翻译出不要急fantasy 中文版,急

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display: 'inlay-fix'求翻译 中文翻译成英文 [急!]请将下面这些中文翻译成英文:
《我们这一家》(あたしンち)是日本一部以小家庭成员为中心,表现出日常生活中所发生大小事为题材的漫画与动画作品,原作者为Eiko Kera(けらえいこ).起初,它是短篇四格连环亲子漫画.书中的家庭绝对不是一般理想中的模范家庭,而是存在于你我身边、每个人都能感受到小小幸福的普通家庭.
our family(あたしンち),a cartoon work which regards some members of small family as the center and big and small affairs in daily life as
the theme,is originally written by Eiko Kera(けらえいこ).It's a short continous cartoon about parenting at the beginning .The family in the book is absolutely not those ideal ones in people's mind,but those common ones which is around us and will please everyone .The family is composed of a
funny mother,a stubborn father,a dreaming girl in senior high plus a decent student in e and see what is happening in their life ,and maybe it is what is happening around us! 很认真的翻译,希望有帮助并及时才采纳.
Some say we are lack of belief, ideal and passion, confused generation. From elementary school, high school to college concern just keep learning and reading. Education system in China such a background, as a student, we study is for the sake of what? In the future we as an educator, and how should go education of his students?
Some people say that we are the lost generation which lack of faith,vision and passion. From primary school,secondary schools to the university ,our concern just keep on learning and reading. At backg...
It is said that we are a generation who lost faith ,ideal,passion and ourselves.All we do is just learning and reading from primary schools,to middle schools,to colleges .So,we could not help asking o...
i don't know
Some people said that we are lack the belief, the ideal and the fervor, a confused generation. From care the elementary school, the middle school to the university are only study constantly, study. Un...
扫描下载二维码帮我把这段中文译成英文,急老师们,同学们,今天,我们期待已久的英语节开幕了!大家都都十分高兴,准备了一些非常精彩的节目.下面,就有请徐琳同学为我们带来一首歌《one time》大家欢迎.欣赏完了徐琳同学美妙的歌声,自然少不了舞蹈 .下面有请XX同学为我们带来舞蹈《天鹅湖》今年的英语节十分令人激动,并且同学们也都很开心,我们期待着下一届英语节的到来!我宣布,今天的晚会到此结束,再见!
good evening!Teachers, students, and everybody. Today, Our long-awaited opening of the English Festival, begins now! Everyone are so happy, we have prepared some very exciting programs.Next, Xu Lin student have brought us a song(one time). We welcome xu lin student.!After enjoying the beuatiful song of xu lin student, we shall not missed the dancing. following by xx student to bring us the dance
"Swan Lake".This year's English Festival is very exciting, and students were also very happy,We looking forward to the arrival of the next English Festival!I announce that this event ends now, GOODBYE!翻译的应该没有错,但是有很多细节是需要你自己配合的,因为这个不是文件,不能死翻译,要灵活运用.例如请谁上抬时候说一声; PLEASE.


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