today was nutthere was是什么意思思

翻译:寒灯 转载请注明出处本贴论坛地址:/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=97326&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dauthor%26orderby%3Ddateline&page=1原创翻译:龙腾网&&翻译:寒灯 转载请注明出处本贴论坛地址:I feel like I've had the most obese day ever!- A medium toffee nut latte and chocolate brownie from Starbucks- A jacket potato with cheese and beans- A chupa chupAnd now about to eat two sausages stuffed in a burger bun lol as there's nothing else in my cupboard.. writing it down it doesn't seem like much but I feel I have stuffed my face all day.What have you eaten?今天估计是我卡路里摄入最多的一天了!我刚才吃了——一份星巴克的太妃榛果巧克力拿铁,配巧克力布朗尼蛋糕一份奶酪豆子烤土豆还有一根珍宝珠棒棒糖现在我拿面包坯子夹了最后两根香肠,存货已经给我扫荡干净了…写出来感觉也不多,但我真觉得今天吃得好饱……原创翻译:龙腾网&&翻译:寒灯 转载请注明出处本贴论坛地址:Breakfast - 2x crumpets + glass of cokeLunch - 2x mc chicken sandwich meals which included(2 burgers, 2 chips, fanta & sprite (from mc donalds) (hadn't eaten for 5 hours)Dinner -omlette sandwich + orange juiceRandom snacks thoughout the day: a mini roll, chocolate orange, kinder chocolate thing我早饭吃了两个烤面饼,一杯可乐午饭吃了整整两份M记的麦香鸡三明治套餐,包涵两个汉堡,两份炸薯条,M记的芬达和雪碧。吃完了这个我整整5个小时都再没吃东西。晚饭吃了个蛋卷,还喝了橙汁除了正餐,今天还吃了点零食,包括一个小甜甜圈,一个巧克力橙子,还有健怡巧克力啥的。Breakfast/lunch Some cherries, two oranges and a small ham and cheese crepe.&Dinner - Some green beans, lots of spinach and a little bit of fish pie. I didn't snack throughout the day as I haven't really been that hungry or busy during the festive season.我早饭午饭合一起了,吃了一堆樱桃,俩橘子,还有一个小小的火腿奶酪可丽饼。(译注:就是小麦煎饼)Bowl of frosted flakesa couple of chocolate covered fingersdry roasted peanutsfufu2 bananasmore dry roasted peanutsI'm a snack person我吃了一碗冰麦片,两根巧克力棒还有烤干的花生米以及木薯泥,两根香蕉然后我又吃了好多花生米…你看,我真是个嘴馋的人啊。Not much today I had a load of pizza last night and haven't had much of an appetite today. So far I've had:Bowl of bran flakes with whole milkBananaMarmite sandwich&Some parma hamHome cooked fish and chip shop chipsA couple of glasses of smoothie昨晚上吃的披萨还没消化,搞得今儿没啥食欲,吃的不多:一杯全脂牛奶拌麦片香蕉酵母酱抹得三明治意大利帕尔玛火腿还有两倍鲜果奶昔rice and chicken for lunch and dinner&a pack of mini cheddars&a glass of pepsiwill probably snack on something later on..