
谁会这道题:我会理解课文.1. 我会理解课文.1.《掌声》一文中,教室里共响起了_____次掌声.第一次_______________;第二次_______________.2.《陶罐和铁罐》是一则寓言,陶罐__________,铁罐__________.从故事中,我们领悟到:_________________________.3.《科利亚的木匣》一课,围绕“木匣”写了科利亚_____木匣、_____木匣以及从中得到的启示.告诉我们___________________________________.4.《富饶的西沙群岛》一课分别从海面、海底、海滩和海岛四个方面来表现西沙群岛的__________和__________.5.《盘古开天地》是一篇_____故事,赞美了盘古_______________的精神.6.《玩出了名堂》一课,贯穿了一个“_____”字,它讲的是__________利用看门的时间,做成了__________,在玩放大镜时,又突发奇想,做成了__________,进而发现了__________.7.李四光是我国著名的__________学家.小时候他对家乡的一块大石头产生了疑问,通过多年的研究,终于弄明白了大石头的来历.我们也要学习李四光______________________________的品质. 1.两 是为英子加油,给她鼓励 对英子的故事讲得好表示赞扬 2.谦虚 傲慢 每个人都有长处和短处,要善于看到别人的长处,正视自己的短处 3.埋 挖 时间在变,人也在变,周围的一切都在变化,我们要用发展的眼光看待问题、解决问题 4.富饶 美丽 5.神话 勇于奉献 6.玩 列文虎克 放大镜 显微镜 微生物 7.地质 积极思考、不懈追求 (意思对即可) 为您推荐: 其他类似问题 扫描下载二维码谁会这道题:课外阅读.   1895年的一天夜里,德国物理学家伦琴在维尔茨堡大学的实验室里,拉上物理实验室厚厚的窗帘,屋子里一片漆黑,因为实验要求不能有一丝光线.  伦琴摸黑顺利做完了实验.但是,在冲洗才傲完的实验照片时,他发现放在放电管旁边的一盒照相底片曝光了. 照相底片被密封在厚厚的几层黑纸里,怎么会曝光呢?   他觉得这其中必有原因.为了找出原因,他又拿出一盒新的密封的照相底片,仍旧把它放在老地方,重新做了一次实验,结果,底片又一次曝了光.这下,他认为一定是有一种看不见的光在暗中作怪,使照相底片曝光的.  为了找到这束看不见的光,伦琴一连十几天在实验室 反复 试验,终于 发现了这种看不见的光就是从放电管射出来的.  他又用这束看不见的光去透视其他物质,惊喜地发现这种射线还能穿过铜、铁、木头和皮肤等等.  这天,他的夫人见他十几天没有回家,来看望他.伦琴笑眯眯地把夫人拉到仪器旁,把她的手放在暗盒里,然后用放电管照射了几分钟.  几分钟后底片冲出来了.伦琴夫人一看,吓了一跳.原来照片上是手的骨骼,像人体骨骼标本一样.  伦琴(&& )发现了这种射线,(& &)还不了解这种射线的本质,就给它取名为“X射线”,又叫“X光”.后来,X光被广泛应用于医学和工业领域,帮助医生诊断病情,帮助工程技术人员对机械设备进行无损伤检测.  日,伦琴作为物理学家第一个获得了诺贝尔物理学奖.1.在括号里填上合适的关联词语.2.体会文中加粗词语的用意.(1)反复:____________________________________ (2)终于:____________________________________ 3.把文中画线句子换个说法,使意思不变._______________________________________________ 4.“X光”有哪些用途?_______________________________________________ 1.虽然……但是…… 2.(1)说明伦琴试验次数之多.&&   (2)说明伦琴取得成功不容易.&&&& 3.照相底片被密封在厚厚的几层黑纸里,不应该曝光的.&&&& 4.它被应用于医学和工业领域,帮助医生诊断病情,帮助工程技术人员对机械设备进行无损伤检测.(意思对即可) 为您推荐: 其他类似问题 扫描下载二维码谁会这道题:阅读理解. &&&& Kunming is the capital of Yunnan.&It's a city with a long history.Kunming has a population of more than 5,000,000.Though the weather in Yunnan changes from place to place,Kunming is famous for her beautiful weather.It's neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.That's why more and more people like to travel and even to live here.You can see that great changes have taken place here.A lot of tall buildings,cinemas and hospitals have been put up.You can cross the streets over footbridges in the city.&You can buy whatever you want in shops and supermarkets in or around the city.People's lives are becoming better and better.&&&& At weekend or on holiday,people like to relax themselves in different places and in different ways.In winter,people,especially old people,would like to climb the Western Hills.From the top of the Hills,you can have a good look at the beautiful scenery of Kunming.Far away from the Hills,you can enjoy the Sleeping Beauty among the Hills.After supper,families take a walk along the bank of Dianchi Lake.The Golden Temple and EXPO Garden (世博园) are two famous places of interest in the north of the city.