphorbiaceae山麻杆属Alchornea羽脉山麻杆Alchornea rugosa (Lour.) Muell. Arg.62大戟科Euphorbiaceae白饭树属Fluggea白饭树Fluggea virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.)Baill.63大戟科Euphorbiaceae野桐属Mallotus粗糠柴Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Muell.-Arg.64大戟科Euphorbiaceae算盘子属Glochidion毛果算盘子Glochidion eriocarpum Champ. ex Benth.65大戟科Euphorbiaceae叶下珠属Phyllanthus叶下珠Phyllanthus urinaria L.66大戟科Euphorbiaceae橡胶树属Hevea橡胶Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A. Juss.) Muell. Arg.67壳斗科Fagaceae锥属Castanopsis海南锥Castanopsis hainanensis Merr.68禾本科Gramineae芒属Miscanthus芒Miscanthus sinensis Anderss.69禾本科Gramineae弓果黍属Cyrtococcum散穗弓果黍Cyrtococcum patens (L.) A. Camus var. latifolium (Honda) Ohwi70藤黄科Guttiferae藤黄属Garcinia岭南山竹子Garcinia oblongifoliaChamp. ex Benth.71藤黄科Guttiferae藤黄属Garcinia山竹Garcinia mangostana L.72莲叶桐科Hernandiaceae青藤属Illigera红花青藤Illigera rhodantha Hance73金丝桃科Hypericaceae黄牛木属Cratoxylum黄牛木Cratoxylum cochinchinensis (Lour.) Bl.74茶茱萸科Icacinaceae微花藤属Iodes小果微花藤Iodes vitiginea (Hance) Hemsl.75樟科Lauraceae木姜子属Litsea假柿木姜子Litsea monopetala(Roxb.)Pers.76樟科Lauraceae木姜子属Litsea潺槁木姜子Litsea glutinosa(Lour.)C.B.Rob.77豆科Leguminosae崖豆藤属Millettia海南崖豆藤Millettia pachyloba Drake78豆科Leguminosae千斤拔属Flemingia大叶千斤拔Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Prain79豆科Leguminosae葛藤属Pueraria越南葛藤Pueraria montana(Lour.) Merr.)80百合科Liliaceae龙血树属Dracaena长花龙血树Dracaena angustifolia Roxb.81百合科Liliaceae菝葜属Smilax菝葜Smilax china L.82马钱科Loganiaceae马钱属Strychnos牛眼马钱Strychnos angustiflora Benth.83海金沙科Lygodiaceae海金沙属Lygodium海金沙Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw.84锦葵科Malvaceae黄花稔属Sida白背黄花稔Sida rhombifolia L.85锦葵科Malvaceae肖梵天花属Urena地桃花Urena lobata L.86锦葵科Malvaceae黄花稔属Sida桤叶黄花稔Sida alnifolia L.87锦葵科Malvaceae黄花稔属Sida长梗黄花稔Sida cordata (Burm. f.) Borss.88野牡丹科Melastomataceae野牡丹属Melastoma多花野牡丹Melastoma affine D. Don89楝科Meliaceae楝属Melia楝Melia azedarach L.90防己科Menispermaceae秤钩风属Diploclisia苍白秤钩风Diploclisia glaucescens Bl.91防己科Menispermaceae千金藤属Stephania粪箕笃Stephania longa Lour.92防己科Menispermaceae细圆藤属Pericampylus细圆藤Pericampylus glaucus (Lam.) Merr.93防已科Menispermaceae轮环藤属Cyclea毛叶轮环藤Cyclea barbata Miers94含羞草科Mimosaceae含羞草属Mimosa含羞草Mimosa pudica L.95含羞草科Mimosaceae猴耳环属Pithecellobium亮叶猴耳环Pithecellobium lucidumBenth.96含羞草科Mimosaceae银合欢属Leucaena银合欢Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit97桑科Moraceae波罗蜜属Artocarpus白桂木Artocarpus hypargyreus Hance98桑科Moraceae波罗蜜属Artocarpus菠萝蜜Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam99桑科Moraceae榕属Ficus粗叶榕Ficus hirta Vahl.100桑科Moraceae榕属Ficus对叶榕Ficus hispida Linn. f.101桑科Moraceae构属Broussonetia构树Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L'Her. ex