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中华结核和呼吸杂志稿约   本刊为中华医学会主办、国内外公开发行的结核病和呼吸系疾病专业性学术刊物,报道有关结核和呼吸系疾病的预防、医疗和基础理论方面新的或更深入的实践经验和科研成果,介绍新理论、新技术,新成就。主要以中、高级医药卫生人员为读者对象。
文稿 应具有创造性、科学性、逻辑性,重点说明某个或几个问题,有理论或实践意义。文字务求精炼、通顺,数字准确无误,书写工整规范。论著一般连图表和参考文献在内(按所占版面计)不超过5000字。临床病理(例)讨论、会议纪要、综述、讲座可视情况而定。论著摘要、病例报告一般1000字左右。正文与图表尽量避免重复。
文题 应力求简明、醒目,反映出文章的主题。中文文题一般以20个汉字以内为宜,最好不使用副标题。
作者 作者姓名在文题下按序排列,排序应在投稿时确定,在编排过程中不应再作改动。作者单位名称及邮政编码脚注于同页左下方。作者应具备下列条件:(1)参与选题和设计,或参与资料的分析和解释者;(2)起草或修改论文中关键性理论或其他主要内容者;(3)能对编辑部的修改意见进行核修,在学术界进行答辩,并最终同意该文发表者。以上3条均需具备。仅参与获得资金或收集资料者不能列为作者,仅对科研小组进行一般管理也不宜列为作者。个人作者署名:作者单位的脚注格式同2002年。如果作者指定的通讯作者非第一作者,在按原格式列出作者单位后,再另起一行在“通讯作者:”字样后列出通讯作者姓名。如果该通讯作者单位非第一单位而未列出邮政编码时,还应在作者姓名后给出邮政编码,如:“通讯作者:胡红,100853”。作者中如有外籍作者,应附外籍作者亲笔签名同意在本刊发表的函件,脚注中外国作者的通讯地址应用其本国文字加注。集体署名的论文,于文题下列署名单位,于文末列整理者姓名,并在论文首页脚注通讯作者姓名和单位,邮政编码。通讯作者只列1位,由投稿者自己确定。如需注明协作组成员,则于文末参考文献前单列协作组成员姓名。
摘要 论著须附中、英文摘要,摘要必须包括目的(Objective)、方法(Methods)、结果(Results,应给出主要数据)、结论 (Conclusions)四部分,各部分冠以相应的标题并根据实际情况确定单复数。采用第三人称撰写,不用“本文”等主语。应客观如实地反映原文,而不得添加原文中所没有的内容。两者均忌空泛、套话,或简单重复文题已给出的信息。英文摘要请译出文题,列出全部作者,作者姓名及省市名称用汉语拼音(作者姓名中姓的全部字母均大写,名字首字母大写,双字名中间需加连字符)。英文摘要中的作者单位应在省市名称和邮编之后加列国名,其间以逗号分隔。应列出所有作者,作者系同一单位时,姓名后直接排出单位名称及邮政编码;不属同一单位时,在第一作者姓名右上角加“3”,同时在单位名称首字母左上角加“3”。英文摘要打字列于中文摘要之下。
关键词 中、英文摘要下另行列关键词,一般列出2~5个关键词。标引的关键词应针对文章所研究的重点内容。请尽量使用最新版美国国立医学图书馆编辑的《IndexMedicus》中医学主题词表(MeSH)内所列的词。亦可按照中国医学科学院医学情报研究所译的最新版本《医学主题词注释字顺表》书写。如果尚无相应的词,处理的办法有:(1)可选用直接相关的几个主题词进行组配。(2)如果无法组配时,可根据树状结构表选用最直接的上位主题词。(3)必要时,可采用习用的自由词排列于最后。关键词中的缩写词亦以MeSH为准,一般应按MeSH还原为全称,如“HBsAg”应标引为“乙型肝炎表面抗原”。列关键词时,英文每个术语名词的第一个字母应大写,各词汇之间应用分号“;”分隔。
医学名词 以医学名词审定委员会审定并公布的专业医学名词为准,尚未公布者以人民卫生出版社出版的《英汉医学词汇》为准。药物名称以最新版本的《中华人民共和国药典》为准。
图表 每幅图(表)单占1页,集中附于文后,分别按其在正文中出现的先后次序连续编码。全文只有1幅图时图序写作图1,只有1个表时表序写作表1。每幅图(表)应冠有图(表)题。说明性的资料应置于图(表)下方注释中,并在注释中标明图表中使用的全部非公知公用的缩略语。本刊采用三横线表(顶线、表头线、底线),如遇有合计或统计学处理行(如t值、P值等),则在这行上面加一条分界横线;表内数据要求同一指标有效位数一致,一般按标准差的1/3确定有效位数。线条图应墨绘在白纸上,高宽比例约为5∶
计量单位 实行国务院1984年2月颁布的《中华人民共和国法定计量单位》,并以单位符号表示,具体使用可参照中华医学会杂志社编的《法定计量单位在医学上的应用(第3版)》一书。计量单位符号用正体。血压及人体压力计量单位恢复使用毫米汞柱(mmHg),在文中第1次出现时必须注明mmHg与kPa的换算系数,如1mmHg=0.133kPa。人体的血药浓度测定,同人体其他检测值一样,分母用L,不用ml或dl。单位符号可以与非物理量的单位(如:人、台、次等)的汉字构成组合形式的
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中华结核和呼吸杂志2003年7月第26卷第7期 ChinJTubercRespirDis,July2003,Vol.26,No.7单位,如:次/min。单位符号中表示相除的斜线不能多于1条,如ng/kg/min应采用ng·kg-1·min-1的形式。参量及其公差均需附单位。当参量与其公差的单位相同时,单位可以只写一次,即加圆括号将数值组合,置共同的单位符号于全部数值之后。例如:“75ng/L±18ng/L”可以写作“(75±18)ng/L”。正文中时间的表达,凡前面带有具体数据者应采用d、h、min、s。
数字 执行GB/T《关于出版物上数字用法的规定》。公历世纪、年代、年、月、日、时刻和计数、计量均用阿拉伯数字。小数点前或后超过3位数字时,每3位数字一组,组间空1/4个汉字空,如“1,329.476,5”应写成“”。但序数词和年份、页数、部队番号、仪表型号、标准号不分节。书写百分数范围,前一个数字的百分符号不能省略,如:5%~30%,不要写成5~30%。书写百分数的公差:中心值与公差用圆括号括起,其后写“%”。例如:(65±2)%。不得写作“65±2%”。附带尺寸单位的数值相乘,按下列方式书写:4cm×3cm×5cm,而不写成4×3×5cm3。
统计学符号 按GB3358282《统计学名词及符号》的有关规定书写,常用统计学符号如下:(1)样本的算术平均数用英文小写?x(中位数仍用M);(2)标准差用英文小写s;(3)标准误用英文小写s?x;(4)t检验用英文小写t;(5)F检验用英文大写F; (6)卡方检验用希文小写χ2;(7)相关系数用英文小写r;(8)自由度用希文小写ν;(9)概率用英文大写P(P值前应给出具体检验值,如t值、χ2值、q值等)。以上符号均用斜体。
缩略语 文题一般不使用缩略语,正文内尽量少用。必须使用时于首次出现处先叙述其全称,然后括号注出中文或英文全称及其缩略语,后两者间用“,”分开(如该缩略语已共知,也可不注出其英文全称)。缩略语不得移行。
参考文献 按GB7714287《文后参考文献著录规则》采用顺序编码制著录,只有1条时,序号写为1。参考文献中的作者按姓前名后书写,3名及以下者全部列出,3名以上者只列前3名后加“,等”或“,他”(日文)、
来稿格式 来稿要求一式两份。请用稿纸单面打印或缮写清楚,特殊文种、上下角标符号、需排斜体等应予注明,标点符号各占一格。英文摘要及参考文献应隔行打印。节段序号按一、1.(1)层次。来稿抄写潦草、涂改不清者一律退回作者。
基金 论文所涉及的课题如取得国家或部、省级以上基金资助或属攻关项目,应脚注于文题页左下方。基金项目名称及编号应按国家有关部门规定的正式名称填写;各项基金项目应依次列出,其间以分号“;”隔开。例:基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(),并附基金证书复印件。符合录用标准者优先刊出。
软盘 经审核初步拟定刊用的稿件按退修意见修改整理后,为缩短刊出周期和减少错误,请将修改稿以Word和纯文本格式存入软盘(请用315寸盘),与修改稿打印件一并寄回本刊编辑部,同时注明联系电话、传真号码及Email备用。
Transplantation Proceedings2002年影响因子0.478,移植类期刊,适合较短的文章,文章量比较大在线投稿,网址投稿要求
youngq 编辑于
Journal of Hepatology欧洲肝病协会European Association for the Study of the Liver(EASL)官方出版物,ISI 影响因子4.974发表文章主要是集中在肝病的临床和基础研究论文,现只接受在线投稿,网址编辑部地址Juan Rodés, M.D., FRCP., EditorJournal of Hepatology, Hospital Clinic, Villarroel 17008036 Barcelona, SPAINTel: +34 93 453 6497Fax: +34 93 454 4525Email: jhepatol@medicina.ub.es投稿前需要检查的 Checklist:
Liver Transplantation发表肝移植有关的基础和临床文章,影响因子3.786Editors, Ruud A.F. Krom, MD, PhD and Russell H. Wiesner, MDLiver Transplantation Editorial Office1729 King Street, Suite 200Alexandria, VA 22314USA.Telephone: 703-299-9766Fax: 703-299-9676E-mail: livertransplantation@aasld.org投稿要求
Guide for Authors (Fitoterapia)Fitoterapia is an international journal publishing original research in chemistry, pharmacology and use of medicinal plants and their derivatives. The journal accepts Reviews, Full Papers, Short Reports, Phytochemical Communications, Safety Data Reviews and Book Reviews. Reviews can be full-length state-of-the-art articles or mini-reviews providing a short overview of a particular matter. Short Reports allow preliminary, concise reporting of pharmacological activities. Results of antimicrobial and antifungal screening are published as Short Reports only. Phytochemical Communications are brief contributions on the isolation of known products from new plant sources (original contribution, such as unpublished spectral data or new activity, is required) or new simple products identified on the basis of spectral data. Safety Data Reviews are open to contributions from members of official international committees.All contributions must be submitted in English. Specific guidelines apply to Short Reports and Phytochemical C please see below. When submitting a Review, authors are requested to consult with the Editors in advance.Authors are invited to submit manuscripts in triplicate (one original and two copies) to the Editor-in-Chief:Professor F. PelizzoniFitoterapiaIndena SpAviale Ortles 12I-20139 MilanItalyFax: +39 02 E-mail: fpelizzoni@indena.itAuthors must submit an electronic version together with their manuscript. The electronic version of the manuscripts can best be submitted in the form of a PC compatible diskette or by email, indicating the type of computer and word processing package used. A winword (.doc) or Rich Text format (.rtf) saved files are the most suitable formats that should be used.All manuscripts submitted are subject to peer review. The minimum requirements for a manuscript to qualify for peer review are that it has been prepared by strictly following the format and style of the journal as mentioned below, that it is written in good English, and that it is complete. Manuscripts that have not fulfilled these requirements will not be returned to the author(s), unless required, by the presence of unique artwork.Contributions are accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication. Submission of multi-authored manuscripts implies the consent of each of the authors. The publisher will assume that the senior or corresponding author has specifically obtained the approval of all other co-authors to submit the article to this journal. Submission of an article is understood to imply that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and that the author(s) permission to publish his/her article in this journal implies the exclusive authorization to the publisher to deal with all issues concerning copyright therein. Further information on copyright can be found on the preliminary pages of the journal