Don’t talk here. The girls _____. A. is sleeping beauty. are sleeping C. sleeping D. sleep

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Basics of good sleep
How can I get my baby to sleep through the night?
In this article
Advice and support from an expert.
Why won't my baby sleep properly?You're not alone if you're having difficulty getting your baby to sleep through the night. About a quarter of children under five have sleep problems. Refusing to go to bed or
are both common, and the two often go together (True et al 2002).
If your baby is constantly waking in the night it won't be news to you that it . You will be tired the next day and will probably find it . If you often have disturbed sleep it may make you more prone to
(Hiscock and Wake 2002, Lam et al 2005, Dennis and Ross 2005).
There are a few different sleep strategies that you could try, from
to . Choose which ones suit your family.What sleep strategies can I try?The following tactics may help your baby to
when she's as young as . Try to be consistent, even at weekends.Make daytime feeds social and lively, and
quiet and calm. This will help your baby to
and learn the difference between day and night.Give your baby the chance to
from between six weeks and . Put her down
when she's sleepy, but still awake. If you rock or
your baby to sleep she may start to depend on it, rather than be used to settling herself (True et al 2002). But it's up to you to decide what's best.Set a bedtime . Keep it short and simple, such as a , a
then into her , and a story or . You could also try . Finish the bedtime ritual in your baby's bedroom and make sure that her room is a pleasant place to be. This routine should last no longer than between 30 minutes and 45 minutes.Give her a security object, such as a baby blanket or stuffed animal. Keep it near you for a while so it becomes mum-scented. If you are , you could try
onto a small piece of muslin. Babies have a strong sense of smell, and when she startles awake, the smell of you will calm her down.Let her
if your baby is
or . If she's
after you've put her down, go to her. Pat her gently and tell her everything's fine, but it's time for sleep. Be gentle but firm.
Then leave the room and wait for a set interval, which can be anything from two minutes to five minutes, then check again. Do this repeatedly until she , extending the time between each visit.Cuddle up if you'd like her to . Comfort her so she knows it's time for sleep. Lie down together and cuddle her, pretending to sleep, firmly letting her know it's bedtime. But make sure you are aware of how to . If your baby is , she should sleep in a
next to your bed.Share the role of comforter with your partner, so both of you can help your baby fall back to sleep. Once your baby is old enough not to need a , she can learn to be . She might stop needing anyone when she learns there's no food involved.Tune in to your baby’s needs. During the day, you could make her feel secure by carrying her in a . If she , try to work out why. Is her
full? Are her night clothes comfortable? Has she got a ?If your baby is still
her age may have something to do with how well she . So adapt your approach to her .
Find out which sleep strategies you can try between:
Last reviewed:&October 2014
Dennis C, Ross L. 2005. Relationships Among Infant Sleep Patterns, Maternal Fatigue, and Development of Depressive Symptomatology. Birth. 32(3): 187
Hiscock H, Wake M. 2002. Randomised controlled trial of behavioural infant sleep intervention to improve infant sleep and maternal mood. BMJ 324:1062. [Accessed April 2012]
Lam P, Hiscock H, Wake M. 2003. Outcomes of Infant Sleep Problems: A Longitudinal Study of Sleep, Behavior, and Maternal Well-Being. Pediatrics 111(3): e203-e207. [Accessed April 2012]
True D, Flenady V, Woodgate P, Steer P. 2002. Behavioural interventions for children under five years with sleep difficulties. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 4
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[&Editor's note: This article is excerpted with permission of McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Publishing from The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night by Elizabeth Pantley, copyright 2002. &]
Congratulations on the birth of your new baby. This is a glorious time in your life. Whether this is your first baby or your fifth, you will find this a time of recovery, adjustment, sleeplessness, sometimes confusion and frustration, but—most wonderfully—of falling in love.
Babies younger than four months old have very different sleep needs than older babies. This article will help you understand your newborn baby's developing sleep patterns and will help you develop reasonable expectations when it comes to your baby and sleep.
Read, Learn and Beware of Bad Advice
Absolutely everyone has an opinion about how you should handle sleep issues with your new baby. The danger to a new parent is that these tidbits of misguided advice (no matter how well-intentioned) truly can—if we are not aware of the facts—have a negative effect on our parenting skills and, by extension, our babies' development. The more knowledge you have, the less likely other people will make you doubt your parenting decisions.
When you have your facts straight, and you have a parenting plan, you will be able to respond with confidence to all the well-meaning but often contrary or incorrect advice.
So, your first step is to get smart! Know what you are doing, and know why you are doing it.
The Biology of Newborn Sleep
During the early months of your baby's life, he sleeps when he is tired—it's really that simple. You can do very little to force a new baby to sleep when he doesn't want to sleep. Conversely, there is very little you can do to wake him up when he is sleeping soundly.
A very important point to understand about newborn babies is that they have very, very tiny tummies. New their diet is liquid, and it gets digested quickly. Breastmilk gets digested very quickly. Although it would be nice to lay your little bundle down at a predetermined bedtime and not hear a peep from him until morning, even the most naïve among us knows that this is not a realistic goal for a tiny baby. Newborns need to be fed every two to four hours-and sometimes even more often.