Vent.102桑科Moraceae牛筋藤属Malaisia牛筋藤Malaisia scandens (Lour.) Planch.103桑科Moraceae榕属Ficus全缘琴叶榕Ficus pandurata Hance var. holophylla Migo104桑科Moraceae鹊肾树属Streblus鹊肾树Streblus asper Lour.105桑科Moraceae榕属Ficus黄毛榕Ficus esquirolianaLé vl.106桑科Moraceae鹊肾树属Streblus叶被木Streblus taxoides (Heyne) Kurz107桑科Moraceae桑属Morus桑Morus alba L.108紫金牛科Myrsinaceae酸藤子属Embelia酸藤子Embelia laeta (Linn.) Mez.109紫金牛科Myrsinaceae杜茎山属Maesa鲫鱼胆Maesa perlarius (Lour.) Merr.110桃金娘科Myrtaceae玫瑰木属Syzygium海南蒲桃Syzygium hainanense Chang et Miau111酢酱草科Oxalidaceae酢酱草属Oxalis酢酱草Oxalis corniculata Linn.112棕榈科Palmae轴榈属Licuala穗花轴榈Licuala fordiana Becc.113露兜树科Pandanaceae露兜树属Pandanus露兜草Pandanus austrosinensis TL Wu.114蝶形花科Papilionaceae葫芦茶属Tadehagi葫芦茶Tadehagi triquetrum (L.) Ohashi115蝶形花科Papilionaceae山绿豆属Desmodium假地豆Desmodium heterocarpon (L.) DC.116蝶形花科Papilionaceae相思子属Abrus毛相思子Abrus mollis Hance117蝶形花科Papilionaceae山绿豆属Desmodium显脉山绿豆Desmodium reticulatum Champ. ex Benth.118西番莲科Passifloraceae西番莲属Passiflora龙珠果Passiflora foetida L.119胡椒科Pipraceae胡椒属Piper假蒟Piper sarmentosum Roxb.120海桐花科Pittosporaceae海桐花属Pittosporum台琼海桐Pittosporum pentandrum (Blanco) Merr. var. hainanense (Gagnep.) Li121禾本科Poaceae甘蔗属Saccharum斑茅Saccharum arundinaceum Retz.122禾本科Poaceae地毯草属Axonopus地毯草Axonopus compressus (Sw.) Beauv.123禾本科Poaceae黍属Panicum短叶黍Panicum brevifolium L.124禾本科Poaceae钝叶草属Stenotaphrum钝叶草Stenotaphrum helferi Munro ex Hook. f.125禾本科Poaceae莠竹属Microstegium蔓生莠竹Microstegium vagans (Nees) A.Camus126禾本科Poaceae黍属Panicum铺地黍Panicum repens L.127禾本科Poaceae酸模芒属Centotheca酸模芒Centotheca lappacea (L.) Desv.128禾本科Poaceae狗尾草属Setaria棕叶狗尾草Setaria palmifolia (Koen.) Stapf129禾本科Poaceae箬竹属Garcini广东箬竹Indocalamus guangdongensis H. R. Zhao et Y. L. Yang130蓼科Polygonaceae蓼属Polygunum火炭母Polygunum chinense L.131蓼科Polygonaceae吊兰属Muehlewbeckia千叶兰Muehlewbeckia complera L.132凤尾蕨科Pteridaceae凤尾蕨属Pteris井边茜Pteris ensiformis Burm.133凤尾蕨科Pteridaceae凤尾蕨属Pteris半边旗Pteris semipinnata L.134蔷薇科Rosaceae悬钩子属Rubus越南悬钩子Rubus cochinchinensis Tratt.135茜草科Rubiaceae鸡矢藤属Paederia毛叶鸡屎藤Paederia cavaleriei Levl.136茜草科Rubiaceae耳草属Hedyotis耳草Hedyotis auricularia L.137茜草科Rubiaceae龙船花属Ixora海南龙船花Ixora hainanensis Merr.138茜草科Rubiaceae九节属Psychotria黄脉九节Psychotria straminea Hutch.139茜草科Rubiaceae丰花草属Borreria二萼丰花草Borreria repens DC. Prodr.140茜草科Rubiaceae丰花草属Borreria丰花草Borreria stricta (Linn. f.) G. Mey.141茜草科Rubiaceae玉叶金花属Mussaenda海南玉叶金花Mussaenda hainanensis Merr.142茜草科Rubiaceae鸡屎藤属Paederia鸡屎藤Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr.143茜草科Rubiaceae巴戟天属Morindaparvifolia鸡眼藤Morinda parvifoliaBartl. et DC.144茜草科Rubiaceae九节属Psychotria九节Psychotria