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The overview below provides an indication of the minutes for a speech (based on an average reading speed of 130 words per minute):Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in important business.
China is a victim of climate change. Doing nothing will certainly result in diminished sustainability.
Money will always be one of the biggest considerations for most candidates and excluding a guide on salary in an advert will certainly result in fewer applications.
Obviously, it would be too nonsensical to assert that this soldier is acting selfishly when he knows it clearly that his action will certainly result in his own immediate death.
Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in important business .
Active demand will certainly result in increased price, and for this reason we expect your early reply.
Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in big business.
We are very pleased to be recommended to you , and we believe our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in big business.
This regrouping will certainly result in redisposition of production so as to attain optimization of regrouping. And to regroup assets, the most effective way is through stock market.
市场机制就是优化资源配置 ,资产重组的结果必将引起生产设备、资金、劳动力等生产要素在社会范围的重新配置、优化重组。
This kind of huge contrast will certainly result in this heavy topic"the teacher professional pressure". Pressure is not fearful;
A negative thought, if not erased, will almost certainly result in a negative condition.
Implementing comment moderation and not telling people will almost certainly result in some people repeatedly submitting the same comment as they think it has disappeared.
A negative thought, if not erased , will almost certainly result in a negative condition.
The next step is usually extreme pain lack of coordination and dexterity, inability to perform day to day tasks effectively which will almost certainly result in time off work.
At present , the research on basic theory of our high er vocational education is lagging behind its development , which certainly will result in delaying and deviating from practical guidance.
Certainly, "reducing toxicants" will result in transmission flavor components decreased in cigarette smoke, and reveal the problem of fragrance inadequate.
To measure the moisture content in a laundry detergent by different methods will result in different numerical values, which are certainly dissimilar to the theoretical value.
Any performance gains to your application that result from the tuning changes detailed in this article will certainly vary, and should be evaluated with your own performance tests.
However, we certainly do propose that the ... eye movement task will result in a temporary increase in strong-hander's ability to think of creative uses for various house-hold objects.
Adjusting to these new techniques might take time, but your end result will almost certainly be a happier customer (which often turns into revenue, in one form or another).
Several of tonight appears so costful as a result hour, it will certainly become the memory why also is unable to wipe away in our lifetime!
The result of our activities in Use Case Design will produce the contents of the RUP Design Model, including (but certainly not limited to)
But its result is actually forever is indefinite, you cannot affirm that who can certainly defeat anyone, cannot affirm that in this 90 minutes will have anything.
We believe everyone in the CFA preparation process will certainly face a lot of confusion. If these issues can not be resolved promptly and effectively, they will adversely affect the exam result.
We believe everyone in the CFA preparation process will certainly face a lot of confusion. If these issues can not be resolved promptly and effectively, they will adversely affect the exam result.
- 来自原声例句
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