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Although it's the combination of two people, the wedding ceremony still shows the features of different races and cultures, which is good for the heritage of cultures.Because even couple of the same color will have different 籂矗焚匪莳睹锋色福姬opinions on wedding ceremonies or
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英语句子翻译软件下载哪位大神来挑战,翻译这首神一般的英文诗? | 巴别塔小组 | 果壳网 科技有意思
游戏叫做Words of power(),是免费软件,印象中没有特别指明里面的诗歌作者。情节我就不剧透了,但这首诗似乎与一个长生不老的魔法师有关。在找不到原文的情况下,我直接默写了。Days go past and days come stillAll is old and all is newWhat is well and what is illYou imagine and construeDo not hope and do not fearWaves that leap like waves must fallShould they praise or should they jeerLook but coldly on it allThings you'll see of many a kindSights and sounds and tales no endBut to keep them all in mindWho would bother to attendVery little does it matterIf you can yourself fulfillThat with idle, empty chatterDays go past and days come stillLittle heed the lofty rangingThat cold logic does displayTo explain the endless changingOf this pageantry of joyAnd which out of death is growingBut to last an hour or twoFor the mind profoundly knowingAll is old and all is newLike before a troupe of actorsYou before the world remainAct they gods or malefactors (编辑:想起来了,此处改了一下)It's just them dressed up againAnd their loving and their slayingSit apart and watch untilYou will see behind their playingWhat is well and what is illWhat has been and what to beAre both of a page each partWhich the world to read is freeYet who knows them off by heartAll that was and is to comeProspers in the present tooYet their narrow modicumYou imagine and construeWith the selfsame scales and gaugesThis great universe to weighMan has been for thousand agesSometimes sad and sometimes gayOther masks, the same old storyPlayers pass and reappearBroken promises of gloryDo not hope and do not fearDo not hope when greed is staringO'er the bridge that luck has flungThose are fools who are not despairing On their brows though stars are hungDo not fear if one or otherDoes his comrades deep enthrallDo not let him call you brotherWaves that leap like waves must fallLike the sirens' silver singingMan spread nets to catch their preyUp and down the curtain swingingMidst a whirlwind of displayLeave them room without resisitanceNor their commentaries cheerHearing only from a distanceShould they praise or should they jeerIf they touch you, do not tarryShould they curse you, hold your tongueAll your counsel must miscarryKnowing who you are amongLet them muse and let them mingleLet them pass both great and smallUnattached and calm and singleLook but coldly on it allLook but coldly on it allShould they praise or should they jeerWaves that leap like waves must fallDo not hope and do not fearYou imagine and construeWhat is well and what is illAll is old and all is newDays go past and days come still