rubra (Lour.) Poir.145茜草科Rubiaceae丰花草属Spermacoce阔叶丰花草Borreria latifolia(Aubl.) K. Schum146茜草科Rubiaceae山黄皮属Catunaregam山石榴Catunaregam spinosa(Thunb.) Tirveng.147茜草科Rubiaceae鱼骨木属Canthium猪肚木Canthium horridum Bl. Bijdr.148茜草科Rubiaceae龙船花属Ixora龙船花Ixora chinensis Lam.149茜草科Rubiaceae巴戟天属Morinda羊角藤Morinda umbellata L. subsp. obovata Y. Z. Ruan150芸香科Rutaceae黄皮属Clausena假黄皮Clausena excavata Burm. F.151芸香科Rutaceae花椒属Zanthoxylum两面针Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC.152无患子科Sapindaceae荔枝属Litchi荔枝Litchi chinensis Sonn.153无患子科Sapindaceae滨木患属Arytera滨木患Arytera littoralis Bl.154无患子科Sapindaceae赤才属Erioglossum赤才Erioglossum rubiginosum(Roxb.) Bl.155无患子科Sapindaceae龙眼属Dimocarpus龙眼Dimocarpus longan Lour.156无患子科Sapindaceae异木患属Allophylus异木患Allophylus viridisRadlk.157无患子科Sapindaceae无患子属Sapindus无患子Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn.158梧桐科Scrophulariaceae翅子树属Pterospermum翅子树Pterospermum acerifolium Willd.159梧桐科Scrophulariaceae翅子树属Pterospermum翻白叶树Pterospermum heterophyllumHance160梧桐科Scrophulariaceae苹婆属Sterculia假苹婆Sterculia laceolataCav.161玄参科Scrophulariaceae蝴蝶草属Torenia毛叶蝴蝶草Torenia benthamianaHance162卷柏科Selaginellaceae卷柏属Selaginella异穗卷柏Selaginella effusa Alston163苦木科simaroubaceae鸦胆子属Brucea鸦胆子Brucea javanica (L.) Merr.164茄科Solanaceae茄属Solanum海南茄Solanum procumbensLoureiro.165茄科Solanaceae茄属Solanum少花龙葵Solanum photeinocarpum Nakamura et S. Odashima166叉蕨科Tectarioidaceae三叉蕨属Tectaria三叉蕨Tectaria subtriphylla (Hook. et Arn.) Copel.167叉蕨科Tectarioidaceae沙皮蕨属Hemigramma沙皮蕨Hemigramma decurrens (Hook.) Cop.168金星蕨科Thelypteridaceae毛蕨属Cyclosorus华南毛蕨Cyclosorus parasiticus (L.) Farwell.169椴树科Tiliaceae破布叶属Microcos破布叶Microcos paniculataL.170椴树科Tiliaceae扁担杆属Grewia细叶扁担杆Grewia piscatorumHance171榆科Ulmaceae朴属Celtis假玉桂Celtis timorensis Span.172马鞭草科Verbenaceae赪桐属Clerodendrum赪桐Clerodendrum japonicum (Thunb.) Sweet.173马鞭草科Verbenaceae赪桐属Clerodendrum大青Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum Turcz.174马鞭草科Verbenaceae腐婢属Premna豆腐柴Premna microphyllaTurcz.175马鞭草科Verbenaceae紫珠属Callicarpa尖尾枫Callicarpa longissima (Hemsl.) Merr.176马鞭草科Verbenaceae牡荆属Vitex山牡荆Vitex quinata(Lour.) Will.177马鞭草科Verbenaceae e楔翅藤属Sphenodesm多花楔翅藤Sphenodesme floribundaChun et How178葡萄科Vitaceae乌蔹莓属Cayratia乌敛莓Cayratia japonica(Thunb.) Gagnep.179葡萄科Vitaceae崖爬藤属Tetrastigma三叶崖爬藤Tetrastigma hemsleyanumDiels et Gilg180姜科Zingiberaceae闭鞘姜属Costus闭鞘姜Costus speciosus(Koen.) Smith181姜科Zingiberaceae山姜属Alpinia草豆蔻Alpinia katsumadaiHayata182姜科Zingiberaceae闭鞘姜属Costus光叶闭鞘姜Costus tonkinensisGagnep.183姜科Zingiberaceae姜属Zingiber红球姜Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Smith
附 海南儋州橡胶林群落物种名录