中午和晚饭吃了米饭配鸡肉还吃了一盒切达奶酪一杯百事可乐过会儿再找点零食吃~Breakfast - Porridge with a kiwi, blueberries, strawberries and some banana.Lunch - Salad with feta cheese and olives, as well as cous-cous, houmous and a pitta bread.Dinner - Some soya chicken nuggets, more cous-cous, green beans, sweetcorn and a bit of spinach.Snacks - 2 dates, couple of handfuls of raisins, a tangerine and a yoghurt早饭就着蓝莓、草莓、香蕉和猕猴桃吃了一碗麦片中午吃了羊乳酪橄榄拌沙拉,还有一个豆沙馅粗麦面包晚饭又吃了粗麦面包,还有大豆烧鸡块,青豆、甜玉米和菠菜其余还吃了两个枣,一大捧葡萄干,一个橘子,还有一杯酸奶I had a sausage roll at work at like 10am, then went for a toby carvery with the family this eve&&So pretty much ate my entire body weight in roast dinner, now working my way through a box of chocolates left over from Christmas&Back on Slimming World January 1st honest,&我早上十点上班的时候吃了个香肠卷,然后和家人一起去Toby Carvery吃饭来着(英国著名的传统连锁餐厅),吼吼吼吼我感觉在晚饭上我吃的都快赶上我的体重了,而且我现在还在啃圣诞节剩下的巧克力...那...既然这样,我决定了!到了一月一号再开始减肥吧!i ate seventeen oranges..&my hands smell orangey&我今天吃了17个橘子现在手闻起来都有一股橘子香~~Bowl of cereal and a cup of tea.A banana.&Toast at lunch and an apple.Home made fish and chips.Rice pudding.A mixed grill at the pub.Plus some raisins/ mixed fruit as a snack and countless glasses of fruit juice.一碗麦片,一杯茶一根香蕉午饭吃了土司面包和一个苹果家里自制的炸鱼薯条还有大米布丁,什锦烤杂排外加葡萄干和水果,至于果汁记不起喝多少杯了。Today has been a bad day :/Breakfast - 2 crumpets with butter and marmiteMidmorning - a crunchie - I still have christmas chocolate yet, and no will power!Lunch - carrot soup, 2 slices of bread, a banana, pretzels, a piece of chocolate orangeAfternoon - went to a party, so had lots of canapés, cake etc (plus rather too much wine!)Dinner - Beef stew with tiger bread, 3 pieces of chocolate orange, a yoghurtOh dear, it looks even worse when I write it down!今天吃得郁闷啊!早饭吃了两个烤面饼,抹的是黄油和酵母酱后来我又吃了一条Crunchie(译注:牛奶巧克力裹蜂蜜蜂巢脆夹心,如图),还很没自制力的吃了圣诞节的巧克力!&(图片搜索自网络,来自T3RRY的新浪博客)午饭是胡萝卜汤+两片面包,一根香蕉,还有一些椒盐饼干,一块巧克力橙子下午去了个party,结果吃了一肚子的法式夹心小面包(译注:Canapé,加有肉、鱼、干酪等的小块面包或薄饼,常用作佐酒的开胃食品)和蛋糕!!!还喝了不少酒!!!晚饭是红烩牛肉配虎皮面包(如图),三块巧克力橙子,一杯酸奶妈啊,写下来一看感觉更糟了啊啊啊啊!!!(图片来自维基百科)Breakfast - 5 punnets of grapesLunch - Apple slices with almond butter and 6 cabbagesDinner - Spinach with goats cheese&Snack - big bowl of walnuts早饭吃了大概5小盒的葡萄午饭是苹果片和圆白菜拌杏仁酱做的沙拉晚饭是菠菜配山羊乳酪还吃了一大碗核桃当零食Breakfast: buttered teacake, coffeeDinner: a ferrero rocher, mince pie and a bacon sandwichTea: two pieces of KFC chicken, chips, fanta and an Oreo KrushemSnacks: quality street, ferrero rocherMight make a chicken and sweetcorn sandwich soon,&FAT DAY.