issue.It is expected from the authors that they submit only data that have arisen from animal experimentation carried out in an ethically proper way by following guidelines as set by the World Health Organization. The Editors will not accept manuscripts which violate these principles.Manuscripts should be neatly typed, double spaced throughout, including tables, on pages of uniform size with at least 3 cm margins on all sides. Authors should not break or hyphenate words at the end of the sentence. Words like anti-inflammatory can have a hyphen. Footnotes in text are not permitted.All manuscripts (Reviews, Full Papers, Short Reports, Phytochemical Communications, Safety Data Reviews) must include:1. Title: The title must be as brief as possible, comprehen forename, initials of other forenames, surname, and address of each A a clear indication of who is the Corresponding Author (one) and their e-2. Summary: A summary should be included at the beginning of the manuscript. This summary should be factual, not descriptive, and should present the reason of the study, the main findings, and principal conclusions.3. Keywords: 3-6 keywords are to be assigned by the authors, preferably taken from Index Medicus. These keywords should be typed at the end of the summary.Full Papers should be divided labelled sections, e.g.: Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion. The section Experimental should include concise details on the methodology adopted, sufficient to repeat the experiment: Methods for which adequate reference can be cited are not to be described.Extracts and/or fractions tested for in vitro or in vivo biological activities should be chemically defined, at least by means of the results of a phytochemical screening by classes of constituents (not required only when powdered plant material of decoctions/infusions are tested). Authors are required to include:(i) the chemical structure, formula and proprietary name of novel or ill-(ii) the w/w yield of prepared extracts and fractions or isolated compounds in terms of starting (iii) complete formulation details of all(iv) investigated plant parts (fresh or dried drug), site and period of harvest, authentication and, in case of less well known plants, voucher herbarium specimen number and name of the herbarium institution where it has been deposited. When first cited, plants must be fully identified as in the following illustration: Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don f. albus Pich. (Apocynaceae).Physical and spectral data should be reported according to the following example: Vincamine, mp 2333C (MeOH); [a]20d +413 (c1, py); UV max (MeOH):225 (lg I 4.14), 278 (3.61) IR bands (nujol): , 1623 cm 1; 1H-NMR (100MHz, CDCl3): d 0.90 (3H, b, J 7 Hz), 4.60 (1H, bs), 7 7.2 (4H, m); MS m/z: 354 (M+84%), 339 (18), 325 (23), 295 (100). (Found: C, 71.08; H, 7.42; N, 7.93. Calc. for C21H26N2O5: C, 71.16; H, 7.39; N, 7.91).Contributions may include tables, figures, formulae, photographs or slides. Excessive use of tables, diagrams, etc. should be avoided.Tables should be typed on separate sheets and should bear a short descriptive title. Footnotes in tables should be indicated by consecutive superscript letters.Figures must be numbered and cited in the text. The author's name, figure number and an arrow clarifying orientation should be marked in pencil on the reverse of each illustration. Alternatively, sharp photo prints on glossy paper may be provided. Photographs should be black and white glossy prints and as rich in contrast as possible. Magnifications should be indicated by means of a ruled line on the photograph where appropriate. Legends for each figure should be typed on a separate page. One set of original drawings is required, together with three duplicate sets (photocopies). Reproduction in colour will have to be approved by the Editors.References should be referred to by a number [1] in the text and be listed according to this numbering at the end of the paper. Only papers and books that have been published or i unpublished manuscripts or manuscripts submitted to a journal but which have not been accepted may not be cited.The references should comprise the following information and in the given order and with the given punctuation as given in the example below: Author name(s), Initials(s) Publication Title, Page Number, Year of Publication.Examples:Journals:[1] Britton EB. J of Ethnopharmacol Books:[2] Kay MA. Healing with Plants in the American and Mexican West. University of Arizona Press, 1996Multiauthor Books:[3] Carter WF. Medicinal uses of coca in Bolivia. In: Bastein JW, Donahue J, editors. Health in the Andes. Washington DC: American Anthropological Association, Phytochemical Communications constitute brief contributions on the isolation of known products from new plant sources (original contribution, such as unpublished spectral data or new activity is required) or new simple products identified on the basis of spectral data. Please click here for submission guidelines.Short Reports allow preliminary, concise reporting of pharma results of antibacterial and antifungal screening are published as Short Reports only. Please click here for submission guidelines for short report or short report(ethno).Please note that Elsevier Science is now sending authors PDF proofs by e-mail for correction. If an author is unable to handle this process, regular print proofs will be sent.Upon acceptance, an offprint order form will be sent to the author(s) together with proofs. Offprints may be ordered by filling in and returning to the Publisher the order form sent to the authors with the proofs of their paper. Twenty-five offprints of each paper will be provided free of charge. Additional copies may be ordered at prices shown on the offprint order form which will be sent to the author. Offprints ordered after the journal has been printed will cost considerably more than those ordered immediately.Authors of accepted articles which are currently in production at Elsevier Science can obtain online information on the status of their manuscripts at the Online Article Status Information System (OASIS) website. Please consult: Additional instructions on how to prepare your manuscript can be found at:
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Indian Journal of PharmacologyWRITING FOR THE IJPGuidelines for authors1. GENERALIndian Journal of Pharmacology (IJP), an officialpublication of the Indian Pharmacological Society, iscurrently published from the Department ofPharmacology, JIPMER, Pondicherry - 605 006,India. It is published bimonthly in February, April,June, August, October and December every calenderyear. It is listed in Biosis\Biological Abstracts,Embase\Excerpta Medica, Chemical Abstracts,Current Contents(NCI), Excerpta Medicinal andAromatic Plants Abstracts.The URL of the journal website is: com. The e-mail ID is SCOPEIndian Journal of Pharmacology accepts, in English,Review articles, articles for Educational forum,Original research articles, Short communications,Rapid communications and Letters to the Editor.Articles concerning fundamental and clinical aspectsof pharmacology, chemotherapy, ethnopharmacology,pharmacoepidemiology and molecular pharmacologywill be considered. Articles of general interestdiscussing methods, therapeutics, medical education,interesting websites, new drug information andcommentary on a recent topic are also welcome.Review Articles and Educational Forum: Reviewarticles are written by researchers of considerableexperience in the field concerned. The author shouldreview the recent trend or advances in that field inthe light of his own work.However, when an author has not done enoughoriginal work on a topic but nevertheless wants toshare the knowledge on recent advances/trendswhich may be useful for post-graduate students, hemay do so by writing an article for Educational Forum.The major portion of above articles should deal withthe upto-date developments in the field in the last 3-5 years. Authors are advised to search Medline andother databases on the Internet, apart from collectinginformation using conventional methods.Full length research articles and short communications:Original research work will be consideredunder these sections depending on the volume andquality of work.Methods: Articles on new methods/procedures ondrug evaluation, testing and analyses will bepublished. Innovative studies on establishedmethodologies and their modifications will also beconsidered. The articles must be supported bydata.Rapid communication: A manuscript will beaccepted for rapid communication if it merits prioritypublication. The decision of acceptance or otherwisewill be communicated within 4 weeks of receipt ofthe manuscript and accepted articles will be publishedin the following issue.Letters to the Editor: Preliminary work with harddata can be published as a Letter. Brief researchcommunications will also be accepted under thissection.Correspondence: Comment(s) on previouslypublished articles, items of current interest, descriptionof statistical methods and articles of general interestand views can be submitted for this section.Computers: Articles on computing and computerprograms related to pharmacology research and/orteaching are welcome under this section. The sourcecode (or the executable file) of the program must besent in a diskette for evaluation. Articles describingcommercial software related to pharmacology arealso welcome.Teaching aids: Reports on the innovative use ofteaching aids are welcome under this section. The reportmust give adequate details so that others can try.Case reports: The journal welcomes adverse drugreaction reporting and interesting case reportspertaining to pharmacotherapy.Meeting reports: Conference (pharmacology)reports can be submitted for publication. Submissionmust be through e-mail only.Web-Wise: Interesting and useful websites can bereviewed under this section. Contact the Chief Editorfor guidelines.Indian Journal of Pharmacology 4-455WRITING FOR THE IJPMolecules of the Millennium: Information on newdrugs under investigation can be published. Contactthe Chief Editor for guidelines.Fillers: The readers can send in brief write-ups forfillers. This may include anecdotes, pictures andphotographs.If your proposed contribution does not fall under anyof the above categories, please contact the ChiefEditor.3. EDITORIAL POLICYIndian Journal of Pharmacology considers onlyoriginal communications/articles/write-ups submittedexclusively to the journal. Prior and duplicatepublications are not allowed. Publication of abstractunder conference proceedings will not be consideredas prior publication. It is the duty of the authors toinform the IJP about all submissions and previousreports that might be regarded as prior or duplicatepublication.Manuscripts for publication will be considered on theirindividual merits. All manuscripts will be subjected topeer review. Normally manuscripts will be sent to atleast two reviewers and their comments along withthe editorial board's decision will be forwarded to thecontributor for further action. The authors maysuggest not more than 5 referees working in the samearea for evaluating the manuscript. However, the IJPreserves the right to choose referees (even notsuggested by the authors).The editorial board may invite articles for reviewsection or educational forum from those withconsiderable standing in the field. However, such aninvitation does not automatically guarantee theirpublication. These articles will also be subjected toreview process and accepted only if found suitable.Unsolicited articles for review and educational forumsections will also be considered.The IJP insists on ethical practices in both humanand animal experimentation. Evidence for approvalby a local Ethics Committee (for both human as wellas animal studies) must be supplied by the authorson demand. Animal experimental procedures shouldbe as humane as possible and the details ofanaesthetics and analgesics used should be clearlystated. The ethical standards of experiments mustbe in accordance with the guidelines provided by theCPCSEA (animal) and ICMR (human). The journalwill not consider any paper which is ethicallyunacceptable. A statement on ethics committeepermission and ethical practices must be included inall research articles under the 'Materials and Methods'section.Authors must be careful when they reproduce text,tables or illustrations from other sources.Plagiarism will be viewed seriously. Please seesection 10.All accepted papers are subject to editorial changes.Copyright: Any article accepted for publication/published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology willbe the copyright of the journal. The journal has theright to publish the accepted articles in any media(print, electronic or any other) any number of times.The authors should agree to transfer copyright andsign a declaration to this effect.4. SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS4.1. Paper copyThree copies of each manuscript should be submittedto the Chief Editor. The copies must be legible. Lackof contrast and faded or/and worn out appearancewill lead to rejection.4.2. Electronic copyAn electronic version of the manuscript may besubmitted on a PC diskette or through e-mail. Therunning text has to be in MS-Word format (*.pdf formatis not acceptable). The figures may be embedded inthe Word file or submitted as separate files and shouldbe created using MS-Excel. If any other software isused the graphic files may be converted to *.pcx, *.tiff,*.jpg format. It is desirable that these details arementioned in the covering letter. The diskette mustbe clearly labelled. The label must contain the title ofthe manuscript and the corresponding author's name,affiliations, title and address.In case of any discrepancy between paper and diskversions of manuscript, the paper version will beconsidered for review.The diskette must be properly packed in order toprevent damage during postal journey. The authorsshould use only new diskettes. The diskettes are notreturnable. The IJP office is not responsible for anydamage occurring to the diskette during postal transit.445WRITING FOR