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太长了,就翻个第一段,抛砖引玉。"Days go past and days come stillAll is old and all is new,What is well and what is ill,You Do not hope and do not fear,Waves that leap Should they praise or should they jeer,Look but coldly on it all".韶光易逝却易留,万物皆陈又皆新。何为无恙何为有,君当遐想并剖析。毋忧惧亦毋希冀,如潮起终归潮落。应为抚掌或为讥?观此世唯眼漠漠。个人自我评价一下翻译:原文一句话7个音节,很适合翻译成七言诗。难点第一在于英语里这首诗的韵式(rhyme scheme) 为ABAB,而汉语律诗/绝句韵式为AABA。如果保留原诗韵式,那么读起来有点怪,但如果改编成汉语律诗/绝句韵式,一段8句话需要6句话有相同的韵脚,相当难。即便如此,我的2,4句实在找不到完美韵脚。new估计只能翻成新,除非打乱new和old的顺序。但第四句construe可翻译成剖析、分析、斟酌、推敲,都很难押上in的韵,所有只能勉强用剖析,xi和xin好歹声母相同。5,7句也找不到完美韵脚。fear可翻成恐、惧、怖等等,但第7句的jeer无论翻译成讥笑、讥讽、嘲笑、讥、嘲、哂都很难押上韵。我只好把imagine和construe顺序顺序打乱,那么可以变成“毋忧惧毋空希冀......应为抚掌或为讥”,这样可以押韵。要是按照汉语律诗/绝句的韵式来翻译,估计要严重牺牲对原文的忠实程度了。
引用 的话:长了,就翻个第一段,抛砖引玉。"Days go past and days come stillAll is old and all is new,What is well and what...大神出现了!好开心……观此世唯眼漠漠,帅呆了!我只能想到“日月飞逝又重现,万物方生亦已衰,善恶虽分孰能辨,苦思冥想任君猜”这种水平,后面按格式接不下去。
Days go past and days come stillAll is old and all is newWhat is well and what is illYou imagine and construeDo not hope and do not fearWaves that leap like waves must fallShould they praise or should they jeerLook but coldly on it all斜阳归去朝阳还,梅花落尽桃花现。东边日出西边雨,南辕北辙一念间。恐兮盼兮何所以?人生起伏潮水漫。他自傲来他自讽,我自一双冷眼看。
这首诗也是翻译,原文是罗马尼亚诗人米哈伊爱明内斯库的诗Gloss?, 可翻为光鲜/掩饰/色即是空。原文的韵式也是abab,但每句是八音节。如果按照罗马尼亚语原文来翻译,汉语可转换成类似两句两句的四言诗。感觉比翻译成七言诗要好翻,但又似乎容易啰嗦。试翻译第一段:Vreme trece, vreme vine,Toate-s vechi ?i nou?Ce e r?u ?i ce e bineTu te-ntreab? ?Nu spera ?i nu ai team?,Ce De te-ndeamn?, de te cheam?,Tu r?m?i la toate rece.光阴蹉跎,光阴往复。万物老去,万物复苏。何者为然,何者为误;君为之思,君为之度。毋空希冀,亦毋忧惧;如潮水者,起极必伏。唯留冷眼,观此寰宇。任尔激吾,任尔嘲吾。第三句把r?u(wrong)错/误和bine(good)正确/然对调位置一下,为了押韵。最后两句互换位置,为了押韵。另外原诗的韵式是ababcdcd。另外押得都是阴性韵,即双音节押韵。汉语需要最后两字完全押韵才能对上韵式。这里偷工减料,当成阳性韵也就是单音节押韵,按照韵式aaaababa处理。不过这么一处理,押韵的句子更多,更有汉语诗词的味道。
附罗马尼亚语原文:原文:Gloss?Vreme trece, vreme vine,Toate-s vechi ?i nou?Ce e r?u ?i ce e bineTu te-ntreab? ?Nu spera ?i nu ai team?,Ce De te-ndeamn?, de te cheam?,Tu r?m?i la toate rece.Multe trec pe dinainte,?n auz ne sun? multe,Cine ?ine toate minte?i ar sta s? le asculte?...Tu a?eaz?-te deoparte,Reg?sindu-te pe tine,C?nd cu zgomote de?arteVreme trece, vreme vine.Nici ?ncline a ei limb?Recea cump?n-a g?ndirii?nspre clipa ce se schimb?Pentru masca fericirii,Ce din moartea ei se na?te?i o clip? ?Pentru cine o cunoa?teToate-s vechi ?i nou? toate.Privitor ca la teatruTu ?n lume s? te-nchipui:Joace unul ?i pe patru,Totu?i tu ghici-vei chipu-i,?i de pl?nge, de se ceart?,Tu ?n col? petreci ?n tine?i-n?elegi din a lor art?Ce e r?u ?i ce e bine.Viitorul ?i trecutulSunt a filei dou? fe?e,Vede-n cap?t ?nceputulCine ?tie s? le-nve?e;Tot ce-a fost ori o s? fie?n prezent le-avem pe toate,Dar de-a lor z?d?rnicieTe ?ntreab? ?i socoate.C?ci acelora?i mijloaceSe supun c?te exist?,?i de mii de ani ?ncoaceLumea-i vesel? ?i trist?;Alte m??ti, aceea?i pies?,Alte guri, aceea?i gam?,Am?git at?t de-adeseNu spera ?i nu ai team?.Nu spera c?nd vezi mi?eiiLa izb?nd? f?c?nd punte,Te-or ?ntrece n?t?r?ii,De ai fi cu stea ?Team? n-ai, c?ta-vor iar??i?ntre d?n?ii s? se plece,Nu te prinde lor tovar??:Ce e val, ca valul trece.Cu un c?ntec de siren?,Lumea-Ca s? schimbe-actorii-n scen?,Te mome?te ?n v?Tu pe-al?turi te strecoar?,Nu b?ga nici chiar de seam?,Din c?rarea ta afar?De te-ndeamn?, de te cheam?.De te-ating, s? feri ?n laturi,De hulesc, s? taci din gur?;Ce mai vrei cu-a tale sfaturi,Dac? ?tii a lor m?sur?;Zic? to?i ce vor s? zic?,Treac?-n lume cine-Ca s? nu-ndr?ge?ti nimic?,Tu r?m?i la toate rece.Tu r?m?i la toate rece,De te-ndeamn?, de te cheam?;Ce e val, ca valul trece,Nu spera ?i nu ai team?;Te ?ntreab? ?i socoateCe e r?u ?Toate-s vechi ?i nou? toate:Vreme trece, vreme vine. 1883, 9 sept - dec.