早饭:奶油土司,咖啡晚饭:费列罗巧克力、咸肉三明治、肉馅饼下午茶:吃了两块肯德基的鸡块,还有薯条、芬达汽水和一杯奥利奥味儿Krushem(译注,只在英国销售的一种饮品,原理大概类似于“奥利奥麦旋风…”)零食:花街巧克力、费列罗巧克力过会儿我可能还要再吃个玉米鸡肉三明治今天摄入的热量好多……Chicken wrapVegetable soup with 2 slices of breadSlice of rhubarb tart (nom!)鸡肉卷两片面包就蔬菜汤一块果馅饼-Duck wrap-Ham wrap-Rice and sweet chilli chicken&-Chilli Prawns-12 Dim Sums鸭肉卷火腿卷米饭,配甜辣鸡肉辣味对虾还有12个中式点心Breakfast - Rice KrispiesLunch - Roti with a bit of saag and chicken curryDinner - Mash with mushy peas and the yummiest veggie pie ever madeMy tummy is satisfied&早饭:卜卜米脆米花(如图)午饭吃的烤肉,还吃了点菠菜咖喱鸡(译注:Saag这里指的不是切好的菠菜,而是菠菜茸,也就是说咖喱鸡其实也有绿色的糊状物…)晚饭吃的麦芽浆和豌豆糊,还有我这辈子吃过的最好吃的素菜馅饼~今天吃得好满足~~(图片来自百度百科)(回楼上)Haha rep for the roti and saag! I love saag!&OP: Ive had a bowl of cornflakes for brekkie! 2 toasts, handful of grapes and a bannana for lunch, then 1 pitta bread with curry for dinner! Wow I've had a lot, I'm trying to ease my self into a diet!&哎!?烤肉和菠菜茸?我也超喜欢吃菠菜茸的!对了,我今天早饭自己做了一碗玉米片!午饭吃了两片吐司面包,一把葡萄和一根香蕉。晚饭就着咖喱吃了一块皮塔饼(译注:大概就是汉堡坯子)哇哦,我今天吃的好多,节食啥的直接破功了……Corn flakesHam, egg and chipsRisottoAnd between meals 2 bowls of porridge. I also keep returning to the fridge for ham, cheese, smoked salmon, whatever else I can steal&玉米片火腿、鸡蛋、薯条意大利烩饭吃正餐前吃了两碗麦片粥,还偷吃了好几次冰箱里的奶酪、火腿、熏鲑鱼……能看到的都填到肚子里啦。I had a fry at about 3 which consisted of 2 sausages, fried egg, potato bread and soda bread.Before that, I had a mini roll and when I got home from work (about an hour ago) I had a teacake and a pot of strawberry and kiwi flavoured jelly.两根香肠一个鸡蛋都是炸了吃的,还有西红柿面包和苏打面包刚下班的时候在路上吃了个甜甜圈,还有一小块茶点和一块草莓猕猴桃果冻。Plane food on the way back from California, yum刚从加利福利亚回来,在飞机上凑合吃了顿飞机配餐,唉Perfect thread..Bowl of crunchy but clusters, coffee and crossaintsMeat, fish and vegetable curryHandful of celebrations and small packet of throntons&Cooler with chocolate digestives&3/4 Large pizza hit pizza, 3 starters (shared)&Cookie dough ad strawberry milkshake&At home some eclairas and profiterolesSounds like a lot, ot's Friday and I have to start dieting soon :oL这帖子有意思……咖啡、牛角面包、一碗榛子脆片鱼肉菜杂烩咖喱一把Celebrations巧克力,一小块桑顿家冰激凌然后喝了冰巧克力利娇酒吃了一张大披萨的四分之三,开胃菜吃了三样(和人一起吃的)曲奇饼+草莓奶昔回家后还吃了怡口莲和巧克力泡芙感觉吃了好多啊…我要马上开始减肥!!!Granola with milk and raisinsHandful of smartiesMilky way milkshakeBeef, chilli and dairylea panini with salad and pringlesPeach and grape juiceMilky way milkshakeHandful of smartiesIrn bru加了牛奶和葡萄干的格兰诺拉麦片(如图)一把聪明豆巧克力银河特浓奶昔牛肉、辣椒、帕尼尼外加卡夫Dairylea奶酪做的沙拉,还有品客薯片桃子和葡萄果汁然后还是银河特浓奶昔Irn-Bru(译注:Irn-Bru,苏格兰著名饮料,橙黄色,口味类似于芬达。