THE IJPThose who submit manuscripts electronically (via emailor on a diskette) need NOT submit paper copies.The authors are strongly recommended to submit themanuscripts electronically. However they must submitthe Authors' declaration and Copyright transfer(Annexure I) on paper along with a covering letter.4.3. E-mailManuscripts submitted by e-mail should be sent asattached files (in MS Word format) only.4.4. Final versionFinal, accepted version of the manuscript must besubmitted on a diskette or by e-mail only.4.5. UndertakingThe manuscript must be submitted with a statement,signed by all the authors, regarding the originality,authorship and transfer of copy right as per the formatgiven in Annexure I.4.6. Mailing addressDr.R.Raveendran, Chief Editor, Indian Journal ofPharmacology, JIPMER, Pondicherry - 605 006,India. Phone No: (9, Fax No: (0413)2272067, E-mail: PREPARATION OF THE MANUSCRIPTAuthors should keep their manuscripts as short asthey reasonably can.Manuscripts should be typed double spaced on oneside of good quality A4 size paper. Page numbershould appear in the upper right hand corner of eachpage, beginning with the title page.The language of manuscript must be simple andexplicit. The authors who are not confident areadvised to consult those experienced in scientificwriting and communication.Papers in recent issues of the Indian Journal ofPharmacology should be consulted for the generalformat adopted in respect to various elements of a paper.5.1. Research papersIt should be arranged into the following sections:1) Title page, 2) Abstract and Key words, 3)Introduction, 4) Materials and Methods, 5) Results,6) Discussion, 7) Acknowledgement, 8) References,9) Tables, 10) Figures.The total number of words should not exceed 3200.5.1.1. Title pageIt should be paginated as page 1 of the paper. Itshould carry the title, authors' names and theiraffiliations, running title, address for correspondenceincluding e-mail address and also a list of number ofpages, figures and tables.Title: Must be informative, specific and short and notexceed 150 characters.Authors and affiliations: The names of authors andtheir appropriate addresses should be given.It should be made clear which address relates towhich author.Running title: It is a short title printed in the journal atthe right top corner of right hand page of the article(except the lead page). A short running title of notmore than 50 characters should be given.Address for correspondence: The correspondingauthor's address should be given in the title page.The fax number (if available) may be mentioned. Thee-mail ID of the corresponding author or the contacte-mail ID must also be provided.5.1.2. Abstract and key wordsAbstract: It must start on a new page carrying thefollowing information: (a) Title (without authors'names or affiliations), (b) Abstract, (c) Key words,(d) Running title. It should not exceed 250 wordsexcluding the title and the key words. The abstractmust be concise, clear and informative rather thanindicative. New and important aspects must beemphasized.The abstract must be in a structured form consisting ofOBJECTIVES, METHODS, RESULTS andCONCLUSIONS briefly explaining what was intended,done, observed and concluded. Authors should statethe main conclusions clearly and not in vaguestatements. The conclusions and recommendations notfound in the text of the article should not be given in theabstract.Key words: Provide 3-5 keywords which will helpreaders or indexing agencies in cross-indexing thestudy. The words found in title need not be given askey words.446WRITING FOR THE IJPUse terms from the latest Medical Subject Headings(MeSH) list of Index Medicus. A more general termmay be used if a suitable MeSH term is not available.5.1.3. IntroductionIt should start on a new page. Essentially this sectionmust introduce the subject and briefly say how theidea for research originated. Give a concisebackground of the study. Do not review literatureextensively but provide the most recent work that hasa direct bearing on the subject. Justification forresearch aims and objectives must be clearlymentioned without any ambiguity. The purpose of thestudy should be stated at the end.5.1.4. Materials and MethodsThis section should deal with the materials used andthe methodology - how the work was carried out. Theprocedure adopted should be described in sufficientdetail to allow the experiment to be interpreted andrepeated by the readers, if necessary. The numberof subjects, the number of groups studied, the studydesign, sources of drugs with dosage regimen orinstruments used, statistical methods and ethicalaspects must be mentioned under the section. Themethodology - the data collection procedure - mustbe described in sufficient detail. If a procedure is acommonly used one, giving a reference (previouslypublished) would suffice. If a method is not well known(though previously published) it is better to describeit briefly. Give explicit descriptions of modificationsor new methods so that the readers can judge theiraccuracy, reproducibility and reliability.The nomenclature, the source of material andequipment used, with details of the manufacturers inparentheses, should be clearly mentioned. Drugs andchemicals should be precisely identified using theirnon-proprietary names or generic names. Ifnecessary, the proprietary or commercial name maybe inserted once in parentheses. The first letter ofthe drug name should be small for generic name (e.g.,dipyridamole, propranolol) but capitalized forproprietary names (e.g., Persantin, Inderal). New oruncommon drug should be identified by the chemicalname and structural formula.The doses of drugs should be given as unit weight perkilogram body weight e.g., mg/kg and the concentrationsshould be given in terms of molarity e.g., nm or mM.The routes of administration may be abbreviated, e.g.,intraarterial (i.a.), intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.), intragastricgavage (i.g.), intramuscular (i.m.), intraperitoneal(i.p.), intravenous (i.v.), per os (p.o.),subcutaneous (s.c.), transdermal (t.d.).Statistical Methods: The variation of data should beexpressed in terms of the standard error of the mean(SEM) or the standard deviation (SD), along with thenumber of observations (n). The details of statisticaltests used and the level of significance should bestated. If more than one test is used it is important toindicate which groups and parameters have beensubjected to which test.5.1.5. ResultsThe results should be stated concisely withoutcomments. It should be presented in logical sequencein the text with appropriate reference to tables and/or figures. The data given in tables or figures shouldnot be repeated in the text. The same data shouldnot be presented in both tabular and graphic forms.Simple data may be given in the text itself instead offigures or tables. Avoid discussions and conclusionsin the results section.5.1.6. DiscussionThis section should deal with the interpretation, ratherthan recapitulation of results. It is important to discussthe new and significant observations in the light ofprevious