Table S1 Species list of a 1-ha rubber plantation plot in Danzhou, H http://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/PDF/w.pdf附表2Table S2附表2(Table S2)
附表2 海南儋州橡胶林群落种-面积曲线模型拟合
Table S2 Fitness of different models on species-area relationship for a 1-ha rubber plantation plot in Danzhou, Hainan, http://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/PDF/w.pdf模型 Model参数 ParameterR2bcz幂函数模型 Power Model-10.60.320.887逻辑斯蒂模型 Logistic Model1.120.0050.740.974
附表2 海南儋州橡胶林群落种-面积曲线模型拟合
Table S2 Fitness of different models on species-area relationship for a 1-ha rubber plantation plot in Danzhou, Hainan, http://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/PDF/w.pdf()
Chi-square test of species abundance distributions for a 1-ha rubber plantation plot in Danzhou, H http://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/PDF/w.pdf模型Model卡方值Chi-square自由度d. f.P对数正态 Log normal34.113< 0.001对数级数 Log serial80.913< 0.001
Chi-square test of species abundance distributions for a 1-ha rubber plantation plot in Danzhou, H http://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/PDF/w.pdf()
Comparisons of species richness between rubber plantation and other tropical rain forests in H http://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/PDF/w.pdf森林类型Forest types海拔Elevation降雨量Precipitation (mm)样地面积Area(ha)研究对象Objective种数/属数/科数No. of species/genera/ family参考文献 Reference橡胶林(近自然)70-1001, 8151.0全部植物183/155/69本研究 This study热带山地雨林(尖峰岭)7902, 6511.0DBH&#x02265; 5 cm171/93/52热带雨林(文昌)70-852, 0000.9H&#x0003E; 1.5 m树木和草本155/132/64热带山地雨林(吊罗山)6002, 5660.5&#X000D7; 2(不连续取样)DBH&#x0 cm190/95/44
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Zhai DL, Cannon CH, Slik JWF, Zhang CP, Dai ZC (2012)
Rubber and
pulp plantations represent a double threat to Hainan&#x02019;s natural tropical forests.
[JCR: 3.057]
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&#x0201c;Near-natural forest&#x0201d;: a promising man- made natural forest. Journal of Northwest Forestry College(西北林学院学报), 11(S1), 157-162. (in Chinese with English abstract)
Zhao ZM (赵志模), Guo YQ (郭依泉) (1990) Principles and
Methods of Community Ecology (群落生态学原理与方法). Chongqing Branch of Science and
Technology Literature Press, Chongqing. (in Chinese)
Zhou HP (周会平), Yan XS (岩香甩), Zhang HD (张海东), Zhang LQ (张丽谦), Wei LP (魏丽萍) (2012)
Species diversity of understorey vegetation in rubber plantations in Xishuangbanna. Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops(热带作物学报), 33, 1444-1449. (in Chinese with English abstract)
[CJCR: 0.562]
Ziegler AD, Fox J, Xu J (2009)
The rubber juggernaut.
