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“抗菌杀菌& 纳米TiO2受光照射,可以产生反应活性很高的过氧负离子、过氧氢自由基和氢氧自由基,它们具有很强的氧化、分解能力,可破坏有机物中的C-H、N-H、O-H、C-O等健。用于杀菌、除臭、防老化、消毒等,比常用的氯气、次氯酸等具有更强的分解微生物、杀死微生物活性的效力;纳米TiO2不仅能杀灭微生物、而且也能分解微生物来用以繁衍生存的有机营养物,达到抗菌杀菌的目的;对人体是安全的。”
光催化纳米活性水的科学实验证明:用3级光催化纳米活性水对刚屠宰的牛肉加湿其周围的空气,这时牛肉的细胞还存活,在25 &#8451;的条件下,经加湿后24
1克硫酸铜分析纯试剂与1000毫升光催化纳米活性水反应24小时,沉淀物氢氧化铜的重量达0.23克,细菌落总数测定1.05&106 ~2&103,杀菌率达99%以上;光催化纳米活性水1000毫升加1克1&的甲基橙溶液在常温常压避光条件下,作用10天时间能使甲基橙退色,是长效温和型的氧化剂(催化剂)。上述方法重复率很高,误差小,使用方法简单,成本低廉,可作为标准。吉林省环境监测中心站已出具TOC、细菌总数测试报告表明,具有杀菌(活性水作用2小时)和除有机物的良好效果,见光盘。
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In recent weeks, Sen. Levin led a Senate investigation of
offshore tax avoidance by A called for more research into ways
to help National Guard and R welcomed provisions in
the Senate-passed water resources bill to boost harbor maintenance
funding in the Great L announced the expansion of an ongoing
investigation of IRS enforcement of rules and
delivered the commencement address at Adrian College.
Loopholes, offshore profit shifting cost
Apple Inc. has used a complex web of offshore entities -
including three foreign subsidiaries the company claims are not tax
resident in any nation - to avoid paying billions of dollars in
U.S. income taxes, a bipartisan investigation by the Senate
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which Sen. Levin chairs,
has found. The findings are the latest in a series of examinations
the subcommittee has done to show how multinational companies
exploit loopholes to avoid taxes, which raises the deficit and the
tax burden on working families.
Caring for Guard, Reserve families is a
Taking care of our National Guard and Reserve troops and
families, giving them the support they need to continue serving our
nation, is essential to our national security, Sen. Levin told a
University of Michigan conference on caring for Guard and Reserve
families. But, he said, it's also a moral imperative. The men and
women who put on our nation's uniform, work so hard, and sacrifice
so much for us - we owe them a tremendous debt. If we do not
support them and their families, we fail to keep a solemn
More news from Senator Levin
Sen. Levin
Memorial Day and
He and Sen. Debbie Stabenow
that can help reduce the backlog of harbor dredging projects in the
Great L he issued a Senate floor statement
and he engaged in a Senate floor
colloquy with several colleagues that will help
He announced that an ongoing investigation he is
leading into IRS enforcement of rules on nonprofit groups'
political activity will be
he and Sen. John McCain, the senior
Republican on the Senate investigative subcommittee, announced they
and he and Sen. McCain
He delivered a Senate floor speech on the damage
sequestration is doing to the U.S. military and calling for
senators to
between their budget
He chaired a Senater Armed Services Committee
hearing with Air Force officials that included
He joined a bipartisan group of colleagues to
introduce legislation designed to
that target
U.S. companies, and he
when he meets
in June with China's president.
He chaired a Senate Armed Services Committee
hearing that
including the 2001 authorization for the
use of military force and the use of unmanned aerial
of Ernest J. Moniz to serve as Energy
to open their minds to different
points of view.
Support is
Vital for Our Guard and Reserve Families
Recently I
had the privilege of speaking to the National Research Summit on
Reserve Component Families, held at the University of Michigan.