work. Discuss also the weaknesses orpitfalls in the study. New hypotheses or recommendationscan be put forth.Avoid unqualified statements and conclusions notcompletely supported by the data. Repetition ofinformation given under Introduction and Resultsshould be avoided.Conclusions must be drawn considering the strengthsand weaknesses of the study. They must be conveyedin the last paragraph under Discussion. Make sureconclusions drawn should tally with the objectivesstated under Introduction.5.1.7. AcknowledgementsIt should be typed in a new page. Acknowledge onlypersons who have contributed to the scientific contentor provided technical support. Sources of financialsupport should be mentioned.447WRITING FOR THE IJP5.1.8. ReferencesIt should begin on a new page. The number ofreferences should normally be restricted to a maximumof 25 for a full paper. Majority of them should preferablybe of articles published in the last 5 years.Papers which have been submitted and accepted butnot yet published may be included in the list of referenceswith the name of the journal and indicated as "In press".A photocopy of the acceptance letter should besubmitted with the manuscript. Information frommanuscripts submitted but not yet accepted should notbe included.Avoid using abstracts as references. The"unpublished observations" and "personalcommunications" may not be used as references butmay be inserted (in parentheses) in the text.References are to be cited in the text by superscribednumber and should be in the order in which theyappear. References cited only in tables or in legendsto figures should be numbered in accordance with asequence established by the first identification in thetext of the particular table or illustration. As far aspossible mentioning names of author(s) for referenceshould be avoided in the text.The references must be verified by the author(s)against the original documents.The list of references should be typed double spacedfollowing the Vancouver style. Examples are given inAnnexure II.5.1.9. TablesEach table must be self-explanatory and presented insuch a way that they are easily understandable withoutreferring to the text. It should be typed with doublespacing and numbered consecutively with Arabicnumerals. Provide a short descriptive caption aboveeach table with foot notes and/or explanationsunderneath. The number of observations, subjects andthe units of numerical figures must be given. It is alsoimportant to mention whether the given values aremean, median, mean±SD or mean±SEM. All significantresults must be indicated using asterisks. Appropriatepositions for the tables within the text may be indicated.5.1.10. FiguresEach figure must be numbered and a shortdescriptive caption must be provided. All significantresults should be indicated using asterisks. ForCheck list for Tablel Serially numbered?l Short self explanatory caption given?l Columns have headings?l Units of data given?l 'n' mentioned?l Mean ± SD or Mean ± SEM given?l Statistical significance of groups indicatedby asterisks or other markers?l P values given?l Rows and columns properly aligned?l Appropriate position in the text indicated?Check list for Figurel Serially numbered?l Self explanatory caption given?l X and Y axes graduated?l X and Y axes titled (legend)?l Units mentioned (if necessary)?l Different symbols/markers for differentgroups given?l SD or SEM represented (graphically)?l Statistical significance indicated?l Approximate position in the text marked?448graphs and flow charts, it is not necessary to submitthe photographs. A manually prepared or computerdrawn figure (with good contrast) on a good qualitypaper is acceptable. Raw data for graphs must besubmitted when the article is accepted for publication.This will enable the editorial office to draw the graphon computer and incorporate it in the text at anappropriate place.For other diagrams (e.g., tissue structure, ECG andinstrument set up etc.), strongly contrasting black andwhite photographic print on a glossy paper must besubmitted. Photocopies, rather than original prints canbe submitted alongwith manuscript for initial processing.Identify each figure/diagrams on the back with atyped label which shows the number of the figure,the name of the leading author, the title of themanuscript and the top side of the figure. Theapproximate position of each figure should bemarked on the margin of the text.WRITING FOR THE IJPThree figures per article will be printed free of charge.The authors will be charged for additional figures.The contributor(s) must bear the full cost of printingcolor plates if any.Legends for figures should be typed under the figureif possible or on a separate sheet.Large/complex tables or figures may be submitted in"Final Print (camera ready) format" which will bescanned and printed as such.5.1.11. Checklist for RCTThe authors reporting randomized controlled trial(RCT) should refer the checklist (Annexure III).The relevent items of the checklist may be referedfor reporting other trials.5.2. Short communicationsThe format is same as that of full length papers butthe length including title and references should notexceed 1600 words. The total number of figures and/or tables should not exceed two. The abstract shouldnot be more than 150 words and the number ofreferences should not exceed 12.5.3. Rapid communicationsThe manuscript should not be divided into subsections.It may have up to 1200 words (including amaximum of 6 references) and one figure or one table.5.4. Letters to EditorA letter can have a maximum of 800 words (includinga maximum of 4 references) with one simple figure ortable. The manuscript should not have sub-sections.5.5. Review articles and Educational forumThese should contain title page, summary (need notbe structured) and key words. The text proper shouldbe written under appropriate sub-headings. Theauthors are encouraged to use flowcharts, boxes,cartoons, simple tables and figures for better presentation.The total number of text words should notexceed 6400 and the total number of figures andtables should not be more than 10.5.6. MethodsThe format and other requirements are same as thatof short communication.5.7. Correspondence, Computers, Teaching aids,Case reportsThere is no fixed format for articles published underthese sections. The length should not exceed 1400words.5.8. Molecules of the Millennium, Web-Wise, MeetingreportsContact the Chief Editor for guidelines for preparationof these articles.5.9. FillersThe write-up must be brief and should not exceed300 words. Interesting pictures and photographs maybe submitted.6. REVISED MANUSCRIPTThe authors should revise the manuscript immediatelyafter receipt of the comments from the IJP. A notementioning the changes incorporated in the revisedtext as per referee's comments (point by point) shouldbe sent. The revised manuscript has to be submittedin duplicate along with the annotated original paperwithin 3 else the manuscript will beconsidered withdrawn by the authors.Calling for revision does not guarantee acceptance.Those revised manuscripts which underwent majorrevision are