An F (安锋), Chen QB (陈秋波), Xie GS (谢贵水), Lin WF (林位夫), Zeng XH (曾宪海) (2010)
Hydrological and
ecological effects of rubber plantations.
Based on the fundamental principle of no effect on the present agricultural structure of planting grain crops for food security and cash crops when developing bio-energy industry in China, the authors calculated the ethanol potential yield from sugar beet by using marginal land in North, Northeast and Northwest China, and the ways to increase energy beet adverse resistance and fermentable sugars was also analyzed. The paper summarized the progress of research and development on alcohol fermentation of sugar beet, which including methods of pretreatment for raw material, breeding of efficient yeasts, optimizing of fermentation condition and multipurpose utilization of industrial waste of alcohol fermentation. Sugar beet is regarded as a energy crop having strong and comprehensive ability of coping with salt and alkaline,which has important values for alcohol production. This article indicated the main factors for industrialization of alcohol fermentation of sugar beet are raw material stable supplying, efficient yeasts breeding, and by-product processing based on eco-environmental protection.
1Institute of Energy Conversion, Jilin Academy of Agriculture Science, Changchun
Station for Agricultural Experimental Research in Taonan Jilin Province, Taonan Jilin 137100
... 近年来, 由于天然橡胶价格的不断提升和国内需求的不断增加, 胶农种植橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)的积极性很高, 致使各地毁林种胶的事件屡有发生, 引起了社会各界的广泛关注(安锋等, 2011) ...
... Az, 逻辑斯蒂模型(Arrhenius, 1921), S = b/(c+A-z) (Archibald, 1949) ...
... Fisher等(1943)发现, 对数模型适合模拟小尺度上种-面积关系, 幂函数模型适合中等尺度, 逻辑斯蒂模型适合较大的研究尺度(Archibald,1949 ...
... Az, 逻辑斯蒂模型(Arrhenius, 1921), S = b/(c+A-z) (Archibald, 1949) ...
... 一些学者就物种-多度的对数正态分布是否可作为热带雨林中生境干扰程度的指标进行过激烈辩论(Basset et al ...
... 随机模型多度(Coleman, 1981): ...
... 随机模型丰富度(Coleman, 1981): ...
... 1 样地建设方法样地布设方法参照巴拿马Barro Colorado Island 50 ha样地的技术规范(Condit, 1995, 1998) ...
... 1 样地建设方法样地布设方法参照巴拿马Barro Colorado Island 50 ha样地的技术规范(Condit, 1995, 1998) ...
... 一般认为群落调查的取样面积至少应该大于群落的最小面积(董鸣, 1996) ...
Du Q (杜强), Zhang YT (张永涛) (2010)
A review of close-to-nature forestry management technology in China.
This paper presents a review on the concept,definition and features of close-to-nature forestry,and expounds each link of the close-to-nature forestry management technology system based on the field investigation,data treatment,drawing biotope graph,division of forest successional stage,nature closeness evaluation,target tree single plant tending management,design of forest development type,forest dynamic monitoring and evaluation.The practice situations and achievements of the close-to-nature forestry management technology in each regions of China are described detailedly.Finally,according to the actual conditions of china,some suggestions on the development of the close-to-nature forestry in China are put forward.
Soil and Water Conservation Department of Shandong Agricultural University,Shandong Provincial Key Lab.of Soil Erosion and Ecological Restoration,271018,Tai'an,Shandong,China
... 我国近年来在近自然林业抚育技术和评价技术等方面开展了大量研究和实践(杜强和张永涛, 2010), 如果能将近自然林的理论应用在天然橡胶产业中, 不仅可以实现橡胶林生物多样性的恢复, 也可以实现天然橡胶产业的可持续发展 ...