This gathering of experts and advocates from around the nation
spent two days focused on the citizen soldiers, sailors, airmen and
Marines of our National Guard and military Reserves and their
focus on our Reserve component is appropriate because so much of
Michigan’s contribution to our military comes from our state’s
National Guard and Reserve units and because of the special
challenges that Reserve component families must face.
most Reserve component families don’t live near major military
installations, it’s often harder for them to access Defense
Department services. That isolation might also form a barrier that
prevents Reserve component troops from seeking help for mental or
physical health conditions.
Overcoming those challenges is of tremendous
importance because today, the United States cannot go to war
without its National Guard and military Reserves. During the Cold
War, we planned to call on our Reserve component only in extreme
circumstances. Today, we call upon them routinely as part of our
military operations around the world.
So we can’t do without our Reserve component
troops. But as is the case with our active duty troops, we can’t
recruit, train, deploy and retain skilled troops for our Reserve
forces if they, as potential service members, don’t feel that they
and their families will be properly cared for. So taking care of
our troops and families, giving them the support they need to
continue serving our nation, is essential to our national
But it’s even more than that. It’s a moral
imperative. The men and women who put on our nation’s uniform, work
so hard, and sacrifice so much for us & we owe them a tremendous
debt. If we do not support them and their families, we fail to keep
a solemn trust.
But we can’t just want to help our troops and
their families. We have to learn the best ways to do so and act on
It’s especially worrisome that suicides, which are
an enormous problem across our nation, are taking the lives of far
too many of our troops and our veterans. Army Chief of Staff Gen.
Ray Odierno recently testified to the Senate Armed Services
Committee, which I chair, that the number of suicides in the Army
National Guard and Army Reserve is rising.
Another major concern is unemployment among Guard
and Reserve members. A good job is essential to any family’s
quality of life, and yet Army Secretary John McHugh told our
committee that in the Army Guard and Reserve, unemployment is at 24
percent. That’s a crisis.
We have taken steps in a number of areas to
address the needs of our Guard and Reserve families. On the Armed
Services Committee, through our annual defense authorization bills,
we have given Reserve component families improved access to the
military’s TRICARE we’ve closed a gap in health
coverage for Reserve component retirees who retire before reaching
age 60; we’ve improved access to mental health assessments and
suicide prevention programs for Reser and we
have authorized better access to job training for all troops,
including Reserve component members.
In last year’s bill we authorized the National
Guard to provide “Transition Assistance Advisors” in each state to
serve as single points of contact for Guard members seeking access
to military and Veterans Affairs benefits. And we required the
Pentagon to make sure that its medical practices reflect the best
available research on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health
But we can never be satisfied with our efforts on
this front. We should always be on the lookout for ways that we can
improve the support we give military families.
That’s where researchers like those who gathered
in Ann Arbor come in. We have questions that they are helping to
answer, such as: What are the best ways to combat the stigma that
discourages so many troops who may be at risk for suicide or
suffering other mental health issues from seeking assistance? What
prevents too many Guard and Reserve members from finding good
civilian jobs? How can we meet President Obama’s goal of ending
homelessness among veterans by 2015?
grateful for the hard work these researchers are doing to help us
keep the faith with our Guard and Reserves, and I look forward to
hearing new ideas about how we can continue making a difference for
our troops and their families.
may be a few people who, hearing all of this, might still consider
sequestration a victory. But the members of the Armed Services
Committee who have heard this testimony, Democrats and Republicans,
believe the continued sequestration is a grave mistake.
These cuts will damage our military readiness,
restrict our ability to respond when crisis erupts, and restrict
our flexibility in confronting national security threats from Iran
to North Korea to international terrorism. And these cuts will cost
taxpayers in the long run, because maintaining our military
readiness today is far less expensive than rebuilding our military
readiness tomorrow after it has been squandered.
Sequestration’s devastaring effects are also felt in other
federal departments, effects that will harm students and seniors
and farmers and families across this nation. Continued
sequestration will set back our slow climb out of recession, as
well as education and medical research and health care and public
safety. As former Defense Secretary Panetta told our committee in
February: “It’s not just defense, it’s education, loss of teachers,
it’s child care. . . . It’s about food safety, it’s about law
enforcement, it’s about airport safety.”
