2016年第二届ieee sensors 2016计算机与通信国际会议可靠吗

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& & & &第23届IEEE国际计算机通信和网络大会(简称IEEE ICCCN)于日前在我校中法中心圆满落幕。来自全球的计算机通信和网络方面的专家学者约200人参加了大会。大会主席由我校副校长蒋昌俊教授和美国科罗拉多大学周笑波教授担任。本次大会共由Keynote(特邀报告)、Panel(专题讨论)、Session(专题交流)3个板块组成。
& & & &大会特邀报告有3个,分别为美国西北大学计算机系系主任Alok.N.Choudhary教授所作的题为“Big Data Science and Social Networks - Accelerating Insights and Building Value”的学术报告。报告主要介绍了高性能计算机的理论、实验和大规模仿真推进了知识发现。现代实验和仿真涉及到卫星、高吞吐量仪器、感知器和超级计算机生成了大量的数据。同时社交群体如Facebook, Twitter, Google也在生成大量的数据。更加复杂的是连接数据生成者的网络。本报告中特别提出了知识发现中数据进行处理、挖掘和分析的关键作用。
& & & &香港中文大学John C.S. Lui做的题为“Sampling Theory of Large Networks”的学术报告,主要提出了大型网络通常可以表示为图。对于这些图表,描述节点对之间的关系是很重要的应用,如在线社交网络(OSNs)中的朋友推荐等,由于这种网络的大规模性质,列举所有用户对是不可行,本报告提出了针对社交网络的复杂图形拓扑关系使用抽样理论。并介绍了抽样理论的具体技术及方法。
& & & &上海纽约大学计算机学院院长Keith Ross教授做的题为“Mining Online Social Networks: Opportunities and Privacy Issues”的学术报告,主要介绍了在线社交网络的数据挖掘技术,特别介绍了Keith Ross在做的挖掘社交网络和隐私的关系等相关内容。
& & & &专题讨论主要邀请了美国天普大学Krishna Kant教授、中弗罗里达大学Jun Wang教授、上海交大陈海波教授、密苏里堪萨斯大学Baek-Young Cho教授、澳门大学赵伟教授、匹茨堡大学Ty Znati、中国移动Chih-Lin等进行了“CyberPhysical Clouds – Risks and Opportunities”和“Research Directions on Mobile and Wireless Sensor Networks”的讨论。
& & & 会议专题交流分为数据中心和大数据计算(DCBC)、安全隐私和信任(SPT)、传感器/嵌入式网络和普适计算(SNPC)、无线局域网络,无线自组织网络和网状网络(WAM)、通信架构,算法,模型和评估(CAAME)等9个议题题,共有近百人就自己的论文做了报告并进行交流。
& & & 会议期间,还进行了workshop专题交流,workshop是本次学术会议的附属会议,有近70人参加了交流。
& & & 计算机通信与网络国际会议(International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks,ICCCN)是国际上计算机网络领域的重要会议之一,也是中国计算机学会推荐的重要学术会议之一。ICCCN致力搭建国际化的学术交流平台,为计算机通信与网络领域的研究者提供交流和研讨相关领域学术和技术创新的空间。会议议题包括但不限于:计算机通信与网络领域的设计、实施、应用等创新成果。自1995年创办以来, ICCCN已经召开了22届会议,举办国家包括美国、德国、瑞典等国,每届会议参会人数大约200人,已经产生了较大影响。
版权所有 同济大学 新闻中心 Copyright tongji university news center, 2012 E-mail:dxb@mail.&&~科学网会议频道诚邀您加入
2014 会议月历
会议名称会议时间会议地点Oct.13-Oct.15, 2016
Central China Normal University,Wuhan
Dear colleagues,
Over the past several years, the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum has cemented its reputation as an authoritative and highly respected discussion platform. Its far-reaching programme has regularly attracted heads of states and governments, business leaders from Russia and abroad, and leading experts. The debates at this event invariably focus on the most pressing issues facing Russia and the world.