有类似柠檬的酸味,含柠檬酸铁铵、糖、咖啡因、奎宁、日落黄和胭脂红等。不含酒精。)(图片来自百度)Chicken mayo baked potato and saladPiece of my aunty's tablet (Scottish hard toffee, very nom)Two slices of toast with butterGlass of orange juiceSounds a lot (and sounds nice) but I threw up about 30 minutes post baked potato so most of it didn't go very far. Not nice - half the food wasn't even digested.沙拉、鸡肉蛋黄酱烤土豆一块我伯母做的石头汤(就是苏格兰这边特产的硬太妃糖)两片吐司夹黄油一杯橘汁听着还挺丰盛挺好吃的,但实际上那味道……我在吃完了烤土豆之后吐了半个小时,基本上刚吃进去就出来了。吃的不好啊…起码有一半的食物没来得及消化就排出体外了。Breakfast: Crunchy NutLunch: BananaDinner: (Hardly any) CurryFairly boring&&Trying to ease myself into my new diet :P早饭吃了一堆脆坚果午饭吃的香蕉晚饭吃了点咖喱一直节食减肥,现在吃的太凄惨了…看来我得犒劳一下自己了…(回楼上)What are you dieting for?楼上没事儿节什么食啊(回楼上)My medication has just made my weight zoom up and I want to get back into the shape I was when I was part of one of the pre-olympic swim teams in the South East. Not going to happen now, unfortunately. Maybe 2016 if I can get my weight back down :P我在吃药嘛,副作用搞得体重猛增,现在我想减肥减回原来的体型。我以前是国家游泳运动员预备队的,现在全吹了。说不定在2016年的时候我能减回原来的样子…Breakfast - Tea and toastLunch - Minstrels and Co-Op crisps, PepsiDinner - Savaloy and chips, PepsiSnacks (after dinner at different times) - Cheese and onion crisps, glass of wine, more PepsiI am going to start eating healthily again as of Sunday, I can't be bothered trying to eat healthy around Christmastime, too many temptations!早饭:茶和吐司面包午饭:薯片,巧克力,百事可乐晚饭:干腊肠和薯条,百事可乐零食:奶酪、洋葱薯片、一杯酒,百事可乐我准备周日再开始健康饮食,在圣诞节期间就堕落吧,因为诱惑太多了!!Bowl of Cornflakes, orange juice.Chicken sandwich, orange squash.Chicken roll, crisps, yoghurt, diet coke.Ravioli, biscuits, orange squash.一碗玉米片,橘汁鸡肉三明治,橙汁鸡肉卷,薯片,酸奶,健怡可乐意大利饺子,饼干,橙汁(传说中的意大利饺子,图片来自百度)pretty much just finished off all the chocolate around the house, feel sick as a pig把家里的巧克力吃了个精光,吃完了感觉自己像头猪。2 packs of Walker's Baked CrispsA few Rich Tea Biscuits4 Chocolate coated Turkish DelightsCold turkey/ham, pork pie with steak-cut chipsBeans on toastA Lindt chocolate which I just found under my radiator&两包Walker's Baked家的薯片一些下午茶饼干4块包裹在土耳其软糖里的巧克力冷藏的火鸡肉和火腿片,还有猪肉馅饼,牛扒薯条豆子就吐司还有一块在我家暖气片底下挖出来的瑞士莲巧克力lunch: carrot, squash and ginger soupdinner: omlette with smoked salmonlots of green tea.早餐:肉桂麦片粥午饭:胡萝卜,南瓜生姜汤晚饭:熏鳕鱼,蛋卷还喝了好多绿茶-Slice of toast with jam-2 shortbread biscuits-A carrot-Bowl of porridge with a bananaEaten disgustingly over the Christmas period though...