The desire
to avoid this outcome is, I believe, bipartisan. That is why it is
so baffling to me that some of our Republican colleagues still
refuse to allow us to take the necessary next step to avert this
continued damage. By refusing to allow a House-Senate conference
committee to meet & a meeting in which members of both chambers and
both parties would work to resolve differences between the Senate
and House-passed budgets & a few Senate Republicans are objecting
to the search for a solution to sequestration. For reasons I do not
understand, they are objecting now to the normal budget process
that they have previously urged us with such energy to
truly baffling. Two months ago, we heard from some Republicans that
it was a travesty that we had failed to pass a budget. They called
failure to pass a budget an outrage. Now that we have passed a
budget, a few of our colleagues across the aisle are preventing us
from going to conference so we can work out our differences with
the House and finalize a budget.
colleagues want a guarantee in advance of a conference that they
will get their way on a number of issues, or else they will prevent
the conference from even occurring. They want the rules of the game
to guarantee that they’re going to win even before they’ll agree to
play. The budget resolution is no game, but the analogy is
I can’t understand the reasoning, but at a time
when our national security is challenged on so many fronts and we
face the effects of sequestration that I’ve outlined, this isn’t
just illogical. It makes responsible governing impossible. It’s
harmful to our nation. Getting to conference and working out our
differences is simply essential.
I am very much encouraged that some of our
Republican colleagues have come to the floor to point this out.
They have spoken forcefully, admirably, courageously about the need
for the Senate to move forward. They give me hope. I very much hope
their mission succeeds.
spoken on the floor on many occasions about what I see as the
proper path to sensible deficit reduction and the reverse of
sequestration. A significant majority of Americans believe that we
need a bala
Group of Senators Introduces Legislation to Combat Cyber
TheftTuesday, May 7, 2013
& The United States would take aggressive new steps against
computer espionage and theft of valuable commercial data under
bipartisan legislation [PDF] introduced today by Sens. Carl Levin,
D-Mich.; John McCain, R-Ariz.; Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va.; and Tom
Coburn, R-Okla.
Cyber Theft Act, S. 884, would combat what National Security Agency
head and U.S. Cyber Command commander Gen. Keith Alexander recently
called “the greatest transfer of wealth in history” & the theft of
valuable intellectual property from U.S. companies, which invest
billions every year in research and development, only to be
targeted by foreign countries and companies that illegally access
valuable data and then use it to compete against American companies
and workers.
It is time that we
fought back to protect American businesses and American
innovation,” said Levin, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services
Committee. “We need to call out those who are responsible for cyber
theft and empower the president to hit the thieves where it hurts
most & in their wallets, by blocking imports of products or from
companies that benefit from this theft.”
Some foreign
governments, businesses and state-owned enterprises are today using
cyber espionage to steal American intellectual property and rob
U.S. ingenuity and innovation in order to gain competitive
advantage,” said McCain. “This kills American jobs, undermines the
competitiveness of our businesses and compromises U.S. economic and
national security interests, and it must stop now. This bill
provides the President with the authority to target those who are
attempting to unfairly and illegally benefit from cyber crime at
the expense of America’s interests.”
Our economic prosperity
and national security depend on bolstering our cybersecurity, and
this bill is a crucial component of that effort,” said Rockefeller.
“We must cut the demand for stolen trade secrets by holding
countries who engage in cyber theft accountable for their illegal
activities and by preventing products that use stolen information
from entering the U.S. market. Alongside other cybersecurity
priorities & including stronger cybersecurity standards, cyber
workforce training, R&D, and public-private information sharing
-- this bill to elevate cyber theft as a national security priority
is a major step forward for American workers, American businesses,
and American ingenuity.”