likely to be sent to referees for evaluation.If the authors have substantial reasons that theirmanuscript was rejected unjustifiably, they mayrequest for reconsideration. The correspondence inthis regard should be sent in triplicate.7. PROOFSProofs will be sent to the corresponding author forfinal checking. It is the authors' responsibility to gothrough the proof meticulously and correct errors ifany. Correction should be restricted to printer's erroronly and no substantial addition/deletion should bemade. Proofs may be sent by e-mail, if thecorresponding author has an e-mail address.8. REPRINTSReprints must be ordered while returning thecorrected page proofs. The charges will be very highfor late orders.9. OMBUDSMANThose who have disputes with the journal can seek thehelp of the Ombudsman for the IJP. The ombudsman isa neutral person who does not have conflicting interestswith the journal. He/she is appointed by the journal butdoes not receive any monetary or other benefits for theservices rendered. Readers, contributors, subscribersand advertisers can approach him/her for redressal onany issue that is not sorted out by the journal to theirsatisfaction. The ombudsman's ruling will be binding onboth the parties i.e. the complainant and the journal.449WRITING FOR THE IJP11. LIMITATIONS FOR PAPERS SUBMITTED UNDER EACH CATEGORYArticle Abstract: Key words: Running Text: Sub-headings Tables: Figures: Number oftype No. of No. of title No. of max. No. max. No. Referenceswords words No. of wordscharactersRA & EF & 250 3-5 & 50 & 6400 Variable Total of ten & 100FC & 250 3-5 & 50 & 3200 Standard Total of six & 25SC & ME & 150 3-5 & 50 & 1600 Standard Total of two & 12RC NR NR & 50 & 1200 No SH 1 or 1 & 6LE NR NR & 50 & 800 No SH 1 or 1 & 4CO NR NR & 50 & 1400 Variable 2 or 2 & 4CP NR NR & 50 & 1400 Variable 2 or 2 & 4TA NR NR & 50 & 1400 Variable 2 or 2 & 4CR NR NR & 50 & 1400 Variable 2 or 2 & 4RA=Review A EF-Educational F FC=Full lenth re SC= Short re RC=RapidME=M LE=Letter to the E CO=C CP=C TA=Teaching A CR=Case RNR=Not R SH=Sub-headings.MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION: CHECKLIST1. Cover letter2. Copyright statement signed by all authors3. Three copies of manuscript with photocopiesof illustrations attached to each.4. Title pagel Title of manuscriptl Full name(s) and affiliations ofauthor(s); institution(s) and city(ies)from which the work originated.l Name, address, telephone and faxnumbers and e-mail address ofcorresponding author.l Running titlel Number of pages, number of figuresand number of tables.5. Abstract - in structured form along with title,key words and running title.6. Article proper (double spaced)7. Acknowledgements (separate sheet)8. References9. Tables10. Figures/photographs and legends12. Permissions to reproduce publishedmaterial.10. PLAGIARISMAuthors should note that :a) copying verbatim text, tables or illustrationsfrom any source (journal article, book,monographs, thesis, Internet/any electronicmedia or any other published or unpublishedmaterial) and passing it as ones own isconsidered plagiarism whether or not areference to the copied portion is given.b) listing the source of copied material under'References' does not absolve the authors ofplagiarism.c) if a few lines of text are to be reproduced fromany source, 'the author' and 'the source' mustbe clearly indicated in the text. The reproducedlines must be in italics and given within quotes.If it is a paragraph it must be slightly indentedalso. To reproduce large portions of text,permission from the copyright owner(s) mustbe obtained and submitted to the IJP.d) to reproduce tables or illustrations, permissionfrom the copyright owner(s) must be obtainedand a copy of the permission letter must besubmitted to the journal. The source must beclearly acknowledged under the table or theillustration as required by the copyrightowner(s).450WRITING FOR THE IJPANNEXURE IINDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, JIPMER, PONDICHERRY - 605006DECLARATION AND COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM: TO BE SIGNED BY ALL AUTHORSI/We, the undersigned author(s) of the manuscript entitledhereby declare that(a) the above manuscript which is submitted for publication in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology is NOT underconsideration elsewhere.(b) the manuscript is NOT published already in part or whole (except in the form of abstract) in any journal or magazinefor private or public circulation. We have read section 10 of instructions to authors (Writing for the IJP -Guidelines for authors, Dec 2002) and are fully aware of what plagiarism is. No part of this manuscript(referenced or otherwise) has been copied verbatim from any source. Permission to reproduce tableno. _____ and figure no. _____ has been obtained and submitted. Reproduced text, if any has been givenin italics and within quotes.(c) I/we give consent for publication in the IJP in any media (print, eletronic or any other) and transfer copyright to theIJP in the event of its publication in the IJP.(d) I/we do not have any conflict of interest (financial or other) other than those declared*.(e) I/we have read the final version of the manuscript and am/are responsible for what is said in it.(f) the work described in the manuscript is my/our own and my/our individual contribution to this work is significantenough to qualify for authorship.(g) no one who has contributed significantly to the work has been denied authorship and those who helped have beenduly acknowledged.(h) I/we also agree to the authorship of the article in the following sequence:Author's name Signature1.2.3.4.NOTE:1. All authors are required to sign this form.2. No addition, deletion or change in the sequence of authors is allowed at a later stage without valid reasons.3. If the authorship is contested before publication the manuscript will be either returned or kept in abeyance till theissue is resolved.4. This form may be photocopied and used.AUTHORSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITIES1. Anyone who makes significant intellectual contribution must be given authorship.2. Every author must be involved in planning, implementation and analysis of the research study and itspresentation in the form of the manuscript. In case some clarification is sought, they should be able to replyto the queries.3. Authors should be ready to take public responsibility for the content of the paper.4. All the authors in a manuscript are responsible for the technical information communicated. For this reasonit is necessary that all authors must read and approve the final version of the manuscript before signing theconsent and declaration form.*Conflicts of interests if any, the details must be declared in a separate sheet.451WRITING FOR THE IJPArticles in Journals1. Standard journal articleList the first six authors followed by etal. (Note: NLM now lists up through25 if there are more than 25authors, NLM lists the first 24, thenthe last author, then et al.)Vega KJ, Pina I, Krevsky B. Hearttransplantation is associated with anincreased risk for pancreatobiliarydisease. Ann Intern Med 1996 Jun1;124(11):980-3.As an option, if a journal carriescontinuous pagination throughout avolume (as many medical journals do)the month and issue number may beomitted.