Fang JY (方精云), Li YD (李意德), Zhu B (朱彪), Liu GH (刘国华), Zhou GY (周光益) (2004)
Community structures and
species richness in the montane rain forest of Jianfengling, Hainan Island , China.
Mt. Jianfengling, located in southwestern Hainan Island, is one of few areas in China where there exist well?protected primary forest types resembling tropical rainforest. An 1 hm2 of permanent plot was established in a mountain rainforest and all trees with DBH&5.0 cm were measured to study community structures and species richness of the forest type. A total of 171 species belonging to 93 genera and 52 families were identified, and a total of 1099 individuals were recorded, of which 1024 were trees. Diversity indices measured as Shannon?Wiener index (H&), evenness index (E) and Simpson index (D) were 4.11, 0.80 and 0.97 respectively. These indicies varied with sample size and initial DBH of measured individuals. H& , E and D clearly increased with increasing sample size, but exhibited no obvious pattern above 4000 m2 for H& or 2000 m2 for E and D .? As the initial DBH increased, numbers of species and families, as well as H& and D decreased sharply, while E increased. DBH class frequency distribution revealed that number of individuals decreased with increasing DBH classes following an exponential function, and that community structure could be separated into four strata along an elevation gradient, with individuals distributed uniformly or randomly in each layer. The orientation of mountain rainforest of Jianfengling in the world rainforests is discussed from three aspects of climatology, family and genus composition, and comparison of species richness between rainforests of Jianfengling and other tropical regions. Climatological analysis indicated that the mountain rainforest of Jianfengling thermally corresponds to subtropical/warm?temperate zones and to arid/humid ranges of perhumid climate (rainforest climate). Floristically, subtropical/warm-temperate elements dominated, especially Fagaceae and Lauraceae (together accounting for more than 34% of the total importance value), while tropical elements were subordinate. Compared with the world tropical forests, species richness in the mountain rainforest in Jianfengling was lower than typical tropical rainforests but somewhat higher than tropical forests with low rainfall. Thus, the mountain rainforest of Jianfengling is much different with typical tropical rainforest and is a transitional forest type from tropical to subtropical/warm?temperate rainforests. In addition, two measures of species richness, mean population density (MPD) and number of species?number of individuals relationship, are proposed and mathematically defined.
1 Department of Ecology,College of Environmental Sicences,Center for Ecological Research & Education,and Key Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes of the Ministry of Education,Peking University,Beijing
Research institute of Tropical Froestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou
Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100085
位于海南岛西南部的尖峰岭是目前我国为数不多、保存得较为完好的具有热带雨林性质的森林类型。在较典型的山地雨林中,设置1 hm2的固定样地,记录到DBH&5.0 cm的乔木171种,隶属于52科93属,总株数1099株,其中乔木种株数为1024。样地的Shannon-Wiener指数(H&)、均匀度指数(E)和Simpson指数(D)分别为4.11、0.80和0.97,但取样面积和测定个体的起始大小等取样技术对物种多样性指数有显著的影响。随着取样面积的增加, H& 值逐渐增加;但超过了4000 m2以后,增加不明显。? E 和 D 值在取样面积达到2000 m2后,基本保持不变。随着测定个体起始直径的增加,物种数、科数、 H& 和 D 都呈现出明显的减少趋势,而 E 值增加。径级频度分布的分析表明,该山地雨林的垂直结构可以划分成4个层次,每个层次的个体大小在空间上呈均匀或随机分布。从气候学、科属组成以及与世界热带雨林物种多样性的比较等方面,讨论了尖峰岭山地雨林在世界雨林中的地位。气候学分析表明,尖峰岭山地雨林在温度带上属于亚热带/暖温带范围,但由于其丰沛的降水量,使物种多样性较为丰富,具备了雨林的特点。对科属组成的分析表明,亚热带/暖温带科属占优势,其中典型的亚热带/暖温带科&&壳斗科和樟科占总重要值的34%以上,而热带科属成份较少。与世界其他地区的典型热带林相比较,尖峰岭山地雨林的物种丰富度显著偏低,但高于某些降水量少的地区的热带林。因此,我们认为尖峰岭山地雨林雨典型热带雨林有较大差别,具有由热带雨林向亚热带/暖温带雨林过渡的性质。此外,文本提出了平均种群密度(MPD)和种数-个体数关系这两种反映物种多样性测度的指标和表达式,并利用样地资料进行了分析。
... 海南岛尖峰岭山地雨林1 ha样地内有直径大于5 cm的树种171种, 隶属52科93属(方精云等, 2004) ...