&&EXPO Garden is known to people both at home and abroad.You can spend a whole day visiting the world-famous garden.A little farther away from the southeast of the city,a special forest welcomes you.It is not a tree forest,but astone forest.&&So it is called the Stone Forest.&&&& People in Kunming are very friendly.They often invite their friends home to try delicious food,like rice noodles.If you want to know more about Kunming and taste her food,please visit her yourself 1.What's the population of Kunming?A.Over five thousand.B.Over five million.C.Over five billion.D.Over five hundred.2.The weather in Yunnan is _____.A.the same in different places B.neither too hot nor too cold C.different in different places D.different in the same place 3.The Sleeping Beauty is the name of a _____.A.person B.hill C.shop D.film star 4._____ is known to people all over the world.A.EXPO Garden B.The Stone Forest C.The Golden Temple D.The Western Hills 5.The writer of this passage wants to A.taste her food B.visit Kunming C.invite tourists to Kunming D.know more about Kunming zhiyun_1089 为您推荐: 其他类似问题 扫描下载二维码这道数学题谁会。某村900人投票选举村长,有甲、乙两名候选人,每人至少将票投给1人,最后投票结果是:甲获得480票,乙获得520票,有多少人同时给两人投票? +520-900=100 多出来一百票就是有一百人投两票啦 480+520-900=100 480+520-900=100(人)答:有100人同时给两人投票 520+480-x=900 故x=100 所以有一百人 为您推荐: 扫描下载二维码这几道题谁会答,帮我答一下!求助啦!!Gracious Goodnessby Marge PiercyOn the beach where we had been idlytelling1the shell coinscat’s paw, cross-barred Venus, china cockle,we both saw at oncethe sea bird fall to the sandand flap grotesquely.He had taken a great barbed hookout through the cheek and fixedin the big wing.He was pinned to himself to die,a royal tern with a black crest blown backas if he flew in his own private wind.He felt good in my hands, not fragilebut muscular and glossy and strong,the beak that could have split my handopening only to cryas we yanked on the barbs.We borrowed a clippers, cut and drew out the hook.Then the royal tern took off, wavering,lurched twice,then acrobat returned to his element, dipped,zoomed, and sailed out to dive for a fish.Virtue: what a sunrise in the belly.Why is there nothingI have ever done with anybodythat seems to me so obviously right?1. What are “cat’s paw, cross-barred Venus, china cockle” (“Gracious Goodness”, line 3)?A. types of coinsB. species of fishC. species of birdsD. types of seashells2. Which literary device is used in “black crest blown back” (“Gracious Goodness”, line 11)?A. alliterationB. symbolismC. onomatopoeiaD. personification3. Which