During those early months, your baby will have tremendous growth spurts that affect not only daytime, but also nighttime feedings as well, sometimes pushing that two- to four-hour schedule to a one- to two-hour schedule around the clock.
Sleeping "Through the Night"
You have probably heard that babies should start "sleeping through the night" at about two to four months of age. What you must understand is that, for a new baby, a five-hour stretch is a full night. Many (but nowhere near all) babies at this age can sleep uninterrupted from midnight to 5 a.m. (not that they always do), a far cry from what you may have thought "sleeping through the night" meant!
Here we pause while the shock sinks in for those of you who have a baby who sleeps through the night but didn't know it.
What's more, while the scientific definition of "sleeping through the night" is five hours, most of us wouldn't consider that anywhere near a full night's sleep for ourselves. Also, some of these sleep-through-the-nighters will suddenly begin waking more frequently, and it's often a full year or even two before your little one will settle into a mature, all-night, every night sleep pattern.
Falling Asleep at the Breast
It is very natural for a newborn to fall asleep while sucking at the breast, a bottle or a pacifier. When a baby always falls asleep this way, he learns to associate sucking over time, he cannot fall asleep any other way. A large percentage of parents struggling with older babies who cannot fall asleep or stay asleep are fighting this natural and powerful sucking-to-sleep association.
Therefore, if you want your baby to be able to fall asleep without your help, it is essential that you sometimes let your newborn baby suck until he is sleepy, but not totally asleep. When you can, remove the breast from his mouth and let him finish falling asleep without something in his mouth. When you do this, your baby may resist, root and fuss to regain the nipple. It's perfectly OK to give him back the breast and start over a few minutes later. If you do this often enough, he will eventually learn how to fall asleep without sucking.
Waking for Night Feedings
Many pediatricians recommend that parents shouldn't let a newborn sleep longer than three or four hours without feeding, and the vast majority of babies wake far more frequently than that. (There are a few exceptional babies who can go longer.) No matter what, your baby will wake up during the night. The key is to learn when you should pick her up for a night feeding and when you can let her go back to sleep on her own. Editor's note: Consider the more natural approach of having your baby sleep with you, where you can tend to her needs instantly and seamlessly.
This is a time when you need to focus your instincts and intuition. You should try very hard to learn how to read your baby's signals. Here's a tip that is critically important for you to know: Babies make many sleeping sounds-from grunts to whimpers to outright cries, and these noises don't always signal awakening. These are what I call "sleeping noises," and your baby is nearly or even totally asleep during these episodes. I remember when my first baby, Angela, was a newborn. Her cry awakened me many times, yet she was asleep in my arms before I even made it from cradle to rocking chair. She was making sleeping noises. In my desire to respond to my baby's every cry, I actually taught her to wake up more often!
You need to listen and watch your baby carefully. Learn to differentiate between these sleeping sounds and those awake and hungry sounds. If she is awake and hungry, you'll want to feed her as quickly as possible. If you respond immediately when she is hungry, she will most likely go back to sleep quickly. But if you let her crying escalate, she will completely wake herself up, and it will be difficult for her to go back to sleep. Not to mention that you will then be wide awake, too!
Help Your Baby Distinguish Day from Night
A newborn baby sleeps about 16 to 18 hours per day, and that sleep is distributed evenly over six to seven brief sleep periods. You can help your baby distinguish between nighttime sleep and daytime sleep, and thus help him sleep for longer periods at night.
Begin by having your baby take his daytime naps in a light room where he can hear the noises of the day-perhaps in a bassinet or cradle located in the main area of your home. Make nighttime sleep dark and quiet. You can also help your baby differentiate day naps from night sleep by using a nightly bath and changing him into sleeping pajamas to signal the difference between the two times.
Watch for Signs of Tiredness
One way to encourage good sleep is to get familiar with your baby's sleepy signals and put him down to sleep as soon as he seems tired. A baby cannot put himself to sleep, nor can he understand his own sleepy signs. Yet a baby who is encouraged to stay awake when his body is craving sleep is typically an unhappy baby. Over time, this pattern develops into sleep deprivation, which further complicates your baby's developing sleep maturity. Learn to read your baby's sleepy signs, and put him to bed when that window of opportunity presents itself.
Make Yourself Comfortable
I've yet to hear a parent tell me that he or she loves getting up throughout the night to tend to a baby's needs. As much as we adore our little bundles, it's tough when you're awakened over and over again, night after night. Since it's a fact that your baby will be waking you up, you may as well make yourself as comfortable as possible. The first step is to learn to relax about night wakings right now. Being stressed or frustrated about having to get up won't change a thing. The situation wil and before you know it, your little newborn won't be so little anymore-she'll be walking and talking and getting into everything in sight during the day, and sleeping peacefully all night long.
Editor's note: Again, consider co-sleeping or attachment parenting to make the transition to regular sleep patterns easier and more natural.
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