引用 的话:罗马尼亚语原文:原文:Gloss?Multe trec pe dinainte,?n auz ne sun? multe,Cine ?ine toate minte...请问大神,是如何发现这首诗的出处的?你的个人资料上没写你会罗马尼亚语吧。难道是因为英文有点别扭,使你怀疑它是翻译过来的?还有,为什么英文翻译可以那么有格式呢?
引用 的话:请问大神,是如何发现这首诗的出处的?你的个人资料上没写你会罗马尼亚语吧。难道是因为英文有点别扭,使你怀疑它是翻译过来的?还有,为什么英文翻译可以那么有格式呢?我只能提醒一句罗马尼亚语也是罗曼语族……
引用 的话:请问大神,是如何发现这首诗的出处的?你的个人资料上没写你会罗马尼亚语吧。难道是因为英文有点别扭,使你怀疑它是翻译过来的?还有,为什么英文翻译可以那么有格式呢?网上一搜原文就能找到原文链接。本人也算对罗曼语族语言小有研究,法语葡语听说读写都比较流利,意大利语和西班牙语听说没怎么练过,但阅读障碍也不大。拉丁语词汇语法也略有小成。其余小语种里加泰罗尼亚语、加利西亚语、奥克语的普罗旺斯方言、西西里语都读过原著。罗马尼亚语虽然没怎么专门学过,但凭着同源词汇,和一些基础罗曼语族语法,外加不懂的字翻字典翻译,也基本能把每句话的意思搞明白。英文7音步的诗很少,另外第二段的遣词用句明显下滑:1,第三句和第三句,用词过于直白,明显是为了凑韵而写的。2,第六句的倒装很罕见。英语诗歌有很多情况下为了韵律而改变语序,比如有介词短语倒装,形容词名词倒装,但动词和宾语倒装极为罕见。至于英文翻译此诗的格式,估计跟译者的选择有关。
引用 的话:网上一搜原文就能找到原文链接。本人也算对罗曼语族语言小有研究,法语葡语听说读写都比较流利,意大利语和西班牙语听说没怎么练过,但阅读障碍也不大。拉丁语词汇语法也略有小成。其余小语种里加泰罗尼亚语...好吧我错了,谁让我用百度一段一段搜的。那么英文版本的翻译者是谁?翻译有多少不符合原文的地方?