Cyber Theft Act would require the Director of National Intelligence
to compile an annual report on foreign economic and industrial
espionage that includes:
foreign countries that engage in economic or industrial espionage
in cyberspace against U.S. firms or individuals, including a
priority watch list of A list of U.S.
technologies or proprietary information targeted by such espionage,
and, to the extent possible, a list of such information that has
A list of items produced using such stolen
A list of foreign companies, including state-owned
firms, that ben Details of the espionage
and Actions taken by the DNI and
other federal agencies to combat industrial or economic espionage
in cyberspace. The legislation would also require the president to
block import of products containing stolen U.S.
products made by state-owned enterprises of nations on the DNI’s
priority watch list that are similar to items identified in the
DNI’s report as stolen or targeted U.S. or made by a
company the DNI identifies as having benefited from theft of U.S.
technology or proprietary information.
reports indicate that China is by far the largest source of theft
attempts against U.S. companies.
urges President Obama to raise cybertheft concerns with Chinese
president in upcoming meetingsWednesday, May 29, 2013
& Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich.,
this week urged the president to impress upon China’s leaders that
the United States “will indeed impose real costs on China” during
meetings with China’s president June 7 and 8.
letter, Levin urged the president to use legislation he has offered
with Sens. John McCain, Jay Rockefeller and Tom Coburn as an
example of U.S. willingness to act against cybertheft originating
of the letter follows:
Washington, DC 20500
In advance
of Tom Donilon’s trip to China I sent him a copy of S.884, the
Deter Cyber Theft Act, which I recently introduced with Senators
McCain, Rockefeller and Coburn. I see you are meeting with Chinese
President Xi Jinping June 7 and 8 in California and I wanted to
bring this bill to your attention as well.
would require the Director of National Intelligence to produce a
report that includes a priority watch list of foreign countries
that engage in economic or industrial espionage against the United
States in cyberspace. The bill also would require the President, if
he determines such action is warranted, to block imports of certain
categories of goods if they benefitted from the stolen U.S.
technology or proprietary information. I intend to seek
Congressional action on this bill this year.
you could refer to this bill in your meeting with President Xi as
an example that the U.S. will indeed impose real costs on China
should they continue to steal our intellectual property.
wasn’t satisfied with shifting its profits to a low-tax offshore
tax haven," said Sen. Levin. "Apple sought the Holy Grail of tax
avoidance. It has created offshore entities holding tens of
billions of dollars, while claiming to be tax resident nowhere. We
intend to highlight that gimmick and other Apple offshore tax
avoidance tactics so that American working families who pay their
share of taxes understand how offshore tax loopholes raise their
tax burden, add to the federal deficit and ought to be
claims to be the largest U.S. corporate taxpayer, but by sheer size
and scale, it is also among America's largest tax avoiders,” said
Sen. McCain. "A company that found remarkable success by harnessing
American ingenuity and the opportunities afforded by the U.S.
economy should not be shifting its profits overseas to avoid the
payment of U.S. tax, purposefully depriving the American people of
revenue. It is important to understand Apple’s byzantine tax
structure so that we can effectively close the loopholes utilized
by many U.S. multinational companies, particularly in this era of
McCain added: "I have long advocated for modernizing our broken and
uncompetitive tax code, but that cannot and must not be an excuse
for turning a blind eye to the highly questionable tax strategies
that corporations like Apple use to avoid paying taxes in America.
The proper place for the bulk of Apple’s creative energy ought to
go into its innovative products and services, not in its tax
Subcommittee will focus on how Apple effectively shifts billions of
dollars in profits offshore, profits that under one section of the
tax code should nonetheless be subject to U.S. taxes, but through a
complex process avoids those taxes.
purpose with these hearings is to shine a light on practices that
have allowed U.S.-based multinational corporations to amass an
estimated $1.9 trillion in profits in offshore tax havens, shielded
from U.S. taxes. One study has estimated that offshore earnings
stockpiled by S&P 500 companies using these techniques have
increased 400 percent in the last decade.
0SP 500400
There is a
direct relationship between this rapidly accelerating shift of
corporate profits offshore, and on the other, a
worrisome federal deficit fed in part by a decline in the
contributions corporate taxes make to federal revenue. Corporate
income tax revenue has accounted for a smaller and smaller share of
federal receipts, and today is down to about 9 percent of federal
revenue. That decline is in large part due to the use and abuse of
loopholes that so riddle our tax code that the average U.S.
corporation pays an effective tax rate of 15 percent, less than
half the statutory rate of 35 percent. A recent study found that 30
of the largest U.S. multinationals, with more than $160 billion in
profits, paid nothing in federal income taxes over a recent three
year period. Zero. These corporations use multiple offshore
loopholes that give them significant control over how much U.S.
income they will report and how much tax, if any, they will
the immense impact of these offshore tax practices that deepen the
federal deficit and increase the tax burden on American families,
few Americans see the problem because of its complexity. The first
step toward change is to acknowledge that there is a problem.