image best reflects the poet’s characterization of the bird in “Gracious Goodness”?A. a fallen angelB. a barbed hookC. a wounded kingD. a brilliant sunrise4. What suggests that the bird in “Gracious Goodness” understands that the speaker wants to help it?A. It does not hurt her.B. It does not try to escape.C. It approaches the speaker.D. It dips its wings in thanks.5. What would most likely lead to a “sunrise in the belly” (“Gracious Goodness”, line 23)?A. feeling pityB. falling in loveC. acting selflesslyD. recognizing beautyPage 9English 10 – 0808 Form APage 76. In “Gracious Goodness,” what causes the speaker to believe that her actions are“so obviously right” (line 26)?A. She has overcome fear caused by the bird’s struggle.B. She has made up for suffering caused by other humans.C. She has shared an act of compassion with another person.D. She has enjoyed an interruption in her otherwise uneventful day 护身毒BE05 Gracious Goodness"善举On the beach where we had been idly在我们漫步的那个海滩telling the shell coins贝壳在诉说cat's paw, cross-barred Venus, china cockle,有猫爪贝、横纹金星、瓷贝...we both saw at once我们同时看见,the sea bird fall to the sand海鸟落在沙滩,and flap grotesquely.怪怪地拍扑着翅膀。He had taken a great barbed hookout through the cheek and fixed它那宽大的翅膀里插着一个带倒刺的钩子in the big wing.He was pinned to himself to die,(它想把钩子弄出来)它那样会把自己钉死。(应该可以这么理解,燕鸥想把钩子弄出来,那等同于自杀,它会因此杀死自己)a royal tern with a black crest blown backas if he flew in his own private wind.这只皇家燕鸥(静静的躺在那里),黑色的羽冠随风向后飘扬,仿佛正在自由自在的飞翔He felt good in my hands, not fragilebut muscular and glossy and strong,它安详的躺在我的手心,不在脆弱,那么的光洁,那样的坚强。the beak that could have split my handopening only to cry as we yanked on the barbs.当我们试着将那钩子取出的时候,那本可以刺破我手掌的喙只能发出绝望的叫喊We borrowed a clippers, cut and drew out the hook.我们借了把剪刀,把钩子弄断并取了出来。Then the royal tern took off, wavering,lurched twice,然后这只皇家燕鸥晃晃悠悠的起飞了,有两次差点掉了下来then acrobat returned to his element, dipped,zoomed, and sailed out to dive for a fish.然后,它翻转着返回自己的世界俯冲,又突然地上升,接着钻进水中寻觅鱼的踪迹Virtue: what a sunrise in the belly.Why is there nothing I have ever done with anybodythat seems to me so obviously right? 感悟(尤指关于道义上的):好一个升腾在你胸腔中的如日出般闪耀的光亮!但,为什么我从来没有为任何人做过任何事,即使这件事很显然(obviously)是正义的呢? 1.D(cat's paw, cross-barred Venus, china cockle,有猫爪贝、横纹金星、瓷贝...均属贝类)2.A(alliteration 英文修辞中的头韵法修辞)3.拿不准到底是A还是C。个人觉得是A:陨落的天使4.A(很简单 那只受了伤的皇家海鸥明白作者在帮它是因为诗中说 它没有伤害她)5.C(无私的举动)6.B 为您推荐: 很简单哦,有海、沙滩、海鸥(a royal tern) 2.A 头韵(Alliteration)是英语语言学分支文体学的重要术语。头韵是英语语音修辞手段之一,它蕴含了语言的音乐美和整齐美,使得语言声情交融、音义一体,具有很强的表现力和感染力.从应用范围、结构特征以及审美价值三个方面对其进行分析讨论,将有助于我们理解和欣赏这一辞格. 头韵在英语里叫alliter... 殷勤善 由马奇农药 在海滩上,我们一直袖手旁观 告诉 1 在shell硬币 猫的爪子,跨禁止金星,中国拾贝, 我们都看到了一次 秋天的海鸟的沙子 和皮瓣的怪异。 他采取了非常刺钩 通过脸颊和固定 在大翼。 他被钉死,他死了, 皇室燕鸥有一黑色徽章吹回


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