引用 的话:好吧我错了,谁让我用百度一段一段搜的。那么英文版本的翻译者是谁?翻译有多少不符合原文的地方?根据这个链接:是一个貌似罗马尼亚人Corneliu M. Popescu翻译的。我没有每段都细看,但粗粗一看,应该有10-20%的加工。
大神好多啊.....个人感觉翻译成古诗有点奇怪,所以字数和韵脚都没怎么控制,怎么说,感觉这首诗的哲学成分比较大,应该用白话文陈述比较贴切。Days go past and days come still过去的时光依旧会回来,All is old and all is new一切都在新旧之间往复。What is well and what is ill什么是善良,什么是邪恶。You imagine and construe你尽可以想象与臆测Do not hope and do not fear不要奢望也不用畏惧,Waves that leap like waves must fall潮起潮落皆有定数,Should they praise or should they jeer不赞美,也不嘲笑。Look but coldly on it all冷冷地看这一切。Things you'll see of many a kind你所看到的许多事物,Sights and sounds and tales no end音容笑貌并不会消失,But to keep them all in mind但是为了让他们被记住Who would bother to attend谁也不会偷懒不去记忆,Very little does it matter真正重要的记忆很少If you can yourself fulfill如果你能自己完成That with idle, empty chatter这空荡记忆中的对话,Days go past and days come still过去的时光依旧会回来。Little heed the lofty ranging在不受关注的高峰上,That cold logic does display逻辑冷漠地矗立着,To explain the endless changing解释世界的无常,Of this pageantry of joy青春是欢乐的盛况And which out of death is growing远离死亡的只有青春,But to last an hour or two但它却是短暂的,For the mind profoundly knowing这是思想的深刻认识——All is old and all is new一切都在新旧之间往复。Like before a troupe of actors曾经做过戏子的人啊,You before the world remain在你之前停留的世界Be they kings or malefactors 要做一个国王或一个奸臣It's just them dressed up again只需要改变装扮,And their loving and their slaying而他们的恩情与残忍Sit apart and watch until只要置身事外地观看,You will see behind their playing你就能看到他们表演的背后What is well and what is ill什么是善良,什么是邪恶。
What has been and what to be明哲保身,逢场作戏,Are both of a page each part都是智慧之书上的篇章,Which the world to read is free世人可以运用自如,Yet who knows them off by heart然而,谁又知道他们的真实想法,All that was and is to come当一切归于尘埃,Prospers in the present too他们曾经的繁荣被颂咏,Yet their narrow modicum然而,他们的成就是狭隘的You imagine and construe你尽可以想象与臆测 With the selfsame scales and gauges伟大的宇宙将This great universe to weigh尺规与量度权衡统一,Man has been for thousand ages人类繁衍了千万年,Sometimes sad and sometimes gay伤情、欢愉皆有时,Other masks, the same old story不同的面孔述说着相同的古老故事。Players pass and reappear戏子们下场后纷纷再现Broken promises of glory光荣的承诺已破碎Do not hope and do not fear不要奢望也不用畏惧,Do not hope when greed is staring贪婪兴起时,希望已消失O'er the bridge that luck has flung幸运被从大桥抛下,Those are fools who are not despairing 愚蠢的人还怀抱希望,On their brows though stars are hung尽管他们的眉梢还牵连着命运,Do not fear if one or other却不用畏惧他们中的任何一个,Does his comrades deep enthrall若他的同伴已深陷迷潭,Do not let him call you brother不要让他与你称兄道弟,Waves that leap like waves must fall潮起潮落皆有定数。