Today, we again spotlight corporate offshore tax avoidance so that
our colleagues, and the American people, understand the depth of
our offshore tax loophole problem and the damage it does to our
fiscal and economic health.
Apple is an American success story. Its products
are justifiably well known and used throughout the world. Just like
millions around the world, I carry an iPhone in my pocket. The
company’s engineers and designers have a well-earned reputation for
creativity. What may not be so well known is that Apple also has a
highly developed tax avoidance system & a system through which it
has amassed more than $100 billion in offshore cash in a tax
Sending valuable intellectual property rights
offshore together with the profits that follow those rights is at
the heart of Apple’s tax-avoidance strategy. More and more,
intellectual property is the dominant source of value in the global
economy. It is also highly mobile & unlike more tangible, physical
assets, its value can be transferred around the globe, often with
just a few keystrokes. The secret to Apple’s business success isn’t
in the aluminum and steel and glass of my iPhone and other Apple
products. Its profits depend on the ideas that bring those elements
together in such an elegant package. That intangible genius is
intellectual property that is nurtured and developed here in the
United States. The key to offshore tax avoidance is transferring
the profit-generating potential of that valuable intellectual
property offshore so that the profits are directed not to the
United States, but to an offshore tax haven.
Apple’s tax avoidance strategy comes in two parts:
first, it executes a shift of the profit-generating power of its
intellectual property to an offshore tax haven, thus directing the
resulting income to the tax haven. Next, it uses a number of
tactics to ensure that, once this income is offshore, it remains
shielded from U.S. taxes, despite provisions of U.S. tax law
designed to capture that income as taxable.
Some of Apple’s techniques are staples of
international tax avoidance, such as its use of what is known as a
“cost sharing agreement” bet
Sending valuable intellectual property rights
offshore together with the profits that follow those rights is at
the heart of Apple’s tax-avoidance strategy. More and more,
intellectual property is the dominant source of value in the global
economy. It is also highly mobile & unlike more tangible, physical
assets, its value can be transferred around the globe, often with
just a few keystrokes. The secret to Apple’s business success isn’t
in the aluminum and steel and glass of my iPhone and other Apple
products. Its profits depend on the ideas that bring those elements
together in such an elegant package. That intangible genius is
intellectual property that is nurtured and developed here in the
United States. The key to offshore tax avoidance is transferring
the profit-generating potential of that valuable intellectual
property offshore so that the profits are directed not to the
United States, but to an offshore tax haven.
Apple’s tax avoidance strategy comes in two parts:
first, it executes a shift of the profit-generating power of its
intellectual property to an offshore tax haven, thus directing the
resulting income to the tax haven. Next, it uses a number of
tactics to ensure that, once this income is offshore, it remains
shielded from U.S. taxes, despite provisions of U.S. tax law
designed to capture that income as taxable.
Some of Apple’s techniques are staples of
international tax avoidance, such as its use of what is known as a
“cost sharing agreement” between the parent company and its
offshore subsidiaries, and its use of so-called “check-the-box”
regulations. We will discuss those in a moment. But others are
unique. Apple has sought the Holy Grail of tax avoidance, offshore
corporations that it argues are not, for tax purposes, resident in
any nation. Here’s how it works.
Apple Inc. has created three offshore
corporations, entities that receive tens of billions of dollars in
income, but which have no tax residence & not in Ireland, where
they are incorporated, and not in the United States, where the
Apple executives who run them are located. Apple has arranged
matters so it can claim that these ghost companies, for tax
purposes, exist nowhere. One has paid no corporate income tax to
any nation for another pays tax to Ireland
equivalent to a fraction of one percent of its total
The first of these ghost companies is Apple
Operations International, or AOI. This chart shows Apple’s offshore
corporate network. AOI is at the top of the structure. Apple is its
sole owner. AOI, in turn, directly or indirectly owns most of
Apple’s other offshore entities.