This year, the Forum is dedicated to ‘Sustaining Confidence in a World Undergoing Transformation’ – a topic of vital importance. Indeed, in a world currently experiencing rapid geopolitical, technological, and structural change, this choice of theme is a particularly pertinent one. The international community is well placed to move forward and ensure continued global development merely by acting in concert, respecting mutual interests, and further consolidating constructive relationships which have become firmly established over several decades.
It is also apparent that sustained socio-economic growth, increased trade and investment, capitalizing on innovation, and creating new jobs for the modern era are only possible if business displays strong confidence in the market, government institutions, and the legal system. In order to achieve this, governments, international organizations, and business communities need to establish new and more effective forms of cooperation, and continue their joint search for ways to manage global processes and risks.
I have every confidence that the 18th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum will make a substantial contribution towards meeting these objectives, and will facilitate increased mutual trust and understanding. Russia is willing to develop relations with all of its partners across a range of areas, based on genuine equality and respect for each other’s interests. I hope you have a productive, rewarding, and successful Forum
Vladimir Putin
Prof. Steven Low
IEEE Fellow,
Caltech, USA
Prof. Moshe Zukerman IEEE Fellow
City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Rod Kennedy
IEEE Fellow
The Australia National University
Siavash Haroun Mahdavi, Managing Director, Within Technologies
Sergey Nedoroslev, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Kaskol Group of Companies
John Chambers, Chairman and CEO, Cisco Systems Inc
Andrey Guryev, General Director, PhosAgro OJSC
Michael Elliott, CEO, ONE
Stuart Lawson, Committee Chairman, Association of European Businesses
Ruslan Alikhanov, President, Chairman of the Management Board, FESCO Plc
Sergey Belyakov, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economic Development
Dennis Nally, Chairman, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Ben van Beurden, Chief Executive Officer, Royal Dutch Shell Plc
Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever NV
Andrey Sharonov, Rector, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO
Ekaterina Trofimova, First Vice-President, Gazprombank
Sergey Kalugin, President, Rostelecom OJSC
Xiang Bing, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
Grant Porter, Vice Chairman, Barclays Capital
Liam Halligan, Economics Commentator, Telegraph Media Group
Lev Kuznetsov, Minister, Ministry of North Caucasus Affairs
Sven Magnus Brannstrom, Chief Executive Officer, Oriflame Cosmetics
Kirill Androsov, Managing Partner, Altera Capital
Charles Robertson, Global Chief Economist, Renaissance Capital CJSC
Ruben Aganbegyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Financial Corporation Otkritie
Stanislav Voskresenskiy, Deputy Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the North-West Federal District, Presidential Executive Office
Alison Smale, Bureau Chief, The New York Times, Berlin
Luis Maroto, President, CEO, Amadeus IT Group
Alexey Mordashov, General Director, Severstal OJSC
Luca Caruso, Partner, Bain & Company Russia LLC
Sergey Kogogin, General Director, KAMAZ OJSC
Hans-Paul Burkner, Chairman, The Boston Consulting Group
Alexey Ulyukaev, Minister, Ministry of Economic Development
Gennadiy Timchenko, Member of the Board of Directors, Novatek OJSC
Terence Francis Moran, President, Institute of Public Administration Australia
Hendrik Du Toit, CEO, Investec Asset Management Ltd
Luc Chatel, Member of the Sustainable Development and Regional Planning Committee, French National Assembly
Simona Marinescu, Director, Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development
Nikolay Nikolaev, Vice President, OPORA ROSSII
Quentin O'Toole, Deloitte CIS Audit
Alexey Repik, Chairman of the Board of Directors, R-Pharm CJSC
Viyugin Oleg, Chairman of the Board of Directors, MDM Bank
Michael Chi, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Perfect World
Sergey Kirienko, General Director, State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom
Igor Agamirzian, General Director, Chairman of the Management Board, Russian Venture Company OJSC
Aleksey Taycher, President, SG-Trans JSC
Vadim Mikhailov, Senior Vice President for Economy and Finance, Russian Railways JSC
The First IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication
and the Internet (ICCCI 2016) is one
of the international leading academic conferences for authors to present novel
ideas and fundamental advances in the fields of computer communications and
Internet. ICCCI 2016 serves to foster communication among researchers,
engineers and relevant practitioners with a common interest of researching in
the broad areas of computer communications and Internet, developing scientific
and technological innovations in these areas. ICCCI 2016 is sponsored by IEEE
and Central China Normal University, P.R.China and will be held at the beautiful and historical city Wuhan China during Oct. 13-15, 2016.