(Note: For consistency, the option isused throughout the examples inUniform Requirements. NLM does notuse the option.)Vega KJ, Pina I, Krevsky B. Hearttransplantation is associated with anincreased risk for pancreatobiliarydisease. Ann Intern Med :980-3.More than six authors:Parkin DM, Clayton D, Black RJ,Masuyer E, Friedl HP, Ivanov E, et al.Childhood leukaemia in Europe afterChernobyl: 5 year follow-up. Br JCancer 6-12.2. Organization as authorThe Cardiac Society of Australia andNew Zealand. Clinical exercise stresstesting. Safety and performanceguidelines. Med J Aust :282-4.3. No author givenCancer in South Africa [editorial]. SAfr Med J .4. Article not in English(Note: NLM translates the title toEnglish, encloses the translation insquare brackets, and adds anabbreviated language designator.)Ryder TE, Haukeland EA, SolhaugJH. Bilateral infrapatellar senerupturhostidligere frisk kvinne. Tidsskr NorLaegeforen -2.5. Volume with supplementShen HM, Zhang QF. Risk assessmentof nickel carcinogenicity andoccupational lung cancer. EnvironHealth Perspect
Suppl1:275-82.6. Issue with supplementPayne DK, Sullivan MD, Massie MJ.Women’s psychological reactions tobreast cancer. Semin Oncol 1996;23(1 Suppl 2):89-97.7. Volume with partOzben T, Nacitarhan S, Tuncer N.Plasma and urine sialic acid in noninsulindependent diabetes mellitus.Ann Clin Biochem 1995;32(Pt 3):303-6.8. Issue with partPoole GH, Mills SM. One hundredconsecutive cases of flap lacerationsof the leg in ageing patients. N Z MedJ
Pt 1):377-8.9. Issue with no volumeTuran I, Wredmark T, Fellander-TsaiL. Arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis inrheumatoid arthritis. Clin Orthop):110-4.10. No issue or volumeBrowell DA, Lennard TW. Immunologicstatus of the cancer patient andthe effects of blood transfusion onantitumor responses. Curr Opin GenSurg .11. Pagination in Roman numeralsFisher GA, Sikic BI. Drug resistancein clinical oncology and hematology.Introduction. Hematol Oncol ClinNorth Am ):xi-xii.12. Type of article indicated asneededEnzensberger W, Fischer PA.Metronome in Parkinson’s disease[letter]. Lancet 7.Clement J, De Bock R. Hematologicalcomplications of hantavirus nephropathy(HVN) [abstract]. Kidney Int5.13. Article containing retractionGarey CE, Schwarzman AL, Rise ML,Seyfried TN. Ceruloplasmin genedefect associated with epilepsy in ELmice [retraction of Garey CE,Schwarzman AL, Rise ML, SeyfriedTN. In: Nat Genet -31]. NatGenet .14. Article retractedLiou GI, Wang M, Matragoon S.Precocious IRBP gene expressionduring mouse development [retractedin Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1994;35:3127]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci3-8.15. Article with published erratumHamlin JA, Kahn AM. Herniographyin symptomatic patients followinginguinal hernia repair [publishederratum appears in West J Med]. West J Med :28-31.Books and Other Monographs (Note:Previous Vancouver style incorrectlyhad a comma rather than a semicolonbetween the publisher and the date.)16. Personal author(s)Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontologyand leadership skills for nurses. 2nded. Albany (NY): Delmar P1996.ANNEXURE IIEXAMPLES OF REFERENCES - VANCOUVER STYLE(from Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts, 452WRITING FOR THE IJP17. Editor(s), compiler(s) as authorNorman IJ, Redfern SJ, editors. Mentalhealth care for elderly people. New York:Churchill L 1996.18. Organization as author andpublisherInstitute of Medicine (US). Looking atthe future of the Medicaid program.Washington: The I 1992.19. Chapter in a book(Note: Previous Vancouver style hada colon rather than a p beforepagination.) Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP.Hypertension and stroke. In: LaraghJH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension:pathophysiology, diagnosis, andmanagement. 2nd ed. New York:Raven P 1995. p. 465-78.20. Conference proceedingsKimura J, Shibasaki H, editors.Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology.Proceedings of the 10thInternational Congress of EMG andClinical N 1995 Oct15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam:E 1996.21. Conference paperBengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcementof data protection, privacy andsecurity in medical informatics. In: LunKC, Degoulet P, Piemme TE, RienhoffO, editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedingsof the 7th World Congress onMedical Infor- 1992 Sep 6-10;Geneva, Switzerland. Amsterdam:North-H 1992. p. 1561-5.22. Scientific or technical reportIssued by funding/sponsoring agency:Smith P, Golladay K. Payment fordurable medical equipment billedduring skilled nursing facility stays. Finalreport. Dallas (TX): Dept. of Health andHuman Services (US), Office ofEvaluation and I 1994 Oct.Report No.: HHSIGOEI.Issued by performing agency: Field MJ,Tranquada RE, Feasley JC, editors.Health services research: work forceand educational issues. Washington:National Academy P 1995.Contract No.: AHCPR.Sponsored by the Agency for HealthCare Policy and Research.23. DissertationKaplan SJ. Post-hospital home healthcare: the elderly’s access andutilization [dissertation]. St. Louis(MO): Washington Univ.; 1995.24. PatentLarsen CE, Trip R, Johnson CR,Novoste Corporation,assignee. Methods for procedures relatedto the electrophysiology of theheart. US patent 5,529,067. 1995 Jun25.Other Published Material25. Newspaper articleLee G. Hospitalizations tied to ozonepollution: study estimates 50,000admissions annually. The WashingtonPost 1996 Jun 21;Sect. A:3 (col. 5).26. Audiovisual materialHIV+/AIDS: the facts and the future[videocassette]. St. Louis (MO):Mosby-Year B 1995.27. Legal materialPublic law: Preventive HealthAmendments of 1993, Pub. L. No.103-183, 107 Stat. 2226 (Dec. 14,1993).Unenacted bill: Medical RecordsConfidentiality Act of 1995, S. 1360,104th Cong., 1st Sess. (1995).Code of Federal Regulations:Informed Consent, 42 C.F.R. Sect.441.257 (1995).Hearing: Increased Drug Abuse: theImpact on the Nation’s EmergencyRooms: Hearings Before theSubcomm. on Human Resources andIntergovernmental Relations of theHouse Comm. on GovernmentOperations, 103rd Cong., 1st Sess.(May 26, 1993).28. MapNorth Carolina. Tuberculosis rates per100,000 population, 1990 [demographicmap]. Raleigh: North CarolinaDept. of Environment, Health, andNatural Resources, Div. of E1991.29. Book of the BibleThe Holy Bible. King James version.Grand Rapids (MI): ZondervanPublishing H 1995. Ruth 3:1-18.30. Dictionary and similarreferencesStedman’s medical dictionary. 26thed. Baltimore: Williams & W1995. A p. 119-20.31. Classical materialThe Winter’s Tale: act 5, scene 1, lines13-16. The complete works of WilliamShakespeare. London: R 1973.Unpublished Material32. In press(Note: NLM prefers “forthcoming”because not all items will be printed.)Leshner AI. Molecular mechanisms ofcocaine addiction. N Engl J Med. Inpress 1996.Electronic Material33. Journal article in electronicformatMorse SS. Factors in the emergenceof infectious diseases. Emerg InfectDis [serial online] 1995 Jan-Mar [cited1996 Jun 5];1(1):[24 screens].Available from: URL: http://34. Monograph in electronic formatCDI, clinical dermatology illustrated[monograph on CD-ROM]. ReevesJRT, Maibach H. CMEA MultimediaGroup, producers. 