Under Irish law, only companies that are managed
and controlled in Ireland are considered Irish residents for tax
purposes. Apple says that although AOI is incorporated in Ireland,
the company is not managed and controlled in Ireland and therefore
not tax resident in Ireland. U.S. tax law, on the other hand,
generally turns on where a company is incorporated, not on where it
is managed and controlled. Apple says since AOI isn’t incorporated
in the United States, it is also not present in the U.S. for tax
purposes. Magically, it’s neither here nor there.
The second corporate ghost is Apple Sales
International, or ASI. ASI, as we’ll explore in a bit, holds the
economic rights to Apple’s valuable intellectual property in
Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, and Asia. From 2009 to
2012, its sales income amounted to $74 billion. Apple has performed
the same alchemy with ASI as with AOI & it’s incorporated in
Ireland, operated from the United States, but, Apple says, is tax
resident in neither country. Unlike AOI, ASI has paid a small
amount of tax, to Ireland. In 2011, for example, it paid $10
million in taxes on $22 billion in income. That’s a tax rate of
five-hundreds of one percent. It appears that this tiny tax payment
may be related to activity unrelated to ASI’s main purpose, which
is to serve as the receptacle for profits generated by Apple’s
intellectual property in much of the world.
Apple has told the Subcommittee that a third
subsidiary, Apple Operations Europe, which sits between ASI and AOI
in Apple’s corporate structure, also has no tax home, again using
the same claims about Irish and U.S. standards on tax
Apple is exploiting an absurdity, one that we have
not seen other companies use. The absurdity need not continue.
Although the United States generally looks to where an entity is
incorporated to determine its tax residency, it is possible to
penetrate an entity’s corporate structure for tax purposes, and
collect U.S. taxes on its income, if the entity is controlled by
its U.S. parent to such a degree that the shell entity is nothing
more than an “instrumentality” of its parent, a sham that should be
treated as the parent itself rather than as a separate legal
entity. AOI, AOE and ASI all sure seem to fit that
companies, including Apple, use transfer pricing to shift
intellectual property rights to offshore affiliates and then direct
income associated with that intellectual property & taxable income
that would otherwise flow to the United States where the
intellectual property was developed & to the affiliates’ home
jurisdiction, which is typically a tax haven.
there are multiple ways to transfer intellectual property rights
offshore, Apple’s primary method today is through a so-called
cost-sharing agreement.
in a cost-sharing agreement, a U.S. parent and one or more of its
affiliates are assigned a designated percentage of funds and
resources to be applied to the development of new products &
products that in the case of Apple are developed here, in the
United States. Apple retains legal title to, and all marketing
rights to the developed property in North and South America, and
its offshore affiliates get marketing rights for the rest of the
up its cost-sharing agreement with its Irish subsidiaries. I use
the term “cost-sharing agreement” with some skepticism, since it is
obviously not an arm’s-length transaction. All the money supposedly
changing hands belongs to Apple and all the signatories were Apple
employees. The agreement on its face allocates the costs to be
shared among the A but since all of those costs
ultimately come out of the same pocket, in reality, the agreement
is about shifting profits. The cost sharing agreement enables Apple
to shift profits generated by its intellectual property away from
will ask Apple executives, as well as tax experts and Treasury and
IRS officials, about these tax-avoidance strategies. As we listen
to their testimony, we should keep in mind the context in which we
meet today. The offshore tax avoidance tactics spotlighted by the
Subcommittee do real harm. They disadvantage domestic U.S.
companies that aren’t in a position to reduce their tax bills using
offshore tax gimmicks. They offload Apple’s tax burden onto other
taxpayers & in particular, onto working families and small
businesses. The lost tax revenue feeds a budget deficit that has
reached troubling proportions, and has helped lead to round after
round of budget slashing and the ill-advised sequestration now
threatening our economic recovery.
Welcome to
“Kansas Common Sense.” Thank you for your continued interest in
receiving my weekly newsletter. Please feel free to forward it on
to your family and friends if it would interest them.