第一届IEEE计算机通信和互联网国际会议由IEEE和华中师范大学主办,将于-15日在武汉华中师范大学召开。会议邀请到多位IEEE fellow和行业内专家, 做现场报告并主持分会讨论, ICCCI 2016 会议将为参会者营造国际一流的学术交流氛围和人脉圈。被本次会议接收并注册的全文将由IEEE出版,根据作者的意愿,不愿出版文章的作者可以提交摘要做口头报告或是注册成为听众参与到会议中来。本次会议将涵括分会讨论,邀请报告,大会报告,文章、摘要作者口头报告,海报展览,展品展示,一日游等。我们热忱的欢迎您报名参加!
The primary focus of
the conference is on new and original research results in the areas of theoretical
findings, design, implementation, and applications of computer communications
and Internet. Both theoretical paper and simulation (experimental) results are
ICCCI 2016 会议已经进入中国教育部的中国学术会议在线.
ICCCI 2016 会议已经进入IEEE会议列表.
ICCCI 2016 会议已经进入《自然》杂志会议列表.
Proceeding (Full Paper) | 会议论文集
Selected and registered papers will be published by IEEE Conference Publication.After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation, will be published in the conference Proceedings by Conference Publishing Services, and reviewed by the IEEE Conference Publication Program for IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex.
Abstracts | 摘要投稿
At the authors' choice, those works not suitable for publication can send us the abstract only, and give an oral presenation at the conference as well. The abstract won't be published.
Full Paper
Submission Deadline: Before September 01th, 2016
Notification Date: September 15 th, 2016
Registration Deadline: Before September 25th, 2016
Camera ready: September 25th, 2016
Conference Date:
Oct. 13-Oct. 15, 2016
Submission Deadline:September 01th, 2016
Notification Date: 5 working days after submission
Registration Deadline: Before September 25th, 2016
Conference Date:
Oct. 13-Oct. 15, 2016
Submission deadline extended to Sep. 01th, 2016
ICCCI 2016 会议已经进入《自然》杂志会议列表,期待您的参与。
ICCCI 2016 会议已经进入中国教育部的中国学术会议在线,期待您的参与。
ICCCI 2016 会议已经进入IEEE会议列表,期待您的参与。
ICCCI 2016 由IEEE和华中师范大学主办,会议论文集将由IEEE出版,现在开始征稿,欢迎您的参与。
F出版检索:All accepted papers will be published by&IEEE-Conference Publishing Services (CPS)&and be submitted by CPS for EI indexing.
1. Computer Network
2. Information System
F要求:&文章内容须符合征稿主题;所有文章须是原创的、未经出版的;撰写语言须为英文,每篇文章按照会议官网上文章模板ICNISC2016 Template排版后不低于3页。
F投稿邮箱:&icnisc2016&</ (用@代替&), 投稿请注明&投稿+联系电话&
F电话:&(周一至周五&9:00-12:00 13:30-17:30)
F邮箱:icnisc2016&&</ (用@代替&)
主讲人3:Ching-Nung Yang教授
Department of Computer Science and&Information Engineering, National Dong Hwa University
主讲人5:&Yung Kuan Chan教授
Honorary Professor,Management Information Systems Department,National Chung Hsing&University}


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