... xn/n , n = 1, 2, 3,…(Fisher et al ...
... 多样性指数(Fisher et al ...
... Fisher等(1943)发现, 对数模型适合模拟小尺度上种-面积关系, 幂函数模型适合中等尺度, 逻辑斯蒂模型适合较大的研究尺度(Archibald,1949 ...
... Ln(A) + C(Gleason,1922), 幂函数模型S = c&amp ...
... He &#x00026;...
... He和Legendre(1996)的研究也指出: 大尺度上逻辑斯蒂模型能较合理地描述该区域的种-面积关系, 只要取样面积足够大, 能涵盖该区域的所有物种, 逻辑斯蒂模型就优于其他模型 ...
... 这一结果在一定程度上验证了He和Legendre (1996)的结论, 另一方面也表明1 ha的取样面积能够满足橡胶林群落的物种多样性研究 ...
... Hill &#x00026;...
... 该品种1995年被评为大推品种(黄华孙, 2005), 种植面积达目前海南民营新建胶园的约90% ...
... 姜俊等, 2012) ...
Li HM, Aide TM, Ma YX, Liu WJ, Cao M (2007)
for rubber is causing the loss of high diversity rain forest in SW China.
As the economies of developing countries grow, and the purchasing power of their inhabitants increases, the pressure on the environment and natural resources will continue to increase. In the specific case of China, impressive economic growth during the last decades exemplifies this process. Specifically, we focus on how changing economic dynamics are influencing land-use and land-cover change in Xishuangbanna, China. Xishuangbanna has the richest flora and fauna of China, but increasing demand for natural rubber and the expansion of rubber plantations is threatening this high-diversity region. We quantified land-use/land-cover change across Xishuangbanna using Landsat images from , and 2003. The most obvious change was the decrease in forest cover and an increase in rubber plantations. In 1976, forests covered approximately 70% of Xishuangbanna, but by 2003 they covered less than 50%. Tropical seasonal rain forest was the forest type most affect by the expansion of rubber plantations, and a total of 139,576&ha was lost. The increase of rubber plantations below 800&m, shifted agricultural activities to higher elevations, which resulted in deforestation of mountain rain forest and subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest. Although these changes have affected the biodiversity and ecosystem services, we believe that long-term planning and monitoring can achieve a balance between economic and social needs of a growing population and the conservation of a highly diverse flora and fauna. Below 800&m , we recommend that no more rubber plantations be established, existing forest fragments should be protected, and riparian forests should be restored to connect fragments. Future rubber plantations should be established in the abandoned arable or shrublands at higher elevations, and tea or other crops should be planted in the understory to improve economic returns and reduce erosion.
1.Chinese Academy of Sciences Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden 88 Xuefu Road Kunming 650223 PR China 2.University of Puerto Rico Department of Biology 23360 San Juan PR
USA 3.Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Applied Ecology 72 Wenhua Road Shenyang 110016 PR China 4.Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 19B Yuquan Road Beijing 100039 PR China
... 一些学者从根本上否定发展天然橡胶林的积极作用, 认为种植橡胶使得原始林面积锐减(Ziegler, 2009), 是造成水土流失、生物多样性减少(Li et al ...
... 国内对橡胶林群落物种多样性已经开展了一些研究(Liu et al ...
... 不同学者用不同的方法表示物种多度分布, 其中最为有名且最有效的方法之一为等级/多度图(Magurran, 2004) ...
... Nummelin, 1998 ...