Last week,
the Senate was out of session so senators could work in their home
states, so I spent the week in Kansas visiting businesses, health
care facilities and attending events. I always appreciate the
opportunity to be back for a longer period of time and enjoyed my
conversations with Kansans.
Damage Across Northeast Kansas
back-to-back days of violent weather including several tornadoes
across Northeast Kansas, I joined Marysville Mayor Bill Phillipi,
Marshall County Emergency Management Director Bill Schwindamann and
Marshall County Sheriff Daniel Hargrave to visit homes and
businesses affected by the storms. It was not surprising to hear
positive outlooks from community members & a typical Kansas
response in the face of enormous challenges. Neighbors were helping
neighbors, and there is no doubt areas affected by the tornadoes
will bounce back. Thank you to the emergency responders and
volunteers who are continuing to assist Kansans affected. Click
here to see a photo of my time in Marysville.
As Ranking
Member of the Senate Appropriations health subcommittee, visits to
health care facilities across our state help me better understand
the unique challenges they face in caring for an increasingly aging
rural population across a wide area. It is extremely important that
legislators recognize that the health care access these hospitals
provide is essential to the survival and success of rural
communities across the country. While in Southeast Kansas last
week, I toured two healthcare facilities: Girard Medical Center and
Ortho 4-States and Premier Surgical Center.
Medical Center
National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility Central
Utilities Plant Groundbreaking
It was great to take part in the groundbreaking of
the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility’s Central Utilities
Plant (CUP). Construction of the CUP is a step in the right
direction to make certain the United States is protected from
foreign animal disease threats, and is good news for Kansas,
agriculture, and the economy. Although challenges remain, I will
work to make certain construction of NBAF & an essential part of
our national security apparatus & moves forward. I joined Kansas
State University President Kirk Schulz, Governor Sam Brownback,
Sen. Pat Roberts, Rep. Lynn Jenkins and Rep. Tim Huelskamp along
with other state representatives in Manhattan to celebrate. Click
here to see a photo.
Honored to
Serve You in Washington
honor to serve you in Washington, D.C. In recent weeks, I’ve been
listening to Kansans calling and writing in to share their thoughts
and opinions on the debt crisis and big issues our country faces.
Whether your thoughts are in the form of letter, a Facebook comment
or a phone call, pl
Governor Robert Bentley (R-Tuscaloosa):
“I appreciate Congresswoman Martha Roby’s leadership with
this bill. I am strongly opposed to tying federal dollars to
education decisions that should be made at the state level.
Furthermore, I am opposed to any collection of non-academic student
or teacher data. I support Congresswoman Roby’s efforts to join me
in continuing to work to ensure the educational needs of Alabama
students are met without interference from the federal
House Speaker Mike Hubbard
“I applaud Representative Roby for defending the rights of
the state of Alabama against the overreach of President Obama and
the federal government when it comes to determining what curriculum
and standards are best for our students. In order to continue our
state’s success in job creation and economic development, we must
have strict and aggressive academic standards, but those guidelines
should be determined by Alabamians, not by President Obama. Roby’s
Defending State Authority Over Education Act ensures that decisions
made in Alabama about Alabama students can be made without the fear
of retribution from Washington.”
State Senator Dick Brewbaker (R-Montgomery), Chairman of
the Senate Education Policy Committee:
"State legislatures have been struggling against federal
intrusion in public education for decades. The U.S. Department of
Education has made the problem worse by seeking to control public
education through the funding process. Congresswoman Roby's bill is
the light at the end of the tunnel. Only Congress can stop the
USDE'S encroachment on areas of state authority. Congresswoman
Roby’s bill moves the debate from state legislatures to Congress
where it belongs."
State Representative Jay Love (R-Montgomery), Chairman of
the Education Ways & Means Committee:
“Alabama’s state motto is ‘We Dare Defend Our Rights,’ and
that includes defending our right to educate our children without
interference or high-handed decrees from so-called experts on the
federal level. Instead of tying federal grant funding to public
education mandates handed down from Washington, decisions on
spending should be made by public officials on the state and local
level, who know firsthand the needs of Alabama’s teachers}


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