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The owner of this website () has banned your access based on your browser's signature (3a79bcee511e2246-ua98).Why White Guys Like Asian Girls
Why White Guys Like Asian Girls? Well I have traveled throughout Asia for 15 years and I saw almost every country. If you asked me, I could tell you, that honestly I also like Asian girls more than others. I like mostly oriental, Japanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Philippine or Thai. That’s why let me start with why white guys like Asian girls. In every place that I have visited in Asia, I met a lot of travelers (males) from different countries and regions. All of them asked me the same question: How very attractive these women are when compared to European and American women !!!
Why are Asians girls very attractive? American and European girls say that Asian women are sexually easy. I think American and European girls are not honest about sex. When white girls go out for drink in a club or bar they give the impression that they do not want to be with guys. For what? What they want to prove? When in the same time they complain that men don’t come to talk to them anymore. Asian women do not seem to have anything to prove, they love to be women and are not the enemy. Asian women are kind and they know how to behave, compared to spoiled American and European girls that want everything. Another thing is that Asian girls dress like girls and act like girls. White girls, with the stupid idea of feminism, have completely lost all the female side of them. They dress like men, they talk like men and make love like a men.
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I think its because Asian women show more respect twards the man. They dont generally like to fight (although they tend to be exteremly jelous). They think the family structure is the most important thing in the world. Im talking about native Asians that is. To divorce or even break up is shameful. I encourage any white guy to seek a forign Asian wife. They appreciate his love and attentiveness so much more. Its been 2 years now and I still havent been able to marry my Filipino fiance.
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Night Hawk
(Night-Hawk) is a video director, web designer, travel author, musician, web developer for over 10 years, also he edit videos and study “SEO” or search engine optimization. Here is awhy do guys always want oral, yet they never want to do it to the girl?
why do guys always want oral, yet they never want to do it to the girl?
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That depends on the tastes of both the persons involved. There are guys that may not prefer oral and also guys who would do the same to girls
That depends on the tastes of both the persons involved. There are guys that may not prefer oral and also guys who would do the same to girls
I personally love returning the favor!
Many women I know do not let their man go down on them as they don't like it.
So I don't think you can paint with such a broad brush.
I personally love returning the favor!
Many women I know do not let their man go down on them as they don't like it.
So I don't think you can paint with such a broad brush.
Get them to give you oral first,then you can reciprocate.
Get them to give you oral first,then you can reciprocate.
I've often wondered this myself. Usually, the men that I became sexually intimate with talked a good game that they don't give oral delights but like to receive...and 100% of the time, for me, that was an out right lie :D
I mean, to each their own but personally I don't have time for those shenanigans. At this point in my life I feel that we are grown people and that is apart of lovemaking/intercourse/ sex whatever and people should explore safely and within their comfort zones. It is a HUGE turn-off for me and before sex occurs I feel around to see how the guy feel about it. If he cringes or flat out says he doesn't like to give then that's pretty much it for me. Sorry. I know what I enjoy and I will not be the only one pleasuring in that relationship.
My bottom line: No lick-ee, No sticky...LOL :P
I've often wondered this myself. Usually, the men that I became sexually intimate with talked a good game that they don't give oral delights but like to receive...and 100% of the time, for me, that was an out right lie :D
I mean, to each their own but personally I don't have time for those shenanigans. At this point in my life I feel that we are grown people and that is apart of lovemaking/intercourse/ sex whatever and people should explore safely and within their comfort zones. It is a HUGE turn-off for me and before sex occurs I feel around to see how the guy feel about it. If he cringes or flat out says he doesn't like to give then that's pretty much it for me. Sorry. I know what I enjoy and I will not be the only one pleasuring in that relationship.
My bottom line: No lick-ee, No sticky...LOL :P
i agree. i mean it's not like i really enjoy doing it to him, and i think it's kind of hypocritical for him to think doing to me would be gross.
i agree. i mean it's not like i really enjoy doing it to him, and i think it's kind of hypocritical for him to think doing to me would be gross.
I enjoy giving oral to my wife. If you are clean and have no odor there should not be an issue. You should fix any hygiene problems and then ask your man.
On the other hand, many women are attracted to cocky, selfish men, who do not treat them as equals so they often find themselves in this situation. These types tend to be women who depend on men, financially and emotionally, for their own happiness. That way they can blame the man for any problems they have.
I would never be in a relationship unless it was 50/50. Thats why our marriage works, we both have nice careers, we both take care of our daughter equally, and we both do equal work around the house. Sex is for both of us, so we both make sure the other is satisfied however means necessary!
I enjoy giving oral to my wife. If you are clean and have no odor there should not be an issue. You should fix any hygiene problems and then ask your man.
On the other hand, many women are attracted to cocky, selfish men, who do not treat them as equals so they often find themselves in this situation. These types tend to be women who depend on men, financially and emotionally, for their own happiness. That way they can blame the man for any problems they have.
I would never be in a relationship unless it was 50/50. Thats why our marriage works, we both have nice careers, we both take care of our daughter equally, and we both do equal work around the house. Sex is for both of us, so we both make sure the other is satisfied however means necessary!
Well said. Well posted.
Well said. Well posted.
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why do guys always want oral, yet they never want to do it to the girl?
why do guys always want oral, yet they never want to do it to the girl?
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