... 本文采用对数正态模型和对数级数模型拟合了海南橡胶林样地内的种-多度分布, 多度等级按照Preston(1948)关于多度的划分 ...
... 拟合物种-多度分布的方法通常是先根据Preston(1948)的多度等级划分等级, 多度等级为n包含的个体数量从2n到(2n+1-1), 其中n=0, 1, 2, 3, … ...
... 目前, 欧盟各国普遍采用了近自然林业经营的方法(许新桥, 2006), 而且大多数实践取得了成功(Sch&#x000 ...
... 对数正态分布本身是随机过程的产物, 当每一个物种在取样中的个体数量随机决定而不依赖于其他物种时, 其物种-多度常表现为这种分布(尚玉昌和蔡晓明, 1992) ...
Shao QH (邵青还) (2003)
An elucidation to nature- approximating forestry and
forestry target.
In this paper, the theory of nature-approximating forestry is elucidated. The possibility, objectives and modes of China's learning advanced experiences in running forestry are analyzed. The goal of "reconst ructing healthy forestry" is put forward, and the suggestion on replacing "forests with rapidly-growing species" by "forests with pioneer species" is emphasized so as to bring the running of Chinese forestry into an ecological one.
... 其理论基础为近自然林业理论(Close to Natural Forest Theory), 该理论起源于德国, 强调人类应尽可能地按照森林的自然规律来从事林业生产活动(邵青还, 2003) ...
... , 2012)及区域干旱(Tan et al ...
... 王纪坤等, 2012 ...
... 为亲本选育出来的速生早熟高产抗风品种, 其抗病(白粉病)能力较强(王少明等, 2009) ...
... Watt, 1998) ...
... 首先绘制种-多度的直方图, 其次采用对数正态模型和对数级数模型对橡胶林群落的种-多度分布进行拟合, 再用卡方判别每个多度等级的观测物种数和理论物种数的差别(Williamson &#x00026;...
... 2 1 ha的取样面积对于研究橡胶林群落的物种多样性已经足够取样面积不同, 得出的结论往往也有所不同, 即所谓的尺度效应(邬建国, 1995) ...
... (吴瑶等, 2014) ...
... 向仰州等, 2012 ...
... 萧自位等, 2014), 但由于研究目的不同, 这些研究均没有调查橡胶林植物多度或盖度及每个物种在样地中的分布 ...
... 目前, 欧盟各国普遍采用了近自然林业经营的方法(许新桥, 2006), 而且大多数实践取得了成功(Sch&#x000 ...
Yang XB (杨小波), Wu QS (吴庆书), Li YL (李跃烈), Wu XY (吴小毅), Chi QH (池清湖), Wang SN (王生年) (2005)
Characteristic of tropical forest composition in north of 1)Hainan Island .
The Vatica mangachapoi forest is discovered first time during investigating of plant resource in rural of Hainan?s northeast area. It is important for studying the historical characteristic of distribution of forest and restoration of degraded ecosystem in this area. We think that this forest belongs to the tropical rain forest that remain lucky in this area based on comparing studies on plant composition, flora and plant community construction among this forest and other tropical rain forests in Hainan Island, but this forest has some difference from typical tropical rain forest because it has strong secondary characteristic and obvious dominant species.
Agriculture College of Hainan University Haikou 570228
... 9 ha的样地内含有物种155种, 隶属132属64科(杨小波等, 2005) ...
... Zhai et al ...
... 具有天然林的稳定特征, 能持续发挥多种效益, 是人工林与天然林的有机结合(张硕新等, 1996) ...
... 符合这种模型的群落大多属于环境条件较好、物种丰富而分布较均匀的群落, 如热带雨林或海湾森林群落及多数昆虫群落(赵志模和郭依泉, 1990) ...
... 周会平等, 2012 ...
... 一些学者从根本上否定发展天然橡胶林的积极作用, 认为种植橡胶使得原始林面积锐减(Ziegler, 2009), 是造成水土流失、生物多样性减少(Li et al ...
[兰国玉1,2,&#x0002A;, 吴志祥1,2, 谢贵水1,2]}


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