一片吐司面包,抹的果酱两个小酥点心一根胡萝卜一根香蕉,就着麦片粥吃的是我自圣诞以来吃得最恶心的一天了……I've eaten a load of crap today:-A bacon sandwich-A whole packet of Jaffa Cakes (I had a yard of jaffa cakes for xmas and I'm addicted to them!&&)-A packet of crisps-A roast chicken dinner我今天吃的估计都是垃圾食品一份培根三明治一整包巴基斯坦佳法甜橙蛋糕(我在圣诞受到了一堆这玩意,我好喜欢吃这种蛋糕~~)一包薯片Breaskfast: white toast with coffee.Dinner: Prawn pasta thingy and raisinsLots of waterSome figs right now cos I'm supposed to be on a high fibre diet and I've had no fibre today exept this :/ and I jus realised I didn't have lunch today LOl早饭:白吐司面包配咖啡晚饭:鲜虾面,配葡萄干喝了好多水刚刚我还吃了几个无花果,因为我觉得今天一天都没吃什么富含纤维质的东西,该补补了。而且我刚刚才意识到一点:我今天居然没吃午饭。(图为土耳其软糖,来自百度)Absolute crap is what I've eaten today:2 quality street6 mini shortcakes2 shortbread biscuitsa blueberry muffina carrota bananaa packet of sensationsthree cups of teaI'm still using the 'festive season' excuse&我今天吃的相比之下就是X啊两块花街巧克力6个松饼2个小酥饼饼干一个蓝莓松糕一根胡萝卜一根香蕉一包Sensations饼干(译注:Sensations,英国Walkers家的饼干系列)三杯茶还是那句话,节日嘛...这种食谱还是可以理解的吧……dozens of Heroes/Celebrations chocolatesa cuppa souppiece of toastone of my home made cinnamon biscuitsa chicken and cheese wrapsmoked haddock, mash and green beans一打Heroes和Celebrations巧克力一杯汤一片吐司一个我家自制的肉桂饼干一根鸡肉奶酪卷熏鳕鱼和青豆糊糊brek: porridge with cinnamon&lunch: carrot, squash and ginger soupdinner: omlette with smoked salmonlots of green tea.早餐:肉桂麦片粥午饭:胡萝卜,南瓜生姜汤晚饭:熏鳕鱼,蛋卷还喝了好多绿茶-Slice of toast with jam-2 shortbread biscuits-A carrot-Bowl of porridge with a bananaEaten disgustingly over the Christmas period though...一片吐司面包,抹的果酱两个小酥点心一根胡萝卜一根香蕉,就着麦片粥吃的是我自圣诞以来吃得最恶心的一天了……I've eaten a load of crap today:-A bacon sandwich-A whole packet of Jaffa Cakes (I had a yard of jaffa cakes for xmas and I'm addicted to them!& )-A packet of crisps-A roast chicken dinner我今天吃的估计都是垃圾食品一份培根三明治一整包巴基斯坦佳法甜橙蛋糕(我在圣诞受到了一堆这玩意,我好喜欢吃这种蛋糕~~)一包薯片Breaskfast: white toast with coffee.Dinner: Prawn pasta thingy and raisinsLots of waterSome figs right now cos I'm supposed to be on a high fibre diet and I've had no fibre today exept this :/ and I jus realised I didn't have lunch today LOl早饭:白吐司面包配咖啡晚饭:鲜虾面,配葡萄干喝了好多水刚刚我还吃了几个无花果,因为我觉得今天一天都没吃什么富含纤维质的东西,该补补了。而且我刚刚才意识到一点:我今天居然没吃午饭。【龙腾】英国网友:你今天吃了啥?该投稿暂无简介不来点仰望星空派么??不来点仰望星空派么??[+展开简介]投1蕉安利给基友官方下载友情链接反馈本站不提供任何视听上传服务,所有内容均来自视频分享站点所提供的公开引用资源。Copyright (C)
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