Like the sirens' silver singing海妖用歌声引诱人类Man spread nets to catch their prey人类撒网来捕获猎物Up and down the curtain swinging窗帘浮动如波,Midst a whirlwind of display是风吹动了它,Leave them room without resisitance风离开的时候不受阻扰,Nor their commentaries cheer他们也不评论或欢呼Hearing only from a distance只听到它渐行渐远Should they praise or should they jeer不赞美,也不嘲笑。If they touch you, do not tarry不要因为他们的妨碍而逗留,Should they curse you, hold your tongue不要因为他们的诅咒而怒骂,All your counsel must miscarry你的一切妥协全然无效,Knowing who you are among你应该知道的是你身在何处,Let them muse and let them mingle只管让他们思考与同流合污,Let them pass both great and small让他们迷失在伟大与渺小之间,Unattached and calm and single而你独立、镇静、孤独,Look but coldly on it all冷冷地看这一切。Look but coldly on it all冷冷地看这一切。Should they praise or should they jeer不赞美,也不嘲笑。Waves that leap like waves must fall潮起潮落皆有定数。Do not hope and do not fear不要奢望也不用畏惧,You imagine and construe你尽可以想象与臆测What is well and what is ill什么是善良,什么是邪恶。All is old and all is new一切都在新旧之间往复。Days go past and days come still过去的时光依旧会回来。
按照罗马尼亚语重新翻译的第一段和第二段:Gloss?Vreme trece, vreme vine,Toate-s vechi ?i nou?Ce e r?u ?i ce e bineTu te-ntreab? ?Nu spera ?i nu ai team?,Ce De te-ndeamn?, de te cheam?,Tu r?m?i la toate rece.光阴蹉跎亦往复,芸芸万物陈复新。何者为然何为误,君当辗转求于心。毋空忧惧毋希冀,如潮水者起终落。任尔激励任尔讥 ,观此世唯眼漠漠。Multe trec pe dinainte,?n auz ne sun? multe,Cine ?ine toate minte?i ar sta s? le asculte?...Tu a?eaz?-te deoparte,Reg?sindu-te pe tine,C?nd cu zgomote de?arteVreme trece, vreme vine.诸色匆匆去复返,万籁于双耳充斥。孰能存念事万端,并堪声尘迷耳识?请君稍脱当局迷,旁观少顷听吾诉。待到万籁俱阒寂,光阴蹉跎亦往复。(待续)
引用 的话:照罗马尼亚语重新翻译的第一段和第二段:Gloss?光阴蹉跎亦往复,芸芸万物陈复新。何者为然何为误,君当辗转求于心。毋空忧惧毋希冀,如潮水者起终落。任尔激励任尔讥...有劳大神了!不过原文第一行表达的意思是过去的时光、事情会重现,还是旧的日子过了,新的日子还会来?总不会是穿越到过去的意思吧?
引用 的话:有劳大神了!不过原文第一行表达的意思是过去的时光、事情会重现,还是旧的日子过了,新的日子还会来?总不会是穿越到过去的意思吧?原文直译就是time goes by, time comes= time comes and goes。怎么理解都可以。
全文已经翻译完了。Gloss?色即是空Vreme trece, vreme vine,Toate-s vechi ?i nou?Ce e r?u ?i ce e bineTu te-ntreab? ?Nu spera ?i nu ai team?,Ce De te-ndeamn?, de te cheam?,Tu r?m?i la toate rece.光阴蹉跎亦往复,芸芸万物陈复新。何者为然何为误,君当辗转求于心。毋空忧惧毋希冀,如潮水者起终落。任彼激励任彼讥,观此世唯眼漠漠。Multe trec pe dinainte,?n auz ne sun? multe,Cine ?ine toate minte?i ar sta s? le asculte?...Tu a?eaz?-te deoparte,Reg?sindu-te pe tine,C?nd cu zgomote de?arteVreme trece, vreme vine.诸色匆匆去复返,万籁于双耳充斥。孰能存念事万端,并堪声尘迷耳识?请君稍脱当局迷,旁观少顷听吾诉。待到万籁俱阒寂,光阴蹉跎亦往复。Nici ?ncline a ei limb?Recea cump?n-a g?ndirii?nspre clipa ce se schimb?Pentru masca fericirii,Ce din moartea ei se na?te?i o clip? ?Pentru cine o cunoa?teToate-s vechi ?i nou? toate.