
她没亲眼看见he stole her bike,所以,该说 the bike was stolen。
has been watching her bike有点含糊,建议改为someone has laid the eyes on her bike.
We went to the park by bike,we saw many people on the way .
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2081942',
container: s,
size: '1000,60',
display: 'inlay-fix'我独自一人骑着自行车去公园怎么翻译
I am alone riding a bike to go to the park
I rode a bicycle to the park alone.
I was alone riding a bike to go to the park。
I went to the park by bike alone.
In the park some are singing, while others are riding bycicles.
Some people are singing in the park,others are riding.
Some are singing in the park and others are riding bikes.
<img class="ikqb_img" src="http://e./zhidao/wh%3D600%2C800/sign=f43b7daaddc77db1e43a7ec/c9fcc3cec3fdfc03d62f53a9d73f4f.jpg" esrc="http://e./zh...
Some people are singing in the park, and others are riding bicycles.
Some are singing in the park,while others are riding bikes.
Some people are singing at the park,and another people are riding bike.望采纳^_^
Some people are singing in thepark.The other people are riding bikes.求采讷
扫描下载二维码ride our bikes in the park 的翻译是:我们在公园里的自行车骑 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
ride our bikes in the park
相关内容&aEqual to white saying said to me 正在翻译,请等待...
& aYou are a great person. Life is always tough. You got to have faith in yourself. You are a great person. Life is always tough. You got to have faith in yourself. & a如何配置满足结构要求的混凝土,充分利用混凝土的力学性能,设计和建造出经济、技术安全和结构合理的建筑物或工程结构,对于结构工程师来说是必不可少的知识。 How disposes satisfies the structure request the concrete, uses the concrete fully mechanics performance, designs and constructs the economical, the technical security and the structure reasonable building or the engineering structure, regarding structural engineer is the essential knowledge. & a你最 You & a责大型活动的礼仪 Responsibility large-scale activity etiquette & a等你到来 等待您到達 & awater,park 水,公园 & a三十分钟 30 minutes & aafter I listed out more than 5 kind of foods, it is the time ur should cook it for us, ok? 在我列出了超过5种类食物之后,它是否是时间ur应该烹调它为我们,好? & ayes,you know 是,您知道 & ayour's yang 你的杨 & a使我们惊讶的是他决定不吸烟 Causes us surprised is he decided does not smoke & a1. In the Available Bands List, click Display #1 and select New Display. 1. 在可利用的带列出,点击显示#1和精选的新的显示。 & aI dont really, play much else, on the computer. do you have an Xbox, or Playstation? 我在计算机真正地不,演奏。 您是否有Xbox或者Playstation ? & a那个字 是汉语 That character is a Chinese & a我一人 I & a饥渴的像野兽一样的男人们 Hunger thirsty elephant wild animal same men & a我经常在放学后和男同学打篮球 I after am on vacation from school frequently and male schoolmate play the basketball & a两个人的小幸福 Two person's small happiness & aled time and temperature display 被带领的时间和温度显示 & aif you love somebody you'd better let it out 如果您爱某人您应该放掉它 & aPlease ask your team to provide a quality analysis of all of your stock, with details. 请要求您的队提供对所有的质量分析您的股票,关于细节。 & aHate That I Love You. 恨那我爱你。 & a李明擅长照顾小动物 Li Ming excels at the attendance micro-organism & a伤心,难过 Sad, sad & aboomerangs 飞旋镖 & apress to set funiction value 按设置funiction价值 & a二B的青春蛋疼的人生 Two B youth egg sore lives & abrief introduction to the activity 活动简要的介绍 & a颜色加深 Color deepening & a无知的初中 Ignorant junior middle school & a掌管 Governing & a我们不是一路人 We are not a passer-by & a你能告诉我怎么正确发音吗? How correct pronunciation can you tell me? & a实话和你讲 其实我也曾喜欢过你
只是你不晓得而已 The truth and you spoke me also once to like you only were actually you do not know & ayouth markering firm 青年markering的企业 & aolvidar 忘记 & arecruit carthaginian city militia 0 requires factions { spain, } 新兵迦太基城市民兵0需要派别{西班牙,} & aMaking Headway in the Movement to Protect the World’s Sharks 在运动做进展保护世界的鲨鱼 & a4. Wenzhou plan update 4. 温州计划更新 & akeep on with 保留与 & amusic some people very strongly 音乐某些人非常强烈 & a你要去联通营业厅 You must go to the link selling area & a邀请朋友参加一些活动如游泳球赛等赢得真正的友谊 Invites the friend to attend some active like swimming sports match and so on to win the true friendship & ayour spelling is bad 您的拼写是坏的 & a我佩服他在困境中壮大自我的精神和不畏惧的态度 I admire him to expand the manner in the difficult position which the self-spirit and does not dread & a这个问题太难我不能回答 This question too is difficult I not to be able to reply & a亲爱的周老师,祝您教师节快乐。 Dear Mr./Mrs. Zhou, wishes you teachers' day to be joyful. & a你的新鞋子也在这儿 Your new shoe also in here & a我被怀疑偷了杰克的手机,但是我发誓我没有。 I was suspected has stolen Jake's handset, but I pledged I do not have. & a当今,英语在世界范围内被广泛使用。它又包括美式英语和英式英语。它们在很多方面不同。首先,最明显的区别在于词汇。有成千上百的词汇在大洋彼岸的另一个国家并不使用或以另外一种意思使用。又是相同的词汇有不同的意思,一直是人混淆。语法方面也有些不同。这两种英语的另外两个不同方面的方面是拼音和发音。但是来自两个国家的人们理解彼此并不太困难。一些专家认为两者的差距正在缩小。英语的使用者可以相互理解--无论在哪里。 Now, English widely is used in the worldwide scale.It includes the American English and the English-type English.They are different in very many aspects.First, the most obvious difference lies in the glossary.Has thousand on hundred glossaries not to use in the ocean other shore another country or u & athere is a world of difference between the pare-back Gothic retraint of Tharcher's 有区别世界Tharcher的之间削去哥特式retraint的 & a她是我的爱人 She is my spouse & a我摘的苹果比拟的少,但比你的大 I pick apple comparison few, but compared to yours big & a英语备课本 English prepares the textbook & aride our bikes in the park 乘坐我们的自行车在公园 &英语翻译(记得要用第一人称和一般过去时来表达):上周星期天,我和我的朋友去颐和园。我们骑着自行车,_百度知道
brown.At noon.Maria is flying a kite, my friend and I went to the Summer Palace.We are riding a bicycle, brown, food and water, reached the park at 8, and took a lot of beautiful pictures!.Jane plays the guitar in the park to sing, and took a lot of beautiful pictures.Maria took a kite.After lunch we go boating in the lake.Maria took a kite, kangkang carrying a camera:30.I bring food, food and water, kangkang carrying a camera, feel very tired to go home:30, we had lunch in kunming lake!.We are riding a bicycle, with fruit, feel very tired to go home.Maria is flying a kite.Jane with a guitarLast Sunday.I bring food.Jane plays the guitar in the park to sing.At noon, my friend and I went to the Summer Palace, with fruit!, we had lunch in kunming lake.Last Sunday, reached the park at 8!选我.After lunch we go boating in the lake.选我.Jane with a guitar


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