2nd ed. Version2.0. San Diego: CMEA; 1995.35. Computer fileHemodynamics III: the ups and downsof hemodynamics [computer program].Version 2.2. Orlando (FL):Computerized Educational S1993.453WRITING FOR THE IJPPAPER SECTION Item Description Reported on page #And topicTITLE & ABSTRACT 1 How participants were allocated to interventions(e.g., "random allocation", "randomized", or "randomly assigned").INTRODUCTION 2 Scientific background and explanation of rationale.BackgroundMETHODS 3 Eligibility criteria for participants and the settings and locationsParticipants where the data were collected.Interventions 4 Precise details of the interventions intended for each group andhow and when they were actually administered.Objectives 5 Specific objectives and hypotheses.Outcomes 6 Clearly defined primary and secondary outcome measures and,when applicable, any methods used to enhance the quality ofmeasurements (e.g., multiple observations, training of assessors).Sample size 7 How sample size was determined and, when applicable,explanation of any interim analyses and stopping rules.Randomization --Sequence generation 8 Method used to generate the random allocation sequence, includingdetails of any restriction (e.g., blocking, stratification).Randomization --Allocation concealment 9 Method used to implement the random allocation sequence(e.g., numbered containers or central telephone), clarifying whetherthe sequence was concealed until interventions were assigned.Randomization --Implementation 10 Who generated the allocation sequence, who enrolled participants,and who assigned participants to their groups.Blinding (masking) 11 Whether or not participants, those administering the interventions,and those assessing the outcomes were blinded to groupassignment. When relevant, how the success of blinding was evaluated.Statistical methods 12 Statistical methods used to compare groups for primary outcome(s);Methods for additional analyses, such as subgroup analyses andadjusted analyses.RESULTSParticipant flow 13 Flow of participants through each stage (a diagram is stronglyrecommended). Specifically, for each group report the numbersof participants randomly assigned, receiving intended treatment,completing the study protocol, and analyzed for the primaryoutcome. Describe protocol deviations from study as planned,together with reasons.ANNEXURE IIIChecklist for reporting RCT(from 454WRITING FOR THE IJPRecruitment 14 Dates defining the periods of recruitment and follow-up.Baseline data 15 Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of each group.Numbers analyzed 16 Number of participants (denominator) in each group included ineach analysis and whether the analysis was by "intention-to-treat".State the results in absolute numbers when feasible (e.g., 10/20,not 50%).Outcomes andestimation 17 For each primary and secondary outcome, a summary of results foreach group, and the estimated effect size and its precision (e.g., 95%confidence interval).Ancillary analyses 18 Address multiplicity by reporting any other analyses performed,including subgroup analyses and adjusted analyses, indicatingthose pre-specified and those exploratory.Adverse events 19 All important adverse events or side effects in each intervention group.DISCUSSIONInterpretation 20 Interpretation of the results, taking into account study hypotheses,sources of potential bias or imprecision and the dangersassociated with multiplicity of analyses and outcomes.Generalizability 21 Generalizability (external validity) of the trial findings.Overall evidence 22 General interpretation of the results in the context of current evidence.PAPER SECTION Item Description Reported on page #And topic455INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGYBACK ISSUES AVAILABLEThe following back issues are available for sale:IJP 2000 - Issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (full set)Each set is Rs. 2200/- (including postal charge)25% reduction for orders received before 31st January, 2003.
AJT Receives Top Impact FactorThe editors of the American Journal of Transplantation are pleased to announce that AJT has received its first impact factor. The impact factor was 4.94, the highest of any journal in the field of transplantation. AJT was launched in 2001 as aninternational journal encompassing all of transplantation and as the official journal of the AST and ASTS. AJT has grown much more rapidly than anticipated, due to the tireless efforts of the editorial board, the editorial office, and the publisher, and the commitment of many authors to the journal. The rapid implementation of full electronic review and publication has reduced the strains caused by this rapidgrowth. AJT will continue to innovate with many new features, including a new version of the online submission and review system (Manuscript Central) this summer.The impact factor reflects the number and rapidity of citation of the publications in AJT. It is very important for young scientists in some countries because promotion is based on formulas incorporating the impact factor. The high impact factor for AJT will thus encourage more submissions to AJT. The editors of AJT wish to thank everyone who has worked on this project, but especially those authors who took a chance on our young journal in the days before its impact was recognized.Yours sincerelyPhil Halloran on behalf of the editorial board
《上海医学》杂志稿约 (最好是导师与其以前有联系)
《上海医学》(SHANGHAIMEDICALJOURNAL)为上海市医学会主办、国内外公开发行的综合性医学学术刊物。大6开,64页,每月25日出版。主要报道国内医学各学科科学研究成果和临床实践,并介绍国内外医学科研动态和新进展。读者对象主要为各科临床医师、医学科研人员和医学生。 一、本刊设有论著、论著摘要、临床经验、病例报告、综合报道、技术交流、讲座、综述、会议(座谈)纪要、临床病理(病例)讨论、国内外学术动态、医学见闻等栏目。欢迎来稿。二、对来稿的要求1.文稿 应具有科学性、实用性,论点明确,资料可靠,文字精炼,层次清楚,数据准确,必要时应做统计学处理。论著、综述、讲座等一般不超过5000字,论著摘要、病例报告、简报等不超过1500字。来稿请用Word格式打印。2.文题 力求简明、醒目,反映文章的主题。中文文题一般以20个汉字以内为宜。3.作者 作者姓名在文题下按序排列,顺序应在投稿时确定,在编排过程中不宜再作更动;作者单位名称(写到科室)及邮政编码脚注于同页左下方。作者应是:(1)参与选题和设计,或参与资料的分析和解释者;(2)起草或修改论文中关键性理论或其他主要内容者;(3)能对编辑部的修改意见进行核修,在学术界进行答辩,并最终同意该文发表者。以上3条均需具备。仅参与获得课题经费或收集资料者不能列为作者,仅对科研小组进行一般管理也不宜列为作者。每篇文章的作者数不超过6位。并请指定一位通讯作者,请提供联系地址,包括电话,电子邮件地址,邮政编码等。4.摘要 论著须附中、英文摘要。中文摘要必须包括目的、方法、结果(应给出主要数据)、结论4个部分,各部分冠以相应的标题。英文摘要还应包括文题、作者姓名(汉语拼音)、单位名称、所在城市名及邮政编码。作者应列出前3位,3位以上加“etal”;不属同一单位时,在第一作者姓名右上角加“ ”,同时在单位名称首字母左上角加“ ”。例如:LINXi nyan ,WUJianping,QINJiong,etal. DepartmentofPediatrics,FirstHospital,BeijingMedicalUniversity,Beijing100034,·97·上海医学2003年第26卷第1期anyan ,WUJianping,QINJiong,etal. DepartmentofPediatrics,FirstHospital,BeijingMedicalUniversity,Beijing100034,China。(1)目的(Objective):简要说明研究的目的,表明研究的范围和重要性。(2)方法(Methods):简要说明研究课题的基本设计,使用了什么材料和方法,如何分组对照,研究范围及精确程度,数据是如何取得的,经何种统计学方法处理。(3)结果(Results):简要列出研究的主要结果和数据,说明其价值及局限性,并需给出结果的置信值、统计学显著性检验的确切值。(4)结论(Conclusions):简要叙述经验、论证取得的正确观点及其理论价值或应用}


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