勿偏真理三寸尺: 冰冷天枰之准线。光阴弹指稍纵逝,瞬化欢愉之假面自寂灭处生复还,或一刹那忽为信;唯有领者知其然,芸芸万物陈复新。Privitor ca la teatruTu ?n lume s? te-nchipui:Joace unul ?i pe patru,Totu?i tu ghici-vei chipu-i,?i de pl?nge, de se ceart?,Tu ?n col? petreci ?n tine?i-n?elegi din a lor art?Ce e r?u ?i ce e bine.君如幕前观戏者,望穿此世界大千。且赏四角于一折,当察妆下真容颜,纵使其或泣或号。一旁默默观此舞,于此艺君当知晓:何者为然何为误。Viitorul ?i trecutulSunt a filei dou? fe?e,Vede-n cap?t ?nceputulCine ?tie s? le-nve?e;Tot ce-a fost ori o s? fie?n prezent le-avem pe toate,Dar de-a lor z?d?rnicieTe ?ntreab? ?i socoate.过去未来虽二元,两面终将归一页。从根源处结果现,孰能饱学自得解。昨日明朝万千色,今夕我曹已得尽。但如镜花水月者,君当辗转求于心。
C?ci acelora?i mijloaceSe supun c?te exist?,?i de mii de ani ?ncoaceLumea-i vesel? ?i trist?;Alte m??ti, aceea?i pies?,Alte guri, aceea?i gam?,Am?git at?t de-adeseNu spera ?i nu ai team?.万种殊途终同归,凡居此世遵此律。自此飞越千百岁,十方大地娱且郁。粉饰虽杂同幕演,口舌虽众同准基。往往此欺吾辈眼,毋空忧惧毋希冀。Nu spera c?nd vezi mi?eiiLa izb?nd? f?c?nd punte,Te-or ?ntrece n?t?r?ii,De ai fi cu stea ?Team? n-ai, c?ta-vor iar??i?ntre d?n?ii s? se plece,Nu te prinde lor tovar??:Ce e val, ca valul trece.如见险恶毋存幸,一桥飞架伟业现。愚者或越君于径,纵君项背遥领前。君莫存忧虑在怀,龃龉必致彼辈殁。切不可从其朋侪,如潮水者起终落。Cu un c?ntec de siren?,Lumea-Ca s? schimbe-actorii-n scen?,Te mome?te ?n v?Tu pe-al?turi te strecoar?,Nu b?ga nici chiar de seam?,Din c?rarea ta afar?De te-ndeamn?, de te cheam?.塞壬海妖曲一段,寰宇广布晶莹网;如台上伶走马换,其诱君入温柔乡。君当远离车马喧自令纷扰过耳际。于野际自拓一阡,任彼激励任彼讥。De te-ating, s? feri ?n laturi,De hulesc, s? taci din gur?;Ce mai vrei cu-a tale sfaturi,Dac? ?tii a lor m?sur?;Zic? to?i ce vor s? zic?,Treac?-n lume cine-Ca s? nu-ndr?ge?ti nimic?,Tu r?m?i la toate rece.若彼脑尔君自避,若彼谤尔君自缄。何将良言于彼给,若君深知彼性偏。言者任之言所欲,行者任之行其陌。莫使万物于怀絮,观此世唯眼漠漠。Tu r?m?i la toate rece,De te-ndeamn?, de te cheam?;Ce e val, ca valul trece,Nu spera ?i nu ai team?;Te ?ntreab? ?i socoateCe e r?u ?Toate-s vechi ?i nou? toate:Vreme trece, vreme vine.观此世唯眼漠漠,任彼激励任彼讥。如潮水者起终落,毋空忧惧毋希冀。君当辗转求于心,何者为然何为误。芸芸万物陈复新,光阴蹉跎亦往复。
附上几个英文版翻译1,Daniela Toma无韵,最接近原文:2,3,Adrian G. Sahlean,Andrei Bantas按照原文韵律,有小量加工的版本:4,Corneliu M. Popescu按照原文韵律,加工比较大的版本:
引用 的话:附上几个英文版翻译1,Daniela Toma无韵,最接近原文:2,3,,按照原文韵律,有小量加工的版本:4,按照原文韵律,加工比较大的版本:多谢!翻译这种诗是不是很费时间?学渣表示抱歉了……不过读了之后觉得那重复的8句翻译得比其他部分顺很多,而其他几段里面,“若彼脑尔君自避,若彼谤尔君自缄”一节最为精彩。是我一个人这么认为吗?PS:看来只学英文也有很多办不到的事情。我最开始看到的那个翻译版本,越看越觉得与(依据无韵版本推测的)原文意思差距很大,甚至中心思想都矛盾了,坑爹啊!不知是翻译本身的问题,还是我先入为主带着游戏中的魔法师的影响去回忆的缘故?


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